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.......idle jottings


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"Here's an idea boys.

Why dont you set up your own fast food shack.

"Butch & Sundance's Fried Fish Bar""


A great idea, but since "ho-hum" is not copyrighted, I like:


"Sir ho-hum's Public House and Emporium of Pescatory Odors"






(And it makes a good alternative name for .....idle jottings.)

Edited by Ragnar Danneskjold
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Hum, I generally agree with your assessment of American fast food, although the Chicago hot dog is a true culinary delight. Here on the middle coast we have restaurants for just about every cuisine in the world. But I've never, ever heard anyone suggest we go out for English food.


By the way, for those of us who were in the scenery for the "Travels with Hum and Blondie" show, will there be a dvd available?

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Might be time to unveil some heretofore never released photos of Hum in

a verrry effeminate vein.


Believe me these will rock the very foundations of his alleged manliness

and provide fodder for one or more of Murdoch's rags.


The "hush" payments have been late in arriving. You might wish to check

with your accounting folks to assure a "quick fix".


All that aside, can't wait for a copy of the final print ... touch ups and all.


Dont you worry now Commander a reply is on it's way.

Hum is just passing it by his solicitors.

Be prepared for a venomous rebuttal to your seedy blackmailing side line.

Your counterpart was given short shrift by Ho Hum just the other day for his gross naivety in matters of business after considerable effort and patience was shown by yours truly towards the technological inept imbecile.

And if memory serves Hum well, you displayed even more ignorance !

Hum is gettin' too long in the tooth to tolerate such shenanigans.

Hum has made one decision.

You will not be shown Hum's and Blondie's tv premiere.

Unless grovelling apologies are received by you both.

Good day sir !

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"Here's an idea boys.

Why dont you set up your own fast food shack.

"Butch & Sundance's Fried Fish Bar""


A great idea, but since "ho-hum" is not copyrighted, I like:


"Sir ho-hum's Public House and Emporium of Pescatory Odors"



(And it makes a good alternative name for .....idle jottings.)


You're a ruddy genius Raggy !

Hum likes it ....... a lot.

But Hum will keep "...... idle jottings" for a little while longer.

What was your humble offering.

Lost in the sands of time..........died quite young Hum believes.


Many imitators but sadly lacking the authenticity of genius ......

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And if I can make one more pedantic observation, it was Ray Kroc who built the McDonald's empire, starting in the Chicago suburbs just a few miles from Trapper's tent. And his ancestry was Czech. We have a few Czech restaurants in Chicago. In fact, the most commonly heard comment in all kinds of restaurants is "Czech, please." When we think of English, we think of bowling alleys and pool halls, not restaurants.


I suspect Kroc didn't want to call the fries Belgian because people would think they would have to be eaten with mayonnaise. Ugh. We do, however, know all about Belgian waffles and chocolate. Not eaten with mayonnaise, though.

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Hum, I generally agree with your assessment of American fast food, although the Chicago hot dog is a true culinary delight. Here on the middle coast we have restaurants for just about every cuisine in the world. But I've never, ever heard anyone suggest we go out for English food.


By the way, for those of us who were in the scenery for the "Travels with Hum and Blondie" show, will there be a dvd available?


Now, now TrapperZ, you are an old chum and deserving of a responsible reply.

A reply suitable for the high esteem that Hum has for you and even more so for your most charming and respected lady.

Hum's reply to those "rough diamonds" (B&S) was couched in terminology they would comprehend but sadly it was not accurate.

It was more for effect.

Hum loves the American way of life......truly !

Hum loves Coca-Cola: the bottle is an icon and even surpasses the Dom Perignon bottle.

Yes Hum means it.

The advertising was ground breaking.


Hum loves "Denny's" !

The ladies in there are Goddesses to Hum.

Their casual accessibility and kindness should be captured by Caravaggio (if he were alive).


Hum loves New York Jewish sandwich bars !

Hum would practice his order so that he would receive his order correctly and not hold up the line.

Pastrami ! Unknown to Brits.

Hum loves these bars.


America brought fun to food and it was cheap !


When Hum and Blondie first visited the States we were amazed !


And you old chum are right to mention English food with the subversive intent you allude to and yet it is accurate.

English food was nothing to be celebrated.

It was to be avoided at all costs !!!

Hence the English embraced so many cuisines from around the world.

And Hum would claim that London is the best dining experience in the world for fine food, fine wine and cigars.

America is supreme for "fast food" and that can and does include some veritable wonderful food too.


Hum's experiences of Napa were amazing.

We loved it.

But we received many strange looks with two bottles on our table !

Hum was a Cuban cigar smoker at the time.

