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Cruise Etiquette: What have passengers done onboard your cruise that was rude?

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That is when I stick my arm between the doors, when the doors open again, I then stick my entire body in front of the doors, wait a bit, stick my head out to see if any more are coming (hopefully there are), then look disgustingly at the culprit.


Then sometimes I do a little snicker to myself.


Me too! :D

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That is when I stick my arm between the doors, when the doors open again, I then stick my entire body in front of the doors, wait a bit, stick my head out to see if any more are coming (hopefully there are), then look disgustingly at the culprit.


Then sometimes I do a little snicker to myself.



Yes, I have seen this done. IMHO it is not a safe practice. Elevators sometimes develop faults including the malfunction of the safety feature to prevent closing doors if they are obstructed. I have experienced this twice on different elevators. And, it hurt. Also, it is a bad example to children if they see your actions. Just use the button to open the doors next time, you will still annoy the culprit.

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Yes, I have seen this done. IMHO it is not a safe practice. Elevators sometimes develop faults including the malfunction of the safety feature to prevent closing doors if they are obstructed. I have experienced this twice on different elevators. And, it hurt. Also, it is a bad example to children if they see your actions. Just use the button to open the doors next time, you will still annoy the culprit.


I think the point is the PP's obvious "in your face" standing in the door looking for and waiting for others. It is pretty darn hard to see someone coming from inside and even harder to make the point. As far as the doors closing and hurting you I would think that the person was educated enough to move before their face got smashed. I am referring to the PP in this case. I understand you got injured but without all the details I can't comment on that.


A bad idea?! I think it is a great teaching moment for the kids. It teaches them manners in not running on to the elevator in front of disabled or just plain slow walkers or people with small children and closing the door in someone else's face. It teaches them that anger and violence aren't the solution to problems. That quiet steps can be taken to solve issues.


I'm sorry but seriously, the chances of someone getting hurt by holding the door open with their hand or even their body is remote. Can it happen? Sure. I've had it happen when I have stuck my hand in at the last moment and the door kept closing. But holding the elevator doors open does not teach kids bad things. Of course they should use the button if possible but it is not always possible.


Take, for instance, I am on my scooter and my daughter is using hers. We have to let others off first and they don't necessarily hurry. We obviously can't go through the door at the same time. So one of the kids holds the door open while we scoot in. Then after we have turned around and adjusted they come in. Of course, often there are others in the elevator as well. The kids still have to leave room so they are still outside. Clearly if the elevator door started to close on them they would jump to safety whether it be inside the elevator or out.

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The rudest thing I've seen was people complaining about a sick baby and the ship having to return to Grand Caymen. In Dec 14 on Freedom a baby on board got extremely sick a couple hours after we left the island. The ship had to turn around and we missed the next port. I've never seen people be more rude. If it would have been my child I would have wanted the captain to make the same call.



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The rudest thing I've seen was people complaining about a sick baby and the ship having to return to Grand Caymen. In Dec 14 on Freedom a baby on board got extremely sick a couple hours after we left the island. The ship had to turn around and we missed the next port. I've never seen people be more rude. If it would have been my child I would have wanted the captain to make the same call.



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I can't believe there is no other option for something like that other than to turn around the ship. How many thousand people were on that ship that had already booked/paid for excursions to a port they didn't get to go to? I'm assuming excursions would be refunded if you booked through the ship.


I'm going on a 7 night, 5 port cruise. It's highly likely I will never return to any of those places again. How many people could afford to redo a cruise due to missing a port? You better believe I'd be upset if I were made to miss one.


On Caribbean cruises, most of the ports are fairly close together. I can't believe there isn't a boat service that can't pick up a sick passenger without disrupting thousands of people's vacations.



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I can't believe there is no other option for something like that other than to turn around the ship. How many thousand people were on that ship that had already booked/paid for excursions to a port they didn't get to go to? I'm assuming excursions would be refunded if you booked through the ship.


I'm going on a 7 night, 5 port cruise. It's highly likely I will never return to any of those places again. How many people could afford to redo a cruise due to missing a port? You better believe I'd be upset if I were made to miss one.


