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Travelers Checks


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I should hope so. I HATE that stores accept any sort of check. It's such an archaic kind of transaction, and so slow. Nothing drives me nuts more than standing in line at the store and then waiting for the person in front of me to write a check. I swear if I owned a retail establishment, there is no way I would take checks- personal or travelers.
Wow, I hope I never inconvenience you when I'm contributing to the US economy in a store using my travellers cheques. Good luck if you do ever own a retail establishment, your customer service will make it a roaring success I'm sure. :D
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I should hope so. I HATE that stores accept any sort of check. It's such an archaic kind of transaction, and so slow. Nothing drives me nuts more than standing in line at the store and then waiting for the person in front of me to write a check. I swear if I owned a retail establishment, there is no way I would take checks- personal or travelers.


Wow, I hope I never inconvenience you when I'm contributing to the US economy in a store using my travellers cheques. Good luck if you do ever own a retail establishment, your customer service will make it a roaring success I'm sure. :D


From my past experience, I found Traveler's checks not the same 'hassle' as personal checks. I agree with the archaic kind of transaction macruisefan mentioned. My patience is tested when the person is checking out in the grocery store (always seems to be there!) watching 50 items get scanned, does not bag one single item (I know its not 'their job' but it is helpful for everyone!), and at the end pulls out the check book and finally starts to fill it out. You know you are using a check. Why can't it all be pre-filled while standing there and just add a dollar amount?!


Back to the thread, I loved traveler's checks and being in a suburb of Philly, our AAA stopped using them as well. I am not 100% when I looked last, but I want to say for a 2009 Vegas trip (figured it was a good way to travel w/ money that I could not use on the casino floor in a drunken state!)

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Banks and some stand-alone offices. http://www.aetclocator.com/wheretobuy/travelerscheques/ will find outlets near-ish any address.
Very interesting. This site says the bank that I have used for years (and who gives me very good serrvice) has them. The bank says they haven't had them for about five years.:confused:



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My patience is tested when the person is checking out in the grocery store (always seems to be there!) watching 50 items get scanned, does not bag one single item (I know its not 'their job' but it is helpful for everyone!)
mmm, that explains why cashiers give me strange looks in a supermarket in the US when I bag my own goods, even more so if I have brought my own bag! Here in the UK, cashiers will ask you 'do need any help packing' and you will hear most shoppers reply 'no, thanks' and proceed to bag their groceries. In Ireland bags are not provided at all in supermarkets to eliminate the recycling of plastic, you must either take your own or carry the goods in your hands or buy a shopping bag at the check out.


For info, if any of you visit Wales, Northern Ireland or some stores in England and all stores in Scotland from Oct 2014, be prepared to pay for your plastic bags, it's the law (except for England until 2015).

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I called AAA and they said they stopped the traveler's checks because most businesses won't cash them due to ID theft. My bank does have them and said the company (I think it is American Express) charges 1% fee. I'm just not feeling comfortable taking a lot of cash for security reasons. We'll be in San Juan for 3 days prior to the cruise and was wondering if I needed to keep the cash on me whenever I was out of my room. Traveler's checks seem to be the answer if RC will cash them for me. Thanks everyone for your input. I really love Cruise Critic and all of the hints and suggestions.

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Wow, I hope I never inconvenience you when I'm contributing to the US economy in a store using my travellers cheques. Good luck if you do ever own a retail establishment, your customer service will make it a roaring success I'm sure. :D


Lighten up. I was primarily ranting about the dated concept of writing personal checks. Travelers checks don't tend to slow things down (if they take them). But they do represent a very dated modality for securely carrying money. With prepaid credit cards, gift cards, other bank cards so readily available and far more secure, I suspect fewer and fewer establishments will waste their time with traveler's checks. They may not be time consuming at the transaction, but they are a bit cumbersome for the merchant to manage once they have them.

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I was thinking the same thing. OP-where do you find your traveler's checks? I looked for some for a trip a few years back and gave up!!


In Canada I can still get them at my bank and use them to pay my on board bill to avoid the double exchange to Canadian dollars - Royal to City Bank to my Canadian Visa.

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We always carry some money in travellers checks.


Several years ago in the Caribbean - not on a cruise - we had a major storm. Power was out for several hours. Our hotel allowed charges to your room - done manually. No restaurants would take credit cards/ATM not working. Everything came to a halt.


Hotel happily gave cash for TC. It was a big help for us. Have taken TC on trips since.