He felt like he was a paedophile !

The sanctimonious nature of some of your countrymen was a little too much back then.


But seriously we love America and it's diverse food range and quality...... And wines too !! Even beers (Samuel Smith)


Hum was being a tad insincere when sneering at food for the masses.

Hum loves the food for the masses but with a little bit more discernment.


The "hot dog" alludes Hum.

Pappy bread and tasteless sausage with bland dressings.

Sorry no.

A British sausage in a French baguette makes Hum cry !


As a reward for being such a good "egg", Hum will try to oblige you with a copy of the DVD of our exploits provided you assure Hum that it will not be distributed into neighbouring countries !


And if I can make one more pedantic observation, it was Ray Kroc who built the McDonald's empire, starting in the Chicago suburbs just a few miles from Trapper's tent. And his ancestry was Czech. We have a few Czech restaurants in Chicago. In fact, the most commonly heard comment in all kinds of restaurants is "Czech, please." When we think of English, we think of bowling alleys and pool halls, not restaurants.


I suspect Kroc didn't want to call the fries Belgian because people would think they would have to be eaten with mayonnaise. Ugh. We do, however, know all about Belgian waffles and chocolate. Not eaten with mayonnaise, though.


Hum thanks you for that interesting clarification.

Why McDonalds ?

But yes mayonnaise with fries !



Hum supposes there are not too many Belgian restaurants in the US either but boy do they know food and wine !

Oh and they produce some of the best beer in the world !

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Why McDonalds ?


Hum supposes there are not too many Belgian restaurants in the US either but boy do they know food and wine !

Oh and they produce some of the best beer in the world !


Ray Kroc was a salesman for Multi-Mixer, a multi-head milk shake mixer. The McDonald brothers (who were Irish, not Scottish) were incredible customers. Kroc went out to see their chain of drive-ins in California and to see what they were doing that they required so many mixers. He went into business with them and convinced them to franchise across the US. He shortly bought them out.


You are right about the lack of Belgian restaurants in the US. When you Google "Belgian restaurants Chicago" you get breakfast places that serve Belgian waffles. And yes, Belgian beer is wonderful, and I don't mean Stella. While it is better than most mass market American beers, there are better brews that you get in Benelux.


And here's the Chicago hot dog. Anything but bland.



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Millie darling, Hum has a little gift for you.

Please bear with Hum for a little while.

You Aussies are great foodies and very innovative, no wonder Heston came to Melborne.

Hum loved the wine tastings in Oz too.

Quite different to the admittedly rather pompous and "stiff" do's in GB.

Hum loved the no nonsense approach amongst guys and gals with great palates.

Very refreshing attitude Hum must say.


Well Millie, Hum's back !

This is HB's main menu (Hum ommitted the deserts ....)







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Ray Kroc was a salesman for Multi-Mixer, a multi-head milk shake mixer. The McDonald brothers (who were Irish, not Scottish) were incredible customers. Kroc went out to see their chain of drive-ins in California and to see what they were doing that they required so many mixers. He went into business with them and convinced them to franchise across the US. He shortly bought them out.


You are right about the lack of Belgian restaurants in the US. When you Google "Belgian restaurants Chicago" you get breakfast places that serve Belgian waffles. And yes, Belgian beer is wonderful, and I don't mean Stella. While it is better than most mass market American beers, there are better brews that you get in Benelux.


And here's the Chicago hot dog. Anything but bland.]


Your word is good enough for Hum, always has been and probably always will !

So nice to converse with a chum who is'nt blackmailing and "outing" you or who spurns your kind offer to assist them !


Have a great weekend to you both.

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"Rice & Flesh"?? "Roast Marrowbone"??? Sounds like they use the scraps from a good restaurant for their overpriced fare.. Sundance & I know food. Most of that stuff ("Pigeon"??) would be bait or zoo food out West. Just returned from SE Arizona. Great eatin' down there. Cowboy sized T-Bone steak seasoned with Trail Dust! Only one slight problem. Just like Hum, I am subject to the "Pain of Kings". Had a middlin' little ole gout attack on one foot. Again, just like Hum (we could be twins you know) I never travel without my gout meds. Still, I was not able to wear my boots. The shame of it. Local Cowboys laughed at me in my shorts and Hawaiian flip flops. They made me take off my holstered .44 Mag and my Cowboy hat. Said it just wasn't done that way. So I had to clump around the saloons in my SeaDream hat and flips. One Cowboy wanted to know what kind of "pansy a** club SeaDream is". And me without my holster.:eek: Sundance and I would make a bunch if we opened one of our fish stands in Tombstone. Yeeee Hawww!!:D

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Phillistines the pair of ya !