On Caribbean cruises, most of the ports are fairly close together. I can't believe there isn't a boat service that can't pick up a sick passenger without disrupting thousands of people's vacations.



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OMG! So if it was an old guy and he had hours to live your only thought is "I might not get to go snorkeling tomorrow. How rude of this guy to die during my vacation?" Wow. When someone's life is at stake whether baby, teen, 30s something or old person, how is it EVER right to b*tch because you missed a port of your vacation. Instead you should be saying "there by the grace of God go I" and be thankful it wasn't you, your better half, your mother or your child. Your attitude is the one the PP was talking about. Selfish goes to a whole different level on this one.


I can guarantee you that if I was on that ship and someone b*tched at me about having turning around to save someone's life you would have got my opinion and you would have walked away with a different attitude and some tail between your legs. My comments would have been loud and I'm sure many listening would have agreed with me making you an even smaller individual.


Thank your lucky stars that you were able to go on a cruise at all. Sorry if the baby dies and that is inconvenient to your vacation :rolleyes:. You are the epitome of me, me, me. Disgusting. I don't care how long you saved, I don't care how important the next port was to you. Someone may lose their life. BooWhoo. Poor you.


I once talked to this young kid. He said he never pulled over for fire vehicles or ambulances. He thought it was funny. So I told him that the next time I see one I hope it is his mother, grandmother or sister and I hope they die. He was horrified at my comment. He thought me a horrible person. I said, how is my comment different from yours. You don't care if someone's mother etc dies so why should I care about yours. He paused for a minute and said "I never thought of it that way. You are right. From now on I will always get out of there way."


You are no better. So the next time I see an ambulance go by I hope it is someone you love. And I hope they die. After all, I want to get to Best Buy and get the sale items they advertised and they won't be available the next day. I may never get that cheap price again.

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We had a guy get really pissed off because he thought we somehow cut in front of him in line at the beverage station in the first 5 mins of the cruise when you buy the beverage package.

There was no line, and the lady working motioned us over even though we had gotten there after him.

He then says loudly EXCUSE ME I WAS HERE FIRST WHY DID YOU PICK THEM? and sneered at us while walking up to the table.

Uhh okay....? It was to buy a soda package, and he was literally the next person in line, there's no reason to be an entitled jerk to us about it.

I felt so bad for the girl working, because he was so rude to her too.

This time I am buying it online just so I don't have to deal with that again.


Then when I was looking at a menu in front of a restaurant, and there was plenty of room next to me to read it, another man came up to read it too. then another man says EXCUSE ME to him and got in his face about not being able to read the menu.


I seriously don't get why people have to be so rude! We were reading a menu sign and there was plenty of room for other people to see it, neither one of us was blocking the whole thing.

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OMG! So if it was an old guy and he had hours to live your only thought is "I might not get to go snorkeling tomorrow. How rude of this guy to die during my vacation?" Wow. When someone's life is at stake whether baby, teen, 30s something or old person, how is it EVER right to b*tch because you missed a port of your vacation. Instead you should be saying "there by the grace of God go I" and be thankful it wasn't you, your better half, your mother or your child. Your attitude is the one the PP was talking about. Selfish goes to a whole different level on this one.


I can guarantee you that if I was on that ship and someone b*tched at me about having turning around to save someone's life you would have got my opinion and you would have walked away with a different attitude and some tail between your legs. My comments would have been loud and I'm sure many listening would have agreed with me making you an even smaller individual.


Thank your lucky stars that you were able to go on a cruise at all. Sorry if the baby dies and that is inconvenient to your vacation :rolleyes:. You are the epitome of me, me, me. Disgusting. I don't care how long you saved, I don't care how important the next port was to you. Someone may lose their life. BooWhoo. Poor you.


I once talked to this young kid. He said he never pulled over for fire vehicles or ambulances. He thought it was funny. So I told him that the next time I see one I hope it is his mother, grandmother or sister and I hope they die. He was horrified at my comment. He thought me a horrible person. I said, how is my comment different from yours. You don't care if someone's mother etc dies so why should I care about yours. He paused for a minute and said "I never thought of it that way. You are right. From now on I will always get out of there way."


