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.......idle jottings


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Where is my copy? You Betcha a review will follow.....:D:D


When there is a copy, you will be first old chum!!! Be gentle with Hum; us sensitive types you know.


Some people are just so touchy.....




Have a great weekend old chum, send our love to your lovely lady from Blondie and Hum.


Don't quite think this is what Otis had in mind when he invented the elevator.


I'll take the stairs, thank you! :)


Suit yourself.

Otis you say?

Is that why Mrs.Redding called her son Otis 'cos he was born in an elevator?


Mr. Hum... What became of the lighter... tell us more!


Oh BeignetBoy, Hum did think even he exceeded the boundary of taste when he posted that piece, so Hum will be brief. The lighter was found to be......let's just say inoperative.


So when is the debut of the BBC epic on our travels??????




Date is not yet established but our dinner together did not make the final cut...aaaah. Something about not allowing body doubles (Clint Eastwood sued a film company once for a very high figure).



And now a little bit of sad news. Zoltan, Head Barman on SDII has decided to call it time after many years of wonderful and humorous service. The Piano Bar (which Hum renamed Zoltan's) ain't goin' to be the same. Good luck dear chum.

Hum recalls dining outside while sailing in the Caribbean and this excitable lady with a shrill voice kept on asking Zoltan the name of the island we were passing by; now these islands were tiny, no lights on them or signs of life. Finally after the third request, he replied "I think it's Manhattan". That shut her up.

Once Blondie and a lovely American lady were singing in the Piano Bar and this song warranted some languid pose which they decided was best achieved by reclining on top of the piano. Now remember the top of the piano has a glass cover! Zoltan rushes from behind the bar begging them to get down. It was Zoltan so they did.

Zoltan what a name. Sounds like a super hero, well he is to many.

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A sunny morning (albeit a tad on the chilly side) in Barcelona. Met our travel mates for dinner last night. This city has it all, except maybe cab drivers who have some idea as to where you want to go. Boarding is in 4 hours forty minutes.

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A sunny morning (albeit a tad on the chilly side) in Barcelona. Met our travel mates for dinner last night. This city has it all, except maybe cab drivers who have some idea as to where you want to go. Boarding is in 4 hours forty minutes.


This WILL make sense soon (who hasn't been reading "jottings"? Haha


Yes Hum knows TrapperZ!

And if you bump into him at cocktails ask him if he is looking forward to the BBC2 documentary and whether he has seen it.

You can also tell him that a chum of his has and it reflects SD brilliantly.

He must be sooooo grateful to the loyal SD couple that arranged it!!!


Of course you could also add that it was YOU who suggested it in the first place!

Well have a great trip. It looks a bit on the "cool side" but so many interesting ports o go off searching around in.

Love to Z.

Any chance of a "reviewy-poo"?

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Well, Hum, I hope it does make sense soon, because it doesn't yet.


The yacht looks great, and it was wonderful to be greeted by Capt. Remi, Pierre, Silvio, Mikee, Rose, Brenda and the rest. Beautful clear skies over Barcelona. Only 60 pax aboard. Previous cruise was full, but apparently nobody stayed on. And now we are off to the lifeboat drill. More to come.

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Hope you have a great cruise! Glad to see you were met by sunny skies in Barcelona even though a little chilly. And you had the A-Team greet you when you boarded SD! Love them all!


We will arrive in Barcelona on Thursday for 2 weeks in Spain. Been watching the weather closely, Barcelona is looking good, but we are spending a week in San Sebastian and that is looking coolish with a slight chance of rain almost every day. But that is typical for that area of Spain in the spring.


I look forward to reading your posts!


Does Ho Hum have any San Sebastian, Barcelona, or Madrid restaurant recommendations?

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So the film preview of the BBC2 television documentary about SD and our TA and stuff was viewed by Hum & Blondie during the week before last.


What could Hum have been afraid of?

Looking like Jabba the Hutt perhaps.

No, not at all.

It was worse!! Hum looked more like Jabba the Hutt's older and fatter grandfather!

