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Attention Flowboarders!


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Until you have ridden on a higher quality board or one made by a different company, you really have no idea what you are missing. I too did not realized the difference til I tried riding an Ash flowboard a few months back for the first time. I have now purchased one and was planning on using on the Independence in 11 days (I hope they will let me, but now I am hearing I may have issues).


Historically, they have only allowed WaveLoch branded flowboards to be used. Everytime I've brought my boards they've checked for the WaveLoch logo before allowing me to use it.

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Historically, they have only allowed WaveLoch branded flowboards to be used. Everytime I've brought my boards they've checked for the WaveLoch logo before allowing me to use it.


I wonder if it might come down to Waveloch informing/telling RC that they will only do warranty work if Waveloch boards are used on RCs Flow riders. For example "our boards are the only ones approved for our Flow rider" and anything else is at the owner's (RC's) peril.


Just a thought.

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This is for your own safety. Lets say you got hurt using your own surf board that is not designed for the Flowrider and you got hurt. Royal Caribbean will investigate and realize that you used your own surfboard.


If more and more people bring their own surfboards and try to use them you may ruin the Flowrider experience for others because they will decide its too much of a risk to operate it.


As it is there have been accidents on the Flowrider using their own surfboards.



I hope Mr. Goldstein will not allow the use of personal surfboards on the Flowrider. This could void the insurance that Royal Caribbean subscribes to.


Its just like rental homes if you want to use a Trampoline your renters insurance has to cover this as its not the landlords responsibility if you get hurt especially if the lease states that its forbidden to use a trampoline.

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I wonder if it might come down to Waveloch informing/telling RC that they will only do warranty work if Waveloch boards are used on RCs Flow riders. For example "our boards are the only ones approved for our Flow rider" and anything else is at the owner's (RC's) peril.


Just a thought.


I think it's a holdover from the early days. When the FlowRiders were first being installed they wanted to make sure that only WaveLoch boards were used (stand up and boogie) because they are different from whatever else was out there. But now there are legitimate third party choices (Ash was mentioned earlier) and many of the pros are using the third party boards.


So this may be something that has already changed or will change in the future in regards to what allowable.

Edited by tahqa
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I wonder if it might come down to Waveloch informing/telling RC that they will only do warranty work if Waveloch boards are used on RCs Flow riders. For example "our boards are the only ones approved for our Flow rider" and anything else is at the owner's (RC's) peril.


Just a thought.


I imagine that this is the case.



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Someone recently said that there had been no BOB for their Allure sailing, even though there were enough good riders to hold one. More curious than anything.


We had no BOB on Oasis in mid January, and there were people who could out surf anyone who had won BOB on two previous Flowrider cruises I had been on.


jc<----- who competed in BOB and comparatively shouldn't have.


Sorry JC, I was referencing you but named the wrong ship. I will have to wait to see if they have it on our Oasis cruise next week.

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I wonder if it might come down to Waveloch informing/telling RC that they will only do warranty work if Waveloch boards are used on RCs Flow riders. For example "our boards are the only ones approved for our Flow rider" and anything else is at the owner's (RC's) peril.


Just a thought.


Tell that to the member of the Sports Deck staff who during the Oasis Flow Show surfed on a menu from the Seafood Shack! :p


Anyway, I saw them checking the boards last time on Oasis to make sure they were Wave Loch boards, and another cruiser mentioned he had an Ash board at home but didn't bring it because they only allowed Wave Loch boards. For this reason I made sure I bought a Wave Loch board.

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Sorry JC, I was referencing you but named the wrong ship. I will have to wait to see if they have it on our Oasis cruise next week.


No problem, I wish I had been on the Allure too. :D There was a gentleman from Winnipegg who had his own board. I didn't see the point of buying the exact same board that they have on the ship. After reading this thread this morning, I went to the Waveloch web page and wondered if the boards that are different than the ones on the ship would be a good thing to buy or not.:confused:



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No problem, I wish I had been on the Allure too. :D There was a gentleman from Winnipegg who had his own board. I didn't see the point of buying the exact same board that they have on the ship. After reading this thread this morning, I went to the Waveloch web page and wondered if the boards that are different than the ones on the ship would be a good thing to buy or not.:confused:





I bought a Carve model, which is supposed to help you...well....carve...


