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.......idle jottings


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What a lovely and handsome couple. I always thought Mr. Hum was really old based upon his self description. LOL!


Err......are you sure it's Hum?

According to Abenaki, Hum would be practically bald by now!

And that Rome wig maker would have too much pride to create an un-ruly "mop" like that! Heavens above!

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To quote Indiana Jones: "It's not the years, it's the mileage"...........:eek::D


Growing old is Compulsory, Growing up is Optional.


Hmmm.. not bald, nor chubby, linen not badly wrinkled. I think he has fooled us. Blondie..Gorgeous, he is correct with his descriptions. I would like her.

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Err......are you sure it's Hum?

According to Abenaki, Hum would be practically bald by now!

And that Rome wig maker would have too much pride to create an un-ruly "mop" like that! Heavens above!


Yes, I am certain it is Hum aka Goldilocks ;-)

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I always thought Mr. Hum was really old based upon his self description. LOL!


In many ways he is "as old as the hills" or should that be "over the hill"!

Possibly symptomatic of a classic English education designed, so it seems, to train young boys to become "old farts" really quickly.


Growing old is Compulsory, Growing up is Optional.


Hmmm.. not bald, nor chubby, linen not badly wrinkled. I think he has fooled us. Blondie..Gorgeous, he is correct with his descriptions. I would like her.



Another wonderful line.

Aaah yes "growing up".

There is a time and place to be responsible but we must also heed life's incessant call to enjoy it too in it's utter simplicity (Matthew verse 18.3: "become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven").


Oh and a big thankyou!

The "cotton" shirt was not wrinkled Ms.(Party) Pooper.

But "thinning" according to the "happy to report" Abenaki: almost gleeful in his observation and eager to point out to the "world" (well those miscreants that "hang about here").


But Hum is much bigger than the shrunk, set back figure (behind Blondie) you see before you.

Why on earth did they ruddy shrink Hum?

Still it makes Hum "thinnish".

Hum looks kinda nonchalant and cool in a rock star kinda way.....yeah right! (ok, Commander, Hum hears ya).


Blondie is an amazing lady, oh yes.

Funny, glamorous, kind, energetic and one who loves life.

And she would like you too.


Yes, I am certain it is Hum aka Goldilocks ;-)


Oh it's Abenaki's effusive characterisation that has "given the game away" ("golden locks")!

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So we are sitting on deck 5 of SD1, enjoying dinner at anchor in St. Tropez, and what do we see approaching us? SD2 has just joined us. How great is that?


Did a chef's walk this morning and spent the rest of the day shopping. Boy, the poor folks on SD2 will be so disappointed to find that the stores have been cleaned out when they come ashore tomorrow morning. At midnight we sail to Monaco, and then Cannes on Friday. Heard the Hum and Blondie movie is a top contender for the Palme d'Or.

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Happy birthday Commander.....much festivities in the settlement ce soir!

Break out the beaver jerky!

Is the ol' "moonshine" still up and working? Need some of that too.

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So we are sitting on deck 5 of SD1, enjoying dinner at anchor in St. Tropez, and what do we see approaching us? SD2 has just joined us. How great is that?



Hope crews have time for a party ...... oh they did

Is a certain someone swopping ships perhaps?

You still dont have a clue, do you?


Did a chef's walk this morning and spent the rest of the day shopping.


You did a chef's walk then went shopping?

Hum barely makes it back to ship after "tasting" the 8/9 wines on offer (twice!).


At midnight we sail to Monaco, and then Cannes on Friday. Heard the Hum and Blondie movie is a top contender for the Palme d'Or.


The film still has censor issues.

Nudity, violence and offensive language: the usual stuff!

But we insist "shots" of you and Zimmy are kept in!


Please say hi to Silvio for us (adopting our other "names") and ask him to pass on hugs and kisses to those Alabama boys.

Oh and add a "Roll Tide" too, please! (on behalf of another good ol' Alabama boy).

