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.......idle jottings


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4 hours ago-ish...




Very much enjoyed passing through the canal last year but...that is not a real canal!


We all know (or you should) the most beautiful canal in the world is the legendary Crinan Canal on the west coast of Scotland across the Kintyre Peninsula. Once through from Ardrishaig on Loch Fyne to Crinan, the Scottish islands beckon, all that glorious fresh air, fresh seafood and copious malt! Happy memories making the passage many times.


It's the Crinan Canal for me

I don't like the wild raging sea

You can darn your socks as you go through the locks

It's the Crinan Canal for me.


Here's a short video clip found on YouTube showing Crinan and the famous Clyde puffer "Vital Spark", captained by the lovable rogue Para Handy from the novels by Neil Munro.


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Have a great weekend chums (including all those that simply wish to only read this "drivel": very wise, very wise but still would be nice to hear from you).


Your post made me feel guilty, HH, so I'm checking in to say hello. Rest assured that I do read these postings every morning, and enjoy them. Looking forward to seeing you and Blondie in January. Enjoy your weekend, and your summer.



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By this definition, gcmv is a noble peasant, too. ;)


Wow - this yacht, the concept and the destinations fit! Herr gcmv has to think about Croatia next year with Frau gcmv AND Crystal ...:rolleyes:


Hello, fellow Noble Peasant of Heidelberg.


And you will like the design of Crystal Yacht too.

Any idea of prices ?


Tell me old chum, have you sailed on any other cruise lines other than SD & E2 ?

How would you sum up the "feel" ?



@Ho-Hum: Looks like this Crystal ship has a "soul" ... :rolleyes:;)




It HAD soul dear chum.

Then it went to a cosmetic surgeon and had the equivalent of all those "OTT" ghastly things done (breast augmentation, butt lifts, saggy eyes, tummy tucks, colon cleansing etc..) then put in "clothes" that gives the appearance of "mutton dressed as lamb" and denied it's original authenticity.

And yes the crew will be uber efficient and yet ......... and yet ........

SOUL ? How can it have ? Would love to be proved wrong.


But HH completely agrees there will be very many lining up to sail with her.......including you by all accounts.


10 months, 8 days, few hours, some minutes ago


So nice to remember! :)




Oh my God gcmv !

You are no photographer are you ?

That is awful.

You are worse than HH (not by far though).

Thank God HH was'nt invited to your home for an evening of seeing the holiday photos !

"And this is a picture of SD's funnel in the Caribbean, this is SD's funnel in Venice, this is Frau gcmv standing on the funnel, this is the crew helping Frau gcmv out of the funnel etc etc....."


But HH bets you would serve great wine though......Hum would need it, seeing an evening of photos like that !



Glad HH rekindled happy memories though.

Love to Frau gcmv.

Suggest to her a book for you at Xmas......."Photography for Dummies" !


More "bad" photos please.......you know there is actually a website for these works.


Here are a few tips old chum to help you along the way:




No need to thank Ho Hum.

Hope you are still speaking to silly old Hum.

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Very much enjoyed passing through the canal last year but...that is not a real canal!


We all know (or you should) the most beautiful canal in the world is the legendary Crinan Canal on the west coast of Scotland across the Kintyre Peninsula. Once through from Ardrishaig on Loch Fyne to Crinan, the Scottish islands beckon, all that glorious fresh air, fresh seafood and copious malt! Happy memories making the passage many times.


It's the Crinan Canal for me

I don't like the wild raging sea

You can darn your socks as you go through the locks

It's the Crinan Canal for me.


Here's a short video clip found on YouTube showing Crinan and the famous Clyde puffer "Vital Spark", captained by the lovable rogue Para Handy from the novels by Neil Munro.




So beautiful !

And all those distilleries nearby !


Fancy a dram right now with Haggis, neeps and tatties.

And the air ! Oooooo so refreshing.


Now HH must confess he has never heard of Para Handy.

HH thinks he would have loved these books judging by the outline HH read on Wikipedia.