It definitely made it easier to carve, and the problem that I had on the ship where the board would fly out from under me when I tried sharp carves immediately disappeared. My DS has also been using it and he quickly went from just being able to get up and go straight on the ships' boards to carving as well.

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Just playing devils advocate here, but is it really so much of a big deal that people need to email Adam Goldstein? How much time do you spend on the Flowrider anyway? Just think of it as one less (large and bulky) thing you have to carry. :)



Your comments just indicate that you don't understand the sport. It's a lot like golf, would you suggest that everyone just leave their clubs at home and use any clubs that happen to be at the course. I doubt it. Using any clubs that you find at the course probably would have a significant effect on the score, but the golfers would not have as much fun. And yes, Adam, or his representatives, need to respond because it does affect a lot of cruisers that only cruise for the Flowrider.

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Your comments just indicate that you don't understand the sport. It's a lot like golf, would you suggest that everyone just leave their clubs at home and use any clubs that happen to be at the course. I doubt it. Using any clubs that you find at the course probably would have a significant effect on the score, but the golfers would not have as much fun. And yes, Adam, or his representatives, need to respond because it does affect a lot of cruisers that only cruise for the Flowrider.


I couldn't agree more here. As both a golfer and flow boarder it does make a difference. More so in golf however as I always play with my clubs as they are set to my liking. The same with the boards, Personally I like a shorter board for the increased maneuverability as the long ones are really just good for durability. I don't own my own board however as I would want to test out the different types before buying one which is something I don't know how to do.


To those that own your own boards did you buy directly from the wave loch site?

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I couldn't agree more here. As both a golfer and flow boarder it does make a difference. More so in golf however as I always play with my clubs as they are set to my liking. The same with the boards, Personally I like a shorter board for the increased maneuverability as the long ones are really just good for durability. I don't own my own board however as I would want to test out the different types before buying one which is something I don't know how to do.


To those that own your own boards did you buy directly from the wave loch site?



I've bought 3 boards and everyone I know has bought their boards directly from Waveloch. :D

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I bought a Carve model, which is supposed to help you...well....carve...


It definitely made it easier to carve, and the problem that I had on the ship where the board would fly out from under me when I tried sharp carves immediately disappeared. My DS has also been using it and he quickly went from just being able to get up and go straight on the ships' boards to carving as well.


So, you basically just told me to spend a few hundred bucks between now and February 2015.... Thanks buddy!:D:p



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I have purchased a Shuvit, Reverse and an Outlaw


So what would you recommend. I am 55 185 pounds, and I am merely adequate. I like to carve back and forth quickly not really into tricks (too old).


The problem I have is that it is almost impossible for most people to demo a board. When I visit the Waveloch page I am unable to really find a guide.


What model is it that they have on the ship? The basically have two sizes and all the same style from what I have noticed.



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So what would you recommend. I am 55 185 pounds, and I am merely adequate. I like to carve back and forth quickly not really into tricks (too old).


The problem I have is that it is almost impossible for most people to demo a board. When I visit the Waveloch page I am unable to really find a guide.


What model is it that they have on the ship? The basically have two sizes and all the same style from what I have noticed.




You have a similar profile as me. I'm a bit younger than you (late 40s), same weight, and love to carve (plus I drive a MINI too). I was lucky as I went to the Flowrider in Albuquerque and they had an old Carve board that someone didn't want anymore as the foam was pretty beat up. The staff asked me if I wanted to try it out, and I immediately noticed the difference. Then about an hour later the guy who runs the place came in to ride and saw me using that old board and said they had a brand-new 41" Carve they were selling, and he sold it to me for less than what the WaveLoch site sells them for. I ended up with the board and a bag for about what WaveLoch sells just the board for on the web. My board has the channels which some people say don't make a difference, but the original Carve I used didn't have them and the one I bought does, and I felt there was a difference.