And thanks for allowing us to share your voyage; it's been great.

Is Josh ok?

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Is a certain someone swopping ships perhaps?

You still dont have a clue, do you?


I plead guilty to absolute cluelessness. Did see a lady leave after dinner last night. Think she works for SD and was getting on SD2, but not really sure. Saw someone riding in a bosun's chair between the ships, but couldn't bear to watch.


Haven't seen Josh since the first couple of days. Heard he was under the weather. You obviously are getting better information about our cruise than we have. Who is your spy?


Monte Carlo today. Docked in front of Windstar (née Seabourne) Breeze. Cannes tomorrow. Will be having lunch with Spielberg. Irving Spielberg, that is.

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I plead guilty to absolute cluelessness. Did see a lady leave after dinner last night. Think she works for SD and was getting on SD2, but not really sure. Saw someone riding in a bosun's chair between the ships, but couldn't bear to watch.


Well Hum's sources could have concluded about certain events in-correctly but the person in question was in Barcelona on the day of embarkation: maybe it was just a short visit and the person never sailed.


Haven't seen Josh since the first couple of days. Heard he was under the weather. You obviously are getting better information about our cruise than we have. Who is your spy?


Josh was on IVF!

Spy? Haha

Hum prefers the term "various sources" ........ as for names: never, never!

They have been buried deep in the organisation for years.


Monte Carlo today. Docked in front of Windstar (née Seabourne) Breeze. Cannes tomorrow. Will be having lunch with Spielberg. Irving Spielberg, that is.


Anywhere nice for lunchy-poo?

What a great name!

Irving Spielberg.......it reminds Hum of those great Hollywood musicals with smiling, dancing showgirls fantastically choreographed with high level film shots.

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So in the "SeaDream Club Newsletter May 2016" awards have been given to various crew.


Andrei Troitski

2015 Manager of the Year

Chief Purser Andrei has been with SeaDream since 2007. He works mainly behind the scenes, and his job is an important one. He might say “paperwork” is his middle name. He seamlessly handles the all finances onboard and makes sure each port is ready to welcome you ashore.


Edgar Hernandez

Employee of the Year - SeaDream I

Having joined SeaDream in 2011, Repairman Edgar Hernandez is a true asset to SeaDream I. Edgar is one of the behind the scenes, unsung heroes. Aboard a 344 ft. mega-yacht, a good repairman is worth his weight in gold.


Frudelyn Torrecampo

Employee of the Year - SeaDream II

Frud, SeaDream II Concierge, has been with the company since 2004. Everyone loves Frud; the crew and the guests. Her warm, cheerful presence at the concierge desk brightens the day. She is thrilled to assist you in making your voyage most enjoyable.


How they choose is beyond Hum, they all work so darn hard and the standard of their service is exceptional.

Well done guys.

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Spent some time this morning walking around Cannes. Crowds everywhere. If it wasn't crowded enough, NCL's Epic with 6000 pax is in the harbor, as well as the P&O Arcadia. Fortunately, nobody recognized Zimmy, so we weren't hounded by the paparazzi or autograph hounds. Decided to return to SD for lunch, and then spent the afternoon at the pool. First time there this trip. As long as we have midnight sailings, we've been able to do dinner on deck.


Tomorrow we expect to find luggage tags in our room. :( Taking the TGV from Nice back to Paris for our flight home. Hope the trains are running. They've been on strike for a couple of days, but the workers are supposed to return for the weekend.


Josh is up and about. And everything else aboard is just wonderful. They are expecting a full boat next week. The crew has really appreciated the lighter load this week.

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Tomorrow we expect to find luggage tags in our room. :( Taking the TGV from Nice back to Paris for our flight home. Hope the trains are running. They've been on strike for a couple of days, but the workers are supposed to return for the weekend.


Safe travels home though Hum has heard that rather a lot of Parisian airport staff have had security clearances revoked following the Egyptair tragedy and of course extra security will be stepped up. Please let us know how you eventually got on. All the best to you both.

