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Live From The Decks of The Century Hawaii 11/21/13/to 12/6/13


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Well, it's been a rough start to a cruise but I finally made it to San Diego Tuesday.

Had a real problem getting packed to go. Thank God for good friends. After having a meltdown Monday afternoon

my dear friend Judy arrived like the calvary about 4 and pretty much got things (including me) whipped into shape. She also refused to let me have another 5 Hour Energy drink (I had been up all Sunday night and had drank 3 during the night) until I had something to eat. She's a real slave driver! But I love her! :)

At 11:45 PM I finally left for Jacksonville. Arrived at the Jacksonville Plaza Hotel at 1:45 AM. There was a new night desk clerk who wasn't quite as nice as the one I was used to. I stay there because it's easy, well located and pretty cheap. For about $70 I get a room and 14 nights of parking, any extra nights of parking are just $3. What I didn't like was that he told me the shuttle was now only available once an hour, on the hour. The 7 AM would have really been too early but the 8 AM was cutting it close for an 8:50 flight.

After only sleeping a couple of hours I decided to go with the 7 AM shuttle. I took my carry-on bag to the lobby and went to get my suitcases out of my car. While I was doing that he apparently had called the shuttle because it arrived at 7. I told the driver I would be another 10 - 15 minutes and that I guessd I would have to take the 8 AM shuttle. That's when the driver told me he could come back anytime. I explained what the desk clerk had told me. He said he had never heard of that and he would come back. Which he did in about 15 minutes.

I have recommended this hotel many, many times based on it's cleanliness, friendly staff, free parking and ease of getting the shuttle to the airport. When I get back home I will call the manager and try to get this settled, one way or another. Then I will have to evaluate if I want to continue to use this hotel. And whether I will continue to recommend it.

Boarded my first US Air flight at 8:55 bound for Charlotte. That's a short flight (barely had time to drink my Screwdriver) and the Charlotte Airport is easy to get around. I got an electric cart right outside my arrival gate which took me to another terminal to catch flight #2 bound for Phoenix. That flight was a butt numbing 4 hours and 45 minutes. Lunch was good (cold poached chicken breast w/warm pasta, a rye roll and chocolate cake. And a couple of glasses of wine. OK, three glasses of win but that's all I'm admitting to! I thought this was strange. There was absolutely no entertainment. No movie, no TV shows, no music. Like I said, it was a long flight!

Thankfully my last flight was only 53 minutes. I made it to San Diego on time at 3:35. Had a really nice porter who got me and the luggage out to the hotel shuttle pick-up area. I had called the hotel while we were still inside but had the luggage in hand. They were there to pick me up in about 10 minutes. Th driver was very friendly and accommodating.

I usually stay at the Hampton Inn on Pacific Coast Highway but even though I started trying to make the reservations 8 months ago, they were filled. They are very near the convention center so I figured there was something going on there.

Checked TripAdvisor and based on the reviews I booked the Hampton Inn/Sea World, about 5 miles from the port.

I knew it wasn't in the best part of town and that surely was true, but the hotel itself is very nice. There is some construction going on to the outside of the building but I didn't hear it from my room. Everyone on the desk was very welcoming and helpful. Room is great, nice comfy bed, a chair with an ottoman plus another upholstered chair, a desk and a flat screen TV.

After I checked in I asked about the In and Out burger.

Now bear in mind that all the front desk staff is young.

When I asked how far it was they told me one or two blocks. By my count it was 5. There were some sidewalks and some uneven ground. Which wouldn't be so bad

if I didn't have a bum knee that I had already aggravated last week by slipping on some water. Like I said, they were young and I'm sure to them it was nothing. But I'm old and to me it was further than my knee needed to go.

When I walked into In & Out I'm sure I looked like the last rose of summer. I sat down for a while just to recover but I wasn't going to miss a chance for dinner at one of my favorite places.

To the few who have never had this pleasure their burger is fresh ground meat served with tomato, onion and very crisp lettuce plus their own Thousand Island type dressing. The best ones are the Double Doubles even if you have to cut it in half and throw half away (which is what I should have done) it's worth it. I had the single cheeseburger which is still very good with fries (enough to feed 2 maybe even 3 people) and a drink for $5.35. Boy that's a bargain! At home a small hamburger, fries and a drink at Burger King or Wendy's (not nearly as good either) will set you back $6 to $7.