As for the boards on the ship, most of the boards I have seen are the Outlaws. You may see some other ones mixed in, but most likely you have been on an Outlaw.

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I have a 42" Shuvit and a 39" Carve. My son has a 38" Shuvit (to quick for me).


I'm 5'-8" and 170 lbs (age 62).


Right now I have settled on the 39" Carve since I'm into quick turns (no tricks - too old).


The 42" Shuvit (it's for sale) is a not as quick but is more forgiving.



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I have a 42" Shuvit and a 39" Carve. My son has a 38" Shuvit (to quick for me).


I'm 5'-8" and 170 lbs (age 62).


Right now I have settled on the 39" Carve since I'm into quick turns (no tricks - too old).


The 42" Shuvit (it's for sale) is a not as quick but is more forgiving.




Hey Lou, this is John from Oasis last Halloween. As you can see I went for the Carve too. Taking it on the Navigator at the end of March. We're also booked for Allure this Halloween. I think Walter is doing B2B then too.

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I am 42 and love to ride. I am very comfortable on this ships boards long and short. If I lived closer to a Flowrider I would buy a board. I actually have 2 skim boards and we are land locked. I used to drag them to the Great Lakes beaches, Florida beaches and even golf courses after a heavy rain.


I found this page today about a flow school. It is really a page with links to youtube videos but there are some good tips. There are even 2 videos of homemade flow riders. The one breaks while it is being used. Here is the link.





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My older son is also one of those who spends just about every waking minute on the flowrider. We live in NW New Jersey and there is really not anyplace nearby with a flowrider that allows stand up (we were going to head down to one in Berlin NJ but I then heard that stand up was no longer allowed). The last few trips he spent a lot of time with people who had their own boards and they all discussed it quite a bit.


We're now sailing on Oasis in April for spring break. While he doesn't have a board now, I would think that if he continues to enjoy the sport, we would think about buying one for our trips in the future. Like others, I'd have no idea what kind of board he would need. He's 16, 5'9" and about 200 lbs (let's hope that he loses a bit over time). He loves to carve but I know that he's struggled with it. He's been asked to compete in the BOB a few times over the last cruises and he definitely thinks most times he doesn't belong there.


If any one of you will be on Oasis the week of April 12th, let me know. Jason would love to meet you and spend his time standing on line with you. This will be our first trip on an Oasis class with dual flowriders so he's pretty excited.

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My older son is also one of those who spends just about every waking minute on the flowrider. We live in NW New Jersey and there is really not anyplace nearby with a flowrider that allows stand up (we were going to head down to one in Berlin NJ but I then heard that stand up was no longer allowed). The last few trips he spent a lot of time with people who had their own boards and they all discussed it quite a bit.


We're now sailing on Oasis in April for spring break. While he doesn't have a board now, I would think that if he continues to enjoy the sport, we would think about buying one for our trips in the future. Like others, I'd have no idea what kind of board he would need. He's 16, 5'9" and about 200 lbs (let's hope that he loses a bit over time). He loves to carve but I know that he's struggled with it. He's been asked to compete in the BOB a few times over the last cruises and he definitely thinks most times he doesn't belong there.


If any one of you will be on Oasis the week of April 12th, let me know. Jason would love to meet you and spend his time standing on line with you. This will be our first trip on an Oasis class with dual flowriders so he's pretty excited.



Wish I was there with you but he will meet great people in line. I have always discovered that the friendships made in line cross all boundaries of image.


A year ago this March there were two Muslim sisters riding stand up with long pants, long sleeves shirts and Hijabs (head veil). They were out there giving it their best on day three to the end of the cruise and they were well received just like anyone else there who works hard at it. A great pair of girls who improved greatly over a handful of days. At 42 in a swim shirt, I could stand to lose a few pounds. Hopefully he can see it the same way, we all belong together as we are there for the fun.


The dual flowriders will give him a lot more ride time compared to one. Perhaps a board might be a great gift for birthday, Christmas or graduation. I would love one, bet he would too. If invited tell him to do the BOB, I would be cheering him on, just like I think everyone else on the board here would.

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