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Our heavenly week became the cruise from hell


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I guess it depends on what is worth it to you. This was my fifth or sixth cruise out of NYC and have always hit some rough weather but not like this. There is a big difference between some rough weather and the sustained hour after hour of that fierce storm. It's not worth the risk to me to have that much of my vac be that unpleasant again.

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I respect your right to feel the way you do about future cruises. I was not there to experience that very rough night, so I am in no position to judge. However, I didn't agree with your need to conjecture about the captain; you only based those opinions on hearsay.


By the way, I did read your posts on the other thread about the earlier parts of your cruise, where you detailed the "positive" aspects. I enjoyed your posts there; thank you! That thread received more than 1000 views, so it did get a lot of attention (certainly not as much as this one!). But as others noted, it's not the type of thread that will generate a lot of discussion.

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My first cruise was on a ship that held only 800 passengers and I was sick back and forth to Bermuda. Who knew waves could be so big (before I found CC)


Ten cruises later I was caught in Sandy for days and I came home ready for another cruise.


Dont let bad weather and rough seas stop you from cruising. You cant control the weather and have faith the captain is doing all they can to keep you safe.

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I enjoy reading reviews. I only comment when there is something to add. My friends on a RCL came home earlier on Sunday since the Captain said it was weather related. They were trying to rush to get away from the storm. So NCL wasn't the only ship rushing home. We are going on our eleventh cruise this year. Our first could have been our last since we ran from Hurricane Andrew. That was the night from you know where. We did not blame the Captain when he tried to turn away from the storm. All the glassware and liquor bottles flew off shelves. We all went flying through the aisles. The cruise was in August. There could be weather issues any month of the year.

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My dh and I were on the same sailing. The ship were rocking very badly. My dh got very sick and were in bed the following day. Please don't let this prevent you from sailing again. Every staff member were very nice. Especially the ladies by the dining areas. Love it when they say washy washy and then spray your hands. Love that the food were served hot especially the soup. We felt that there were not much variety. There is one side of the menu that is standard with steak, fish, chicken and pasta. Then the other side of menu changes daily. The ship is on the smaller size. On certain days they will show a movie in the atrium. We thought that this is a poor chose to show the movie. This is a heavy traffic area. The customer service, shop, java cafe, cruise consultant are all in the atrium area so it was pretty hard to hear the movie. Wish the movie were showed in the Stardust theater. I enjoyed the entertainment. We went to the nightly shows. I loved the production shows. The comedian were funny. And the magic show were okay. We enjoyed the ports at least most of the ports. San Juan we did lots of shopping. Bought lots of change purses at Coach for a very reasonable price. Great for Christmas gifts. Found great sales at Polo and Tommy Hilfiger. Had a wonderful Spanish dinner. St Thomas had the best prices for liquor. Bought ten bottles of Hennessey. The port that we did not enjoy were Sanama in SD. It's a very poor area. It was sad to see how people lived. Made us feel that much more blessed. Had to take a tender over to Sanama. The air conditioner were not working it got very hot. A very uncomfortable ride. Not much to do in Sanama. Can't understand why NCL had it as a port stop. Most people we've spoken to didn't enjoy Sanama. If anyone has been to Sanama, please let me know where you went and if you enjoy it. Perhaps my dh and I just didn't know where to go.

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My dh and I were on the same sailing. The ship were rocking very badly. My dh got very sick and were in bed the following day. Please don't let this prevent you from sailing again. Every staff member were very nice. Especially the ladies by the dining areas. Love it when they say washy washy and then spray your hands. Love that the food were served hot especially the soup. We felt that there were not much variety. There is one side of the menu that is standard with steak, fish, chicken and pasta. Then the other side of menu changes daily. The ship is on the smaller size. On certain days they will show a movie in the atrium. We thought that this is a poor chose to show the movie. This is a heavy traffic area. The customer service, shop, java cafe, cruise consultant are all in the atrium area so it was pretty hard to hear the movie. Wish the movie were showed in the Stardust theater. I enjoyed the entertainment. We went to the nightly shows. I loved the production shows. The comedian were funny. And the magic show were okay. We enjoyed the ports at least most of the ports. San Juan we did lots of shopping. Bought lots of change purses at Coach for a very reasonable price. Great for Christmas gifts. Found great sales at Polo and Tommy Hilfiger. Had a wonderful Spanish dinner. St Thomas had the best prices for liquor. Bought ten bottles of Hennessey. The port that we did not enjoy were Sanama in SD. It's a very poor area. It was sad to see how people lived. Made us feel that much more blessed. Had to take a tender over to Sanama. The air conditioner were not working it got very hot. A very uncomfortable ride. Not much to do in Sanama. Can't understand why NCL had it as a port stop. Most people we've spoken to didn't enjoy Sanama. If anyone has been to Sanama, please let me know where you went and if you enjoy it. Perhaps my dh and I just didn't know where to go.