The walk back really finished my knee off and I was limping pretty good. But I was also VERY tired. So I took a hot shower, coated my knee with 'magic' cream, took my meds (including a whole ambien) and hit the bed about 7:30. Sometime before 8 I fell asleep. Sleep is GOOD! :)

Bye For Now!

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Hope you have a great cruise on the Century, despite the rocky start. Our son, Jordan Peterson, the piano player/singer, is on the Century now! We will be sailing the Century to Panama in December and CAN'T WAIT! We will be looking for your LIVE posts! Thanks!!

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Please keep us informed on your Hawaiian cruise!!! We are going on the Solstice in April and look forward to your review.

I am going on the Solstice in Sept to Hawaii. I am jealous that your cruise is 'right around the corner":D


Would you mind writing a report when you return from your cruise please?:p. My roll call and I would love to read about your adventures!

Edited by MoyCoy
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Hope you are having a great trip. Great time to get away. Thanks for keeping in touch.


Just to let you know, 19 this morning, high of 35; tomorrow morning starts @21. I'm soooo jealous. 2 more days till Thanksgiving break.


Wishing you fair winds and calm seas.



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OMG! Finally online!!!



Century Hawaii 11/21/2013

Day Two Pre-cruise

Woke up at 7:30 feeling pretty good in spite of my twinging knee. More meds, more cream and I felt good to go.

Had another really nice breakfast downstairs while reading a newspaper. Breakfast not much different from home. I just don't have to clean up or make it!

Here's where is gets a little hinky. I wanted to go shopping at Horton's Plaza. Checked around for a taxi and it would be around $25 each way plus tip. I didn't want to spend that much so I decided to take the Trolley. Hotel shuttle took me to the nearest station. I bought my ticket at a machine. Here's the funny: ticket is $5 all day, but if you put a ten it says it can only give $2 change! So all I got back were two gold one dollar coins. Ergo Trolley is $8.

Got on th green line trolley first, transferred to the red line and was droppd off about 3 blocks from Macy's. By the time I got in the store my knee was slowly beginning to really hurt me! By the time I had finished doing the 3 floors of Macy's gone to Nordstrom and Charming Charlies my knee decided to freeze up. Would not bend and had shooting pains that made me bite my lip and try to suppress a gasp. Found a soda machine and got a cold bottle to put on my knee. Took meds and sat there for a while to see if the pain would subside. When it did a little I started the long walk to the Trolley. I had to stop and sit a couple of ties but I made it to the Trolley stop. Got back to the hotel!! Whew! My knee was red and burning hot with pain like I haven't had before my last knee was replaced.

I didn't want to make the trek to my room so I just sat in the lobby and waited till we were called to pick up Cil & Roger from the airport.

Didn't take long. Got their luggage and piled in the van.

By this time I could only get in the van by putting the seat way back and not bending my knee. It was seriously getting bad!

We decided to go to Fillipi's early so we just got their luggage in their room and we went down to the lobby to wait for the van driver to have time between air port runs to take us. That wasn't a long wait, maybe 5 minutes or so. Fifteen minutes and we were being seated in our favorite restaurant, in the room with the murals and luck was with us because we had everyone's favorite waitress, Irene. If you are lucky enough get her you are in for a treat because she is a hoot! She's been there 36 years and can you anything you could want to know about the menu.

First the wine: Half Carafe of Chablis for Cil and Roger, another Half Carafe of Chianti for me. ATTENTION:

No wine was wasted ar our table! In fact I think the bottles were so clean they should have been able to reuse them immediately! In other words we sucked 'em dry! Dinner consisted of a HUGE combo platter of Lasagna and Ravioli (empty plate, Rog, Good job), another huge plate of Rigatoni with meat sauce (it was almost all gone, Cil) and an Italian sausage and onion pizza which we shared. I had an eggplant sandwich but only ate the eggplant. I mostly pigged out on the pizza! It is WONDERFUL pizza!

