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Bringing DIET Gatorade & Water on Board - Medical Need


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[quote name='wagzz21']. . . As for the gatorade powder, I'm not sure if they have the low carb kind in pouches? If they do, that would solve the gatorade issue, for sure. . .[/QUOTE]

Here is Gatorade's site on the product:

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Many people report bringing their own lemons and limes onboard; I don't think you'd have an issue bringing whole, uncut limes, lemon, or package of mint on board. I wouldn't make a spectacle of it, but it's not like you'd have to hide it.

That gatorade powder stuff is poison. Nothing but a chemicals. Why does water need so much sugar and sodium and carbs???:rolleyes: I get it, your kids are a bit finnicky and you want to make everyones life a bit easier, so bring or buy what works best for you in this situation and don't really worry about it. People bring whatever they want on to ships all the time despite "the rules". Not that I advocate breaking rules whenever it pleases you, but flavored waters and such are pretty benign thing to bring on, IMO>
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[quote name='wagzz21']I've tried several Mio (and generic Target-brand) drops, and so far, I feel like they all have a very chemically taste & actually burn or dry out my throat a little, if that makes sense? Does anyone have a suggestion for one that ISN'T that way? Because there's no way I can rely on those for replacements, or have my children drink them if they do that to me.

On another note: would fresh MINT and a couple LEMONS be something that might be allowed to be brought on? I think as long as they're refrigerated that day, they'd be okay.... and I've figured out that my son WILL drink *tap* water if I soak mint & lemon in it (I don't want to use the chemical/liquid versions though).[/QUOTE]

I understand the need for electrolyte replacement for a child who is vomiting. However, for adults who are exercising, you only need to replace them after 45 mins of a hard sweaty workout. Or after a heavy night of drinking. LOL! So...nevermind, you just might want it on a cruise afterall :D

With that being said. I could never drink any of the Gatorade or Powerades. Made my stomach feel sick and hated the chemical taste. I always take salt tabs on my long runs, over 5 miles or over a 2 hour bike ride. Look up Endurolytes for an example. Recently, I have been making my own homemade electrolyte brew. Made with coconut water, lime/lemon juice, honey (agave works too for low carb), and a little bit of sea salt. I think I heard they have coconut water available on the ships. Could be wrong though. If you want to get away from the chemicals of Gatorade, give that a try. Your kiddos might love it too :)
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[quote name='wagzz21']Thank you. I realize that.... but, if you had read through the comments above (I know... there were a lot), one of our issues is with our 2 year old who will not drink enough fluids, essentially (outside of water in particular bottles and gatorade), so we were looking for and trying suggestions to see if he might be more willing to try and drink water off the tap on board if flavored with something. Definitely a no-go on the Mio related stuff, at least so far. I do know he'll drink the water flavored with mint & lemon... I tried it with tap water for $hi#s and giggles to see if he'd drink it (because he will not drink the tap otherwise), and he did, once cold - and carefully placed in his preferred bottles).

I'm a TINY bit hesitant about lemons "in public." I know this makes me sound like a germ-a-phobe.. and I truly am not..... but, there have been SO many things about lemons being extremely contaminated at restaurants, etc., and fecal matter on them from people who are handling them not properly washing their hands, etc. beforehand. So.... we tend to pass on lemons in our iced tea and water these days for that reason. I'm not sure they'd offer us a WHOLE lemon to wash & cut up ourselves, which is why I was wondering if we might be able to just carry a couple on board with us (normally, with food, I'd say probably... but with it being a "fruit", I'm not sure what the rules are).[/QUOTE]

Technically, fruit is not allowed to be brought onboard. Only factory packaged, sealed, ready to eat food. Having said that, just like soda or liquor, because it's not allowed doesn't mean you can't manage to get away with it. Crew hand sanitation is far superior to shore side restaurants. Most lines will also sanitize fruit in a bleach rinse before it is presented for use. The USPH food sanitation regulations have nearly eliminated food-borne illnesses from the ships (e. coli, salmonella, botulism), and even noro via food contact is rare. Edited by chengkp75
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[quote name='mistshar']I talked to Royal about bringing Dr. Pepper onboard and they told me I couldn't also. I asked her about why they don't allow people to bring sodas on but other cruise lines do and she said that they weren't aware that any other cruise lines allowed it. I told her that I know Carnival does and we have been on 8 cruises and have always brought on drinks without a problem. I just don't understand why they have that rule..[/QUOTE]