Oh HH loves that comic camaraderie of working guys in a fabulous setting.

The nostalgia for continuity of people, places, society.

You know when you are getting old when you hear yourself saying "Everything is changing too fast".


Nothing like low market "Still Game" (a Hum favourite) HH supposes.

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Your post made me feel guilty, HH, so I'm checking in to say hello. Rest assured that I do read these postings every morning, and enjoy them. Looking forward to seeing you and Blondie in January. Enjoy your weekend, and your summer.



Sorry Zimmy....no need for guilt.

Just did'nt want people feel this was a cliquey "hang out" that's all.

Blondie and HH look forward to seeing you both.

Let's have dinner together outside like the last time which we enjoyed tremendously.

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Oh shut up Ho Hum !


Well that is what SD Management have effectively done to Ho Hum !

How so you may ask ?

Well they have improved in a myriad number of ways to behold.

Even the dreaded Reservations Department is errr.....better......a lot better.

HH has NOTHING to complain about !


You are just saying that HH because they gave you that free voyage.

They bought you off matey boy.

Well "greasing Hum's palm" certainly helps.

But do not be so cynical.......it was a genuinely nice thing to do.

It shows THEY DO respect US.......all of US.


And "lookee" here at Hum's OCD Guest Comment Card !

No jotting a few words for Hum...oh no.

It is a ruddy equivalent to an USPH INSPECTION WITH ATTITUDE !


And they reviewed every point.

OMG what has Ho Hum done ?

HH does'nt expect them to really read it, let alone have meetings about it on both ship and shore !

Ye Gods, what the hell did HH say ?

How will HH be welcomed onboard next time ?

Was HH too cruel ?

Hearing how HH's shares in Chinese Technology plummeted the day before may have seriously effected the comments.

Is HH really that shallow ?

Cue Abenaki to answer that one.....the veritable "bad penny" supplier of free nails for HH's coffin. Will hammer them home too.....no extra charge.


But seriously are you not impressed.


Well HH is very impressed and especially with the lady at SDHQ who may not wish to be mentioned...so HH wont.


HH did'nt think he would EVER say this BUT GOOD JOB SD SHORESIDE MANAGEMENT.

You are actually really nice when we get to know you.


And it is such a pleasure to say it too.

Maybe then this is the end of Ho Hum....this is Cruise Critic.....but less and less to criticise.

Ho Hum, that's life.


PS In HH's defence, he scores certain departments 10 plus ADDS his own extra star system for service that exceeds the basic 10.

So at least Hum wont be poisoned by a vengeful chef, or asphyxiated with a pillow by the Housekeeping ladies or poisoned by the Sommelier and Bar Staff.


Next: Actual Guest Comment Card

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Oh shut up Ho Hum !


And it is such a pleasure to say it too.

Maybe then this is the end of Ho Hum....this is Cruise Critic.....but less and less to criticise.

Ho Hum, that's life.


PS In HH's defence, he scores certain departments 10 plus ADDS his own extra star system for service that exceeds the basic 10.

So at least Hum wont be poisoned by a vengeful chef, or asphyxiated with a pillow by the Housekeeping ladies or poisoned by the Sommelier and Bar Staff.


Next: Actual Guest Comment Card


We are observing history in the making folks...the Cuban Crises, fall of the Berlin Wall, 9/11...

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Oh my God gcmv !

You are no photographer are you ?

That is awful.

You are worse than HH (not by far though).

Thank God HH was'nt invited to your home for an evening of seeing the holiday photos !

"And this is a picture of SD's funnel in the Caribbean, this is SD's funnel in Venice, this is Frau gcmv standing on the funnel, this is the crew helping Frau gcmv out of the funnel etc etc....."


But HH bets you would serve great wine though......Hum would need it, seeing an evening of photos like that !



Hope you are still speaking to silly old Hum.


