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Has Princess cracked down seat savers yet?


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Turned out their friends were doing the same thing on other side of pool, so they moved.No pool staff came over even with the huge shouting going on from these people.


Hooray for you!


As far as hogs in the theatre, they are alive and well. Unfortunately that is my pet peeve. We have our favorite rows to sit in and always arrive early. Arriving early, and someone telling me he is reserving the whole row, really gets me mad. My husband has to tell me to control myself and walk me to other chairs, I get really mad. Once I just sat down, and the guy saving the whole row, moved to another row to do the same thing.



As for us we arrive early like you. We go down 3 rows and turn into the middle section. The row ends right at the corner of the technicians booth and there is plenty of room. Almost no one want to set way back up there and therefore they are always available. (Limited stairs and since we are in no rush to get out! We simply watch the parade of people climbing up the stairs....)

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I had a bad experience regarding the saving of chairs on the Royal. On our first sea day at about 9 am I could not find a shaded lounger around the pools. Most chairs were empty but had towels or something (books, etc.) on them. My wife and I sat in the sun next to 2 empty chairs that were shaded – these 2 chairs had one towel each on them and in between one Princess “blue giveaway bag” that contained a rolled towel only (bag was open). After about an hour with chairs still empty I talked to a pool steward and his boss. They told me this was a big problem on the ship but they could not remove any material. However, the stewards told me that I could remove the towels myself if it had been over 30 minutes, their max time allowed for empty chairs (plenty of signs to this effect around the deck). I followed their advice (never again) and swapped chairs (moved the 2 towels and Princess bag). All OK for an additional 1 hour. At about 11 am a Russian couple shows up and throws a big fit. I told them to talk to the attendants about the chair policy which they did. The man came back and told me that if I got up to stretch my legs he would grab my chair, and that I better not go to the bathroom (I ignored his comment, but very nasty comments continued as they sat next to us, my iPod helped). After about 30 minutes they got up to leave and the woman ostensibly “tripped” into me, hit me pretty hard on the leg and then “apologized” while laughing out loud (I felt like slugging the guy for sending his wife to do the dirty work but common sense prevailed and I ignored again). By then my wife and I were pretty uncomfortable - we waited until they left the area and moved to the aft portion of the ship. I regretted moving any towels – not worth the trouble it caused. Another couple (not the Russians) immediately grabbed our shaded chairs. About 30 minutes later I decided to check out the Retreat pool and as I was leaving the same man confronted me again with another tirade of threatening words. I ignored him again and fortunately he did not touch me. I went back to my seat and after thinking about it I decided to talk to Security. I went down to the Customer Desk and asked for Security. Ed, Head of Security, (not willing to provide his last name) took a full description and told me that he would go up and look for the man to tell him to “cool it”. I told Ed that I did not care what the man or his wife said to me, however I could not allow him or his wife to hit me (or God forbid my wife) again and that I would take action if they did - that is the reason I was there with Security. Ed told me that if the man confronted me again to dial 5000, ask for him, and they would take immediate action. He also told me that chair saving is a big problem. On the cruise 2 weeks prior to mine, Security decided to enforce the “no saving rule” on the Royal – Ed told stewards to remove towels and personal possessions if left unattended for more than 30 minutes. As a result Ed had a huge line of people outside his office complaining loudly and berating him and his stewards, so no more enforcing on the Royal.


Moral of this story for me…. I will not remove anything from a chair regardless of what a pool steward may tell me, not worth the trouble and aggravation. If no chairs are available I will sit on my balcony or do something else. However I do think that Princess should take action - as Ed and the stewards told me this is a big problem on every cruise. Princess enforces the “no smoking” rule very well. Smoking in a cabin or balcony carries a $250 penalty. Smoking bothers me but on this cruise I did not see a single smoker violating the smoking rules so Princess is able to enforce. Nonetheless I suspect that they had difficulties when they started this rule and they probably had to get tough/nasty in the beginning. We did were I worked but this subsided after a while. Seems to me that Princess should enforce the “no saving” rule and “tolerate” the difficulties while this is getting established. Regardless it will probably never happen!!! I am now on the market for an inflatable doll like the one “caribill” posted, great idea… :)

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It's worth pointing out that for the crew, the biggest issue with chair hogs at the pool is keeping track of how long the chair is empty and where the people are.


