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Please be completely HONEST


Please be honest  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Please be honest

    • I do not care how I look...to anyone
    • I care how I look only to myself and possibly my partner
    • I care how I look to myself and everyone surrounding me.

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Please vote HONESTLY. No one, including myself, knows how you voted. Thank you soooo much. There has been soooo much debate on this. I would love to see TRUE honest answers from your heart.

Edited by champagne123
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I don't think I can vote in the poll. There needs to be something between wanting to look nice for myself and my partner, and wanting to look nice for everyone.


Completely honest though? If I look nice to myself (and I'm hypercritical with myself) I feel comfortable that I'll appear okay to most people who see me. There are also those days where it just doesn't come together and I feel like I look bad to everyone, but only because I feel bad about how I'm looking.


Does that make sense?

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I voted and, knowing what spurred this poll, at least in part, I feel like I want to, if it's OK, clarify my vote.:)

Caring what I look like in terms of taking pride in my appearance, is one thing. Caring what I look like in terms of what other people think of my clothes is an entirely different issue, to me any way.

I do absolutely care what image I portray - both in work and personally. I take pride in my appearance - you won't catch me in WalMart in pajamas or sweats even, that's for the house when I'm feeling particularly lazy, and my hair and makeup is done before I leave the house, whether I'm running an errand, going to work or out to dinner. I had a career in journalism that called for business suits and now am an elementary school teacher, so while I don't wear the same wardrobe to crawl around with 5 year olds as I did to lead a board meeting with newspaper execs, I still believe in taking pride in my appearance. The same is true even on "dress down" or "casual Fridays" when, at the newspaper, I told my reporters didn't translate to "dress destitute."

However, do I go on a cruise ship and obsess over what someone who isn't accompanying me on said cruise thinks of my bathing suit, formal attire or things of that nature? Nope. I dealt with that crap in grade school.

I'm generally my worst critic. If I think I look nice, and my husband is complementary, it doesn't really change my opinion of myself if some stranger thinks highly enough of their opinion to share it.

Edited by heyitsmejudy
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Magandab- That makes perfect sense.



I was surprised when I saw the poll results. With all of the comments that are posted, "dress how you want" I thought the votes would be completely different. I know it is still early, but most of these polls don't change much.


Very interesting!

Edited by luvscruising2007
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I care about what i think more than what other's do. Given that statement I chose the third choice. I have 3 20 something daughters that give me thier opinions freely, sometimes I take their advice sometimes I don't. For some reason they think I am old. :-)

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You missed an important option: I care how I look to those with whom I have important relationships, either personal or professional. For instance, when I go to the bank to secure a business loan, I care what the loan officer thinks about how I look, but when I go to the bank to make a deposit, I don't care what the teller or other bank patrons think about how I look.


Since it isn't an option, I'm choosing option 2, which is closest (but not complete).

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You missed an important option: I care how I look to those with whom I have important relationships, either personal or professional. For instance, when I go to the bank to secure a business loan, I care what the loan officer thinks about how I look, but when I go to the bank to make a deposit, I don't care what the teller or other bank patrons think about how I look.


Since it isn't an option, I'm choosing option 2, which is closest (but not complete).


That's what I mean - I "care" how I look to other people because I take pride in my appearance. However, I don't necessarily "care" how other people THINK I look. I too went with option 2 because it most accurately matched my feelings on the question.

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I only have myself to think about. Sometimes I do care about the way I look and other times I do not.....I don't ever care about what other people says about the way I look....if they are talking about me, then they are leaving someone else alone...

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I like to dress well, it feels good to me. But the fact remains that what I think looks good the next person may not like it at all.


So, I'm caught between 2 & 3. I will admire a persons style and their obvious effort to look well dressed, all the while knowing I would never wear a garment like they have on. I don't leave the house without looking in the mirror to check that what I see is acceptable to where I'm headed. So imust care what others think.


Probably the most important lesson I have learned over the years is to not categorize a person (some say judge) because of clothing. First impressions are important, but they can be so wrong.

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I went with option 2 and this is why. When I go clothes shopping I buy things that have good fit, shape, color, and an edgy chic style. When I look in the mirror in the fitting room and I feel beautiful, then it comes home with me. I don't think "Hmm, will other people think this is appropriate or looks good on me." I don't worry if my DH will like it either. After decades of being insecure, I am finally comfortable in my own skin and I only care if I feel beautiful.