I've never taken an excursion in Samana, but I have twice done the Cayo Levantado Beach. It was wonderful. I've read on CC that next year they are replacing it with Tortola.:mad:

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We have been both on ex-tempore private tour in Samana and also on NCL's excursion to Caya Levantado - liked them both. For the tour we mainly just drove around sightseeing (well, sceneryseeing) and the stopped by the trail that leads to the waterfall. My mother and her husband stayed there at a small local bar terrace drinking local beer and me and my GF walked to the waterfall through a river guided by a early teen boy that helped us tremendously (it was a rainy and slippery day even though it didn't rain that much until we got almost back from the trail).


Cayo Levantado is easily one of the best beach experiences we've had and the direct tender from the ship to the beach made it even easier and more comfortable, because of that I actually feel kind of sad that NCL will be leaving Samana. It's a really nice, large enough beach with nice enough facilities.

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In Samana, we did the rainforest hike to natural cascades, etc and loved this excursion. We thought the island was lush with natural beauty and the people we encountered were warm and welcoming. While we had no problems whatsoever, we heard that there can be some safety issues and that it is best not to venture too far on your own.

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What I didn't realize when posting my first reply: how come can an experienced cruiser say that one unexpected weather incident would turn a whole "heavenly week" into a "cruise from hell"?


I do understand that bad weather isn't too nice but to my understanding that would make it a "night from hell" at most. Bad weather happens sometimes, that's just a normal part of cruising.


That's my thought as well.


I do know that it is hell to be in 26 foot swells. I have unfortunately been there/done that on our way to Bermuda with the tail end of a hurricane. It's not fun by any means. But it didn't cause my cruise to be awful....just that day/night.

Plus, Bonine is certainly my friend.


I will repeat that but maybe look to heading out of Florida from now on..


This is a good plan! We cruise often in Feb and always out of Miami (southern route). The seas are typically like glass...plus the temps in the s. Caribbean are always fabulous in the winter.

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Again, the 26 ft waves were after it calmed down. That was not a deal breaker for me but the hours and hours of the preceding night (that made 26 ft waves feel ok) was a deal breaker for me. Everyone has to determine their own level of what they are willing to risk.

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Again, the 26 ft waves were after it calmed down. That was not a deal breaker for me but the hours and hours of the preceding night (that made 26 ft waves feel ok) was a deal breaker for me. Everyone has to determine their own level of what they are willing to risk.


That must have been a terrible storm. I can see why you were upset. I don't know what the captain was thinking. Maybe the storm was going to be worse so he headed back in the bad weather to get away from worse weather?

I still remember my second cruise. We had rough weather there too. We were in a reception line and the guy in front of us asked if the seas were always this bad.

The captain smiled and said, "Bad, this isn't bad." I guess its a matter of perspective.

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We were on this cruise also. The waves were not only very large but lasted for a very long time(24 hours or more). The waves were different also. A 35 foot swell is pretty easy to get through, up one side and down the other. The waves here were "peaking" which means there were at least 2 factors creating the waves. When wind and current or 2 storms are working against one another you get that peaking effect. The waves themselves were going one direction but the peaking effect causes the ship to get hit by the larger tops of waves going in a little different direction, if this makes sense. Anyway I have driven boats through bad storms and yes a big swell can actually be a fun ride going up and down. I once drove a 36 foot boat through 16 foot swells, no problem, but if there had been 10 foot peaking waves the trip would have been to dangerous to take.

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We have had the most wonderful time on The Gem (February 8-February 17) and my review was going to gush over the near perfect vacation. But yesterday, we were in such rough conditions, I do not think that I will ever take another cruise. We have just become platinum level, too. I do not know yet what the specifics were last night but suffice it to say how relieved I am this morning and the conditions are listed as 26.2 ft waves and 41 knots wind speed. It's still difficult to stand or walk but it is not harrowing like it was from approx 8 pm till 3am. I cannot understand how we did not hang back near Florida for several extra hours yesterday instead of sailing right into this thing. Earlier this week, the captain made reference to his 8:00 flight home on Monday and we are now wondering if that is an am flight or pm flight. I am sad to think that we forged ahead to ensure an early arrival for his convenience.


