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Captain's Club Revamp- Stinks for me!


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....Celebrity initiated the program, which they have an obligation to administer fairly. The fact is it is now harder to achieve reward levels. While no one is questioning Celeb’s right to make the changes, the underhanded way it was done is the issue and leaves a bad taste with the majority. My feelings are for those who were paid in full, expecting to make the next tier, whatever their reason for booking, and were left without recourse due to the timing of the changes as well as lack of reasonable advance notice. A business which does that and expects loyalty is making a big mistake. The program was their idea to increase sales and profits. They should have foreseen the costs and potential problems and we should not be penalized for their poor judgment....


Well stated! We too have no skin in the game, but fair is fair.

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No skin in the game- ha!

I’ve read most of the posts on this and the other Captains’ Club forum. My initial reaction was that some of these folks just do not understand why many are so ticked off with the changes. Then, I realized some posters, led by a handful who cannot stop regurgitating the same nonsense, are unhappy with the old program because of apparent overcrowding at the on board CC events. They either have reached or are close enough to the freebee level and do not want to share when others attain that tier. So it is onto the soapbox shouting their support of Celebrity for the changes; instead of asking the cruise line to fulfill their commitments by providing adequate facilities, i.e., additional venues or whatever, for the rewards they promised their loyal customers.


You can argue the legality or ethics of what Celebrity did, defend them to the hills or bring in superfluous issues; but how many times are you going to repeat the same arguments ad nauseam? Whether it is legal or not is missing the point because it is not an issue of legal magnitude. The forum is a way of protesting the actions of a company for those who feel wronged in addition to their complaining directly or even getting the support of organizations such as the BBB. Companies are in business to make money and they need customers to achieve that end. When their actions upset the customers, we protest and if more do so, the better the possibility of a positive response. If we remain mute, or support them to further our self-interests, they do whatever they want and it spreads to the rest of the industry. Then we wind up with the short end of the stick. Of course, we could stay quiet and eventually reach our limit to stop buying the product which could result in the company going under. In that scenario, everyone loses as happened to Renaissance Lines several years ago as well as other companies.


Most companies want dissatisfied customers to come to them with a complaint rather than broadcast publicly. You can be certain that Celebrity and other lines scrutinize these forums closely. The more negative reaction a company receives, the greater the chance of their making changes or offering redress to those affected, regardless of whom is right or wrong. Obviously, if the complaints are limited, the company reacts accordingly with no action warranted. However, posters repeating the same things accomplish nothing constructive. In the end, it is about the whether the bottom line, perceived or otherwise, will be affected.


Celebrity initiated the program, which they have an obligation to administer fairly. The fact is it is now harder to achieve reward levels. While no one is questioning Celeb’s right to make the changes, the underhanded way it was done is the issue and leaves a bad taste with the majority. My feelings are for those who were paid in full, expecting to make the next tier, whatever their reason for booking, and were left without recourse due to the timing of the changes as well as lack of reasonable advance notice. A business which does that and expects loyalty is making a big mistake. The program was their idea to increase sales and profits. They should have foreseen the costs and potential problems and we should not be penalized for their poor judgment.


Those posters who don’t want to share the rewards with fellow cruisers should quit crying in the extra beer they feel they’ll miss and stop arguing other irrelevant items like ports or cabin changes, etc. For that handful monopolizing these threads, as nicely pointed out in posts 176 & 186 by Putterdude, have a ball with your future thumbs down comments to this and other posts which go against your personal interests in the program. However, please give the rest of us a break by posting new thoughts and leaving room on these boards for others opinions to be more visible.

First off, I'm not Elite and it was those Elites who over the years I've been on this forum have said they wanted it to be harder for others (me included) to be Elite because it was too easy and too crowded. I wouldn't have had a problem if they stayed with the old program, I could reach the tiers faster.


I guess those that don't have a problem with the new program will repeat the same arguments ad nauseam, just as those that are unhappy are doing. Yes, the forum is a way for those that feel wrong to post their feelings, just as it is for those who feel that the company did not do anything unethical, etc. I totally agree with arguing a case against a company, if and it is a big if, they did something wrong. I wouldn't go to the BBB because a company change a program that they had every right to change.


