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Sir Hum, Stewards' Inquiry! You might wish to double-check the entered number (25 vs. 20) in the SD running total column for Itineraries and Adventures. The race now looks to be a photo finish.


Bermudabum, you have righted a wrong !


The correct scoring is:


Shoreside Management:..........CE: 13. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation:....CE: 9. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel:......................................CE: 15. SD: 21 Winner SD

Food & Wine:...........................CE: 22. SD: 26 Winner SD

Entertainment, Casino & Spa:...CE: 13. SD: 10 Winner CE

Cabins:.....................................CE: 22. SD: 13 Winner CE

Itineraries & "Adventures":......CE: 10. SD: 20Winner SD


Running Total (so far):..........CE: 104. SD: 105 Leader SD



SD is just one point in the lead !!'


Gratitude to you sir !!!

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The SD spa is a dedicated area and there are 4 Thai ladies who are very experienced and skilful practitioners. Hum frequents for general beauty treatments (you're right what a waste when no work is required). Hum has the same lady for years and so feels very relaxed. Yet it is expensive.


Dearest ho-hum,

sorry for being late for much more than 20 minutes with only one single but exhaustive remark to the important Spa-topic, but gcmv had to work through numerous dictonaries during the whole weekend, because he was not sure what ho-hum actually meant.:confused:

Finally gcmv needed assistance of a native speaker to help him transalating the highlighted and underlined text passage.


Now matter how you look at it, old chap - ho-hum took the wrong vocable!

Substitute "is required" with "helps" - than the sentence makes real sense!

Gcmv can imagine, that the treatment is very relaxing ;), but the result after many years is sobering. :D

It is like throwing the money down the drain; money is much better invested in a nice pair of highheels for blondie! :)

As there are 4 Thai ladies onboard ho-hum might try a different one, but gcmv thinks that she can't also perform miracles, because she is no magician.:p


Back to reality: Great comparison of CE and SD so far; ho-hum is completely in his element!

Go on, "lord of the lines" - and thank you so very much indeed for dedicating the (most important) food & beverage section to Herr and Frau gcmv - we both really enjoyed reading it!:)

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In the case of Crystal Esprit V Sea Dream Yacht Club, the Supreme Court has decided that Justice “Dumb” Hum was not aware of all the facts presented when determining the “Itineraries & “Adventures”, in fact it was noted that Justice Hum is hardly aware of any facts at any time ‘kept when bars open and his “tummy it’s a rumblin’” !


Furthermore a reliable witness has also un-expectedly appeared and gave evidence that she “ jolly well enjoyed the “Adventures” on Crystal Esprit and that they were free; a point that may not have fully been accounted for in the original scoring


In light of the above, the Supreme Court finds that an additional point can be added to CE’s Itineraries & “Adventures”.

People are advised that Itineraries on SD still out-perform those of Crystal Esprit.


Court adjourned.


The correct scoring (for the second time) is:


Shoreside Management:……..……CE: 13. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation:…….CE: 9. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel:…………………………….........CE: 15. SD: 21 Winner SD

Food & Wine:…………………….......CE: 22. SD: 26 Winner SD

Entertainment, Casino & Spa:…CE: 13. SD: 10 Winner CE

Cabins:……………………………........CE: 22. SD: 13 Winner CE

Itineraries & "Adventures”:………CE: 11. SD: 20 Winner SD


Running Total (so far):..........CE: 105. SD: 105 Leader SD



IT’S A “KEITH” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Captain of SDI has just reported siting a rare "Great White Abenaki" off Bequia !

It was a very old one too, 70 years plus judging by the build up of barnacles on it's hind.

These huge blubbery creatures are respected by the Bequians and are allowed to pass through their waters un-hindered even though many decades afore they were hunted for their fat which lit the peoples lamps.

The behemoths of the deep are now heading to colder waters of the north where the waters will be soon brimming with plankton and you can hear their satisfied cries all around.

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Straight to it this time.

"Crew" section has been changed to "Guest Services"



The people who work at sea and the people who work in the service industry have Hum's greatest respect (and probably yours) for a myriad of reasons but when you combine these two then respect doubles: truly they are an amazing breed of people.


The deckhands, engine room, bridge and all the "behind the scenes" guys are wholly excluded from this review except to say that whenever Hum did engage with them about the ship and when he "poked his head around" and saw these crew, they were all very friendly, industrious, smart and professional.