Disney will let you carry on water, pop, beer, liquor, wine etc. the only restriction is you have to carry it on.
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There is a product out there - it can be hard to find - that is called Trulemon, TruOrange and TruLime. These are packets of crystalized juice - 100% natural and perfect for many uses. I find them in the spice aisle of a major supermarket in my region (Giant Food and Safeway). You might try looking for these - they dissolve very quickly in water.:)
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[quote name='crookedhalo']There is a product out there - it can be hard to find - that is called Trulemon, TruOrange and TruLime. These are packets of crystalized juice - 100% natural and perfect for many uses. I find them in the spice aisle of a major supermarket in my region (Giant Food and Safeway). You might try looking for these - they dissolve very quickly in water.:)[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I actually have them. I don't mind them at all, but to me, they are definitely NOT as "fresh" tasting as real lemon, and I actually tried a packet with mint in some water the other night (because we had no lemons) and it was definitely not the same.... it would do in a pinch (and I do bring them with me usually).
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[quote name='LMaxwell']Many people report bringing their own lemons and limes onboard; I don't think you'd have an issue bringing whole, uncut limes, lemon, or package of mint on board. I wouldn't make a spectacle of it, but it's not like you'd have to hide it.

That gatorade powder stuff is poison. Nothing but a chemicals. Why does water need so much sugar and sodium and carbs???:rolleyes: I get it, your kids are a bit finnicky and you want to make everyones life a bit easier, so bring or buy what works best for you in this situation and don't really worry about it. People bring whatever they want on to ships all the time despite "the rules". Not that I advocate breaking rules whenever it pleases you, but flavored waters and such are pretty benign thing to bring on, IMO>[/QUOTE]

Yeah, those chemicals are really nasty. Some examples....

Water - combination of chemical element #1 (hydrogen) and element #8 (oxygen).
Sodium - chemical element #11
Sugar - combination of chemical element #6 (carbon), hydrogen and oxygen.

Every person on this planet is basically just a bag of chemicals. From Google:

"Almost 99% of the mass of the human body is made up of six elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Only about 0.85% is composed of another five elements: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium."

What a terrible idea to consume a beverage that is designed to replace carbs, sodium, vitamins and minerals (i.e. a bunch of chemicals) lost through perspiration. God forbid if science somehow makes the human body more efficient.
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[quote name='Blue Darter']
What a terrible idea to consume a beverage that is designed to replace carbs, sodium, vitamins and minerals (i.e. a bunch of chemicals) lost through perspiration.

I must have been completely confused. I did not realize this young child was exerting the energy of a runner or someone performing a vigorous workout and perspiring enough to need these type of replenishments.

Drinking Gatorade because you like the flavor and do not require the carbs, salt, or sugars is not much different than drinking sugar water and it is disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise.

When it comes to basic sustenance and well being something all natural is typically preferred over a chemical mix; to that end I suggested OP just bring the citrus fruits and leaves for flavoring water that they want and there are good chances it would be no issue at boarding.

I do use those crystal light flavor shots from time to time; they are convenient and inexpensive way to have a flavored drink, but I do notice that I can chug through that stuff if I am not careful and that's all due to the chemicals in it. Anything in moderation is fine, which means a balance.
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[quote name='LMaxwell']I must have been completely confused. I did not realize this young child was exerting the energy of a runner or someone performing a vigorous workout and perspiring enough to need these type of replenishments.

Drinking Gatorade because you like the flavor and do not require the carbs, salt, or sugars is not much different than drinking sugar water and it is disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise.

When it comes to basic sustenance and well being something all natural is typically preferred over a chemical mix; to that end I suggested OP just bring the citrus fruits and leaves for flavoring water that they want and there are good chances it would be no issue at boarding.

I do use those crystal light flavor shots from time to time; they are convenient and inexpensive way to have a flavored drink, but I do notice that I can chug through that stuff if I am not careful and that's all due to the chemicals in it. Anything in moderation is fine, which means a balance.[/QUOTE]

Well at least we can agree that you were confused. My comment was completely directed at your uninformed comment regarding "chemicals" not whether this child can only exist on G2 Gatorade.

As far as being disingenuous, guilty as charged if that means the OP primarily focused on the Gatorade for her and her husband after exercise and that's why I suggested Gatorade is a perfectly suitable beverage to replace the sugars (carbs if you insist), sodium, minerals and vitamins lost through perspiration. Of course a nauseous child would need similar repleninshment but why concern ourselves with that...it's easier to assume they only want/need it for it's flavor.

You disparage powdered Gatorade but then suggest above that "natural" substances are somehow better. Guess what, fruits and leaves (just like the human body) are almost entirely comprised of different combinations of chemicals. As I stated in my OP, your body is almost 100% chemical in composition.

Check out the periodic table and let me know of anything ("natural" or man-made) that exists absent some combination of these chemical elements. Edited by Blue Darter
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[quote name='Blue Darter']Well at least we can agree that you were confused. My comment was completely directed at your uninformed comment regarding "chemicals" not whether this child can only exist on G2 Gatorade.