And Hum certainly wasn't expecting to appear dumber than Homer Simpson! Duhhh.........what was Hum thinking?


Blondie on the other hand........stole the show.

Elegant, funny, smart.

Oh no, she was brilliant with so many great lines too.

Hum "came over" as a "Victor Meldrew" though another chap on the documentary was actually even grumpier (sorry if non-UK viewers don't know who Victor Meldrew is: a typical British male "malcontent" of a certain age).


We saw the preview with the film editor whilst consuming four bottles of champagne!

We needed it!

The next day we dined in a trendy Japanese restaurant in London with the editor's boss and again a few bottles gulped down. The film company say they are proud of the work and our "posh" TA (who are the main feature of the film) were relieved and then also quite proud of how they were portrayed.


Our first reaction was also relief, to be honest.

It wasn't too ghastly.

Some sections of the film were definitely strange and un-related though and you kept on thinking, why didn't they use this or that?

We hated the show title and the stupid blurb insisted upon by a "tabloid journalist" approach to gain more viewers. The BBC are obviously appealing to "oiks" these days.

The name is: "The Million Pound Holiday Club".


And ruddy stupid it is too!


The programme date has been released but there is now some doubt.

There is a big football match that night, so there will be fewer viewers than originally anticipated and a famous chef is beginning a new series.

We have NOT told friends (OK a few who already knew).

Blondie may be abroad (Guernsey, no not really abroad) with "Mad Helen" for a "girl's weekend" during the showing (if it is finally confirmed).


There are a few cringeworthy moments by the "young Brando" which show Hum's appalling girth and even worse, his dance moves! But his thinning pate went un-noticed: small mercies.

Oh and Hum even talks about "incontinence pads"!!!

No, don't ask!


If the BBC want to make a new television series of a combination of "Mr.Blobby and Victor Meldrew" then Hum is open to offers (sorry again to non-UK viewers if you don't know who the heck Mr.Blobby is).




Sea Dream come out of it, looking very good, especially Christophe (Executive Hotel Manager)


Have SD shoreside management shown any interest?


Ruddy typical.

Just what the heck is the matter with them? Ruddy clueless lot! Free publicity t'boot!


Blondie is a "find"!

Star of first show by a mile (and second show too according to Editor).


Here is the promotional blurb.

Absolute rubbish.


"Welcome to International Travel Consultants, one of the world’s most exclusive travel agencies, at the forefront of made-to-measure travel services offering bespoke seven-star holidays across the globe. The company caters to the UK’s growing number of millionaires, and this series takes viewers inside this world of exquisitely tailored service and high-end luxury. We journey through an array of exotic locations, following the holidaymakers who spend a staggering £1 million with the company on their holidays!


As well as the rich and eccentric holidaymakers, we meet the hardworking people who make it all happen: the men and women on the front line, dealing with the daily requests of our millionaire holidaymakers. Whether it’s a private plane to fly out a customer’s pampered pets, or closing an entire Caribbean mall for a VIP private shopping experience, staff work tirelessly to cater to each extra special request.


Between the dream-like locations, millionaire demands and unparalleled service, The Million Pound Holiday Club uncovers what it really takes to create paradise on earth."


Total baloney!

£1M on holidays? Haha......just think about that one!

Private plane to fly out pets? Haha......we have 5 koi carp in the lake (ok, pond!)

Closing a mall? Balderdash. Gettin' Hum in a mall is ridiculous in the first place.


No, all this is sensationalist rubbish to get in viewers to hate us!!!

Hum gives up.

Hum isn't even going to offer counter-arguments.

Oh the betrayal.

Don't worry Hum will let you know of finalised film showing date.

But only if you send in a review.........don't spare Hum!

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So sad to hear Zoltan will be leaving :( The piano bar will never be the same, nor will Sweet Caroline (so good, so good). But your story on Blondie reminds me of a couple of cruises we took where there was a guest who liked to wear very short leopard print dresses (well, almost a dress). She became known as "Cat Lady" for her dancing moves, but particularly her penchant for wanting to climb up on the piano with drink in hand. One night she spilled it and I thought George was going to have a heart attack! Somehow or other, they did manage to get it cleaned up without ruining the piano!!