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Lighten up. I was primarily ranting about the dated concept of writing personal checks..


Ive gotten it down to where I only write one check a month. Thats to the city I live in for water and sewer. The only reason I write them a check is simply because my podunk city doesnt accept anything but check or cash (and money order of course). No credit cards.


I agree. Its very dated. With that said, most retail places that still accept checks run them as an ACH charge just like its a debit card. I really dont see much difference in time in handing someone a blank check to run through a machine over handing someone a plastic card. You dont even have to sign or fill out the check anymore.


Even those places that dont, Ive never really been inconvenienced. I guess Im just never in a big hurry :)


Back when I DID write more personal checks, Id try to be polite and at least fill out what I could and sign it before I got to the check out line. So I dont inconvenience folks like yourself that are in a big hurry :D :p

Edited by ryano
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I really dont see much difference in time in handing someone a blank check to run through a machine over handing someone a plastic card. You dont even have to sign or fill out the check anymore.


I find most of those who write checks in the grocery store are senior citizens who tend to be very set in their ways. And while my local store will do that, they tend to be leary of it and still insist on writing it all out by hand. And as another poster mentioned, it never fails to amaze me how they will closely watch all 100 items be scanned, only to pull out their purse and dig for the checkbook AFTER the order has been rung up.

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Well I think it's high time this thread was brought back on track.


I believe the OP's question has been answered and so the discussion on the replacement of travellers cheques with pre-paid cards (a topic I am guilty of digressing to as they are not accepted by RCI), payment by personal cheques in grocery stores and the charges for bags in stores (again something I'm guilty of discussing) is not relevant to this discussion.

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I should hope so. I HATE that stores accept any sort of check. It's such an archaic kind of transaction, and so slow. Nothing drives me nuts more than standing in line at the store and then waiting for the person in front of me to write a check. I swear if I owned a retail establishment, there is no way I would take checks- personal or travelers.




Patience is a virtue. So is tolerance.




One I don't possess, but no one's perfect. Like so many successful professionals I'm very impatient. (Before I get flamed, I understand and acknowledge that many very successful people are patient. But studies do show that type A personalities are much more common amongst those of higher professional achievement.)

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I use travelers checks. I get mine, free of charge, at my local Credit Union without a service charge, as I am a member. My local bank does have the Visa travelers card; there is a service charge for that. Local AAA has not had them for years. They now offer the Visa travelers card.

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Well I think it's high time this thread was brought back on track.


I believe the OP's question has been answered and so the discussion on the replacement of travellers cheques with pre-paid cards (a topic I am guilty of digressing to as they are not accepted by RCI), payment by personal cheques in grocery stores and the charges for bags in stores (again something I'm guilty of discussing) is not relevant to this discussion.


Says you. Why do you believe we can only discuss things specifically related to the OP's inquiry? As you said the OP's question has been answered. So what's wrong with having a tangential discussion? I think what is being discussed is both useful and relevant to travel.

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I should hope so. I HATE that stores accept any sort of check. It's such an archaic kind of transaction, and so slow. Nothing drives me nuts more than standing in line at the store and then waiting for the person in front of me to write a check. I swear if I owned a retail establishment, there is no way I would take checks- personal or travelers.



Hope you never get in line behind me then. I still use checks when I go to the grocery store. I hope you don't get too impatient, as that may cause me to make a mistake. When that happens,I have to void the check, and start the whole check over. :eek::D:D

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Hope you never get in line behind me then. I still use checks when I go to the grocery store. I hope you don't get too impatient, as that may cause me to make a mistake. When that happens,I have to void the check, and start the whole check over. :eek::D:D


Do as you wish. But can you enlighten me as to why you choose to write checks? What benefit is actually derived from carrying around a checkbook, as opposed to paying by more modern, reliable, more secure means?

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Do as you wish. But can you enlighten me as to why you choose to write checks? What benefit is actually derived from carrying around a checkbook, as opposed to paying by more modern, reliable, more secure means?



Thank you for allowing me to do as I wish. (I would do it anyway.)


Simply speaking, it is a matter of choice. And, the last time I checked, we still have "choice" in the country.


I am not sure if any method of payment, other then cash, is really secure. Online bank accounts are hacked, charge/debit cards are hacked (look at the recent happenings with Target), and I suppose, someone could hack my checking account.


I don't do online banking, nor do I have a debit account. Most of my purchases are paid for by cash. I feel I have better control of my money.