This ain't so bad. When we cruised to Bermuda a few years ago, we hit 30 ft waves and 70 knots wind. That's right! 70 knots wind and the waves were up to deck 9 and only 10 people showed in the dining room. During the morning of the rough seas, half off the passengers were hunkered down and some of the kids were vomited right on the dining room tables and we had to get up and moved to the far, far end table because of the smell. However, people just forgot all about it when we got to Bermuda and the return trip was nice and sunny. This was in June and we all had a great time.

Edited by cruise_alot123
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My wife and I were also on this cruise, and although it was a rough night, we were lucky enough to avoid illness. The most disturbing issue we had was the banging of the closet doors and drawers in the cabin, which we attempted to remedy with bungy cords we had brought on for carrying off the duty free. As was stated earlier, the next day was much smoother and we were able to enjoy the last day of the cruise.


In regards to the Captain, we were fortunate to meet him personally and to clarify, he did not have an 8:00AM flight, additionally we met him the afternoon of the rough seas and he stated that he would be increasing the speed of the ship to get through it as quickly as possible as the forecast was showing there was no way around it and that the high winds and rough seas would last until North Carolina, which it did.


As many of you would prefer to hear some good things, our nine days were great, the crew was awesome, as was Pearl, the concierge. We were on the same cruise a year earlier and we found the food this year was much better.

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We have had the most wonderful time on The Gem (February 8-February 17) and my review was going to gush over the near perfect vacation. But yesterday, we were in such rough conditions, I do not think that I will ever take another cruise. We have just become platinum level, too. I do not know yet what the specifics were last night but suffice it to say how relieved I am this morning and the conditions are listed as 26.2 ft waves and 41 knots wind speed. It's still difficult to stand or walk but it is not harrowing like it was from approx 8 pm till 3am. I cannot understand how we did not hang back near Florida for several extra hours yesterday instead of sailing right into this thing. Earlier this week, the captain made reference to his 8:00 flight home on Monday and we are now wondering if that is an am flight or pm flight. I am sad to think that we forged ahead to ensure an early arrival for his convenience.


We have never had a really horrible rough sea situation: we have had a few I would like to forget, but not like what you are describing, thank God. Why the captain made the choice no one really knows, but to think it was because he had a flight, is suggestion something that might e very incorrect. In fact it is over the top. None of us are professional sailors and do not understand situations. There are many reasons he may have made the decision he did. As horrible as the experience must have been, you did return home safely, thank heavens. I will add just one more thing; ships can withstand a lot, I doubt your safety was ever really at risk, you just are not accustom to how strong these storms can be I suspect.

Edited by newmexicoNita
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My wife and I were also on this cruise, and although it was a rough night, we were lucky enough to avoid illness. The most disturbing issue we had was the banging of the closet doors and drawers in the cabin, which we attempted to remedy with bungy cords we had brought on for carrying off the duty free. As was stated earlier, the next day was much smoother and we were able to enjoy the last day of the cruise.


In regards to the Captain, we were fortunate to meet him personally and to clarify, he did not have an 8:00AM flight, additionally we met him the afternoon of the rough seas and he stated that he would be increasing the speed of the ship to get through it as quickly as possible as the forecast was showing there was no way around it and that the high winds and rough seas would last until North Carolina, which it did.


As many of you would prefer to hear some good things, our nine days were great, the crew was awesome, as was Pearl, the concierge. We were on the same cruise a year earlier and we found the food this year was much better.


Thank you for posting your dealings with the captain, hope the OP has finally got the message that the captain had no options.


Glad you had an amazing cruise!

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I'm never going to take a vacation again, because it might be cloudy one of the days.





OP: if you're ever in a situation like that and you want to see what the surrounding seas are like (to see if one could circumnavigate the waves), this site might prove useful: http://www.stormsurfing.com/cgi/display.cgi?a=natla_height

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Information is the best way to deter rumors so it would have been very helpful for the captain to have made that announcement to all in that time frame. His morning announcement that it might be a little bumpy tonight did more harm than good. The more accurate and plentiful the information, the better. Reassuring words from the captain would have gone a long way to make many feel at least a little better. Speculation was running wild at dinner among many and that was before it got real bad. Again, the captain did state (a couple days earlier) that he had an 8:00 flight and if you think that I was the only one on that ship wondering about it, think again. So, a great cruise on almost all counts ended in a negative enough experience for me that I don't wish to repeat it. Whether that means no cruises or no cruises out of NYC, I don't know yet.