And we never hit one iceberg either !


The entertainment (piano player) and spa services are also excluded because they have previously been covered suffice to say they were excellent (especially the celebrity piano player who single handedly created a wonderful shared environment).


The Captain of Crystal Esprit is a man Hum likes and respects a lot.

He is a true Captain in every sense of the meaning.

He loves the ship and has a long history with the ship before it's renaissance.

He believes in this way of cruising: he thinks it's the future (its the only way for Hum).

He is excited and enthusiastic.

He says it will take a bit more time to get everything "firing" just right but he is very confident.

Hum wishes him the very best.


So the main areas of guest service directly impacting on passengers are:

- Housekeeping

- Bar

- Restaurant



The CE housekeepers were wonderfully presented, cheerful, helpful, professional and efficient and Hum was amazed that just two persons covered a whole deck !

They also displayed warmth and character.

SD housekeepers are also similarly amazing.

The CE butlers were similarly wonderfully presented and the exact same qualities also apply. There was a butler to each floor.

SD do not have butlers but the designated housekeeper undertakes most butler duties so there are more housekeepers on SD.

The CE laundry was excellent. Due to guest own laundries being out of commission, there was enormous pressure on the ship laundry service which they undertook amazingly quickly returning clothes in wonderful protectors.

SD laundry is amazing too but standard of pressing is a tad better.


- CE 10/10

- SD 10/10



The CE bar service personnel were very smart too and there seemed to be more than enough personnel to serve the number of guests but Hum found the service slow, "stiff" and awkward with one bright exceptions.

They did not clear glasses efficiently (resulting in breakages), imposed petty rules (one was downright officious to a fellow passenger), restricted spirit pours, did not know common cocktails and with one exception were not present.

One barman on SD is worth 3 on CE and they are fun creating an amazing atmosphere.

This section needs completely overhauling with a few personnel (in all positions) returning to the "big"'ships where no doubt they are better suited and valued.

It was enough to turn you to drink ! If you could get one !!


- CE 4/10

- SD 10/10



The CE restaurant personnel are also very well presented but were generally muted with two bright exceptions this time.

Service never flows, it falters, possibly there are too many: each looks at the other for guidance whilst guests struggle with plates on occasion.

The SD restaurant personnel have it all.

More initiative, dynamic and personable and some of the personnel are legends !

Again another extensive review required and similar actions may need to be taken.


- CE 6/10

- SD 10/10


CE have two fitness guys who were both very nice guys and very knowledgeable; they all assisted in other duties.

SD have yoga and tai chi classes which are very good too.

No separate scoring has been included for these two activities but has been included to acknowledge appreciation for the individuals concerned and guest service provided by both CE and SD.


Shoreside Management:............CE: 13. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation:......CE: 9. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel:........................................CE: 15. SD: 21 Winner SD

Food & Wine:.............................CE: 22. SD: 26 Winner SD

Entertainment, Casino & Spa:...CE: 13. SD: 10 Winner CE

Cabins:......................................CE: 22. SD: 13 Winner CE

Itineraries & "Adventures":.......CE: 11. SD: 20 Winner SD

Guest Services:........................CE: 20. SD: 30 Winner SD


Running Total (so far):.............CE: 125. SD: 135 Leader SD


SD take a 10 point lead !!

But with two sections to go, this could be easily reversed.


Next section, coming soon "Value for Money"

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ho-hum, I'm not going to quibble with your adding a point to CE for its excursions, but it should not be because they are free. You don't think they are factored into the fare? As my economics professor constantly reminded us, there is no free lunch. Other cruise lines are able to charge less because you pay for beverages (hard and soft), specialty restaurants and gratuities on top of the fare. By not taking the "Adventures" you ended up spending money without getting value. It's like when you choose to have dinner ashore, you have effectively paid for dinner twice.


Loving your comparison reviews. But will you rate the pajamas in a separate category? They are "free" on SD, you know. :rolleyes: Give our love to Blondie.

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thanks for another great review and analysis!!!


So disappointing to read about your assessment of the bar and restaurant experiences on the CE!!! The exoerience on crystal's ocean ship has always been stellar on my cruises. Seems like these folks need better training and direction.


Have a great day!!!



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Ho Hum, in my heart of hearts...I knew Seadream would come out ahead!...