If someone is IN the pool, they should be able to keep a chair as long as they are in it. But the staff has no easy way to keep track.


Conversely, is it ok to leave the chair for lunch and expect it to be held? How long is 'lunch'.

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I am sailing on the Emerald in 10 days time, a friend has just left the Emerald a few weeks ago. I got them to leave a towel, 2 books and a Princess bag on my favorite deck chair for when I get on next week. It is ok to do this isn't it.


We really need a Like button!


Actually from what I heard people saying on Ruby the last two weeks it just might work. I heard a lot of complaints about chair hogs and no enforcement.

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As for us we arrive early like you. We go down 3 rows and turn into the middle section. The row ends right at the corner of the technicians booth and there is plenty of room. Almost no one want to set way back up there and therefore they are always available. (Limited stairs and since we are in no rush to get out! We simply watch the parade of people climbing up the stairs....)


You have the best seat in the house. The reason the booth is there is because the sound reaches its best quality in that location. Ask any theater sound technician.


I am short, so I prefer to have a railing in front of me. To each his own. As for savers...within reason, but otherwise, it is free for all.

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I However I do think that Princess should take action - as Ed and the stewards told me this is a big problem on every cruise. Princess enforces the “no smoking” rule very well. Smoking in a cabin or balcony carries a $250 penalty. Smoking bothers me but on this cruise I did not see a single smoker violating the smoking rules so Princess is able to enforce. Nonetheless I suspect that they had difficulties when they started this rule and they probably had to get tough/nasty in the beginning. We did were I worked but this subsided after a while. Seems to me that Princess should enforce the “no saving” rule and “tolerate” the difficulties while this is getting established. Regardless it will probably never happen!!! I am now on the market for an inflatable doll like the one “caribill” posted, great idea… :)


Believe me I doubt many people have paid the $250. They warn people, and thats about it.

Without turning this into a smoking thread, there are always people smoking on their balconies at all hours of the day. We had afew on the Sapphire this month and the last few cruises we have taken.


Your right its not worth having a situation turn physical which it could very easily.

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Person moves the inconsiderate saver's items far away from their original position and takes the lounger.


Saver eventually returns and confronts Person.


Person says "I didn't see anything on the chair, so I took it."


How could the saver blame Person? Otherwise anyone could walk up to any lounger they want and claim they had their stuff on it, whether they did or not. Leaving the saver's belongings in the vicinity gives the saver ammunition that their chair was taken.


Just a thought.

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The perfect way to reserve a lounge by the pool.



Oh thank you, Caribill!!!! I saw this picture on another thread and have since searched for it. Sure could have some fun with that doll. If she were mine you'd see her all over the ship. I could change her clothes and have her "wait" for me in all sorts of places. You could even take her off the ship! Ah, the possibilities are endless. :D

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We saw this on the Ruby last week. I went out to the Aft pool by our room and there were 2 empty loungers with towels on them. The lady on the lounger behind them told us they had been empty for over an hour. So I sat the towels on the ground under the loungers and proceeded to wait for my husband to join me...he wasn't far behind. As I did this the lady continued to talk about how bad the chair hogging was and shouldn't be tolerated. Another lady in the lounger next to me was in shock that I had removed the towels and sat down. She said "you are really doing that?" I didn't have to say a word, the other lady was like "yes she can...chair saving is not allowed, they've been gone for over an hour so the chairs are available for the taking". The lady next to me, obviously someone who is a chair hog, was just in disbelief that someone would just take an empty chair like that and sat there shaking her head at me. The original users never did come back while we were out there.


One thing I noticed on Princess that amazed me was that they just allowed you take take towels from an open bin. Since there is no accountability, why would people care if they left the towels on the chair? How is anyone to know if the towel was just left there because they were done with it and didn't want to put it in the used towels or if they were actually saving a chair with it? That was going to be line if someone came back...."Since there isn't supposed to be saving of seats, it just looked like an abandoned towel on an empty chair to me."

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No I haven't seen any enforcement of the rules. However there have been times when I personally have removed someone's towels if the chair has been abandoned for more than an hour.