You disparage powdered Gatorade but then suggest above that "natural" substances are somehow better. Guess what, fruits and leaves (just like the human body) are almost entirely comprised of different combinations of chemicals. As I stated in my OP, your body is almost 100% chemical in composition.

Check out the periodic table and let me know of anything ("natural" or man-made) that exists absent some combination of these chemical elements.[/quote]

Are you head of the Gatorade sales force? :confused::rolleyes:
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[quote name='LMaxwell']Are you head of the Gatorade sales force? :confused::rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

Not choosing any sides in this argument but here are the facts about G2.

1) One 12 ounce serving has 7 grams of sugar. This compares favorable to the 39 grams of sugar that a 12 ounce can of Coke has and the 36 grams of sugar that 12 ounce serving of apple juice has.

2) The G2 has 160 milligrams of sodium compared to 15 for both Coke and apple juice. G2 was obviously designed to replace electrolytes lost while sweating.

3) Lastly, the G2 contains sucralose (Splenda) and acesulfame potassium. Obviously, these are not present in Coke or apple juice. It should be noted that although both of these ingredients are artificial, research has shown them to be safe as food additives. Edited by comxkid
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[quote name='wagzz21']I've tried several Mio (and generic Target-brand) drops, and so far, I feel like they all have a very chemically taste & actually burn or dry out my throat a little, if that makes sense? Does anyone have a suggestion for one that ISN'T that way? Because there's no way I can rely on those for replacements, or have my children drink them if they do that to me. [/QUOTE]

I have tried the Dansani drops, and they are pretty good. I should say that I found no problem with the Mio and Target-brand drops, either, although the Crystal Light drops (not the powders) are awful. I couldn't even bring myself to use the whole container. :(
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[quote name='hrhdhd']I have tried the Dansani drops, and they are pretty good. I should say that I found no problem with the Mio and Target-brand drops, either, although the Crystal Light drops (not the powders) are awful. I couldn't even bring myself to use the whole container. :([/quote]
agreed, have used them all and the crystal light drops are nasty tasting, at least the iced tea was. i normally like the powder one.
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Can I suggest an extra sprinkle of NaCl (located on every table in the dining rooms), if you're feeling you're getting a little low on your electrolytes it's the same the primary source of Na in Gatorade.
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Apparently there is a LOT of confusion with regard to my original post!

The reason for drinking G2 Gatorade for myself is that I am diabetic (have to watch sugars & carbs), but also do heavy exercise many hours per week. In fact, I'm running a half marathon a couple weeks before we cruise, so YES, I DO need electrolyte replacement after that. During a "normal" 1 hr workout, would water be sufficient? Absolutely. But, if I choose to run several miles would it? No. As for my husband's reason for it? Well... I won't go into details, but it's a replacement drink for him, and he benefits medically, physically, and otherwise from drinking IT as opposed to just drinking water, or drinking other substances. As for my older child, his drinking gatorade is NOT simply because he's a spoiled little brat, as it seems to have been suggested by several posters, or because we give into his every whim and he wants to sustain himself on gatorade over water... not true at all. He drinks gatorade but HIS need for it is because he has a medical condition which causes him to vomit for no apparent reason (he has done it since birth), including simply coughing. In order to replace what is lost with vomiting, he drinks gatorade because he refuses pedialite (trust me - we've tried it ALL!). My younger child has a heart condition and, similarly, has certain medical needs which are easily rectified with gatorade (i.e. he sweats profusely from the condition, which has the similar effect of a hard core workout...) Additionally, with regard to my older son's drinking of water...... he is extremely picky about the water he drinks & even moreso about the container it's in. He's 2. He'll be 3 when we cruise. So, if you have some magical way to convince a 2 year old that he has to drink water that tastes bad to him so he doesn't get sick, please share! Because, so far, we haven't been able to convince him of such, so he gets the bottle, and the water, that we know he'll drink. We are trying out different options for FLAVORING water - not to replace the gatorade - and not because water HAS to be flavored - but because we want to make sure he will DRINK the water if it tastes different to him (i.e. if we use the water on board as opposed to bringing it on with us!). Would I prefer he drink plain water? Of COURSE! But, he's a child, so if I have to do something to the water (drops, mint/lemon, etc.) to make sure he will stay hydrated, I will. With that..... go back to being superbly critical of other people's decisions, please (to a few of you only)! I'll go back to making sure my kids are hydrated and happy, as are my husband and I! :D
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Minute maid has a line of drops that are low sugar and might be worth trying since you said your son likes lemon in his water.

I use mio with electrolytes in my water because it gets me drinking more. I also workout a lot (just did a mud run) and need to stay hydrated without taking in a lot of sugar(don't want all those empty calories).
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