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Re: Sloppy Cruisers


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Wow! After reading Carnival's forum I was very afraid that I would become a cruise addict. Now that I have read this thread, I'm sure that won't happen. My husband and I were given a cruise by our dear children to celebrate our 30th anniversary. We were very excited and appreciated the gift very much. I'm am more than a little worried now that I have read this thread. Apparently, we are not worthy to cruise because we are not upperclass. We actually work for a living. We had planned on dressing nicely, but not formal, on Elegant night. This just happens to fall on our anniversary. Maybe we should just stay in our cabin and order room service so as to not offend anyone with our appearance. After all, I am plus size and I might make your meal unappetizing with my blatant disregard for my health. Of course, you know nothing about why I am fat, so it must be that I just don't care and have given up on looks. At least we are fortunate enough to be cruising on the "Walmart" of cruise lines so maybe they will actually allow us to board. We will be going on this cruise because our children thought enough of us to give it to us. Let me just apologize in advance to anyone we might be cruising with that I will so obviously will offend. I will try not to relax or, heaven forbid, actually enjoy myself. I wish all of you snobs the best of times on your so deserved cruises!!



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Are you being serious or is this tongue and cheek?


If it's your first cruise I'd honestly suggest to you that you step away from Cruise Critic and enjoy yourself.

I'm so happy I didn't discover this place until I had several cruises under my belt. Had I read here before the first one, I surely would've cancelled.


Once you've been on a cruise, you'll be better able to form an opinion and will know which posts are for real, and which are just exaggeration due to the mask of a computer screen. ;)


The thread you are referencing was locked because it was stupid (imho). As someone who has sailed both luxury and mass market lines (including Carnival) I can honestly state that I've not seen any of the nonsense mentioned in that thread.


Have a good cruise. :cool:

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Tammycm, I'd like to think the vast majority are here to learn, share experiences, offer tips, and share our love of the cruising life, not dismiss or belittle others. I've found that everybody has their own "cruise style", and most of the cruise lines are flexible enough to allow you to be comfortable and enjoy your time aboard your way.


I'm middle class, so I save for my cruise vacations. I'm plus sized, but you'd better believe I put on my bathing suit/nice dress/casual wear and take advantage of all the amenities the ship and ports of call have to offer. Once I step foot on board a cruise ship, my #1 job is to have fun, enjoy time with my family and make memories, period.


Lerin is correct. Once you've been on a cruise, you'll be able to form your own opinion and figure out what you want and don't want out of the experience (I think I had two or three cruises under my belt before I discovered CC).


Happy 30th Anniversary! I hope you and your husband have a blast on your cruise. :D


PS: What amazing kids to give you such a wonderful gift!

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Congratulations on your first cruise. I'm sure you'll have a ball! When it comes to Cruise Critic, take almost all of it with a huge dose of a sense of humour. Most people are very full of themselves...


I don't fit the "standard" cruise profile either. I'm in my mid 30s with 2 kids. We're living on a single income and a government pension. We've just returned from our first cruise and have booked another one. We don't have a lot of money to splash around, but going for a cruise is a "real" holiday for me as a mother. Someone else cooking, cleaning, and even looking after the kids for a bit of the time! I'm also plus size and the only concession I made for cruising because of that was to go and get my legs (and other areas) waxed. Shaving in the tiny bathrooms would not be fun! Other than that my size had no bearing on my cruise at all!


We ourselves liked to get dressed up for formal nights, but that's only because we get so few opportunities to "dress up". The way everyone else in the dining room was dressed had no impact on our enjoyment of the night whatsoever.


I'd say that would be the most common feeling of your fellow cruisers. As long as you don't turn up in your swimmers wrapped in a wet towel straight from the pool, almost anything you wear will really be fine...



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Edited by Yillup
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Welcome to Cruise Critic. Go cruise, dress as you would in your Sunday best and don't worry about what a stranger thinks. After this cruise you will never see these people again. Dress to please yourself and your spouse and "no one" else.


I just got off Royal Caribbean and on elegant night the majority of women had black pants and a nice top and everyone of them looked happy.


Enjoy your cruise and come back and let us know the fun you had and the new experiences you had.