As far as the changes, why not ask those that have called Celebrity with their issues and see what changes Celebrity is going to make. Celebrity did what was best for the majority of their customers and, yes, some are not going to be happy, but they can't make everyone happy. Exactly those posting the same things about being screwed is not constructive, if they have a problem they should be talking with Celebrity or, if they feel it will help, consult legal council. I would bet my house on the fact, that Celebrity has it calculated down to a few thousand dollars what business they were going to lose because of the changes. No company is going to make changes that will impact them tremendously.


Thank those Elites who complained that they wanted to make it harder, because Celebrity listened to them, but now they are not all happy, because Celebrity fairly made it harder to attain any tier.


Sorry, but a change to the "contract" is a change, no matter if it is the Captain's Club, a cabin, a cruise or a port and they should all be treated as being the same issue - a change after someone has booked and/or paid for a cruise - there is no difference.


Since I'm not Ellite, I have no personal interest in this. My nexted book cruise should have made me Elite, but with the new program it didn't, but it was not a big deal because I don't cruise for the points and perks.


p.s. thank you for signing up, so that you could voice your opinion; all opinions are welcomed.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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A good post and I agree. :D

People should read the thread topic and then the reader can decide how the Captains club revamp affected them poorly. If it didn't, then there is no need to post, if it did they can post that or how the situation may have been remedied, etc. But instead some come on this thread and belittle people's arguments.:D

I guess that doesn't work, because when people complain about things on other threads, there are those that come on and disagree with them, so until it stops on every thread, I guess we are allowed to post our opinions whether they be pro or con.


I've seen it over and over when someone complains that a port was missed or their cruise cancel, then many on here come on and disagree their arguments, saying that Celebrity has the right to make changes, how is this any different.


What good would a forum be, if everyone had to agree on a topic. That is what is great about cruise critic, we can agree or not agree.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Humptydumpty, that was one of the best first posts I've read. I guess it helps that I agree with you, but great post anyway.


NLH, i appreciate that you are a non-elite and you don't have a problem with the change, however comparing this to a missed port is an apples to oranges comparison in my opinion. Missing a port because it might wreck the ship or for a medical emergency is not the same as changing a promised benefit after final payment. I guess your viewing this as a bonus and even if the bonus decreases, it's still a bonus. I'm viewing it as part of the package i was sold that was decreased after i made final payment. We'll just have to agree to disagree.


For the folks that are happy with the new program, i'm glad it worked out for you. I'm also glad Celebrity added additional benefits for those who have been on lots of cruises. I just wish they would rethink their position on points for cruises already paid for under the old program. It is the fair thing to do for the customer, would make some repeat customers happy, and the cost would be immaterial.

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No skin in the game- ha!

I’ve read most of the posts on this and the other Captains’ Club forum. My initial reaction was that some of these folks just do not understand why many are so ticked off with the changes. Then, I realized some posters, led by a handful who cannot stop regurgitating the same nonsense, are unhappy with the old program because of apparent overcrowding at the on board CC events. They either have reached or are close enough to the freebee level and do not want to share when others attain that tier. So it is onto the soapbox shouting their support of Celebrity for the changes; instead of asking the cruise line to fulfill their commitments by providing adequate facilities, i.e., additional venues or whatever, for the rewards they promised their loyal customers.


You can argue the legality or ethics of what Celebrity did, defend them to the hills or bring in superfluous issues; but how many times are you going to repeat the same arguments ad nauseam? Whether it is legal or not is missing the point because it is not an issue of legal magnitude. The forum is a way of protesting the actions of a company for those who feel wronged in addition to their complaining directly or even getting the support of organizations such as the BBB. Companies are in business to make money and they need customers to achieve that end. When their actions upset the customers, we protest and if more do so, the better the possibility of a positive response. If we remain mute, or support them to further our self-interests, they do whatever they want and it spreads to the rest of the industry. Then we wind up with the short end of the stick. Of course, we could stay quiet and eventually reach our limit to stop buying the product which could result in the company going under. In that scenario, everyone loses as happened to Renaissance Lines several years ago as well as other companies.


