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Paul Gauguin vs Windstar--My Thoughts


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I have now sailed both, albeit on different itineraries, and would like to offer some comparisons.


We sailed in the Wind Surf, which at 302 passengers was close to the 350 that the Gauguin carries. The PG is a deck taller, the Surf at least appears a bit longer. Suffice to say that they felt the same in terms of layout and passenger space. I believe that they are close enough to make a very fair set of comparisons.


I also have to state that the sailings on Windstar were full ship charters and the one on the PG was part of a group sailing with the same group we did one of the full ship charters with. Being on a full ship charter as a group is significantly more enjoyable than being part of a group on a ship, particularly when others were upset that they couldn't partake in some of the extra benefits and activities our group received. All but one of our activities used ship facilities such as dining rooms that would have been closed during that time, so with the exception of one two hour cocktail party, we did not affect the ability of others to enjoy the ships amenities.


Pre-trip: We booked air and pre cruise hotels separately with both, so I can't comment. We got mixed opinions from people who used PG to book their travel and hotels, including one who was supposed to have a day room at the IC but wasn't allowed to check in until 3:00 and had to be out by 6:00. I think there was some confusion, but there shouldn't have been. Also those who came in on the Saturday night flight seemed terribly exhausted the next day. It was easy to book your own excursions online with the Surf, you had to email or speak to someone for the PG.



Departure port: For those making their own arrangements, Papaetee is very easy to get to via taxi from a hotel or the airport which will drop you within feet of the ship. The ship docks within a few blocks of anything you might need to pick up in terms of sundries including basic toiletries as well as tons of shopping. The two ports we embarked from on the Wind Surf were Civitavecchia and Venice, neither of which is a particularly user friendly port in terms of transportation and local port staff. The departure port will obviously vary by cruise, so there is no fair comparison unless you have departed from the same port on both lines and can offer a side-by-side.



Embarkation: Pretty much the same on both. Walk on, get your picture taken by the ships photographer, get escorted to the grand salon/main lounge, fill out a couple forms, present a credit card, get photo taken for the ships security system, handed room cards, escorted to room, head to lunch at your convenience. Luggage in room about the same time you get to it. No clear advantage on either.



Cabin: we were in a 188 s/f porthole cabin on floor two on the Surf, and a 202 s/f (plus small balcony) cabin on the PG. The cabin on the Surf actually felt larger. It seemed like we were constantly on top of each other trying to access the closets on the PG. Although we only used it a couple of times, it was nice having the love seat on the PG. We seldom used the balcony, and I wouldn't spend the money in the future to get one. The bathroom on the PG was roomier. Both had ample storage space, I think there was more drawer space on the PG. The phone fixed to the nightstand on the PG was a terrible idea. Safe was larger in the PG, but neither ship could hold a laptop, and it required some wiggling to get the iPad in. Forget trying to lock up the DSLR on either. Both cabins were in good repair, amenities were about the same in both.


On the PG our cabin was loud. There was no control over the fan blower, just the temperature. There was also a lot of engine noise, and when they moved the stabilizers it was like being next to a garbage truck it was so loud.


I preferred the Surf, my husband slightly preferred the PG, so no clear winner.



Dining: The menus on the PG were repetitive, with the same basic ingredients being offered over and over with different names. They also seemed to not be terribly inspired. We ate in alternate restaurants three nights and the main dining room the others each week on both ships. Breakfast was comparable on both, with the same disorganization--three people would offer coffee refills three times each on one morning and no one would stop by the next. Coffee sucked on both ships, fortunately I am more of a tea drinker and DH drinks neither. Lunch was similar on both, uninspired and really needs improvement.


One huge difference, in the Surf they were happy to deliver room service poolside, on the PG they would only deliver to the cabin. Poor policy when you get back from an excursion too late for lunch and don't want to be in your cabin. Room service is available 24/7 on the Surf, great for early risers to order coffee or tea. On the PG there was no coffee or tea service available until 6:30 am, far too late for us East Coasters. We both agreed that the Surf wins hands down in the dining category.



Service: We felt service was generally good on both ships, however we had problems with our cabin attendant on the PG that went into the creepy realm. (In all fairness, the first week on the Surf our steward was pretty lame, but the second week we had a different one who was terrific.). We felt the dining room servers and bartenders on the Surf tried a lot harder. There were three stand outs on the PG, but a dozen on the Surf. One thing that made me crazy on the PG was that even when the Do Not Disturb was out, they would knock at your door. My pre-dinner nap was interrupted twice in one week by this. Unacceptable. We also had a problem with some missing items and the response from the PG was quite disappointing, with the blame trying to be shifted onto me. Overall we felt the service on the Surf was far better.



