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P&O AzuraTipping


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I have noticed that £3.50 per person per day is added to your onboard account. Also that you can amend this amount or have it removed at your request. Would appreciate any advice re do most people just pay this amount and that's it or do people have it removed and tip at their discretion. Thanks for any advice.

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The tips level is not high for P&O, so I tend to just let it stand then pay extra to anyone I want to tip regarding their service. Possible problems with removing the Auto Tips are the crew affected by your removal of tips might be advised that you have done this and infer you are dissatisfied with their service and ambiance may be affected. If you decide to go for removal there is on some ships a big queue which occurs late on in cruise of people all trying to get them removed and others trying to get sterling which can take time off your holiday. I say pay any extra tips in the currency you have got at the time.

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See this is what I am really unsure about. Major dilemma as being young (20), I am lucky to be able to afford a cruise and to be able to pay £300 towards my girlfriend's ticket. I think the crew provide absolutely great service, would be very appreciative and are in desperate need of the money, it is just £50 is a lot of money on top considering they say it is optional. Shame they can't include it as mandatory as I feel I may have to remove part of it at least. Is the only way to cancel at reception? You can't ring up or email before your cruise?

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See this is what I am really unsure about. Major dilemma as being young (20), I am lucky to be able to afford a cruise and to be able to pay £300 towards my girlfriend's ticket. I think the crew provide absolutely great service, would be very appreciative and are in desperate need of the money, it is just £50 is a lot of money on top considering they say it is optional. Shame they can't include it as mandatory as I feel I may have to remove part of it at least. Is the only way to cancel at reception? You can't ring up or email before your cruise?


£3.50 per day really isn't a lot when you think it covers all waiters for all meals (usually 2 waiters for dinner), a wine waiter and a cabin steward (plus I'm sure others who I've forgotten).


Removing their tip (remembering that's often what these people live on or send home for their families to live on) just so you can save yourself a few quid seems a bit harsh and, dare I say it, mean.


We leave the tip on then leave extra cash for the waiters and cabin steward. They do a fantastic job and really make the cruise for us. They deserve it in my opinion.


I think, if the service you receive is poor then it's fine to reduce the tip but it's very unlikely that you'll receive poor service on board.


The way I look at it is that if we're fortunate enough to be able to afford a cruise, an extra £3.25 really shouldn't put us under the breadline.

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See this is what I am really unsure about. Major dilemma as being young (20), I am lucky to be able to afford a cruise and to be able to pay £300 towards my girlfriend's ticket. I think the crew provide absolutely great service, would be very appreciative and are in desperate need of the money, it is just £50 is a lot of money on top considering they say it is optional. Shame they can't include it as mandatory as I feel I may have to remove part of it at least. Is the only way to cancel at reception? You can't ring up or email before your cruise?


Tips are part of cruising and you should consider them part of the price. As already stated, P&O tips are around the lowest in the industry. I think once you are onboard you will appreciate the service and hopefully feel the tips are worthwhile.

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See this is what I am really unsure about. Major dilemma as being young (20), I am lucky to be able to afford a cruise and to be able to pay £300 towards my girlfriend's ticket. I think the crew provide absolutely great service, would be very appreciative and are in desperate need of the money, it is just £50 is a lot of money on top considering they say it is optional. Shame they can't include it as mandatory as I feel I may have to remove part of it at least. Is the only way to cancel at reception? You can't ring up or email before your cruise?


After all your complaining to P&O for your 2 free upgrades, you can afford to tip extra

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See this is what I am really unsure about. Major dilemma as being young (20), I am lucky to be able to afford a cruise and to be able to pay £300 towards my girlfriend's ticket. I think the crew provide absolutely great service, would be very appreciative and are in desperate need of the money, it is just £50 is a lot of money on top considering they say it is optional. Shame they can't include it as mandatory as I feel I may have to remove part of it at least. Is the only way to cancel at reception? You can't ring up or email before your cruise?


If for any reason you wanted to remove tips you have to go to reception and fill out a form, simple as that BUT I would hope that you didn't have to do that, personally I think tips should be included in the cost of the cruise and paid up front and should not be allowed to be removed.