Most companies want dissatisfied customers to come to them with a complaint rather than broadcast publicly. You can be certain that Celebrity and other lines scrutinize these forums closely. The more negative reaction a company receives, the greater the chance of their making changes or offering redress to those affected, regardless of whom is right or wrong. Obviously, if the complaints are limited, the company reacts accordingly with no action warranted. However, posters repeating the same things accomplish nothing constructive. In the end, it is about the whether the bottom line, perceived or otherwise, will be affected.


Celebrity initiated the program, which they have an obligation to administer fairly. The fact is it is now harder to achieve reward levels. While no one is questioning Celeb’s right to make the changes, the underhanded way it was done is the issue and leaves a bad taste with the majority. My feelings are for those who were paid in full, expecting to make the next tier, whatever their reason for booking, and were left without recourse due to the timing of the changes as well as lack of reasonable advance notice. A business which does that and expects loyalty is making a big mistake. The program was their idea to increase sales and profits. They should have foreseen the costs and potential problems and we should not be penalized for their poor judgment.


Those posters who don’t want to share the rewards with fellow cruisers should quit crying in the extra beer they feel they’ll miss and stop arguing other irrelevant items like ports or cabin changes, etc. For that handful monopolizing these threads, as nicely pointed out in posts 176 & 186 by Putterdude, have a ball with your future thumbs down comments to this and other posts which go against your personal interests in the program. However, please give the rest of us a break by posting new thoughts and leaving room on these boards for others opinions to be more visible.

Permit me first to welcome you to Cruise Critic and to thank you very much for your succinct and articulate remarks.

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NLH, i appreciate that you are a non-elite and you don't have a problem with the change, however comparing this to a missed port is an apples to oranges comparison in my opinion. Missing a port because it might wreck the ship or for a medical emergency is not the same as changing a promised benefit after final payment. I guess your viewing this as a bonus and even if the bonus decreases, it's still a bonus. I'm viewing it as part of the package i was sold that was decreased after i made final payment. We'll just have to agree to disagree.


My point is, and I'm sure you won't agree, is that they are all implied with the cruise contract. One expects a certain port and that is why they might have booked their cruise. When one books a cruise, it is implied that the cruise will sail, but sometimes the cruises are cancelled due to a charter. Some have said that they booked a certain cruise or cabin category because of the implied Captain's Club points. All of the above examples are implied; I don't think there is a difference between the three. A port is part of the package, a cruise which is cancelled was part of the package, just as the Captain's Club points were (in some people' s estimation) part of the package.


We will have to agree to disagree and I truly hope that you get what you want and continue cruising.

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Celebrity initiated the program, which they have an obligation to administer fairly. The fact is it is now harder to achieve reward levels. While no one is questioning Celeb’s right to make the changes, the underhanded way it was done is the issue and leaves a bad taste with the majority.


The majority of whom, all Captain's Club members or those who are Celebrity cruisers who post here on Cruise Critic? Sorry, but I disagree with your use of "the majority". My take is that it is a very small minority of either group.

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The Myth: Celebrity designed the new program as a response to those who complained about too many Elites and the ease of reaching the Elite Level.


The Truth: Celebrity designed the new program as a way a containing the overall cost of the loyalty program.