By the way, I had lost track and have just read the food scores. I have to say breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day! Eggs are eggs are eggs! But I am a morning person and love to sit for a while enjoying the prospects for the day ahead. Sitting around face ing a new days sun on my face and simply feeling happy to be alive! Yup! That's me in the morning! My children use to hate being woken up to my early morning singing of...Oh what a beautiful mooornnniiing! Oh what a beautiful daaaay! I got a beautiful feeeeling! Everything's going my waaaay!!....haha! ....

So for that reason!, I hate the idea that CE rushes breakfast! Grrrr:mad:

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thanks for another great review and analysis!!!


So disappointing to read about your assessment of the bar and restaurant experiences on the CE!!! The exoerience on crystal's ocean ship has always been stellar on my cruises. Seems like these folks need better training and direction.


Have a great day!!!




Hum has no doubt you're right Nancy (that the Crystal "big ship" service is stellar: the Crystal forum proclaims it every day by Crystal devotees !).


Some, no doubt, will actually want to return to the Crystal "big ships" whilst some you can see love the "small ship" personable service and life especially the Captain.

Better training (especially for the bar) is required, as is new direction from those with a better aptitude for "small ship" service and who can really direct and lead.

No poaching from Sea Dream though !


However to help Crystal out, Hum would be happy to offer his consultancy team after agreeing a proper remuneration package (Raggy deals with that stuff).

Butch is our specialist for bar service especially from the guests perspective: he has been known for taking days just sitting on a stool dispensing wisdom and checking the bar fare.

Sundance is our specialist for nerdy stuff and finances.

And Hum can demonstrate style, sophistication, panache and charm.

And above all these noble qualities: modesty !


And have a great day yourself.


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ho-hum, I'm not going to quibble with your adding a point to CE for its excursions, but it should not be because they are free. You don't think they are factored into the fare? As my economics professor constantly reminded us, there is no free lunch. Other cruise lines are able to charge less because you pay for beverages (hard and soft), specialty restaurants and gratuities on top of the fare. By not taking the "Adventures" you ended up spending money without getting value. It's like when you choose to have dinner ashore, you have effectively paid for dinner twice.


Loving your comparison reviews. But will you rate the pajamas in a separate category? They are "free" on SD, you know. :rolleyes: Give our love to Blondie.


Alright, alright !

Hum gets it already !


Dearest Trapper Z, in reality, the extra point was simply because Carolyn seemed to be enjoying the "Adventures" which Hum wouldn't even "shake a stick at" (GCMV is going to love Hum for that one (why is Hum shaking a stick ? Haha)).


And give our over love to darling Zimmy.

Now be a good chap and check that medication isn't have any other side effects apart from this irritation.

Just kidding old friend.


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Ho Hum, in my heart of hearts...I knew Seadream would come out ahead!...


By the way, I had lost track and have just read the food scores. I have to say breakfast has always been my favorite meal of the day! Eggs are eggs are eggs! But I am a morning person and love to sit for a while enjoying the prospects for the day ahead. Sitting around face ing a new days sun on my face and simply feeling happy to be alive! Yup! That's me in the morning! My children use to hate being woken up to my early morning singing of...Oh what a beautiful mooornnniiing! Oh what a beautiful daaaay! I got a beautiful feeeeling! Everything's going my waaaay!!....haha! ....

So for that reason!, I hate the idea that CE rushes breakfast! Grrrr:mad:


You are completely mad darling !


But Hum loves you (both).

For your joy and generosity of spirit.


Yes to be told at 9.15 that breakfast will be finishing in 15 minutes when you have been to the gym for an hour, showered and changed beforehand is absolutely crazy and on a luxury ship where you are paying a lot of "dosh".


PS You do realise Hum is talking about Blondie doing all that mad stuff (gym etc..) 'cos when you see Hum's lean, toned torso, its possible you might think it was Hum.

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(why is Hum shaking a stick ? Haha)).


Now be a good chap and check that medication isn't have any other side effects apart from this irritation.


Silly Hum. Sticks are for swizzling. Shaking doesn't require a stick. Ask 007 to explain the difference.


As for the meds, the doctor took me off of them. The instructions were to take one pill before each meal. I went through the entire bottle of 30 in three days. :)

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Hello dearios,

Some dude called drip has been doing some cartoons featuring yours truly.

A Humage to Hum, if you will.

The first one was totally incomprehensible even with a subsequent explanation (strange act for a cartoonist).