You are no better. So the next time I see an ambulance go by I hope it is someone you love. And I hope they die. After all, I want to get to Best Buy and get the sale items they advertised and they won't be available the next day. I may never get that cheap price again.



So if someone is minutes or hours from dying and you just pulled out of port 2 hours ago, you're telling me the best option is to turn around a slow moving massive ship instead of sending out a much smaller and faster moving boat to do a transfer or sending a helicopter? Turning the ship around is the only method for medical evacuation? I'd say that's piss poor logistics by the cruise line.


Way to take the high road and wish death on my loved ones. I said I'd be upset. Nowhere did I say I'd rather they die than miss a port.



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I'm going on a 7 night, 5 port cruise. It's highly likely I will never return to any of those places again. How many people could afford to redo a cruise due to missing a port? You better believe I'd be upset if I were made to miss one.




In all seriousness, when you take a cruise there is no guarantee whatsoever that your itinerary will be 100% spot on. Matter of fact, you might have to cancel the entire itinerary and sail somewhere else due to weather conditions.


So, if it is of utmost importance to visit specific places, a cruise is not the way to go.

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I'm going on a 7 night, 5 port cruise. It's highly likely I will never return to any of those places again. How many people could afford to redo a cruise due to missing a port? You better believe I'd be upset if I were made to miss one.


You should read your cruise ticket contract. The cruise line can miss a port, change ports, etc. and you would have no recourse.


I'd be more than happy to miss a port, if it meant saving the life of another or making sure that they got fast and proper medical treatment.

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On the last leg of our cruise, from Cozumel to Nassau, the Captain hove to when a small boatload of Cuban refugees was sighted in the straits between Key West and Havana. The US Coast Guard was notified, and our ship stood overwatch, just in case the boat started sinking in the meanwhile, until a cutter came out to tow the boat in. This was in accordance with maritime custom of lending support to a fellow ship at sea. Our Captain announced his intentions to us passengers, and explained that it would delay us only an hour. _Still_, although most of the reactions were copcetic with his decision, I did hear a couple of people grumbling about the time it took. Really? You can't afford an hour basking in the Caribbean sunshine onboard a floating hotel/casino/mall/amusement park/tavern/pool/restaurant quarter/spa/gym/disco/theatre, whine a bunch of poor bastards are risking their live to cross open ocean to escape to a better life?????

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In all seriousness, when you take a cruise there is no guarantee whatsoever that your itinerary will be 100% spot on. Matter of fact, you might have to cancel the entire itinerary and sail somewhere else due to weather conditions.


So, if it is of utmost importance to visit specific places, a cruise is not the way to go.



So the only method to medically evac a dying passenger is to turn the ship around vs sending out a rescue boat or helicopter?



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So the only method to medically evac a dying passenger is to turn the ship around vs sending out a rescue boat or helicopter?



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Some can second guess the Captain's decision, but I'm sure he did what he felt was the fastest and safest way to get the baby back to port. No one knows how long it would have (1) taken to deploy a helicopter or rescue boat and (2) how long it would have taken to get the baby into the apparatus needed to either lower the baby down into a boat or raise it up into the helicopter and (3) how long the transfer would have taken.


If it were your baby or loved one, wouldn't you want the Captain to make the best decision for your baby/love one or would you rather him think of what is best for the other passengers?

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Some can second guess the Captain's decision, but I'm sure he did what he felt was the fastest and safest way to get the baby back to port. No one knows how long it would have (1) taken to deploy a helicopter or rescue boat and (2) how long it would take to get the baby into the apparatus needed to either lower the baby down into a boat or raise it up into the helicopter and (3) how long the transfer would have taken.


If it were your baby or loved one, wouldn't you want the Captain to make the best decision for your baby/love one or would you rather him think of what is best for the other passengers?


It may very well have been the best decision. I don't know. I'm curios to what the standard procedures are for medical evacuation. I know ship location is the greatest factor. 2 hours off the coast of Miami is going to be different than 2 hours off the coast of an island with little infrastructure and different than being half way between Hawaii and California. The person who relayed this incident didn't say if there were 10 foot seas and high winds that made a boat or helicopter transfer impossible.