Discussion: When the program was originally designed Celebrity miscalculated how successful it would be in attracting new business. One source with close connections to the Miami office told me about 3 years ago that there were many discussions about the program around the board room and once the benefits were announced it was too late to make reductions. In the earliest days there were a relatively few numbers of Elites and there was no problem holding the Happy Hour in Michael's Club. Two things happened to change that. As time went on more people made the Elite Level. Second, perhaps more importantly, RCCL and X agreed to a receprocity. Thus, a large number of RCCL cruisers were now attending the Elite Hour. On some of my cruises, especially Trans Atlantics, there were as many as 800-1000 Elites onboard. Eventually Celebrity developed a system of vouchers. Many fought the idea at first (including me), but later came to favor the idea. There are many threads on this. Vouchers really solved the overcrowding situation. The real problem for Celebrity was that the number of people reaching the Elite Level was growing at a high rate. The vouchers satisfied the demand, but the cost to Celebrity continued to esculate. The answer was to create a new program that would slow the flow into Elite and that was accomplished. Two additional levels were created beyond Elite Level that would be difficult to reach if one just became Elite. We see many posting on these threads that they believe that they will never reach these new levels. I've discussed this before and won't repeat here. These levels, according to a representative of Captain's Club who spoke to me, were designed to enhance PR and Marketing. With the Zenith Level Celebrity could now claim that they had the best benefits for their most loyal guests. Another CC Rep told me that this program was a loss for Celebrity and each Zenith was costing them "thousands of dollars". Understand that the "seriously addicted" cruiser doesn't spend much for extras on board. They don't purchase photos, don't spend extra money in the shops, don't usually take ship excursions and now with Zenith benefits, don't buy drinks or pay for internet or laundry. I believe that Celebrity would rather sell a cabin to a first time cruiser or newly wed couple than a very frequent cruiser. But, the frequent cruisers might contribute by introducing new cruisers to Celebrity. they are, for the most part excellent ambassadors. I'd be glad to read analysis from others who have actual experience in the program and have had discussions with people in the Miami Office and Senior Staff on the ships.

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The Myth: Celebrity designed the new program as a response to those who complained about too many Elites and the ease of reaching the Elite Level.


The Truth: Celebrity designed the new program as a way a containing the overall cost of the loyalty program.


Discussion: When the program was originally designed Celebrity miscalculated how successful it would be in attracting new business. One source with close connections to the Miami office told me about 3 years ago that there were many discussions about the program around the board room and once the benefits were announced it was too late to make reductions. In the earliest days there were a relatively few numbers of Elites and there was no problem holding the Happy Hour in Michael's Club. Two things happened to change that. As time went on more people made the Elite Level. Second, perhaps more importantly, RCCL and X agreed to a receprocity. Thus, a large number of RCCL cruisers were now attending the Elite Hour. On some of my cruises, especially Trans Atlantics, there were as many as 800-1000 Elites onboard. Eventually Celebrity developed a system of vouchers. Many fought the idea at first (including me), but later came to favor the idea. There are many threads on this. Vouchers really solved the overcrowding situation. The real problem for Celebrity was that the number of people reaching the Elite Level was growing at a high rate. The vouchers satisfied the demand, but the cost to Celebrity continued to esculate. The answer was to create a new program that would slow the flow into Elite and that was accomplished. Two additional levels were created beyond Elite Level that would be difficult to reach if one just became Elite. We see many posting on these threads that they believe that they will never reach these new levels. I've discussed this before and won't repeat here. These levels, according to a representative of Captain's Club who spoke to me, were designed to enhance PR and Marketing. With the Zenith Level Celebrity could now claim that they had the best benefits for their most loyal guests. Another CC Rep told me that this program was a loss for Celebrity and each Zenith was costing them "thousands of dollars". Understand that the "seriously addicted" cruiser doesn't spend much for extras on board. They don't purchase photos, don't spend extra money in the shops, don't usually take ship excursions and now with Zenith benefits, don't buy drinks or pay for internet or laundry. I believe that Celebrity would rather sell a cabin to a first time cruiser or newly wed couple than a very frequent cruiser. But, the frequent cruisers might contribute by introducing new cruisers to Celebrity. they are, for the most part excellent ambassadors. I'd be glad to read analysis from others who have actual experience in the program and have had discussions with people in the Miami Office and Senior Staff on the ships.


Thanks for these insights.:D

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Orator, reciprocity with Royal Caribbean occurred many years before Celebrity introduced the Elite Happy Hour in Michael's Club. In fact I learned about Celebrity having met a number of Elites in Royal Caribbean's Concierge Club (and oh how Diamonds on RC complained when they were tossed from the CL because of all those Celebrity Elites;)). When Celebrity implemented the HH we were already Elite on our own right. Someone in Miami is feeding you some incorrect info regarding reciprocity.


On an more upbeat note, Happy New Year and I hope our paths cross in February.:)

Edited by Oville
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No skin in the game- ha!