Well, dearest ho-hum - indeed this post by old Ho-Hum was “strong stuff”, but after gcmv read it, he went to his favourite liquor store and bought the following isotonic carbonated beverages

see Pic1

After that, the annual per capita consumption in Germany raise around 20 % and gcmv felt asleep, still wearing the Seadream cap

see Pic2

Nevertheless he dreamt of lovely Europa 2

see Pic3

And the outstanding funnel-collection he wanted to show ho-hum and blondie

see Pic4+5

When gcmv awoke he couldn’t remember anything and decided to clear up the guest-room (but onlya little bit)

see Pic6

because ho-hum needs a nice surrounding after watching the holiday photos and drinking the Rieslings on his next visit in Germany ... :D

One picture was taken by Frau gcmv - guess what! ;)







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Oh !

With you and V....it's the equivalent of royalty !

Best behaviour Hum.


You and Blondie are the SD royalty, HH. And good behavior is sometimes way overrated, in addition to being not so much fun.

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Perhaps, ho-hum, it is time to transition away from definition 3 of "critic" to number 2:




1. a person who judges, evaluates, or criticizes.

2. a person who judges, evaluates, or analyzes literary or artistic works, dramatic or musical performances, or the like, especially for a newspaper or magazine <or cruise review board>.

3. a person who tends too readily to make captious, trivial, or harsh judgments; faultfinder.




We will still respect you in the morning.

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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We are observing history in the making folks...the Cuban Crises, fall of the Berlin Wall,...


Hum had in mind it being in equal in significance to Moses and the 15 (sorry) 10 tablets of Commandments as witnessed in the link below:



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Well, dearest ho-hum - indeed this post by old Ho-Hum was “strong stuff”, but after gcmv read it, he went to his favourite liquor store and bought the following isotonic carbonated beverages


One picture was taken by Frau gcmv - guess what! ;)



So it is Frau gcmv with the funnel fascination !

Thankyou for taking the "strong stuff" in customary good humour old chum; it is a sign of endearment between chaps.


HH recently opened a riesling. Really good.



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You and Blondie are the SD royalty, HH. And good behavior is sometimes way overrated, in addition to being not so much fun.


OK then, well let us agree, we are ALL treated royally onboard.

Mightily relieved by your tactful consideration and tolerant allowance of HH's usual manner and behaviour.

Fun with friends is far more important than correct behaviour only.

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Perhaps, ho-hum, it is time to transition away from definition 3 of "critic" to number 2:




1. a person who judges, evaluates, or criticizes.

2. a person who judges, evaluates, or analyzes literary or artistic works, dramatic or musical performances, or the like, especially for a newspaper or magazine <or cruise review board>.

3. a person who tends too readily to make captious, trivial, or harsh judgments; faultfinder.


We will still respect you in the morning.


Shall we instead refer to the root of the word "critic" ?


It is from the Greek word kritikḗ, as you well know Raggy.

Meaning the art of criticism, noun use of feminine of kritikós critical, skilled in judging.

And κριτικός (kritikós), meaning "able to discern", which is a Greek derivation of the word κριτής (krités), meaning a person who offers reasoned judgment or analysis, value judgment, interpretation or observation.


Quite a "smarty pants ain't he that Ho Hum".


But how HH loves to make "captious, trivial, or harsh judgments and be a faultfinder" !

But ALWAYS in humour, j'espere.

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?............unless ho-hum is aboard and his syncophant entourage is hogging them all to listen to his every word...


HH begs your pardon !

And it's "sycophantic" you nim-cum-poop !

And dont go blaming the speed of typing or that your "dicks-lexic".


Please excuse Mr.Ragnar, Yvie, he is a well known "enfant terrible" on these forums with an alarming appetite for guns with big barrels ........ need HH say more !

A classic case !


HH does not "hog" the pool owing to not liking too much sun: 20C is perfect and a partially cloudy sky and HH does not like reclining. How can you keep you chilled Verdicchio chilled and just how do you actually drink reclining ?

No it's a small intimate table of a few chums for HH, a good bottle/s, nuts (edible kind, not the people) and witty conversation: not a sycophant in sight !