Cab back to hotel was $15 plus tax. We were all ready to crash so we could get up early.

It was great being with Cil and Roger again!

Bye For Now!

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Century 11/21/2013 to 12/6/2013

Day One

We were up early. Nothing like the prospect of boarding a ship to get everyone up and moving! But we had time to kill before our 11:30 shuttle so we went down for breakfast.

Food was pretty much the same as the day before except the omelets had green peppers and the sausage was slices cut from large links. There was still oatmeal, waffles, fruit, muffins, bagels and cereal. A very nice spread. I do have to admit that part of my breakfast was a slice of the pizza I had brought home from Fillipi’s the night before. J

We lingered for a while over coffee just talking and willing the time to pass. About 10 we went back upstairs to do some last minute things and get our bags ready to go.

At 11:15 they came and took our bags downstairs. We sat in the lobby for over 30 minutes. I’m not quite sure why our 11:30 shuttle did not leave until almost noon but as it turned out it would have been better if we had been delayed another 30 minutes. When we arrived at the pier people were still disembarking so the shuttle could not take us inside the fenced in area. That meant we had to find a porter to get our luggage inside the gates and then checked in. Just when we found a porter they opened the gates for vehicles to enter! That’s our luck!:)

When we were able to get inside, because Cil and I needed a wheelchair, we had to wait for a one to become available. And someone to push them. I guess we waited about 30 minutes. Once they called our numbers (12 and 13) we proceeded to the check in and were done in no time. Very fast, very efficient.

Once we were onboard, sea pass card in hand we went up to the buffet for lunch. It’s always pretty much the same thing but it tastes oh so much better once you are on the ship. The Praline ice cream was especially good. But ice cream is my down fall so you have to take my recommendations about ice cream with a grain of salt. I’ve never really met a bowl of ice cream I didn’t like.

By the time we were finished with lunch our cabins were ready so we headed there. I was in serious pain from my knee so I propped my knee up on pillows and took a short nap.

Muster was at 4:30 and our meeting place was the Cinema. It was very crowded but I managed to get a seat where I could keep my leg stretched out. We were finished and out of there in about 20 minutes.

I went back to my cabin fully expecting to go to Late Seating Dinner. I was looking forward to the traditional first night Prime Rib. But once I was stretched out on the bed I was gone. I woke up at 4 AM, took some more meds with a warm diet coke and went back to sleep.

Knee is still giving me fits. I'm having (and I mean I REALLY have to) use a wheelchair! Feel stupid but when the pain hits it takes my breath away!

Bye For Now!

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Century Hawaii 11/21/13 to 12/6/13

Day Two

Day two dawned bright and sunny but a little cold. Not sure about the exact temp outside because I never stuck my nose out but I saw people outside in sweats so I figured it was not bathing suit weather. Sun was shining and the waves were causing a nice little roll to the decks.

Went to breakfast in the main dining room at about 8. This was my first visit to the dining room (skipped dinner the night before). We were seated at a table for three which were really two tables for two in a row of 4 tables with 2 inches between. Not ideal but okay. Service was a little odd. They waited on the two two tops furthest from us although they were seated after us. No big deal because they finally got to us. I ordered the Apple Cider Oatmeal and the Lox and Bagels. The oatmeal was okay and the lox was good. However, the portion of lox was very small. Even putting a very small piece of lox on my bagel quarter I did not have enough to go with my bagel. Because I had not had dinner the night before I left a little hungry.


Service was bad for coffee, water, juice and things like brown sugar for the oatmeal.

I can overlook many things in the dining room except this: for the first time in my X cruising life, I saw (in the main dining room mind you) people getting up and serving themselves coffee and water. Not once, but several times by various people. And no one who saw it went to help them. They went to get their beverages and everyone looked the other way while they did it. I swear I have never seen this before. And I believe that, on any other X ship, waiters and Asst M D’s would have RUSHED to help them. On this day, on this Celebrity ship, they where ignored while they proceeded to get their own beverages and condiments.