I’ve read most of the posts on this and the other Captains’ Club forum. My initial reaction was that some of these folks just do not understand why many are so ticked off with the changes. Then, I realized some posters, led by a handful who cannot stop regurgitating the same nonsense, are unhappy with the old program because of apparent overcrowding at the on board CC events. They either have reached or are close enough to the freebee level and do not want to share when others attain that tier. So it is onto the soapbox shouting their support of Celebrity for the changes; instead of asking the cruise line to fulfill their commitments by providing adequate facilities, i.e., additional venues or whatever, for the rewards they promised their loyal customers.


Most companies want dissatisfied customers to come to them with a complaint rather than broadcast publicly. You can be certain that Celebrity and other lines scrutinize these forums closely. The more negative reaction a company receives, the greater the chance of their making changes or offering redress to those affected, regardless of whom is right or wrong. Obviously, if the complaints are limited, the company reacts accordingly with no action warranted. However, posters repeating the same things accomplish nothing constructive. In the end, it is about the whether the bottom line, perceived or otherwise, will be affected.


Celebrity initiated the program, which they have an obligation to administer fairly. The fact is it is now harder to achieve reward levels. While no one is questioning Celeb’s right to make the changes, the underhanded way it was done is the issue and leaves a bad taste with the majority. My feelings are for those who were paid in full, expecting to make the next tier, whatever their reason for booking, and were left without recourse due to the timing of the changes as well as lack of reasonable advance notice. A business which does that and expects loyalty is making a big mistake. The program was their idea to increase sales and profits. They should have foreseen the costs and potential problems and we should not be penalized for their poor judgment.



Agree with all but I have a sneaking suspicion that this may not in fact be your first post.

Most first posters ask if they can order more then 1 dish in the MDR. :rolleyes:

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No skin in the game- ha!

I’ve read most of the posts on this and the other Captains’ Club forum. My initial reaction was that some of these folks just do not understand why many are so ticked off with the changes. Then, I realized some posters, led by a handful who cannot stop regurgitating the same nonsense, are unhappy with the old program because of apparent overcrowding at the on board CC events. They either have reached or are close enough to the freebee level and do not want to share when others attain that tier. So it is onto the soapbox shouting their support of Celebrity for the changes; instead of asking the cruise line to fulfill their commitments by providing adequate facilities, i.e., additional venues or whatever, for the rewards they promised their loyal customers.


You can argue the legality or ethics of what Celebrity did, defend them to the hills or bring in superfluous issues; but how many times are you going to repeat the same arguments ad nauseam? Whether it is legal or not is missing the point because it is not an issue of legal magnitude. The forum is a way of protesting the actions of a company for those who feel wronged in addition to their complaining directly or even getting the support of organizations such as the BBB. Companies are in business to make money and they need customers to achieve that end. When their actions upset the customers, we protest and if more do so, the better the possibility of a positive response. If we remain mute, or support them to further our self-interests, they do whatever they want and it spreads to the rest of the industry. Then we wind up with the short end of the stick. Of course, we could stay quiet and eventually reach our limit to stop buying the product which could result in the company going under. In that scenario, everyone loses as happened to Renaissance Lines several years ago as well as other companies.


Most companies want dissatisfied customers to come to them with a complaint rather than broadcast publicly. You can be certain that Celebrity and other lines scrutinize these forums closely. The more negative reaction a company receives, the greater the chance of their making changes or offering redress to those affected, regardless of whom is right or wrong. Obviously, if the complaints are limited, the company reacts accordingly with no action warranted. However, posters repeating the same things accomplish nothing constructive. In the end, it is about the whether the bottom line, perceived or otherwise, will be affected.


Celebrity initiated the program, which they have an obligation to administer fairly. The fact is it is now harder to achieve reward levels. While no one is questioning Celeb’s right to make the changes, the underhanded way it was done is the issue and leaves a bad taste with the majority. My feelings are for those who were paid in full, expecting to make the next tier, whatever their reason for booking, and were left without recourse due to the timing of the changes as well as lack of reasonable advance notice. A business which does that and expects loyalty is making a big mistake. The program was their idea to increase sales and profits. They should have foreseen the costs and potential problems and we should not be penalized for their poor judgment.