Not that HH has'nt tried eulogising about a particular wine, region, musician, philosophy.....all to deaf ears, malheuresement.

Peasants every one.

Hum's only refuge is to laugh at the vagaries and ridiculousness of life and never take it seriously (except eatin and drinkin and ....).


Yvie, you sound a nice wholesome gal and really you could'nt do better than to go on SD for your special occasion.

Truly (Hum's being serious).


The downside: it attracts some strange people.

SD shoreside management regularly have to pay passengers refunds of up to 50% if they have had the misfortune of encountering these characters.

HH cannot reveal personal information of exactly who these people are, having only recently been de-selected himself having originally fallen into the wrong crowd but why dwell on the past.

Hum's saving grace was a personal surety by Jim Avery up to $10 million (of course HH forged his signature but he will never know......sssshhhhhhh).


So finally to be a tad sensible, HH hopes the reply left is of help.

Oh before Hum goes.

It is a "club" atmosphere.....the people are really jolly nice (especially Butch & SUNDANCE).

Personally Hum would pay their bar bill to sail with them !

Money well spent.......never knew Creme de Menthe was so popular on the West Coast !

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Please excuse Mr.Ragnar, Yvie, he is a well known "enfant terrible" on these forums with an alarming appetite for guns with big barrels ........ need HH say more !

A classic case !


[And what good are guns with little bitty barrels?]



Yvie, you sound a nice wholesome gal and really you could'nt do better than to go on SD for your special occasion.

Truly (Hum's being serious).


The downside: it attracts some strange people. [You betcha!!!]:D


SD shoreside management regularly have to pay passengers refunds of up to 50% if they have had the misfortune of encountering these characters.

HH cannot reveal personal information of exactly who these people are, having only recently been de-selected himself having originally fallen into the wrong crowd but why dwell on the past.

Hum's saving grace was a personal surety by Jim Avery up to $10 million (of course HH forged his signature but he will never know......sssshhhhhhh).


[still waiting for my 50% off of anything]



So finally to be a tad sensible, HH hopes the reply left is of help.

Oh before Hum goes.

It is a "club" atmosphere.....the people are really jolly nice (especially Butch & SUNDANCE).


[Finally, he gets something right]:D



Personally Hum would pay their bar bill to sail with them !

Money well spent.......never knew Creme de Menthe was so popular on the West Coast !


Creme de Menthe & our local Tequila........Good eatin' !:eek::D

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Please excuse Mr.Ragnar, Yvie, he is a well known "enfant terrible" on these forums with an alarming appetite for guns with big barrels ........ need HH say more !

A classic case !


[And what good are guns with little bitty barrels?]



Yvie, you sound a nice wholesome gal and really you could'nt do better than to go on SD for your special occasion.

Truly (Hum's being serious).


The downside: it attracts some strange people. [You betcha!!!]:D


SD shoreside management regularly have to pay passengers refunds of up to 50% if they have had the misfortune of encountering these characters.

HH cannot reveal personal information of exactly who these people are, having only recently been de-selected himself having originally fallen into the wrong crowd but why dwell on the past.

Hum's saving grace was a personal surety by Jim Avery up to $10 million (of course HH forged his signature but he will never know......sssshhhhhhh).


[still waiting for my 50% off of anything]



So finally to be a tad sensible, HH hopes the reply left is of help.

Oh before Hum goes.

It is a "club" atmosphere.....the people are really jolly nice (especially Butch & SUNDANCE).


[Finally, he gets something right]:D



Personally Hum would pay their bar bill to sail with them !

Money well spent.......never knew Creme de Menthe was so popular on the West Coast !


Creme de Menthe & our local Tequila........Good eatin' !:eek::D



Such a funny guy ....... You never mentioned "local" tequila !

When Hum was a tad self-conscious, socially, on his early voyages n SD, he asked the SD barman for a little "help".., tequila was the answer.

Everybody says HH was very funny ...?.. cant remember a ting.

HONESTLY Jim do you really have local t-killer ?

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