I guess I would be interested in knowing why someone would use a bank/debit card to buy a coke. I see that frequently, I don't understand that either. However, it does not frustrate me. I chalk it up to freedom of choice.


Lastly, politically speaking, I have concerns about a cashless society.


I do have a question for you. I do not feel the need to judge you on your method of payment. Why do you feel the need to judge me? Why does it bother you?

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To the OP:


I wish travelers checks were still available.........(But Like Sleepless stated they have been discontinued from our AAA travel club for years).


For us it was a sense of security, knowing they could be replaced if stolen.


We now travel with a second credit card that has a lesser total credit line than our "busy" card.


Its the best we want to do.


Sea Ya

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Thank you for allowing me to do as I wish. (I would do it anyway.)


I think you actually understood that that was simply a conversational statement.


Simply speaking, it is a matter of choice. And, the last time I checked, we still have "choice" in the country.


"choice" as in "freedom of choice" is a right we do have. However, it does not mean that any merchant is obligated to give you unlimited choice. If that were the case, I wouldn't have to deal with merchants refusing to accept my Amex card.


I am not sure if any method of payment, other then cash, is really secure. Online bank accounts are hacked, charge/debit cards are hacked (look at the recent happenings with Target), and I suppose, someone could hack my checking account.


That is absolutely true. I check my online accounts several times a day, looking at charges, pending charges, and authorizations or holds. If I see something out of the ordinary, I flag it and notify the Amex or the card bank immediately. This is actually quite easy for me, as I have a computer on my desk up and running and it takes literally a minute or two a couple times a day.


I don't do online banking, nor do I have a debit account. Most of my purchases are paid for by cash. I feel I have better control of my money.


Honestly, in this day and age, I can't imagine NOT doing on line banking. This means that if there is an erroneous charge or access to your account, unless the bank identifies it as such and notifies you, you will have no idea this has happened until you reconcile your account at the end of the month. That leaves a LONG time for someone to access your account and wreak havoc.


I HATE debit cards. I would NEVER give a merchant direct access to my checking account. The thought of that scares the heck out of me. HOWEVER, giving them a check is even riskier. You have provided both the account number and the routing number. Give me your account number and routing number, and I can move the contents of your account into mine, then wash it into an offshore account in less time than it takes you to get a customer service rep on the phone. The next time you leave a store having paid by check just ask yourself how comfortable you are with the complete stranger behind the register having this information at his or her disposal.


I guess I would be interested in knowing why someone would use a bank/debit card to buy a coke. I see that frequently, I don't understand that either. However, it does not frustrate me. I chalk it up to freedom of choice.


I use the credit card for EVERYTHING. Typically, I use my Amex and pay it off completely at the end of the month. Why? Two reasons: First, I figure the longer I can hold onto my own money the better off I am. I know I don't earn a whole lot of interest over 15-30 days, but the principle of not giving money away any sooner than necessary appeals to me. Second, my credit card statement then becomes a comprehensive record of all my spending. I track, label and organize all my charges on line. If I pay cash, I have to save a paper receipt and incorporate that into the system.


Lastly, politically speaking, I have concerns about a cashless society.


That's great, but your real concern shouldn't be a "cashless society". Because even using cash, you are tying your financial stability to a politically validated unit of currency. If that is really your concern, you should be keeping your assets in intrinsically valuable forms (i.e. gold, silver, etc...) as keeping them in a bank in U.S. dollars is no different if you pay cash, check or use credit.


I do have a question for you. I do not feel the need to judge you on your method of payment. Why do you feel the need to judge me? Why does it bother you?


I think there is way too much emphasis on "judging" these days. Having an opinion, favorable or unfavorable about a certain practice is not really "judging" an individual. I don't judge you. Heck I don't even KNOW you! I do still hold to my belief that the practice of accepting personal checks is outdated, somewhat obsolete, and slower as far as transactions go. Is it the end of the world to have someone do it? Of course not! But while I respect your assertions I do still respectfully disagree about the wisdom of doing so, and as such, tend to look on the practice with disfavor.

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Says you. Why do you believe we can only discuss things specifically related to the OP's inquiry?
because the guidelines suggest that threads should stay relevant to the OPs original topic.


I think you actually understood that that was simply a conversational statement.




"choice" as in "freedom of choice" is a right we do have. However, it does not mean that any merchant is obligated to give you unlimited choice. If that were the case, I wouldn't have to deal with merchants refusing to accept my Amex card.