Spa: I had a hot stone massage in both, they were both good with no pressure to buy anything, although both did try to gently persuade me to book another spa treatment later in the week, and the PG spa even went as far as to call my cabin to try to get me to book. No real advantage on either.



Overall Ship: While we don't like the constant barrage of announcements on mass market ships, we did enjoy the short, once daily announcement from the captain on the Surf, and felt it odd that there were no announcements on the PG.


We felt a lot of movement in the PG, even while in port. The ship was not at all stable, even in calm seas. We had one night where it was only choppy and the ship was rocking and rolling as if we were in a tropical storm.


We loved the open bridge policy on the Surf, and were disappointed that the PG doesn't offer the same. We loved the sails on the Surf. The senior officers, including the Captain on the Surf were very accessible and sought to mingle with guests. The senior staff on the PG seemed rather aloof.


Both ships were in good shape with ample space and cozy places. I really liked the puzzle table on the PG, and it was fun to stop and put together a few pieces each time I passed. They do need better lighting for it though. We never really found our "spot" on the PG, whereas with the Surf by the end of the second day we had a favorite bar, bartender, and seats.


DH missed having a hot tub on the PG. The pool was about the same on both.


We missed having outside tables for breakfast on the PG, something we really enjoyed on the Surf.


The fitness center on the PG was small and cramped. The Surf's was better equipped and roomy.


There was a better selection of books and DVD's on the Surf.


The lectures on the PG were quite good. We never used the Internet in the Surf, just used WiFi in port. Bought the smallest package on the PG, it was about the speed we had expected, fine for the small things we needed to accomplish. Photographer in both ships was good and not obnoxious.


There was definitely a lot more to do during the day while in port on the PG. You could never get off the ship and still be kept very busy with any number of cultural activities, lectures, etc. On the Surf during port days, there just isn't much going on.


I think this category is just too subjective to choose a winner, although I clearly preferred the Surf.



Disembarkation: One big difference is that the Surf requires luggage out in the hallway before breakfast the final day, while the PG requires it before midnight (11:00 pm?) the night before. So much more convenient on the Surf. Otherwise, disembarkation was about the same. Slight edge to the Surf.


I hope this helps those trying to choose between the two.

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Thanks Ducklite!


Dont follow why you couldnt get breakfast at La Veranda outside. They always have the outside tables there and I myself have breakfasted and lunched there a few times.


You have come to the conclusion that the regulars have - there is nothing like the window cabins for the price. I do like the B as well.


Finally regarding the ship rocking more. Its a flat bottom boat that can go into all the lagoons and was built for FP. Thats why you may have noticed the movement.

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But you could request certain items cooked to order. DH always get the steak or Lamb chops for breakfast.


Even if its a buffet you can still sit outside....

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Unless it's changed, we ate breakfast outside in La Veranda almost every morning and ordered our food from the menu which they brought without question.


I do appreciate your report, however, as that is one ship we have looked at and may want to try now. Although it may have to wait a year or two to get my husband's diving obsession down a notch or two. ;)

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I can only state what happened to us. Our room was quiet, our room steward great, found dining options good, had breakfast on the veranda outdoor area many times, had made to order egg dishes any time I asked, found the service in the dining/bars very good ........


Only complaint I've had with the PG is the reception desk could be a bit more friendly and Crème Bulee should be on the desert menu every day, after all it's French Polynesia, though I must say they would make sure you had it if you ordered it special the prior day.


I've been on other mass market ships and IMO the PG isn't a mass market ship, far better, of course this is my take.


Sorry you didn't experience what we have become accustom too .......

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I think its all about 2 things your expectations and the kind of person you are.


Those who have very high expectations could sometimes be disappointed. This is not because the PG is in any way at fault but because they set themselves up. Sometimes I really obscess because I rave about the PG. Recently had colleagues who were not happy about their PG experience and felt it didnt give them value. I felt almost guilty for recommending it so soundly. On the other hand I know others who have absolutely loved it.


Regarding value I have to say its very personal. DH says that money has no value in itself its what you ascribe to it. One has to also be open to the PG charm and the islands charm. I do know people who felt FP was boring!