I live in an area that my style is a rarity, so I dress for me. God help the person that makes a snide comment to face. :eek: Well, I would probably be a true Southern Lady and say "bless your heart." :rolleyes:


Thank y'all for all of your support and encouragement over the years.


Edited by RedHeadTexan
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My personal opinion is that caring about how you appear to others is part of most of us. If you show up for a job interview, don't you consider how your appearance will appeal to your potential employer? I consider dressing appropriately a sign of respect for those around me and adds to my professionalism. So I do care about what others think about my appearance because I think even well fitting jeans and a nice sweater looks better than pajama pants, even if I'm just running to the store. I've run into my company's Vice Presidents at the store or at the mall so you never know.


However, I also dress for my style and enjoyment. I'm not going to wear something that I don't like to make anybody else happy. I don't think that I have to sacrifice my personal style for anybody else to think that I look nice.


I can recognize that while what someone is wearing isn't my style, it looks nice on that individual.

Edited by Ehpride
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Probably the most important lesson I have learned over the years is to not categorize a person (some say judge) because of clothing. First impressions are important, but they can be so wrong.


I also think an important lesson is that first impressions are important, but first impression are about so much more than clothing.


That's where I always get hung up on people's answers to a question like this -- people seem to forget about all the other ways of making a good impression and look only to clothing as the way to make a good first impression.....Things like posture, facial expressions, eye contact, hair style, general grooming, ease of movement, air of confidence, etc. all make a huge difference - more than clothing, IMO.

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Magandab- That makes perfect sense.


I was surprised when I saw the poll results. With all of the comments that are posted, "dress how you want" I thought the votes would be completely different. I know it is still early, but most of these polls don't change much.


Very interesting!


This poll doesn't mention "dress how you want". That's an entirely different notion. I mean, anyone who answers any of the 3 choices could also be dressing how he/she wants.


I always try to look presentable and dress what I feel is my best AND most importantly, dress how I want. I'm another who won't wear sweats to shop, etc. I try to look nice when going out to dinner, and I dress appropriately for the office. I probably tend to overdress more than I underdress, just because I feel more beautiful that way. My husband couldn't care less what I wear, so I don't really dress for him. The patrons at my gym know me for wearing funky knee high socks to work out, so I dress for them when I go there, because they are let down if I have just plain ones on.


I see others sometimes who might not be wearing something that I would choose for myself, but then I remember that we are all different, and we all have different opinions of what looks good on ourselves as well as on others, so I don't judge. There are unlimited differences in fashion based on cultural norms, socio-economic statuses, etc. Who am I to tell the woman rocking a sari that it makes her butt look big? Who am I to snicker because someone feels like a queen in a swimsuit that I wouldn't choose for myself? What I wear walking down the street in my small town in Indiana might make me look like a fashion model, yet wearing the same outfit in New York City, I might look completely out of place. I embrace our differences, and I feel sad for those who have given up on trying to feel beautiful, whatever that might mean to that person. I also feel sad for those who can't see others as being beautiful because they might not look the same or wear the same things.


Also, I would argue that "I care how I look to myself and everyone surrounding me" is futile unless you are always surrounding yourself with only people who think the same way you think. You could have 60 people think you look amazing and appreciate your efforts, and the other 40 thinking the color is wrong, or it's too low cut, or it isn't right for your figure, etc. It's futile. Yet most of us do it. :-)

Edited by LrgPizza
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I don't think I can vote in the poll. There needs to be something between wanting to look nice for myself and my partner, and wanting to look nice for everyone.


Completely honest though? If I look nice to myself (and I'm hypercritical with myself) I feel comfortable that I'll appear okay to most people who see me. There are also those days where it just doesn't come together and I feel like I look bad to everyone, but only because I feel bad about how I'm looking.


Does that make sense?


Amy, I didn't vote either....the choices are too "cut and dry".....(to

me anyway).