Sorry our lovely dinner ended up on the cutting room floor -- story of my life!


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Does Ho Hum have any San Sebastian, Barcelona, or Madrid restaurant recommendations?


Hello whatnot. Really it is all about "tapas" in Spain and this is what we usually do accompanied by local house wines (a red and a white for each dish selected).

Hum hasn't been to San Sebastian (2005) and Madrid (2003) in a while so they might well need checking first to discover whether they are still operating.


San Sebastian

A great variety of restaurants in SS.

- Martin Berasategui, Loidi 4, Lasarte tel +34 943 36 64 71 (outside SS and expensive)

- Bodegón Alejandro c/Fermin Calbeton 4, tel +34 943.427.158.

- Rekondo. Paseo de Igueldo 57, San Sebastiantel*+34 943. 21.29.07, http://www.rekondo.com



Not many great restaurants.

- La Broche at Hotel Miguel Angel

- Café Óliver



- Two small cafes inside Food Market off Las Ramblas, immediately on left hand side. One does hams sat on stools, next along on communal benches does fish.

- this is really a locals restaurant, we go back again and again: http://www.bocagrande.cat/

- Ohla Hotel, http://www.ohlahotel.com

- Monvínic, http://www.monvinic.com

- 41 Degrees, http://www.ticketsbar.es

- Pura Brasa, http://www.purabrasa.com


Must try the local wines; "house" wines are normally good enough.

Happy eating and drinking.

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Oh my Ho Hum! Thank you so much! Never expected so much detail. Will let you know what we think and also if we find something new that we really love.


We have been to all 3 cities before but will be spending more time in each on this trip.

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The worst thing about Australia is getting into the ruddy country!


No problem with the airports themselves, no, they are well sign-posted, nicely laid out: the problem is their BORDER CONTROL!


First the women speak funny.

They say a sentence and "lift" the sound of the last word a semi-pitch up.

It is an aberration like Hum had never experienced before.

On the first occasion Hum met this strange sounding woman who looked completely "dead pan", Hum thought she had a speech impediment!

Hum thought it was a good thing that people with apparent handicaps could live full lives and contribute to the society and just because she is "different" ......... so ruddy what. Good on Australia for this far sighted attitude.

But she was having difficulty with Hum over some silly thing or other and called over a lady colleague and lady supervisor.

They all started talking like it!

They can't all have ruddy speech impediments!!

It was like a Monty Python sketch.


The cause of the STOP was because Hum was accused of smuggling banned items into the country which could kill off all Australians!

Hum protested his innocence but they insisted Hum open up all his bags.

Hum pointed to the 1st Class BA Luggage labels indicating that posh Brits are not likely to smuggle into the country but the gang of officials would have none of it.

Aha! What is this!

Two boxes of Cuban cigars, Hum replied.

Was Hum over the limit. A box each. Surely not.

What is the box made of, they asked.

Err.....hardwood, seasoned hardwood.

Did you read this question on the card sir.

Yes, but.....

Is it listed on the card.

Well yes, but.....

We must confiscate the wooden box.

OK, give Hum a plastic bag and Hum will take the cigars in that.

They then proceeded to lecture Hum about the dangers to their eco-system saying there could be microbes in it. Hum explained that is why the wood is seasoned, to eradicate microbes. The force of Hum's superior intelligence and well constructed arguments caused them to relent and they whisked Hum on his way somewhat disappointed they didn't apprehend "Mr.Big"!

But a plane load of Chinese were heading their way and they would soon have their work cut out. It is not uncommon for the Chinese to take suitcases of all sorts of disgusting animal parts for their vacation: few clothes but tons of duck gizzards, birds nest soup and the like.


Hum is bringing tea with him from Fortnum & Mason much as the English gentry did when Dingoland was a far off colony. Hum has checked the Kangarooland Border Security website and it is not banned but Hum will take it in hand luggage just to be sure (if it was a fruit or herbal tea, it may have seeds in it and then it would be banned but F&M Earl Grey does not contain seed.......Hum thinks).