I think Windstar is selling FP but the pricing including air is not comparable. I saw PG has some sales as well. Competition is always good for us.


April/ May is also a bad month for winds - I know that ports have been missed in the past because of this.

Edited by Emdee
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My experience had nothing to do with how much we spent. I went into it knowing it would be pricey, but never came close to what I expected it would be. It really had more to do with the experiences on the ship. Nothing was downright bad, except maybe the rocking and engine vibrations. Most of the crew was pleasant and I loved the Gaguines, but there were a few in the crew that were not pleasant and some of their training needs to be improved.


For example, my wife and I sat next to the pool one afternoon watching the band. We watched for 30 minutes while three separate waiters tended to the other side of the pool deck before I got up and went to the bar to get us a couple of drinks. Only then did one of them say he would bring me my drinks, but I still waited another five minutes during which time no one else was served by him. There was no rudeness, just disorganization.


Breakfast was a mixture if rudeness and disorganization. If a waiter lingered long enough, we would order an omlette or eggs benedict, but they usually ran off pretty quickly after asking if we wanted coffee. When we did place our order, they seemed a bit put off.


During dinner the first night, they seemed a bit disorganized. We ordered coffee with dessert, but didn't get our coffee until we had nearly finished dessert when the head waiter walked by and noticed our cups were dry. That happened on three other nights as well.


As for Polynesian fare, well, that's where I have to differ with many. I didn't see much of any Polynesian ambiance beyond the Gauguines and the Thursday night theme night. The one time I had Creme Brulee, there was barely any vanilla in mine not my wife's. It was just meh. I make it much better at home. Almost nothing seemed to originate in the islands except maybe the fish they served.


This is my experience. There were plenty of others aboard who had a wonderful time. It just didn't meet my expectations of a Polynesian atmosphere. Your mileage may vary.

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I think its all about 2 things your expectations and the kind of person you are.




Those who have very high expectations could sometimes be disappointed. This is not because the PG is in any way at fault but because they set themselves up. Sometimes I really obscess because I rave about the PG. Recently had colleagues who were not happy about their PG experience and felt it didnt give them value. I felt almost guilty for recommending it so soundly. On the other hand I know others who have absolutely loved it.




Regarding value I have to say its very personal. DH says that money has no value in itself its what you ascribe to it. One has to also be open to the PG charm and the islands charm. I do know people who felt FP was boring!




I think Windstar is selling FP but the pricing including air is not comparable. I saw PG has some sales as well. Competition is always good for us.




April/ May is also a bad month for winds - I know that ports have been missed in the past because of this.



I don't believe that either RZ or myself had overly optimistic expectations. I expected a product similar to Windstar, which is what we got for the most part. I thought the value was about right. My biggest disappointments were in no particular order:


1. Local tour providers (not PG's issue AT ALL)

2. Missing clothing which I do blame PG for--it was either lost by their laundry or taken by one of their employees.

3. Cabin stewardess messing with our belongings for no valid reason.

4. Good (not great) but very repetitive food.

5. Generally unmemorable service. Not bad, but I had much better in both Windstar and DCL.


I would prefer to pay the slightly higher cruise fare for the much higher level of service, better food, and a more stable ship on Windstar should I return to FP.

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I agree with most of what RZ said above. We came in almost 20% under budget, and I am not complaining about "value." RZ hit many of the key points. Disorganized service, repetitious food that was "meh," just a lack of anything special when it came to food and overall service.


I do agree that the Gauguines were fantastic cultural representatives. I wouldn't have wanted more Polynesian flair, I think it would have begun to feel forced and possibly cheesey.


I had forgotten about the live music. The band sucked. Terrible. The female singer moved like she had a board up her butt and was flat most of the time--she reminded me of Baby's sister in the talent show in the movie Dirty Dancing. The one male singer couldn't pronounce the words in the songs. Dan the Piano Man seemed bored out of his skull and as interested in what he was doing as a dust bunny under the bed. If it weren't for the lectures and Gauguines, the most exciting thing to do would have been the jigsaw puzzle I mentioned earlier. Maybe that's a stretch, but the music was terrible.