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Captain Steiner now has his picture on the Blog with the rest of the Captains. Ho-Hum is righto again.:D


It can be such a burden at times.........by the way put the "house" on "Myopic Mary" in the 2.30pm at Aintree tomorrow. Heard it straight from the "horse's mouth": odds 66/1. You can trust in "right again" Hum!

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Just got off of the TGV from Nice to Paris. This was an experience that will be a "one of" for us. The actual trip was pleasant enough, with wonderful scenery going down first the coast and then through French farmland. However, it was a lot of work - for Trapper Zimmy that is. There is no one to assist with luggage. Now for most passengers that is no problem. They each have one carry on bag. But then there is us. Two very large rolling bags and two carry ons. We had to go downstairs from one platform and up to another. Going down was OK because there was an escalator. But going up - stairs! Wouldn't you think it would be the other way around? Fortunately Trapper is in great shape, and schlepped both bags up the stairs. And then our seats were on the second level of the train coach and he had to do it all again! Next time we fly!

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Just got off of the TGV from Nice to Paris. This was an experience that will be a "one of" for us. The actual trip was pleasant enough, with wonderful scenery going down first the coast and then through French farmland. However, it was a lot of work - for Trapper Zimmy that is. There is no one to assist with luggage. Now for most passengers that is no problem. They each have one carry on bag. But then there is us. Two very large rolling bags and two carry ons. We had to go downstairs from one platform and up to another. Going down was OK because there was an escalator. But going up - stairs! Wouldn't you think it would be the other way around? Fortunately Trapper is in great shape, and schlepped both bags up the stairs. And then our seats were on the second level of the train coach and he had to do it all again! Next time we fly!


Oh dear!

And how did passing through Paris airport go?

Efficiently hopefully.

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Some "bright spark" (and we all know who) in shoreside management has had the brainwave (or is it "brain fart"?) of swopping Captains between ships!

In "Jim's" name why? (you see what Hum's cleverly done there? Duhhh.........no frigging idea Hum. Ye gods! It's replacing ....... oh never mind, the Crystal group would have got it....... just sayin').

For crying out loud.

"To balance out certain differences of operation and standard" is the reason offered.

But Hum does't want this and the crews probably won't want this.

When a vital component changes, the whole balance and "feel" changes.

And Hum likes the "feel" on SDII, nay "loves" it.

To have a great product means having a style too.

Currently there are two distinct styles for guests to choose.

And there's no point trying to convince Hum there is no difference.

Don't forget Hum is sensitive to matters of mystical vibrations, auras......Hum is definitely the Sun in Uranus kinda guy.

SD is in danger of becoming more a homogenised, bland, non-experience with a potential dis-satisfied crew.

And some guests and crew are still "getting over" the loss of a much loved and respected Captain too.

This interference in the "ways of ship life" could be detrimental for all.

Great job!

Hum hopes no other similar "bright ideas" are adopted.

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Oh dear!

And how did passing through Paris airport go?

Efficiently hopefully.


CDG was quick and easy. At the airport at 0715 and no lines anywhere. Maybe more people checking passports and boarding passes and asking questions, but all very efficient. In an hour we will be off to Chicago, where, hopefully it isn't raining. Haven't spent a dry moment in Paris since we got here a week and a half ago. Fortunately, the weather was delightful on the Côte d'Azur.

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Would love to go Luxury but to expensive

I need a rich boyfriend, lol


I know a guy who knows a guy who would be perfect. He wants to know if you have a boat. Please send a picture of the boat.......:eek::D

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With the passing of 200K views, this post is dedicated to Captain Terje Willassen.

He is certainly responsible for Hum and Blondie sailing with SD (and SDII predominantly) ever since Hum first came onboard. Hum liked him immediately and grew to respect him more and more. He was chiefly responsible for creating the special atmosphere onboard which Hum loves. Hum caused him quite a few headaches with immature playful pranks and was requested to attend the bridge on two occasions for a "dressing down", deservedly so too. Soon Hum behaved to acceptable levels and finally we became good chums (and still are).