Those posters who don’t want to share the rewards with fellow cruisers should quit crying in the extra beer they feel they’ll miss and stop arguing other irrelevant items like ports or cabin changes, etc. For that handful monopolizing these threads, as nicely pointed out in posts 176 & 186 by Putterdude, have a ball with your future thumbs down comments to this and other posts which go against your personal interests in the program. However, please give the rest of us a break by posting new thoughts and leaving room on these boards for others opinions to be more visible.


BRAVO - exceptional post!

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Agree with all but I have a sneaking suspicion that this may not in fact be your first post.

Most first posters ask if they can order more then 1 dish in the MDR. :rolleyes:


He could be an experienced cruiser who is long time lurker on the board and just hasn't found the need to post until now.

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He could be an experienced cruiser who is long time lurker on the board and just hasn't found the need to post until now.


I'm happy he did start posting...he was spot on! I'm not quite sure why his one post was deleted while others are allowed to continue to do exactly what he pointed out in that said deleted post. :confused:

Edited by 20pluscruises
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Hi DeltaBreeze,


We are in the exact same boat as you. Feb 8th Connie, paid extra for Conciege. Now we will not be elite after this cruise. Kind of leaves a bitter taste. We did some payback. We cancelled our 7 day Sillie March 2 (balcony but it would still leave us short). We booked the Royal Princess for March 2. In switching, we saved $500. and have a BC balcony . We are elite so we will get all the benefits.





Good for you. I love voting with my feet on those rare occasions the opportunity arises. Princess was our cruise line of choice before Celebrity lured us, but Princess' itineraries and food always appealed more to us. We find X's ships to be more appealing. So, had the X loyalty program change been to our disadvantage, we, too, would have considered scurrying back to Princess or HAL, all things being equal. As it is, it's nice being Elite on both lines. X or P, we like them both.

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I'm happy he did start posting...he was spot on! I'm not quite sure why his one post was deleted while others are allowed to continue to do exactly what he pointed out in that said deleted post. :confused:

Humptydumpty11 one post wasn't deleted as far as I can see. It's still showing as post #196 as far as I see in this thread.:confused:

Edited by robtulipe
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Good for you. I love voting with my feet on those rare occasions the opportunity arises. Princess was our cruise line of choice before Celebrity lured us, but Princess' itineraries and food always appealed more to us. We find X's ships to be more appealing. So, had the X loyalty program change been to our disadvantage, we, too, would have considered scurrying back to Princess or HAL, all things being equal. As it is, it's nice being Elite on both lines. X or P, we like them both.

What you are saying, is exactly what I would have done as well. I let my wallet/checkbook/Visa do the talking if I don't like a company's rules or their customer service or their products. I like Delta Breeze, was my next booked cruise away from Elite on the old program, but with the new program that cruise wouldn't do it. But since I have no problem with the program, I'll stay and enjoy the Celebrity cruising experience.

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One credit for being on the cruise, extra credit if cruise is 12 or more nights, another credit if in a Concierge stateroom or higher, Maximum of 3 credits per cruise.


I guess I wasn't quick enough with this information.

Edited by robtulipe
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It is foriegn thinking to me that one would book a cruise simply to accrue points just as I find it hard to believe the cruise experience is secondary to the points and someone would cancel a cruise based on the lack of points.

Sounds like coupon clipping were people fill there basement with diapers not because they have a child or need the diapers but because it's all about the coupons.


But then there is a thread just started were people have concerns about cruising Celebrity because the pizza is not as good as on Princess. Really?


If X gave credit for fully paid cruises not sailed then the rant would be moved to those who had booked but not paid.

They drew a line and I am betting they will stand by it but keep howling at the moon if it makes you feel better.


I have sailed insides,ocean view, balconies, Aqua class, transAtlantic's, 11 day cruises and 18 day nothing shorter then 7 and Azamara.


I would say Celebrity has made it a fairer program by going to a given number of points for a specific class of cabin per day.

It may be harder to hit levels but it is a more level playing field. You pay your money you get your points.

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It is foriegn thinking to me that one would book a cruise simply to accrue points just as I find it hard to believe the cruise experience is secondary to the points and someone would cancel a cruise based on the lack of points.

Sounds like coupon clipping were people fill there basement with diapers not because they have a child or need the diapers but because it's all about the coupons.