And no Butch, the picture of you spanking Hum's beloved will not be shown.

It is on the BBC, you know not "Jerry Springer".

BBC2 actually !

The "posh" channel.

You dont have it in the States ?

Not at all surprised, dear chap.

Not at all surprised.


In the words of the BBC Cameraman who caught that scene: "Sweet". Be sure and send me a copy of the completed show or Lois will have to release the scene in question on Facebook, YouTube, etc. Copy, of course I made a copy. :eek:

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Well Millie, Hum's back !

This is HB's main menu (Hum omitted the deserts ....)


Thanks Hum, huge menu. Too rich for me, like, who orders Rice & Flesh?? Calf tail...no thanks. I'm glad I live in modern times, I would have starved back then. However I appreciate the thought that would have gone into this menu, it's really quite amazing. Heston is so creative, mind boggling.


Cheers, Millie

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Phillistines the pair of ya !


And no Butch, the picture of you spanking Hum's beloved will not be shown.

It is on the BBC, you know not "Jerry Springer".

BBC2 actually !

The "posh" channel.

You dont have it in the States ?

Not at all surprised, dear chap.

Not at all surprised.


In the words of the BBC Cameraman who caught that scene: "Sweet". Be sure and send me a copy of the completed show or Lois will have to release the scene in question on Facebook, YouTube, etc. Copy, of course I made a copy. :eek:


Do you think Hum that your doco will reach the shores of Australia? I wish this more than anything! And I'm hoping that it will be before my first ever cruise with Sea Dream, well my first ever cruise, in July!


Cheers, Millie

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Do you think Hum that your doco will reach the shores of Australia? I wish this more than anything! And I'm hoping that it will be before my first ever cruise with Sea Dream, well my first ever cruise, in July!


Cheers, Millie


Nothing like starting at the top! Best wishes for a wonderful "first time".:eek::D

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Do you think Hum that your doco will reach the shores of Australia? I wish this more than anything! And I'm hoping that it will be before my first ever cruise with Sea Dream, well my first ever cruise, in July!


Cheers, Millie


Yes and all other parts of the civilised world augmenting their banal tv programmes with the ocassional "high brow" documentary.........so not Arizona then !


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Thanks Hum, huge menu. Too rich for me, like, who orders Rice & Flesh?? Calf tail...no thanks. I'm glad I live in modern times, I would have starved back then. However I appreciate the thought that would have gone into this menu, it's really quite amazing. Heston is so creative, mind boggling.


Cheers, Millie


Believe old Hum, the food was incredible as were the sommelier selected wines.

Service was top notch.

Table was ample.

Space had a vibe but not noisy.

As a result, Hum and Blondie will be off to "The Fat Duck" (HB's original restaurant).

Only one other restaurant surpasses HB's: the legendary (and now closed), "El Bulli" in Spain.

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"Rice & Flesh"?? "Roast Marrowbone"??? Sounds like they use the scraps from a good restaurant for their overpriced fare.. Sundance & I know food. Most of that stuff ("Pigeon"??) would be bait or zoo food out West. Just returned from SE Arizona. Great eatin' down there. Cowboy sized T-Bone steak seasoned with Trail Dust! Only one slight problem. Just like Hum, I am subject to the "Pain of Kings". Had a middlin' little ole gout attack on one foot. Again, just like Hum (we could be twins you know) I never travel without my gout meds. Still, I was not able to wear my boots. The shame of it. Local Cowboys laughed at me in my shorts and Hawaiian flip flops. They made me take off my holstered .44 Mag and my Cowboy hat. Said it just wasn't done that way. So I had to clump around the saloons in my SeaDream hat and flips. One Cowboy wanted to know what kind of "pansy a** club SeaDream is". And me without my holster.:eek: Sundance and I would make a bunch if we opened one of our fish stands in Tombstone. Yeeee Hawww!!:D


Well Hum aint goin' to disagree with you 'bout it being very expensive.

Add a half a dozen bottles of M&C2006 for aperitifs too plus wines and it was a "pretty penny" but Hum wasn't payin' though we did stay the night at the hotel (which we did pay for).


Sorry 'bout the gout it can be a betch.

Hum has not had an "episode" for some time but walkin' can be damn near impossible when it does "flare".


It seems you also had to suffer further indignity of just getting clothing and footwear to get around. Hope it abates soon.

What the heck is "Trail Dust" ?