So thankyou Captain, you are never forgotten. This silly milestone is dedicated to you.


And what do you post to celebrate this passing point?

Well what about Hum's first post: a review on the inaugural Amazon trip in February, 2012.

Published 13/04/12


A passenger had submitted a rather unfair review (though he praised the crew) which made Hum's blood boil!!!

And Hum's first post was in defence of SD.

So Hum began his first jotting and slowly developed a style of drivel that you are so unfortunately accustomed to today!

But good news is at hand........Hum will be less prodigious and prolific.




SeaDream II Cruise Review by ho-hum: The REAL Maiden Amazon Voyage of SeaDream II


Was I and my partner actually on the same voyage as bnb521 ?


Most of his experiences certainly do not accord with our own but to be fair he refers (twice) to fun loving fellow passengers and the great crew. Yes that is so very true; SD always attracts friendly fellow passengers and as for the crew, well words, cannot do justice, they are just magnificent.


But as for the rest of his critique, he is............... Well let me just offer this gentle rebuttal of his main points:


It is a 102 passenger classic vessel, referred to as "YACHT", it is not competing with the larger vessels. It has no need to, it is an elegant, friendly vessel preferred by those discerning guests who want personal service, the opportunity to mingle with like-minded people (or not) and who certainly don't want "entertaining" that is why it is also referred to as "CLUB" (the mere mention of a "knobbly knees contest" would send my partner hyerventilating !).

Would a larger vessel even make it up to Iquitos ? I think not.

Trust me the room sizes and facilities are more than adequate. Plus, where can you eat outside (including most evenings) ? For those from cooler climes, this is heaven.


Furthermore the size of the rooms and the facilities as well as the public areas are clearly displayed on all the companies particulars. Would it not have been reasonable to check this before booking "an expensive cruise" (his words, not mine).? What part of YACHT CLUB does he not understand ?


The weather during the trip was wonderful, if a little humid for the crew (especially those serving to passengers eating outside in the evenings). So if (as claimed) the sommelier filled the glass ever so slightly then maybe it's because he had a lot of ground to cover and wished to keep everybody lubricated.

He is one of the hardest working of the crew, hugely liked and respected and a great joke teller (when he has the time).

I am most particular about my wine and I thought the regular wines were fine but the evening dinners deserved greater wines. They had a great range, were fairly priced and the sommelier offered some great advice and were served perfectly (if they were not I would impose Sharia law punishment on the offending infidel ! You know what that means but an example would have at least been made).


The Amazon was the inaugural sailing for SD, and the Captain took this responsibility very seriously (as always). He was doing 6 hour shifts shared with his Chief Officer for the duration of the voyage. Very demanding, I think you would agree. I too regret that we did not see the Captain as often as we would like but it was clear his priority was to the safety of the passengers and actually navigating the river. Would he preferred to see the Captain schmoozing with lovely ladies, drink in hand whilst passing rocky outcrops so that he could wave to a friend of a friend ? Or would he prefer the Captain to be exercising the greatest attention and personal responsibility whilst we had a gay old time (dont go there, it is an old English expression, not used as much these days ..)


The Captain is then criticised for addressing problems with the passengers (always the same few) !


What ? I view this as further testimony to his concern for the passengers and his sense of overall responsibility and not "dodging the issue"; he should be commended not criticised.

I do suggest that if his duties could have been shared more (by incorporating an additional senior driver or whatever the second in command is called) then more periodic attendances at drinks before dinner explaining the navigation etc.. may have allayed concerns for the few.

Please remember it was an inaugural voyage, most of us were excited by this adventure and had factored this in.


The dismissive comment that the food was "passable" is an astounding comment to make.

The food is consistently to a very high standard but on the Amazon voyage it was exceptional in every department. We were fortunate to have an assembly of some of the best cooks in the world on board.