What should a passenger in need of medical evacuation reasonably expect when on a ship? I've heard of ships having on board doctors. Do they do more than hand out bandaids and tylenol? I'd hope there's more resources to save a life than simply turning the boat around and hoping you survive long enough to get off.


What can a passenger expect should they have a life threatening emergency on ship?

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What should a passenger in need of medical evacuation reasonably expect when on a ship? I've heard of ships having on board doctors. Do they do more than hand out bandaids and tylenol? I'd hope there's more resources to save a life than simply turning the boat around and hoping you survive long enough to get off.


What can a passenger expect should they have a life threatening emergency on ship?

They should expect the Captain to make the decision that would get them to medical care as quickly as possible. They have a doctor onboard, but it was not and never is a pediatrician, and I would guess that the doctor onboard advised the Captain to get the baby to help asap.


Again, they can expect the Captain to make an informed decision that would get them medical care in the fastest and safest way possible, if it can not be handled by the ship's doctor. And if that means others miss a port, then so be it, as a life is more important than someone doing a shore excursion IMHO.

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So the only method to medically evac a dying passenger is to turn the ship around vs sending out a rescue boat or helicopter?



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Sometimes, yes.


Helicopters have limited range, so even if they are to be used it is frequently necessary for a ship to turn around to bet within range. Additionally, sea conditions can make it extremely dangerous to transfer a sick or injured passenger until within fairly sheltered waters. Fortunately such decisions are left to the captain rather than to ignorant and/or selfish passengers.

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So the only method to medically evac a dying passenger is to turn the ship around vs sending out a rescue boat or helicopter?



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Nowhere have I said that.


Also please note I did not even refer to anything about "medically evac". I was just pointing out that conditions / situations happen somewhat often that require changes in itinerary, from medical evacuations to weather to government unrest ..... whatever.


I have been to so some ports where I would choose death over having one of their helicopters or boats come to my rescue. I would hope that those making the decisions would do so in the best interest of those in need of the help.

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What should a passenger in need of medical evacuation reasonably expect when on a ship? (1) I've heard of ships having on board doctors. (2) Do they do more than hand out bandaids and tylenol? I'd hope there's more resources to save a life than simply turning the boat around and hoping you survive long enough to get off.



(1) Yes, most, if not all,Cruise Ships have a Doctor and usually two Nurses on board.


(2) I have been on several Cruises and heard the call for Blood Donors.

So, they are able to give Transfusions.

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I can't believe there is no other option for something like that other than to turn around the ship. How many thousand people were on that ship that had already booked/paid for excursions to a port they didn't get to go to? I'm assuming excursions would be refunded if you booked through the ship.


I'm going on a 7 night, 5 port cruise. It's highly likely I will never return to any of those places again. How many people could afford to redo a cruise due to missing a port? You better believe I'd be upset if I were made to miss one.


On Caribbean cruises, most of the ports are fairly close together. I can't believe there isn't a boat service that can't pick up a sick passenger without disrupting thousands of people's vacations.



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I've read some things on this forum over the years.


This takes it to a new (lower) level.



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I can't believe there is no other option for something like that other than to turn around the ship. How many thousand people were on that ship that had already booked/paid for excursions to a port they didn't get to go to? I'm assuming excursions would be refunded if you booked through the ship.


I'm going on a 7 night, 5 port cruise. It's highly likely I will never return to any of those places again. How many people could afford to redo a cruise due to missing a port? You better believe I'd be upset if I were made to miss one.


On Caribbean cruises, most of the ports are fairly close together. I can't believe there isn't a boat service that can't pick up a sick passenger without disrupting thousands of people's vacations.



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Maybe you shouldn't cruise then.


As they explicitly reserve the right to miss a port for any reason.

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So the only method to medically evac a dying passenger is to turn the ship around vs sending out a rescue boat or helicopter?



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Clearly a combination of the two will be quickest, now the next issue is, was there a rescue boat/helicopter available and then was it safe to transfer the patient?

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