But then there is a thread just started were people have concerns about cruising Celebrity because the pizza is not as good as on Princess. Really?


If X gave credit for fully paid cruises not sailed then the rant would be moved to those who had booked but not paid.

They drew a line and I am betting they will stand by it but keep howling at the moon if it makes you feel better.


I have sailed insides,ocean view, balconies, Aqua class, transAtlantic's, 11 day cruises and 18 day nothing shorter then 7 and Azamara.


I would say Celebrity has made it a fairer program by going to a given number of points for a specific class of cabin per day.

It may be harder to hit levels but it is a more level playing field. You pay your money you get your points.

Exactly; there is no way for Celebrity to make everyone happy.

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The Myth: Celebrity designed the new program as a response to those who complained about too many Elites and the ease of reaching the Elite Level.


The Truth: Celebrity designed the new program as a way a containing the overall cost of the loyalty program.


Discussion: When the program was originally designed Celebrity miscalculated how successful it would be in attracting new business. One source with close connections to the Miami office told me about 3 years ago that there were many discussions about the program around the board room and once the benefits were announced it was too late to make reductions. In the earliest days there were a relatively few numbers of Elites and there was no problem holding the Happy Hour in Michael's Club. Two things happened to change that. As time went on more people made the Elite Level. Second, perhaps more importantly, RCCL and X agreed to a receprocity. Thus, a large number of RCCL cruisers were now attending the Elite Hour. On some of my cruises, especially Trans Atlantics, there were as many as 800-1000 Elites onboard. Eventually Celebrity developed a system of vouchers. Many fought the idea at first (including me), but later came to favor the idea. There are many threads on this. Vouchers really solved the overcrowding situation. The real problem for Celebrity was that the number of people reaching the Elite Level was growing at a high rate. The vouchers satisfied the demand, but the cost to Celebrity continued to esculate. The answer was to create a new program that would slow the flow into Elite and that was accomplished. Two additional levels were created beyond Elite Level that would be difficult to reach if one just became Elite. We see many posting on these threads that they believe that they will never reach these new levels. I've discussed this before and won't repeat here. These levels, according to a representative of Captain's Club who spoke to me, were designed to enhance PR and Marketing. With the Zenith Level Celebrity could now claim that they had the best benefits for their most loyal guests. Another CC Rep told me that this program was a loss for Celebrity and each Zenith was costing them "thousands of dollars". Understand that the "seriously addicted" cruiser doesn't spend much for extras on board. They don't purchase photos, don't spend extra money in the shops, don't usually take ship excursions and now with Zenith benefits, don't buy drinks or pay for internet or laundry. I believe that Celebrity would rather sell a cabin to a first time cruiser or newly wed couple than a very frequent cruiser. But, the frequent cruisers might contribute by introducing new cruisers to Celebrity. they are, for the most part excellent ambassadors. I'd be glad to read analysis from others who have actual experience in the program and have had discussions with people in the Miami Office and Senior Staff on the ships.


All-in-all this is an excellent summary of the situation. I will mention (as others have) that the Elite Happy Hour in Michael's Club started many years later than the Diamond Club gatherings on RCCL AFAIK. I can understand the need to change the Celebrity program and issue drink vouchers due to overcrowding. I will say that one of the enjoyable parts of cruising with X is meeting other experienced cruisers in Michael's Club and sharing our experiences. I hope that Celebrity sets up other daily venues that will enable experienced cruisers to gather and meet one another.


Orator, reciprocity with Royal Caribbean occurred many years before Celebrity introduced the Elite Happy Hour in Michael's Club. In fact I learned about Celebrity having met a number of Elites in Royal Caribbean's Concierge Club (and oh how Diamonds on RC complained when they were tossed from the CL because of all those Celebrity Elites;)). When Celebrity implemented the HH we were already Elite on our own right. Someone in Miami is feeding you some incorrect info regarding reciprocity.


On an more upbeat note, Happy New Year and I hope our paths cross in February.:)


I just was on a RCCL cruise over the holidays and overheard a lady in the Diamond club complaining to the RCCL employee running the Diamond lounge about the Elites who come over from Celebrity and make the place crowded during happy hour.... never ending - sigh

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