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I'm never going to take a vacation again, because it might be cloudy one of the days.





OP: if you're ever in a situation like that and you want to see what the surrounding seas are like (to see if one could circumnavigate the waves), this site might prove useful: http://www.stormsurfing.com/cgi/display.cgi?a=natla_height


We did find that website that night when we were anxiously trying to get some info. It looked to us as though holding back a little would have been a better idea than rushing into the storm.

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Sorry for the rough return - we are headed out next week and hoping for calmer seas. I was trying to follow your sail away post, sounded like a good time! Any Gem or port tips, hints, updates from the "better" part of your trip?? First time on the Gem for us.

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We were on this cruise also. The waves were not only very large but lasted for a very long time(24 hours or more). The waves were different also. A 35 foot swell is pretty easy to get through, up one side and down the other. The waves here were "peaking" which means there were at least 2 factors creating the waves. When wind and current or 2 storms are working against one another you get that peaking effect. The waves themselves were going one direction but the peaking effect causes the ship to get hit by the larger tops of waves going in a little different direction, if this makes sense. Anyway I have driven boats through bad storms and yes a big swell can actually be a fun ride going up and down. I once drove a 36 foot boat through 16 foot swells, no problem, but if there had been 10 foot peaking waves the trip would have been to dangerous to take.


I don't get sea sick, Im pretty lucky but I feel for those people who do get sick and had to endure 24 hours of that.

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No... the pilot boat isn't there to provide rides to ships captains...and their luggage...and their families. As soon as they dropped off the pilot for the Gem the pilot boat would have headed off to either drop off or pick up another pilot.


Besides, it's dangerous to transfer to and from the pilot boat. They generally climb a Jacob's ladder...a flexible ladder made with ropes or chains.


Trust me this captain did not have an 8AM flight that day, he was just kidding, perhaps trying to lighten up a situation that was not pleasant to others. That is whats so annoying about this post, not that people don't like big waves but the fact that someone would accuse a captain of harming passengers just to make his flight is ridiculous!

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My wife and I were also on this cruise, and although it was a rough night, we were lucky enough to avoid illness. The most disturbing issue we had was the banging of the closet doors and drawers in the cabin, which we attempted to remedy with bungy cords we had brought on for carrying off the duty free. As was stated earlier, the next day was much smoother and we were able to enjoy the last day of the cruise.


In regards to the Captain, we were fortunate to meet him personally and to clarify, he did not have an 8:00AM flight, additionally we met him the afternoon of the rough seas and he stated that he would be increasing the speed of the ship to get through it as quickly as possible as the forecast was showing there was no way around it and that the high winds and rough seas would last until North Carolina, which it did.


As many of you would prefer to hear some good things, our nine days were great, the crew was awesome, as was Pearl, the concierge. We were on the same cruise a year earlier and we found the food this year was much better.


I would have bet my house on the fact that the captain DID NOT HAVE A 8 AM flight. I wonder why the original poster has not addressed that issue since it seems to be what has made most of us wonder why she would accuse a captain of either putting them in danger or making their life miserable, all 4000 of them, so he didn't miss a flight.

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Trust me this captain did not have an 8AM flight that day, he was just kidding, perhaps trying to lighten up a situation that was not pleasant to others. That is whats so annoying about this post, not that people don't like big waves but the fact that someone would accuse a captain of harming passengers just to make his flight is ridiculous!


There have been many posts made to let me know that my original post was not appreciated and that's fair enough. Not everyone agrees with everyone (hence part of the success of these boards). Your post however, is extremely insulting and out of line. Trust you? Why? You were not there, what we had was not big waves, you did not hear any of the captain's announcements, you do not acknowledge that I asked about this flight info with my concierge, and you do not even realize that the announcement came before this incident in a completely different context. I NEVER suggested that he would deliberately do harm; I was speaking only of discomfort and have already addressed that.

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Sorry for the rough return - we are headed out next week and hoping for calmer seas. I was trying to follow your sail away post, sounded like a good time! Any Gem or port tips, hints, updates from the "better" part of your trip?? First time on the Gem for us.


Of course. I hope to pull together a review soon. Most of the trip was great and you are bound to have a good time. I will be pulling for good weather for you!!

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