From the dining room we went to the Hemisphere Lounge where we had Mimosas. It’s a very pleasant lounge with panoramic views. There was also a lovely assortment of pastries, fruits, yougurt and all the Lox you could want. I think I will just go there for breakfast from now on so I can serve myself to my lox. Cil and Roger will probably continue to go to the dining room because they like to have bacon and eggs. They will join me before 10 to get their Mimosa. -)

We went to the casino from the Hemisphere Lounge. Played the penny slots for a while. Like maybe an hour. I was only down 4.25. Not too bad for over an hour of entertainment.

I met Cil and Roger at the Main Dining Room again, for lunch this time. And, believe it or not, something else happened I had never heard of on a Celebrity ship.

When we asked for a table for three we were told that breakfast and lunch were ‘Sharing Only’ at large tables. Has anyone EVER heard of this??? I have been sailing for a good number of years and I have NEVER heard of this. Especially on an X ship. Carnival, maybe. But this is Celebrity. While we were deciding if we wanted to leave and go to the buffet, the Asst Matre D backed off and said ‘if you INSIST we can accommodate you’ and made a big show of setting us up at a table for eight. He kept standing by, being sure to say ‘we are doing this to accommodate our guest’, making it plain he was not happy. He made a point of suggesting a dessert to us which I found to be totally tasteless. I guess he figured he would get back at us one way or another. Strip steak with fries and green beans was very good. Not rare as I asked but medium rare which was okay. That happens to me a lot in restaurants. I order rare and get it a little more done, more medium rare. The meat was tender and tasty, the potatoes very crispy and the green beans were tiny enough to be called by that French name I can’t remember.

After all that I went back to my cabin. Maybe the pain is getting to me and I am turning into a real Beeatch! Lord knows I have been known to be one. I watched ‘Castle’ reruns and tried to get some unpacking done. Thankfully I ran out of hangers so I could put unpacking off a little longer. Have to ask my cabin strward, Edy, for more.

Five o’clock came and we all went to the Hemisphere Lounge for the Elite Cocktail

Hour. Service was good, cocktails were great and it was nice to have some of the

Onboard Service Managers circulating and talking to everyone. They were very

pleasant and seemed to really care about what we thought. Haven’t made the

acquaintance of the Captains Club Hostess yet but this is only the second night.

The cold canapés were okay but I liked the hot ones better. I like the little and I mean TINY spring rolls the best and then the potato puffs. But the best of all is the Chardonnay. J

I don’t want you to think everything is not up to par on the ship. On the contrary, 99% of the guests, staff and crew are marvelous. The Marketing Manager sat with me and she is quite charming. The Excursion people stopped by, both very nice. One (I believe he was in training) had black hair almost exactly like the ‘Rock Star Captain’ when he first starting growing his long hair! Brought back great memories of him, his ships and the great luncheons he used to have!

I would have gone to see the comedian tonight but my knee was really

hurting too much. I want to be able to enjoy Hawaii! So I decided to skip dinner (again) and just go back to my cabin, elevate my leg and watch TV.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll feel like going to the dining room. I must remember that a

day on the sea, even when in pain, is better than a day any place else. I NEVER get tired of cruising!

Bye For Now!

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Century Hawaii 11/21/13 to 12/6/13

Day Three

This day was beautiful and sunny but still cool (I’m being kind, it was cold!)

and windy.

I went to breakfast in the Elite Lounge because I didn’t want to have to hassle

with the ‘sharing only’ nonsense and I didn’t want to have to ask for a double order of Lox just to get enough for breakfast!

So, in I walked. To an empty room. Huh???? Well, it seems there was a little note on the daily that I forgot to read: Please set watches back one hour before retiring.

So I was really there at 7 AM. DUH!!! They were very nice when they started coming in to set up. They let me sit and write, even gave me some coffee when it was ready. The servers at Elite breakfast and cocktail hour have been really nice and even though some of them are new, they are trying very hard to do a good job. Being new has led to some funny situations. When asked for a ‘whisky neat’ one newbie said I’m sorry, we only have regular whiskey and I’m not sure if its neat or not.

I got to have my lox and bagels. The bagels appear to be made here. They are bigger than the small ones you can buy in the super market and smaller than the regular store bought bagel. They are pretty good.