£3.50 a day is nothing really, like has been said it is 1 drink, you have ages before your cruise so stick a pound a week in a jar now, tips covered and you haven't even missed it :D

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If for any reason you wanted to remove tips you have to go to reception and fill out a form, simple as that BUT I would hope that you didn't have to do that, personally I think tips should be included in the cost of the cruise and paid up front and should not be allowed to be removed.


£3.50 a day is nothing really, like has been said it is 1 drink, you have ages before your cruise so stick a pound a week in a jar now, tips covered and you haven't even missed it :D


Good idea, will up my standing order by my £2 a week, 1 for the tips, 1 for a pint! Cheers.

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You do what you want Nick.


I know plenty of people who cancel tips when first on board. We usually cancel the tips at reception, then tip as and when we deem appropriate. It might be that we end up paying more than if we just paid the daily rate, or it might mean the opposite. We never know, because we don't check. That's the way we like to do it. If people give good service we tip.


I know someone earlier commented that removing tips at reception might upset the waiters and that could be reflected in their service, but there is an alternative viewpoint to that. Some people believe that if the customer hasn't tipped yet, the waiters are more inclined to give them priority.

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Do they really inform the staff who has removed tips,I read once somewhere a memo goes out, but I think that is a myth


I agree tipping should be for good service but I think it should be covered in the cruise cost upfront, then tip cash extra if you like


Unless there is consistent bad service I would not remove, but I really don't know how the tip system works, who actually gets the tips and how is it broken down ?

Edited by rubydoobydoo
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You do what you want Nick.


I know plenty of people who cancel tips when first on board. We usually cancel the tips at reception, then tip as and when we deem appropriate. It might be that we end up paying more than if we just paid the daily rate, or it might mean the opposite. We never know, because we don't check. That's the way we like to do it. If people give good service we tip.


I know someone earlier commented that removing tips at reception might upset the waiters and that could be reflected in their service, but there is an alternative viewpoint to that. Some people believe that if the customer hasn't tipped yet, the waiters are more inclined to give them priority.


You don't meet all the people that make your holiday. What about the kitchen staff, maintenance people, and other non front of house staff? They do just as much if not more than the guy pouring your wine and they are left unrewarded by your way of doing things.

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You don't meet all the people that make your holiday. What about the kitchen staff, maintenance people, and other non front of house staff? They do just as much if not more than the guy pouring your wine and they are left unrewarded by your way of doing things.

Kitchen staff maybe. I understand that some of the tips to waiting staff cascade down to these people anyway. As for maintenance staff, I would be very surprised if they even expected any tip. It would certainly be a first for me to tip a hotel electrician or painter.

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If for any reason you wanted to remove tips you have to go to reception and fill out a form, simple as that BUT I would hope that you didn't have to do that, personally I think tips should be included in the cost of the cruise and paid up front and should not be allowed to be removed.





Couldn't agree more

It beggars belief that those who can afford £4000 + for a cruise are prepared to stiff their waiter and cabin steward who are lucky if they are being paid $100 a month



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You don't meet all the people that make your holiday. What about the kitchen staff, maintenance people, and other non front of house staff? They do just as much if not more than the guy pouring your wine and they are left unrewarded by your way of doing things.


I asked about theses crew members and was told they get paid on a different pay scale, presumably more than the waiters and stewards who they expect to be tipped.

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I should say you may tip any staff in any form of currency including coin. Realistically I would give coin to the "room service" received in your cabin. Other currency I would amalgamate into "same currency" bundles of notes and put into envelopes. Remember these amounts are in addition to the standard Auto-tip.

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In answer to a question: Yes the cabin steward and table waiters are informed which of their passengers have removed the tip but not until the day before the cruise finishes.

As a result of this any tip received personally by them from the passenger has to be declared and monies handed over to be 'put in the pot'.

If they are found to not have done so then they receive an official warning and then any future cruises their bonus is reduced. They can also be dismissed dependent on circumstances.

This was told to me by a very good friend who holds a position within the company.

I agree that £3.50 is not a lot to pay per day and although I don't smoke is less than half a packet of cigarettes.