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Of course HB has enlisted the help of an Aussie at his establishment - he offered Billie McKay the winner of last years Master Chef a year in his kitchen - she seems to be having a ball and learning heaps I'm sure. Us colonials don't mind helping you lot out in the culinary department

Edited by Bodogbodog
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Nothing like starting at the top! Best wishes for a wonderful "first time".:eek::D


Thanks Jim! It's been booked since 2016 itineraries became available, seems like years ago! I will of course let you know my thoughts when it's all over red rover....

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Believe old Hum, the food was incredible as were the sommelier selected wines.

Service was top notch.

Table was ample.

Space had a vibe but not noisy.

As a result, Hum and Blondie will be off to "The Fat Duck" (HB's original restaurant).

Only one other restaurant surpasses HB's: the legendary (and now closed), "El Bulli" in Spain.


Yes, shame about El Bulli, it was on our bucket list! I think your man HB is very similar in food style, scientific and experimental as the chef of EB,Ferran Adria. Guess I'll never know :)

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Of course HB has enlisted the help of an Aussie at his establishment - he offered Billie McKay the winner of last years Master Chef a year in his kitchen - she seems to be having a ball and learning heaps I'm sure. Us colonials don't mind helping you lot out in the culinary department


And Bodog, wasn't she brilliant! She truly deserved a spot in Heston's kitchen. Lucky lucky girl. And how generous was he to offer her such a coveted position.

Fairytale stuff.

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Of course HB has enlisted the help of an Aussie at his establishment - he offered Billie McKay the winner of last years Master Chef a year in his kitchen - she seems to be having a ball and learning heaps I'm sure. Us colonials don't mind helping you lot out in the culinary department


We appreciate the "hand" cobber !

And thanks for also letting us have your cricket and rugby union coaches too.

A great success over here.



Thanks Jim! It's been booked since 2016 itineraries became available, seems like years ago! I will of course let you know my thoughts when it's all over red rover....


"Red rover" love it !

Though Hum sometimes worries about GCMV trying to translate this stuff.

After a hard day's work at the Volkswagen repairs department, he really doesn't need this too !!


It is a "don't ask-don't tell" type thing. But in a good way.


Ye Gods ! Can Hum have his "Trail Dust" on the side please. What abomination is this ? Is it a metaphor for something ? Is it really that disgusting ?

Stupid Hum.

Of course it will be if Butch is involved !


Have you guys ever wondered what time of day Hum is posting ?

Bodog is probably watching the Australian GP with a "tinnie" in his hat with corks hanging down to keep off the flies. No just his hat.

And Millie is about to start afternoon tea.

And Butch ..... it's 7 hours behind GMT ...... so he's just got back from the pub (sorry bar).


It is 3.33 am !

Hum's body clock is "bonkers" at the moment.

No more replies tonight.

Hey we are near to 200 pages of this drivel !

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Have you guys ever wondered what time of day Hum is posting ?

Bodog is probably watching the Australian GP with a "tinnie" in his hat with corks hanging down to keep off the flies. No just his hat.

And Millie is about to start afternoon tea.

And Butch ..... it's 7 hours behind GMT ...... so he's just got back from the pub (sorry bar).


It is 3.33 am !

Hum's body clock is "bonkers" at the moment.

No more replies tonight.

Hey we are near to 200 pages of this drivel !


Yes. I've wondered! No need to anymore though...ha ha. And very uncanningly you were right at least about me. Well sort of. When you wrote...at 3.30am, it was afternoon tea time, although I did not partake. But by the time I read your jotting, it was happy hour. In fact, still is!


Hope you slept well Hum!



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We appreciate the "hand" cobber !

And thanks for also letting us have your cricket and rugby union coaches too.

A great success over here.



"Red rover" love it !

Though Hum sometimes worries about GCMV trying to translate this stuff.

After a hard day's work at the Volkswagen repairs department, he really doesn't need this too !!




Ye Gods ! Can Hum have his "Trail Dust" on the side please. What abomination is this ? Is it a metaphor for something ? Is it really that disgusting ?

Stupid Hum.

Of course it will be if Butch is involved !


Have you guys ever wondered what time of day Hum is posting ?

Bodog is probably watching the Australian GP with a "tinnie" in his hat with corks hanging down to keep off the flies. No just his hat.

And Millie is about to start afternoon tea.

And Butch ..... it's 7 hours behind GMT ...... so he's just got back from the pub (sorry bar).


It is 3.33 am !

Hum's body clock is "bonkers" at the moment.

No more replies tonight.

Hey we are near to 200 pages of this drivel !


And of course Arizona does not participate in Daylight Savings Time. As the Navajo put it: "Only the government would tell you that cutting a foot off of one end of a blanket and sewing it on to the other end of the blanket makes a longer blanket".

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