Anyways he has done another which is funny and also comprehensible this time.




Hum brings his own (pepper mill) !

And EBT !

But you're right drip.

Hum must let the world know.

The pepper mills on CE work fine but the salt mills don't because the humidity gums up the innards.

Phew !

Thanks for the reminder.


Oh and Hum is tall with hair: long golden curly trestles !

A lot .... think Alexander the Great

The legs and belly are spot on though.


And funnily enough Hum is in his smoking jacket after dinner where he always wears a dinner suit with black bow tie.

Again uncanny !

How long have you been a clairvoyant drip ?

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ho-hum, will you rate the pajamas in a separate category? They are "free" on SD, you know. :rolleyes: Give our love to Blondie.


I have it on good authority Ho-Hum does not wear the SD pajamas. Can you spell "Commando"?:eek: Mr. Hum did complain about the "one size fits all" not really fitting all. I am proud to announce I have heard some intel from reliable sources that tell me this problem has been taken to heart in Oslo. SeaDream is about to introduce, mainly for Ho-Hum, the new "Hindenburg Line" of SeaDream wear including the personalized pajamas. No more restrictions Mr. Hum.:eek::D That Atle, he never misses a trick does he?:D

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Hum has no doubt you're right Nancy (that the Crystal "big ship" service is stellar: the Crystal forum proclaims it every day by Crystal devotees !).


Some, no doubt, will actually want to return to the Crystal "big ships" whilst some you can see love the "small ship" personable service and life especially the Captain.

Better training (especially for the bar) is required, as is new direction from those with a better aptitude for "small ship" service and who can really direct and lead.

No poaching from Sea Dream though !


However to help Crystal out, Hum would be happy to offer his consultancy team after agreeing a proper remuneration package (Raggy deals with that stuff).

Butch is our specialist for bar service especially from the guests perspective: he has been known for taking days just sitting on a stool dispensing wisdom and checking the bar fare.

Sundance is our specialist for nerdy stuff and finances.

And Hum can demonstrate style, sophistication, panache and charm.

And above all these noble qualities: modesty !


And have a great day yourself.



I suspect the bar and restaurant service...etc will improve on the CE as it is on the big ships. Some of the crew have come from the big ships as I've seen photos of many familiar faces on FB. I suspect some will return and others are loving the CE and are a great fit. Oh, I'll see what I can do about putting in a good word for you for a future consulting opportunity!!! :D


I'm sure sailing with Mark was terrific as you have mentioned. He's a great guy and he makes everyone feel so special and welcomed.


Have a great rest of your evening...almost cocktail time here!!!



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I suspect the bar and restaurant service...etc will improve on the CE as it is on the big ships. Some of the crew have come from the big ships as I've seen photos of many familiar faces on FB. I suspect some will return and others are loving the CE and are a great fit. Oh, I'll see what I can do about putting in a good word for you for a future consulting opportunity!!! :D


I'm sure sailing with Mark was terrific as you have mentioned. He's a great guy and he makes everyone feel so special and welcomed.


Have a great rest of your evening...almost cocktail time here!!!




"Bottoms up"

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I have it on good authority Ho-Hum does not wear the SD pajamas. Can you spell "Commando"?:eek: Mr. Hum did complain about the "one size fits all" not really fitting all. I am proud to announce I have heard some intel from reliable sources that tell me this problem has been taken to heart in Oslo. SeaDream is about to introduce, mainly for Ho-Hum, the new "Hindenburg Line" of SeaDream wear including the personalized pajamas. No more restrictions Mr. Hum.:eek::D That Atle, he never misses a trick does he?:D


Sshhh.....they are bespoke tailored pyjamas (correct spelling Yanky boy) to allow greater movement ..... notbfor the great "un-washed" !


Did you see we may have a job on Crystal as consultants (see post at 2.04pm).

Off to bed now old chap.

Silk, initial embroidered pyjamas.

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Silly Hum. Sticks are for swizzling. Shaking doesn't require a stick. Ask 007 to explain the difference.


As for the meds, the doctor took me off of them. The instructions were to take one pill before each meal. I went through the entire bottle of 30 in three days. :)


A "swizzle" stick are for stirring cocktails.

Hum was referring to an expression meaning an "abundance"

Can Hum go to bed now ?


Glad to hear the swelling is down too !