That is absolutely true. I check my online accounts several times a day, looking at charges, pending charges, and authorizations or holds. If I see something out of the ordinary, I flag it and notify the Amex or the card bank immediately. This is actually quite easy for me, as I have a computer on my desk up and running and it takes literally a minute or two a couple times a day.




Honestly, in this day and age, I can't imagine NOT doing on line banking. This means that if there is an erroneous charge or access to your account, unless the bank identifies it as such and notifies you, you will have no idea this has happened until you reconcile your account at the end of the month. That leaves a LONG time for someone to access your account and wreak havoc.


I HATE debit cards. I would NEVER give a merchant direct access to my checking account. The thought of that scares the heck out of me. HOWEVER, giving them a check is even riskier. You have provided both the account number and the routing number. Give me your account number and routing number, and I can move the contents of your account into mine, then wash it into an offshore account in less time than it takes you to get a customer service rep on the phone. The next time you leave a store having paid by check just ask yourself how comfortable you are with the complete stranger behind the register having this information at his or her disposal.




I use the credit card for EVERYTHING. Typically, I use my Amex and pay it off completely at the end of the month. Why? Two reasons: First, I figure the longer I can hold onto my own money the better off I am. I know I don't earn a whole lot of interest over 15-30 days, but the principle of not giving money away any sooner than necessary appeals to me. Second, my credit card statement then becomes a comprehensive record of all my spending. I track, label and organize all my charges on line. If I pay cash, I have to save a paper receipt and incorporate that into the system.




That's great, but your real concern shouldn't be a "cashless society". Because even using cash, you are tying your financial stability to a politically validated unit of currency. If that is really your concern, you should be keeping your assets in intrinsically valuable forms (i.e. gold, silver, etc...) as keeping them in a bank in U.S. dollars is no different if you pay cash, check or use credit.




I think there is way too much emphasis on "judging" these days. Having an opinion, favorable or unfavorable about a certain practice is not really "judging" an individual. I don't judge you. Heck I don't even KNOW you! I do still hold to my belief that the practice of accepting personal checks is outdated, somewhat obsolete, and slower as far as transactions go. Is it the end of the world to have someone do it? Of course not! But while I respect your assertions I do still respectfully disagree about the wisdom of doing so, and as such, tend to look on the practice with disfavor.

This had nothing to do with the OP question so I gave requested this thread be closed.
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Hopefully to weigh in before the thread may close --- I too use traveller's cheques, readily available by my bank, and yes I'm Canadian. I used them on my recent Oasis cruise (Dec 2013) with absolutely no problem and cashed one at the Embassy Suites with no issue. Yes, they aren't the most "modern" form but they are still available and acceptable. Sure, we could buy a pre-paid Visa card but don't flame anyone who still wants to buy/use the traveller's cheques.


To the OP -- RCI accepts them with no issue. I've cashed them at both the Guest Relations Desk and Casino. Guest Relations actually sent me to the casino once 'cause they didn't have 'low denomination bills' (I wanted 5's and 1's) -- I didn't feel put out at all having to do that -- it was the last day. :)

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mmm, that explains why cashiers give me strange looks in a supermarket in the US when I bag my own goods, even more so if I have brought my own bag! Here in the UK, cashiers will ask you 'do need any help packing' and you will hear most shoppers reply 'no, thanks' and proceed to bag their groceries. In Ireland bags are not provided at all in supermarkets to eliminate the recycling of plastic, you must either take your own or carry the goods in your hands or buy a shopping bag at the check out.


For info, if any of you visit Wales, Northern Ireland or some stores in England and all stores in Scotland from Oct 2014, be prepared to pay for your plastic bags, it's the law (except for England until 2015).


Pete, MOST shoppers bag their own, whether or not they have brought their own bags. I suspect that that is the reason that Laney gets impatient when someone doesn't.


However, as usual, it is good to remember that you cannot know everything about another person. That person in front of you may have difficulties that you cannot see.

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Lighten up. I was primarily ranting about the dated concept of writing personal checks. Travelers checks don't tend to slow things down (if they take them). But they do represent a very dated modality for securely carrying money. With prepaid credit cards, gift cards, other bank cards so readily available and far more secure, I suspect fewer and fewer establishments will waste their time with traveler's checks. They may not be time consuming at the transaction, but they are a bit cumbersome for the merchant to manage once they have them.


Gift cards are TOTALLY without any form of security. They are bearer notes. If you have it, you can use it. Steal one, and there is no way to check that you have it legitimately.


No gift cards for me instead of other forms of payment! :eek:

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