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I'm sort of a mix. If I want to be utterly relaxed and casual, I'll schlep around in PJs if I feel like it. OTOH, when it's time to be spiffy, I go all the way - a couple of hours polishing my dress shoes, starch and press my shirt, tie, etc.; Brasso my belt buckle and buckle tab, lint roller over everything :) I figure to spend from about 1500 to 1700 on the days there's formalwear, prepping my kit. Which reminds me of another question for my travel agent - do the cabins have irons and ironing boards? Or in the self-service laundry?


ETA: To clarify, I'll schlep around in PJs at home - or in our cabin. I wouldn't do that onboard :)

Edited by Jackytar
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I went with option 2 and this is why. When I go clothes shopping I buy things that have good fit, shape, color, and an edgy chic style.

I picked option 2 as well since I buy what I think looks good on me.


When I look in the mirror in the fitting room and I feel beautiful, then it comes home with me.

I can't say I think I look beautiful but it has to make me feel good. In the last 2 1/2 years finding clothes has been a real challenge. After surgery on my spinal cord I've been left with nerve trauma and nerve damage that has caused a bulge on my front left side. Very hard finding clothes that help to hide Mr. Bulge. Hopefully, at some point the nerves will regenerate and I will get back to some sort of normalcy.


I don't think "Hmm, will other people think this is appropriate or looks good on me."

I don't give other people a second thought.


I don't worry if my DH will like it either.

I don't worry about what DH thinks either. Unless it's for some very special occassion, I would have to dance nekkid in front of the TV for him to notice something new.:D


After decades of being insecure, I am finally comfortable in my own skin and I only care if I feel beautiful.

As well you should, you looked great in all your cruise review pictures, espcially the blue dress. Meant to comment on you formal picture. Wouldn't you marry Walt all over again in that tux?:) There's something about a man, well, DH in a tux. Be still my heart.



I live in an area that my style is a rarity, so I dress for me. God help the person that makes a snide comment to face. :eek: Well, I would probably be a true Southern Lady and say "bless your heart." :rolleyes:

My style isn't edgy, it just fits in to where I live. I love the "bless your heart" but I don't think too many northeners know what it can mean.:D


Thank y'all for all of your support and encouragement over the years.


Did you see the quote by Eleanor Roosevelt I posted?;)

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I'm sort of a mix. If I want to be utterly relaxed and casual, I'll schlep around in PJs if I feel like it. OTOH, when it's time to be spiffy, I go all the way - a couple of hours polishing my dress shoes, starch and press my shirt, tie, etc.; Brasso my belt buckle and buckle tab, lint roller over everything :) I figure to spend from about 1500 to 1700 on the days there's formalwear, prepping my kit. Which reminds me of another question for my travel agent - do the cabins have irons and ironing boards? Or in the self-service laundry?


ETA: To clarify, I'll schlep around in PJs at home - or in our cabin. I wouldn't do that onboard :)

Depends on the line. None have irons and boards in the cabins but some have self-serve laundries, Princess and Cunard for sure. With the way I pack, I never have to iron anything so can't be sure about Celebrity, NCL, or RCCL. I think some line may bring an iron and board to use in your cabin and I'm sure someone will either verify that or nix it. If you just want something pressed, the per item cost is not much.

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FIRST....please allow me to thank everyone that participated. There were so many great points of view. To the lovely ladies that said they did not vote "because"....I understand that there are many, many circumstances. I wanted to keep the main three and not go off into different avenues. There are times that I run out the door with no makeup....hair not done.....etc.....but for the most part, I DO care what everyone thinks.


For the ladies that stated "I cannot believe how many women voted #3", I too was VERY surprised for the same reason posted. All I read on the Fashion threads is, do and wear what you want. Who cares what other people think...yet twice as many people voted #3.


I greatly appreciate everyone that voted.....and took the time to state their true feelings.

My honesty? I would LOVE for cruising to be the way it used to be. I look at the lady that does all of the world cruises (Marie?) and I see all of her beautiful gowns and dresses and I think "oh, how I wish all cruises were like that again"......Please..please..please do not bring up the airline fees for luggage....I understand completely....but if you take that out of the equation....



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Was there a poll here ? If so, it didn't show up on the Tapatalk app on my iPad. I am now quite confused ... From the comments I can't really tell what was being asked.


Hi Janine, it is asking if you care how you look....for you and your


For everyone?

Or you don't care how you look?

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