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- £3600.00 per person on Crystal (Seychelle islands) v £ 2400.00 per person on Sea Dream (Caribbean) minimum prices. That's 50% more in price for CE but is it 50% better ?


- CE sail in much more restricted areas of operation unlike SDs two ships which offer much more range


- CE have a "swish" cabin and personal butler, entertainment is better and there isn't a huge difference between the cuisine ? And the boarding was brilliant. All of which give a feeling of more exclusivity than SD


- but 50% more ? No. CE are big on "frills and frippery" (Abenaki would be having palpitations): SD are the "real enchiladas" (no idea what that means !).



- CE: 10/15

- SD: 15/15


Shoreside Management:............CE: 13. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation:......CE: 9. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel:.....................................CE: 15. SD: 21 Winner SD

Food & Wine:............................CE: 22. SD: 26 Winner SD

Entertainment, Casino & Spa:...CE: 13. SD: 10 Winner CE

Cabins:....................................CE: 22. SD: 13 Winner CE

Itineraries & "Adventures":.....CE: 11. SD: 20 Winner SD

Guest Services:.......................CE: 20. SD: 30 Winner SD

Value for Money:.....................CE: 10. SD: 15 Winner SD


Running Total (so far):.............CE: 135. SD: 150 Leader SD


Is there any way back for Crystal ?

There's only one LAST section: Overall Impression

It could be done

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My dearest Hum:


In USD, the difference isn't 50%...at least not if you upgrade. We always try to do Deck 3 on SD...that adds a cool $1000 USD per person (to me...too much, but we still do it, so the bean counters have it right!) . My tentative booking on CE the difference to be one deck up was minimal.


Here is my comparison:

SD 1/02/16 RT SJU (WITH YOU!!) - $9182.00 - Cabin 322

CE 1/20/17 RT SEZ - $12,386 - Cabin 310

I believe the CE includes 2 nights accommodation in Dubai as well (interesting - just looked at the invoice to get these price comparisons and there is no mention of that!)


I have NO IDEA what Dubai hotels cost...but let's just assume a rate of $350 a night (and that it really is included!) we have a difference of 27%......If no hotel included - or like you, you throw it away to stay somewhere nicer - You have a 35% differential.


For whatever it's worth.....


Much love...

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You are completely mad darling !


But Hum loves you (both).

For your joy and generosity of spirit.


Yes to be told at 9.15 that breakfast will be finishing in 15 minutes when you have been to the gym for an hour, showered and changed beforehand is absolutely crazy and on a luxury ship where you are paying a lot of "dosh".


PS You do realise Hum is talking about Blondie doing all that mad stuff (gym etc..) 'cos when you see Hum's lean, toned torso, its possible you might think it was Hum.


Haha! Mad! I tell you! Haha! Yes! I had a feeling you were talking about Blondie hitting the gym!...why oh why would you need to! Ha! ;):D

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My dearest Hum:


In USD, the difference isn't 50%...at least not if you upgrade. We always try to do Deck 3 on SD...that adds a cool $1000 USD per person (to me...too much, but we still do it, so the bean counters have it right!) . My tentative booking on CE the difference to be one deck up was minimal.


Here is my comparison:

SD 1/02/16 RT SJU (WITH YOU!!) - $9182.00 - Cabin 322

CE 1/20/17 RT SEZ - $12,386 - Cabin 310

I believe the CE includes 2 nights accommodation in Dubai as well (interesting - just looked at the invoice to get these price comparisons and there is no mention of that!)


I have NO IDEA what Dubai hotels cost...but let's just assume a rate of $350 a night (and that it really is included!) we have a difference of 27%......If no hotel included - or like you, you throw it away to stay somewhere nicer - You have a 35% differential.


For whatever it's worth.....


Much love...


Finest of fellows and deeply cherished chum,

Hum must invstigate further.

It came from the "horse's mouth" though orobably best to refer to Blondie as "The Great All Knowing" if Hum still wants to live !


Stewards enquiry to follow.

And always grateful to you and anybody for correction (this statement excludes TrapperZ.....).


Ooops much love back too.

Edited by ho-hum
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Haha! Mad! I tell you! Haha! Yes! I had a feeling you were talking about Blondie hitting the gym!...why oh why would you need to! Ha! ;):D


Nay Kathy......why would WE indeed !

Perfect in every way !

Thank God for meds tho' eh gal ?


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