Hum has to control himself when he goes through passport control and they ask "Is this the first time you entered Sydney"? otherwise he is in "fits"!


And if they ever asked "Do you have any criminal convictions"? Hum has a reply ready "Sadly no, is it still a requirement" ?


But Hum has learnt his lessons. Always dress smartly, look 'em straight in the eye, adopt proper posture, be brief in answers and be uber polite and one more thing: stop sweating profusely and nervously looking at your bag! And never, ever imitate the Aussie accent and colloquialisms "G'day Sheila / cobber"!


But honestly, Aussies are one of our greatest allies (well that's how Brits feel towards them). They made a huge sacrifice in WWI & WWII (as did the Canadians and New Zealanders); somehow this feeling about them never really tarnishes despite the change in generation.




From plane to chauffeur: 15 ruddy minutes!

Brilliant Australia.

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Our first full day on SD1 took us to Roses in Catalonia. We booked the ship's tour to the Salvador Dali Museum. A downside to having only 60 passengers is that the tours will not always make their minimums. We were fortunate this one did. Our backup plan was to take a taxi to the museum and visit it ourselves. That probably would have been a mistake. Our guide was so magnificent, telling us such detail about the works she showed us, as well as Dali's life. Hats off to SD for this tour.


Today we are back in France, docked at Sete. A typical small port city, with a covered market a couple of blocks from the ship. The produce is so beautiful. Why can't we get that in the US? Not even at a farmers' market. And everyone was dining on oysters.


Capt. Remi says we can expect sunny weather for the rest of the week. Yesterday he was joined by 1st Officer Claus, Hadn't seen him in quite a while.


Whatnot, I'm sure Hum's restaurant recommendations are good, but we went to Botofumiero in Barcelona. May be too touristy for the Million Pound Travellers, but we enjoyed an enormous platter of shellfish. The four of us ordered the platter for two and there were leftovers.


What can I say? The crew is top-notch. Nice to see them when they aren't running around to meet the demands of a full boat.

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The worst thing about Australia is getting into the ruddy country!



And if they ever asked "Do you have any criminal convictions"? Hum has a reply ready "Sadly no, is it still a requirement" ?


Now THAT's a great line. If you have issues getting out of the slammer, feel free to contact our Lawyers/Solicitors Dewey, Cheatem & Howe.:eek::D

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The worst thing about Australia is getting into the ruddy country!



And if they ever asked "Do you have any criminal convictions"? Hum has a reply ready "Sadly no, is it still a requirement" ?


Now THAT's a great line. If you have issues getting out of the slammer, feel free to contact our Lawyers/Solicitors Dewey, Cheatem & Howe.:eek::D


Laughed out loud at Hum's "Sadly no, is it still a requirement?"


And thx for the Aussie Accent Adam Hills clip. Loved it!

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Well chums, Hum is now "down under" and "hung over" (so many lovely wines on plane for 20 hours plus 2 hours in two lounges!!!).

We are in the land of Oz (Sydney in fact), seeing lots of great Aussie SD chums in various homes, "watering holes", "nosheries" etc....

Our man reason for going is to attend a big 50th birthday "bash" for a super chum.

Hum will spare you the grisly details of self-abuse (by intoxication and rampant consumption of various foodstuffs: though not koala maybe kangaroo though!) nor will he pist about the depravity and debauchery with our Aussie chums so postings will be sparse (for quite a while tailoring off to even sparser offerings ........ you deserve a rest from Hum.......haven't you suffered enuffff.....yes intentional "you drongo"!; getting into the Aussie colloquialisms.....well look it up if you dont know!).

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To quote Indiana Jones: "It's not the years, it's the mileage"...........:eek::D


Hahaha.......Great one Jim!

You never let Hum down old chum! Brilliant line!


By the way, the film is not released, so you cant watch it on internet unless popper knows different!


It's 5.30am in Sydney.....ruddy "jet lag". Maybe a couple of "brews" will help.

Had a fantastic Aussie pilsner last night...thought of you, wondering what you would think.

All the best old chum.

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