The chef is a particularly friendly and accessible guy, accommodating food allergies, preferences, fads, etc.. ; if there was something you particularly liked, he would make it ! But the real treat is to try food you would not normally order. With the kind of experience and taste the waiting crew have, I simply let them order my meals (provided I have one soup and one desert): I was never disappointed and constantly amazed by the culinary skill of these giants.

My partner and I eat out a lot and are fortunate to eat in some amazing places. SD kitchen is consistently very good as are the serving staff, eating outside or in the beautiful dining-room. On this point, my fellow passenger is hopelessly wrong. SD kitchen is remarkable and the experience of eating on SD is magnificent.


I cannot comment on his remarks concerning activities other than to advise that we were satisfied.


Concerning announcements: I detest intrusive announcements especially into cabins. SD have got this bang on with their view of being un-obtrusive. We were also mostly well informed, if there was something we wanted to know, we simply asked; no big hardship, in fact it was a way of inter-acting with fellow passengers.


I loved the comment about a track for the morning walk. Again I say it's a yacht not a large impersonal ship taking thousands of passengers. The walk lasts 20 minutes, sit somewhere else or join in. Get those endorphins going, they say it helps with your mood (may a couple of hours a day to start with ?).


I also loved that he implied he was bored by the Amazon citing only seeing *" birds-trees-water" etc. Well you tend to get a lot of water around vessels ! They move better when they are on water !

Again he cites "trees", what part of rainFOREST is he missing ? What did he expect to see "the Sydney opera house, the hanging gardens of Babylon, herds of wildebeest sweeping *majestically ..... (a famous excerpt from "Fawlty Towers"; a room with a view. Go see it on YouTube. ).


Well, happy sailing to you all whoever you prefer to sail with (or not).


Finally I would add that my partner and I would not have done this trip except with SD, with this Captain and with his crew and I dare say a large number of our fellow passengers are likely to have felt the same (75% of whom were repeaters; yes we are just "suckers for punishment". Bring it on.........I love you SD, SD crew and every inch of your beautiful classic yacht, cant wait to see you again soon even though Go...an has awful wobbly needs ! Dont look darling !)

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A hearty congrats, Hum, on 200K views. I remember once when I noticed the number of views, I about had tachycardia. And with all these views, why do you keep "threatening" to give us less to view? Well, don't push yourself to extremes, but whenever you're ready to write, we're ready to read.


And every once in a while reply.


Now, back to the test of time. Your first post, quoted above, from over four years ago, is so perfect, I can see why whoever read it was hooked; and you, like the Pied Piper, have just continued to collect followers until the line snakes all the way through Cruise Critic.


Everything you write about SD and your beloved SDII makes me want to try one. Perhaps some day ....


Meantime, keep enjoying, and keep telling us about it as much as is humanly possible.

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A hearty congrats, Hum, on 200K views. I remember once when I noticed the number of views, I about had tachycardia. And with all these views, why do you keep "threatening" to give us less to view? Well, don't push yourself to extremes, but whenever you're ready to write, we're ready to read.


And every once in a while reply.


Now, back to the test of time. Your first post, quoted above, from over four years ago, is so perfect, I can see why whoever read it was hooked; and you, like the Pied Piper, have just continued to collect followers until the line snakes all the way through Cruise Critic.


Everything you write about SD and your beloved SDII makes me want to try one. Perhaps some day ....


Meantime, keep enjoying, and keep telling us about it as much as is humanly possible.


That's mighty nice of you May B.

Kindest regards


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Dearest hum,

congrats to 200.000 views - 50.000 of them are views from Herr and Frau gcmv. :)


Gcmv had to work quite hard during the last weeks, but fortunately this has an end on Friday.

On Saturday we will be flying to Sardinia and will spent two lovely weeks there with excellent wine, food, accomodations, beaches and golf.

Only to make ho-hum curious, there's the link of our beach view at Villasimius.




Btw. will hum and blondie cruise on any of the SD-wine-connaisseur-cruises in 2017?

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