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Congrats on your gift and anniversary. I love Carnivel. My hubby and I work also. I didnt get get over dressed for elegant night last yr. I had on a long casual everyday skirt and a nice top. My hubby had on a color polo and docker pants. (Which were from Walmart). Please take inconsideration that some ppl like to become different on these things. Read reviews, get ideas maybe chat with some who r on same cruise. U guys will b fine and enjoy. What cruise u sailing on? Im on Aug 16,2014 on Sunshine


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This made me laugh because I so feel your "pain". Our first cruise our table mates were complete and utter snobs (or so I initially thought). I was quite uncomfortable the first few evenings and then decided the heck with it, this was MY cruise, and no one was going to spoil it for me. Once I changed my attitude and stopped being intimidated by people *I* saw as people looking down on me, *their* attitudes changed also. The remainder of the cruise was absolutely fantastic. Our dinner conversations flowed and by the time the cruise ended, we were exchanging email addresses.


What wonderful children you have...giving you a cruise. I do hope you are able to enjoy yourself and not let the few "snobs" get to you. Please open yourself up to getting to know people and not judging a book by it's cover. We are all different and what I see as a negative, someone else sees as a positive. I love getting to know people from different areas, different cultures. A cruise is the perfect opportunity to do so. If they do not want to know me, it's their loss.


Please do not let others influence your enjoyment. Cruising is such a relaxing, stress free way to enjoy a vacation. You are pampered from the moment you step on board, at least that has been my experience.


I hope you are taking these replys to heart. As others have said, you will be in the majority, so put on your flip flops and leave your cares behind.




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We have cruised Carnival a LOT. Make sure you go to the dining room on Cruise Elegant Night!!!! You have your choice of prime rib or lobster and we have seen people in shorts and jeans on this night in the dining room. There are VERY few tuxes and few suits now on this night. You can see what is being worn for those going to the dining room for 1st seating or early any time seating- just see what they are wearing. If you have traditional dining (same time every night) and don't like your table mates just ask the maître'd to move you to a different table and they will. And, if you want two or even three lobsters, order them! My husband usually orders both the prime rib AND the lobster!

The majority of passengers will not be "upper-class". I know of at least two janitors at schools I sub at that have been on cruises and are looking forward to cruising again. You will see people of all sizes on cruises, heavy and skinny. But all are having a great time and we don't care how much you or anyone weighs and I have to give credit to 300 lb. women who wear a two piece bathing suit and I have even seen them wearing a bikini!

So forget what is bothering you now! Just go, be yourself, and you will have a ball!

Do go to your roll call here and meet others going on your cruise!

Edited by Bonnie J.
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You will find people on Cruise Critic to be far more critical here than actually on a ship. It's because they can hide behind anonymity.


Our first cruise was in 1998 and I worried prior to the cruise we wouldn't be dressy enough. Once on the cruise, I waa shocked at how casual it was. Average , everyday people. No models, no high society, no snobs.


The only snobby person I ever overheard on a cruise was an elderly man making rude comments to his wife while people were passing to go to the dining room on a formal night. All the while he was wearing a threadbare light blue polyester suit. I just smiled to myself:)

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You seriously need to change your focus in terms of helpful posts, and idiot posts. More are helpful, than not.


Seems you've decided to focus on the crappy ones, instead of believing the others who are supportive of those who just want to, and need, a good, relaxing time.


You are worrying for nothing. Believe all those who say what you are fretting about is hardly the reality once you board......unless you insist in seeking proof of crappy behaviour....because then you will see it everywhere. What you expect, is what you'll find...good or bad.

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I’ve been on 10 Carnival cruises, so from experience I can tell you the VAST majority of those onboard are all working class (as am I). No offense, but if they weren’t working class and were in the independently wealthy or upper class, they probably wouldn’t be cruising on Carnival – they’d be on a more influential cruise line! In all my cruises with Carnival, there were hardly any “snobs” that I came in contact with – literally none that I can even remember if so. People are like this with the dress code threads on all boards. Recently, I went on my first Celebrity cruise last month – again, I was worried about the dress since I knew I wouldn’t be partaking in formal nights. On any of the other given nights, I found that my concerns were unwarranted. Literally, there were times that “I” felt overdressed!


Like others have said, if the negative comments of many on these boards are starting to get to you…walk away from the message boards. Or only use them to search for specific things you want to research, like ports of call, drink packages, onboard activities, things like that!