The things I do not like in the morning are the Almond Croissant’s. This pastry chef either forgot to order almond paste or he doesn’t know how Celebrity makes these. They taste just like the mini croissants (only drier) with a little powdered sugar and toasted almonds on top. I guess it’s a good thing they aren’t good because, besides having one each morning to see if there has been any improvement, I haven’t even been tempted to have them. Great for the waist, not so good for the soul!! BTW, I’m told the chocolate ones aren’t very good either. Such a shame when a little food indulgence is one of the things most of us look forward to on an X cruise.

We have been sitting with LuAnn from the roll call and her husband Kenneth at the breakfast and cocktail hour. They are lovely people and we have really enjoyed their company. It’s so nice to put faces with people you’ve ‘talked’ with online. Makes the cruising experience so much more enjoyable. I often think that the people who don’t know about CC or just choose to lurk and never really get involved know what they are missing. Or know how much more enjoyable the cruise experience could be.

The CC party was today at 10:0 in the Hemisphere so I just sat and waited rather than leave and have to come back. There was a good crowd and LuAnn handled the meeting well. The Captain and some of the Senior Officer’s were there along withthe Event Coordinator, Nell. Not sure that is the spelling of her name but she is incredible. Cute as a button and very efficient. She is also helping with the scheduling of the Slot Tournament. The gift exchange went well and had several participants. Sadly, I forgot to bring my gift. L

There was a small cocktail party in Michal’s Club at 11:30. Boy was this a busy day. While there I spoke to the current F & B Manager (I say that because he is leaving in Hawaii and the incoming one will be taking over then). I told him about the ‘Sharing Only’ and ‘Large Tables Only’ that we had encountered for Dining Room Breakfast and Lunches. He assured me he had no knowledge of this and that we should be accommodated with tables of our preference. I was overheard by another couple who told me they had had the same experience. I encouraged them to speak up also, which they did.

About 45 minutes later we went into the dining room and requested a table for three. This time there was no problem and we were quickly escorted to a table for 4. Roger, unfortunately, stopped to talk to some people. Their table was on a platform about 8 inches high. When he walked toward the table he tripped and took a fall. Cil and I were already seated and I guess we just sat there holding our breath while the waiters got him up. Thankfully he was not bleeding, just bruised (his ego more than his body). Of course now, in his telling of it he ‘did a double flip’. J

By 2 PM I had already had Mimosa’s with breakfast, Chardonnay’s at the 11:30 cocktail party and a glass of wine with lunch. Guess where I went? Back to my cabin for a nap and a shower so when I got up I could just get dressed for formal night. Because as soon as I was dressed I would have cocktails from 5 to 7. This cruising life is really hard but I am doing the best I can to hold up to it!

The Officer’s Tables on formal nights now have an added perk. Customized menus just for that table and with the participant’s name on the front. This can be taken home along with the picture of the table and your place card. Makes a memorable experience just a little more special.

Formal night dinner was great. I had the Sesame Crusted Scallops, Mushroom Soup (the one that has the froth like on a cappuccino) Tornadoes’ of Beef and a marvelous Chocolate Mousse dessert.

I tell you, all I did today was eat and drink, then drink and eat some more. Even with the nap I had earlier I was beat. Had to turn in early. I did remember to turn my watch back tonight!

Bye For Now!

Don't know why this looks strange! Was fine till I cut and pasted1

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Well, it's been a rough start to a cruise but I finally made it to San Diego Tuesday.

Had a real problem getting packed to go. Thank God for good friends. After having a meltdown Monday afternoon

my dear friend Judy arrived like the calvary about 4 and pretty much got things (including me) whipped into shape. She also refused to let me have another 5 Hour Energy drink (I had been up all Sunday night and had drank 3 during the night) until I had something to eat. She's a real slave driver! But I love her! :)

At 11:45 PM I finally left for Jacksonville. Arrived at the Jacksonville Plaza Hotel at 1:45 AM. There was a new night desk clerk who wasn't quite as nice as the one I was used to. I stay there because it's easy, well located and pretty cheap. For about $70 I get a room and 14 nights of parking, any extra nights of parking are just $3. What I didn't like was that he told me the shuttle was now only available once an hour, on the hour. The 7 AM would have really been too early but the 8 AM was cutting it close for an 8:50 flight.