Everybody to their own I say.

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I should say you may tip any staff in any form of currency including coin. Realistically I would give coin to the "room service" received in your cabin. Other currency I would amalgamate into "same currency" bundles of notes and put into envelopes. Remember these amounts are in addition to the standard Auto-tip.


Im confused. P&O deal wholly in Sterling, their prices are in Sterling and tipping is in Sterling. Why would you tip in 'other currencies'? Doesnt that make it easier for the passenger but hassle for the crew member?

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Im confused. P&O deal wholly in Sterling, their prices are in Sterling and tipping is in Sterling. Why would you tip in 'other currencies'? Doesnt that make it easier for the passenger but hassle for the crew member?


Money is money and they will never refuse whatever the currency but apart from when ships are in Southampton most of the crew have nothing to do with the UK so no need to give Sterling.

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I am an enthusiastic tipper. I never remove the daily rate from my tab; incidentally P&O are one of the lowest in the industry. I trust that the daily rate is received in some measure by all the employees that collaborate to make my holiday enjoyable. Teamwork is the name of the game. Additionally if I receive particularly good service, I tip extra. My cabin steward always receives a 'down payment' at the start of the holiday (TIPS = To Insure Prompt Service); and then the 'rest' at the end if it is appropriate.


Recently on the Azura, a lady sat at our table in the bar to complete her form to remove her daily rate; she proudly informed us that she had worked out that if she removed the tips, she could always hand over empty envelopes at the end of her holiday! We were disgusted and told her that her actions were morally repugnant; then left her sitting open-mouthed.


Also, waiters are vulnerable to those passengers who demand excellent service throughout their holiday, only to remain in their cabins on the last night of the cruise - to avoid tipping! Disgraceful!


Cruise employees are human beings and deserve to be treated with all due respect. They work tirelessly on our behalf; waiters, bar stewards, cabin stewards, etc, are on their feet for up to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for anywhere between 6 to 9 months (occasionally 11 months). Please remember this when you cruise.


Rant over :)

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I am an enthusiastic tipper. I never remove the daily rate from my tab; incidentally P&O are one of the lowest in the industry. I trust that the daily rate is received in some measure by all the employees that collaborate to make my holiday enjoyable. Teamwork is the name of the game. Additionally if I receive particularly good service, I tip extra. My cabin steward always receives a 'down payment' at the start of the holiday (TIPS = To Insure Prompt Service); and then the 'rest' at the end if it is appropriate.


Recently on the Azura, a lady sat at our table in the bar to complete her form to remove her daily rate; she proudly informed us that she had worked out that if she removed the tips, she could always hand over empty envelopes at the end of her holiday! We were disgusted and told her that her actions were morally repugnant; then left her sitting open-mouthed.


Also, waiters are vulnerable to those passengers who demand excellent service throughout their holiday, only to remain in their cabins on the last night of the cruise - to avoid tipping! Disgraceful!


Cruise employees are human beings and deserve to be treated with all due respect. They work tirelessly on our behalf; waiters, bar stewards, cabin stewards, etc, are on their feet for up to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for anywhere between 6 to 9 months (occasionally 11 months). Please remember this when you cruise.


Rant over :)



Could not agree more.



Edited by cruisebore
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In answer to a question: Yes the cabin steward and table waiters are informed which of their passengers have removed the tip but not until the day before the cruise finishes.

As a result of this any tip received personally by them from the passenger has to be declared and monies handed over to be 'put in the pot'.

If they are found to not have done so then they receive an official warning and then any future cruises their bonus is reduced. They can also be dismissed dependent on circumstances.

This was told to me by a very good friend who holds a position within the company.

I agree that £3.50 is not a lot to pay per day and although I don't smoke is less than half a packet of cigarettes.

Everybody to their own I say.



Then this is one more reason to make tips an upfront cost when booking that can't be removed, why have a system that can put staff at risk of the sack, but I still fail to see how the staff member would always know who that tip came from so how would P and O ever know if that money given was because of a removed tip or a special extra tip for outstanding service from that individual that should not be shared, it doesn't seem a fair system

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