With that being said, we haven’t attended formal nights in many years because my husband would rather not dress up. We’re just as happy eating in the buffet or in another location. Even on “formal” night, you can get away with a pair of dress pants and blouse or sparkly top. It doesn’t have to be a ball gown or tux! Don’t worry about your weight or what others might think of you. This is YOUR vacation – don’t let others ruin it for you!


It hurts my heart that someone may not know the joys of cruising before giving it a chance! Enjoy your cruise & happy 30th anniversary!

Edited by HeatherC430
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You have some very thoughtful children to have given you such a nice gift. Please don't let the "arbiters of taste and style" you see on CC get you in such a state that you can't enjoy your cruise.

You don't have to have clothes planning spreadsheets, 4 different outfits for each day, a separate suitcase just for your cosmetics, flowy ball gown, tux, etc…. Just take what you are comfortable with - no need to buy anything new and specific for a cruise. Yes, there are vocals on CC who believe that you must always have on makeup, have your hair perfectly coiffed, and strictly adhere to THEIR set of dress rules. Ignore them. I feel sorry for those who have a cruise "ruined" because they saw someone they felt didn't dress up to their standards. Life is too short for that.


Go, HAVE FUN, and ignore the Fashion Police on CC :)

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You reference a thread in your original post. Where is that thread and exactly what did it say to upset you so much?


The first thing you must remember here is that posting on the Internet, it's impossible to determine intent or tone. Someone can post something totally innocent, but when another person reads it, they can take it the wrong way, a way that was never intended.


You've not been on a cruise, so you really have no idea of the make up of the passengers. You'll find them ages 2 to 92, solos and couples (same sex, married and unmarried), people who weigh 90lbs or 350lbs, people who are millionaires and others who save for years to afford one trip of a lifetime. There will be lawyers, doctors, retirees, teachers, trash collectors, people who own their own businesses and even the person who flips burgers.


I don't know what you read to put yourself down so much, and to put you off cruising, but I think you need to stop reading Cruise Critic until AFTER you take your first cruise. After that, you'll have experience and will be able to tell the difference between what some people say and the reality of the situation

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To the OP, a few words of advice, yours to consider or not...


I look at it this way. I worked. (Thirty-three years as a teacher.) I saved money. I paid for my cruise. (In your case, someone who loves you paid.

I am hopeful that one day my kids will be able to do that!!!) So, since I won't be sending my bill to anyone else, I figure I'll enjoy my vacation as I see fit.

I am respectful of others in all I do.


I rarely notice and never care what someone else is wearing on a cruise or elsewhere. All I ask of others is that they treat me with courtesy as I do them, and generally, I am not disappointed.


Some on these forums seem to have issues; ignore them. Use these boards for gathering helpful information and reasoned opinions, and leave the rest behind. You are likely to find that most people you actually meet on your cruise will be friendly and polite. Don't let anyone diminish your well-earned pleasure and joy in cruising, either here or on the ship!

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Please don't let those with "attitudes" ruin such a wonderful gift for you. You will have the time of your lives! I dress to please myself and really don't care what others think. I think I look nice and that's enough for me. As much as you may read on CC about dress, honestly the Fashion Police are NOT on board and you will fit in with the rest of us who work all year to afford to cruise. It really is a working-class vacation now.....Thurston Howell and Lovie won't be on board :-)

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You reference a thread in your original post. Where is that thread and exactly what did it say to upset you so much?


This thread.



I, like others, am happy I didn't jump into Cruise Critic until after my first cruise. The little I did check had me worried to death about being formal.


There have been quite a few comments on the Celebrity board about how cruising has become so affordable (diminished) that the riff-raff are now able to jump onboard.


OP- don't worry. Those walking around with their hind ends on their shoulders aren't worthy of acknowledgement. Go and enjoy!

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Well OBNurse, you may have hit the nail on the head there. I think a lot of these "why isn't cruising like it was in the good old days? why has it all gone downhill?" threads are started by Lovie and Thurston wannabees who resent the fact that cruising is now an option for the "hoi polloi". I've found all ages, all sizes, all forms of dress, super-polite to super-rude behaviour. Basically, what you find in the real world. Go on your cruise OP and have a great time. We started cruising last August (mere months ago) and we've already been on three cruises and have two more booked. It is definitely addictive.

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