After only sleeping a couple of hours I decided to go with the 7 AM shuttle. I took my carry-on bag to the lobby and went to get my suitcases out of my car. While I was doing that he apparently had called the shuttle because it arrived at 7. I told the driver I would be another 10 - 15 minutes and that I guessd I would have to take the 8 AM shuttle. That's when the driver told me he could come back anytime. I explained what the desk clerk had told me. He said he had never heard of that and he would come back. Which he did in about 15 minutes.

I have recommended this hotel many, many times based on it's cleanliness, friendly staff, free parking and ease of getting the shuttle to the airport. When I get back home I will call the manager and try to get this settled, one way or another. Then I will have to evaluate if I want to continue to use this hotel. And whether I will continue to recommend it.

Boarded my first US Air flight at 8:55 bound for Charlotte. That's a short flight (barely had time to drink my Screwdriver) and the Charlotte Airport is easy to get around. I got an electric cart right outside my arrival gate which took me to another terminal to catch flight #2 bound for Phoenix. That flight was a butt numbing 4 hours and 45 minutes. Lunch was good (cold poached chicken breast w/warm pasta, a rye roll and chocolate cake. And a couple of glasses of wine. OK, three glasses of win but that's all I'm admitting to! I thought this was strange. There was absolutely no entertainment. No movie, no TV shows, no music. Like I said, it was a long flight!

Thankfully my last flight was only 53 minutes. I made it to San Diego on time at 3:35. Had a really nice porter who got me and the luggage out to the hotel shuttle pick-up area. I had called the hotel while we were still inside but had the luggage in hand. They were there to pick me up in about 10 minutes. Th driver was very friendly and accommodating.

I usually stay at the Hampton Inn on Pacific Coast Highway but even though I started trying to make the reservations 8 months ago, they were filled. They are very near the convention center so I figured there was something going on there.

Checked TripAdvisor and based on the reviews I booked the Hampton Inn/Sea World, about 5 miles from the port.

I knew it wasn't in the best part of town and that surely was true, but the hotel itself is very nice. There is some construction going on to the outside of the building but I didn't hear it from my room. Everyone on the desk was very welcoming and helpful. Room is great, nice comfy bed, a chair with an ottoman plus another upholstered chair, a desk and a flat screen TV.

After I checked in I asked about the In and Out burger.

Now bear in mind that all the front desk staff is young.

When I asked how far it was they told me one or two blocks. By my count it was 5. There were some sidewalks and some uneven ground. Which wouldn't be so bad

if I didn't have a bum knee that I had already aggravated last week by slipping on some water. Like I said, they were young and I'm sure to them it was nothing. But I'm old and to me it was further than my knee needed to go.

When I walked into In & Out I'm sure I looked like the last rose of summer. I sat down for a while just to recover but I wasn't going to miss a chance for dinner at one of my favorite places.

To the few who have never had this pleasure their burger is fresh ground meat served with tomato, onion and very crisp lettuce plus their own Thousand Island type dressing. The best ones are the Double Doubles even if you have to cut it in half and throw half away (which is what I should have done) it's worth it. I had the single cheeseburger which is still very good with fries (enough to feed 2 maybe even 3 people) and a drink for $5.35. Boy that's a bargain! At home a small hamburger, fries and a drink at Burger King or Wendy's (not nearly as good either) will set you back $6 to $7.

The walk back really finished my knee off and I was limping pretty good. But I was also VERY tired. So I took a hot shower, coated my knee with 'magic' cream, took my meds (including a whole ambien) and hit the bed about 7:30. Sometime before 8 I fell asleep. Sleep is GOOD! :)

Bye For Now!


I just love your review, keep it coming.

Cruising Century in january.



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[quote name='tuggers;4


This cruising life is really hard but I am doing the best I can to hold up to it!




And if anyone can do it justice' date=' it's surely you![/font']

I'm so sorry to hear your knee pain is not letting up. If you were home, I'd be screaming at you to get to the doctor and get that taken care of. But being shipboard, there really isn't much you can do but wait it out, right? But I do hope it gets better by the time you hit Hawaii. What a shame it would be to have to miss out on all the things you've been so looking forward to on this cruise.