On my last cruise, I went to the pool area to catch a late morning movie on MUTs, but wanted to sit in the shady area. There was a chair that would have been perfect except there was a blouse and paperback book on it. I asked the people sitting around this chair if they knew who left the items. Everyone shrugged -- the items were there when they all got there. I asked if they've been there for at least 30 minutes and a couple of people said yes. So I took the items off the chair and put on the little table on one side, saying "You didn't see this." Got some laughs and I think at least one thumbs up.


Was watching the movie for some time (at least 30 minutes in) and a woman showed up, picked up the blouse and book and left. If she had said something to me, I would have suggested she go up to the sun deck where there's a sign about the lounge chairs.


Here's that sign:



If it was someone confrontational, I probably would have just batted my eyelashes and said I found the chair empty when I got there (which would be almost completely truthful...there was no butt in the seat).


These chair hogs are either just inconsiderate people who don't realize how inconsiderate their actions are or bullies counting on you not doing anything.


There are things you can do: 1) take action, and remove items when you're sure it's not someone in the pool; 2) mention the problem in your end-of-cruise survey (maybe if enough people complain, headquarters will pass along the command to do something) and suggest cubbyholes (an idea I've seen mentioned here on CC and often mention myself) for those who just want someplace to put their stuff while using the pool. You're not powerless.


BTW, the cubbyholes would be a great idea. When my girl was little and we would take her to the mall to play in the kids' playground, there's cubby holes for the kids' shoes. Parents like this as then they don't have to hold on to the shoes while sitting there. It also keeps the sitting area clean for the most part (no stinky sneakers).

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No, and there is little they can do about it. I have yet to sail on a line that handles it properly (strictly).


This past week on the Ruby twice we were seated next to folks who dropped off and left. Once we "gave" the chairs away to a mother and her child.... the "hogs" never came back... The other time they did come back and wanted to argue with the new occupants..... we just said Princess took the towels after the chairs had been empty for an hour.. "Princess policy"... they just stormed off.


I think it's easier to remove "empty towels" on Princess since there is no towel fee. Don't you have to check them in and out on RCCL? I can see folks getting antsy if their towel was "moved" on RCCL.

Edited by SheepdogGriff
because spel chek is my freind!
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My rules for chairs (which, of course, everyone should follow).

1. Saving one chair is allowed. No more than one.

2. If there is saving without anyone on the chair you want, ask a nearby person how long the chair has been vacant. If it is over half an hour, it's yours unless someone comes back in the next half hour, at which time you will graciously give it up.

3. If someone comes back after an hour, it's no longer theirs.:mad:

4. If they want to yell, that's okay. I've probably heard worse.:eek:

5. In the theater, see #1.

6. If you are there, you have the right to have a chair being incorrectly saved.

7. Rant over.

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Here's a thought. What if you were to take several copies of that sign with you and, when ready to "de-towel" the chair (especially several chairs that are being held), put the sign in its place?

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WHAT????? I thought all those towels, books, sunglasses, bags, were there because the owners didn't want them any longer. bwahaha!!! :)

I've gotten some really nice sunglasses from pool chairs! :eek: :D

Edited by rgmacm
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I am sailing on the Emerald in 10 days time, a friend has just left the Emerald a few weeks ago. I got them to leave a towel, 2 books and a Princess bag on my favorite deck chair for when I get on next week. It is ok to do this isn't it.



Hahaa no, I'll be on the same cruise and I'll be looking out for you ;)


Or are you kidding lol

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I've moved items off chairs a couple of times. Each time I spent a couple of hours enjoying my time in the sun. Interestingly not once has anyone come to retrieve the items. I wonder how long till they returned. There really must be some way Princess could deal with this situation. Maybe when someone leaves to go to lunch, to the restroom or to take a dip in the pool a staff person could place a sign with the time clearly marked on the chair. After 30 minutes all items are put in a nearby bin and the chair is now available.

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My experience has been that enforcement varies from ship to ship but my sense is that enforcement is improving and that is particularly true if you tell a pool attendant that a certain lounger(s) has been vacant for more than 30 mins...often they are aware of it as well and just need to be prodded a bit.

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