Love and prayers!

PS If it gets too bad, try eating another bowl of ice cream.

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Century Hawaii 11/21/13 to 12/6/13

Day 4

Day looks really nice but still windy and chilly. However, the Captain did announce this morning that he is slowing down to allow us a little respite from the strong wind. It still looked a little breezy, and not warm enough for a swim suit. But maybe we are getting there!

I was up early but waited until the Elite Lounge opened at 8 for my coffee. The waiters know me now and he brings me two cappuccino’s right away. Two because they are very busy in the first half hour and sometimes there is a wait before you can get a second one. I still haven’t had a Bloody Mary but they look good. Maybe today I’ll try one. The Mimosa’s continue to be excellent.

They ran out of the good bagels this morning and brought out some huge, doughy things. Glad I had almost finished my Lox by then! The small ones they apparently make here are good. Haven’t tried any of the muffins they have every morning but they look good. I’m pretty happy with the Lox, cream cheese, tomato, onion and capers. Better for me, too. I think I will go up for waffles one morning because we all know its not an X cruise till you have the waffles. Cil did say that the apple nut pancakes in the dining room were good.

I still haven’t been in any of the shops. We have today and tomorrow before we get to Hawaii so that may be on the agenda.

We ate lunch in the dining room because I was going to play Mah Jong at 2 in the card room. LuAnn had lined up six players and the ship has two sets of tiles. First thing was the ships sets were weird. Tiles were larger than I am used to and very thin. Felt like you were dealing cards. Minor rules are always somewhat different depending on the area of the country you are from. For instance, when this group of people build their walls they do 19 (I’m used to 18) so these tiles are really stretched across the table and very hard to move. I had to learn some other new rules because they pass like we do but they repeat the cycle one more time before the ‘optional’ or’ courtesy’. Then they do something called a ‘lock’ on jokers displayed so if you have a red dragon, joker, joker, red dragon displayed you have locked the jokers. If you have red dragon, joker, red dragon, joker displayed you can move that last joker and use it again on your tray when displaying another set. Lots of other things too which I will try to remember till I get home to my Mahj group. I know this is boring to some of you so just skip over it. A couple of ladies from my group were going to read this so I wanted to give them some details. One more thing and I’ll shut up about Mahj. We had six ladies who wanted to play. The easy way was to play two tables of three. One lady just insisted on one table with two sitting out each game. Now I love to play but sitting out and watching others play every other game (when we could be playing) is akin to watching paint dry. I think I will pass on the Mahj till I get home to my weekly games. MY group never looked so good! J OK, enough of that.

So I found myself with an extra hour free this afternoon. I could have made good use of it by doing something constructive but I chose to go throw money at a slot machine. Unfortunately it all stuck! But in the machine! It took an hour to lose it so I just had time to shower and dress (casual) for dinner and head to Hemisphere

for drinks. Although we stayed there until after 7:30 I only had three glasses of wine. Did drink a couple of diet cokes. I like to drink but every night does get a little tiresome. I find its good to go easy every now and then. Or maybe I should just vary my drink!

I have to have some fun with Roger here. He had been worrying since we got on whether he would be able to se ‘his’ Patriots play today. Let me tell you, he deserted them like a rat jumping off a sinking ship when they were down 17 – 0 in the first quarter. He left and came for drinks. I really laughed when they won in overtime by a field goal! And he didn’t see it. J But I do love you Roger! You are one great guy!

We didn’t get to Select Dining (yes, it finally got fixed) until 8. We had a lovely 4 top by the back window on the railing. I was not really hungry so I had the Salmon off the everyday menu and a baked potato.

I was not available to eat with Cil and Roger last night which was her birthday. But I had made arrangements for a cake. Well, that never happened. I was upset amd made sure we did have it tonight. I think she liked it, even if it was a day late. They sang and, I hope, made her feel as special as she is.

We got out of dinner after 10 and I was beat. I had been awake since 5 with no nap so I was ready for bed. The show tonight was a juggler so none of us had even tried to go to that. I went to bed and then got interested in a movie so I was still up past midnight!

Bye For Now!

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