I also want to add that one of the couples in our group had cruised the Wind Surf with us two years ago, and shortly before they were on the Surf, they were on the PG. The wife was raving to me about the PG, how nice the ship was, how the food was better, and the service was spectacular. I had a chance to speak to her Saturday afternoon, and she said that she felt it had dropped significantly since they had last sailed, and was disappointed at how she had talked it up to several of us and it didn't live up to her previous experience. Perhaps we all just hit on an off week, but I know that my husband and I were not the only ones who walked away feeling underwhelmed.

Edited by ducklite
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Hi Ducklite and RZ3,


Thanks for all your frank comments. I know PG reads these boards and hope that they do some serious reviewing. I will also mention this to the powers that be. Its really the first timers who can give an unbiased review and if the PG wants these people to be repeaters -and become hooked like we are -then they had better take note.


I discount our own experiences as once the crew know you on any of the small lines ( PG, Regent, Azamara) you can be sure to get superlative service. We hadnt been on Regent for three years but once we were recognized a lot of the crew seemed to be very warm and friendly and some came to us and said they remembered us. Even on the largest ship in the world we got super service when the Concierge remembered us. So your experiences are really the true test. Now with three not bad but just OK reviews in a row its likely time for PG to assess whether there is enough training of recent hires. Old Regent staff are extremely service orientated.


I wonder whether the ship is missing the eagle eye of Miki. He is the quintessential Maitre and knows exactly what goes on in each area at any one time. Who was your Maitre?


I have always felt the lunch menu a little light but then someone comes back and says they love it so I have to just shrug my shoulders.

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I agree with most of what RZ said above. We came in almost 20% under budget, and I am not complaining about "value." RZ hit many of the key points. Disorganized service, repetitious food that was "meh," just a lack of anything special when it came to food and overall service.


Perhaps we all just hit on an off week, but I know that my husband and I were not the only ones who walked away feeling underwhelmed.


I also wouldn't consider another PG cruise, and those who read the partial review I left know why. It is very interesting that no matter what truthful experiences are posted, the poster who is not a cruise line "cheerleader" often has their observations discounted by the board regulars when they post comments such as:


"Those who have very high expectations could sometimes be disappointed. This is not because the PG is in any way at fault but because they set themselves up"


Uh, no, it's because PG was at fault for not delivering a promised product. If service was poor, music awful, food below expectations (and I would overall agree with this) or your clothing was not returned from the laundry and no one seemed to care, what does this have to do with "setting" oneself up?


I didn't post the rest of my review, because it seemed a waste of time. It just was followed by lots of posts telling me I couldn't possibly be right as that wasn't their experience, and then eventually the entire thread would drift off topic. Why bother?


Ducklite, I am glad you got your pearl necklace. If I returned to FP, it would be on Windstar cruises, but as I've already been there three times, even that's doubtful. There are so many interesting places in the world to see, I can't imagine wanting to go back to the same one dozens of times.

Edited by 6rugrats
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The beauty of a black pearl strand is that they don't look their value. So they are easy to wear with anything. People just thing they are the dyed Chinese.....

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I guess I am a mystery to you rug rats!

I cannot wear my diamond necklace for work as it's too showy but my pearl strand is eminently usable because the value is not visible to others and to me the value is interwoven with the memory of the trip and Ann who isn't on the shop anymore.i

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The bathroom on the PG was roomier.


We were in a Grand Suite on the PG and all the bathroom had space for was the tub (the shower was in the tub), the sink counter and a toilet between them. If your PG bathroom was roomier than the Surf, out of curiosity please describe how so.

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I guess I am a mystery to you rug rats!

I cannot wear my diamond necklace for work as it's too showy but my pearl strand is eminently usable because the value is not visible to others and to me the value is interwoven with the memory of the trip and Ann who isn't on the shop anymore.i


I don't wear my diamond necklace to work because it's not showy enough! My favorite accessory for work is my exact replica of the Russian Kokoshnik Tiara, currently owned by Queen Elizabeth II. Mine doesn't have quite as many diamonds (400 versus the original 488), but it is still quite breathtaking. I turn many heads when I walk into the office with this showpiece adorning my upswept hair, paired with matching canary yellow 3 carat diamond earrings and wearing my ermine trimmed cape, trailed by my personal assistant carrying the train.


If you've got it, flaunt it!

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We were in a Grand Suite on the PG and all the bathroom had space for was the tub (the shower was in the tub), the sink counter and a toilet between them. If your PG bathroom was roomier than the Surf, out of curiosity please describe how so.



Well, it had a tub instead of a shower, so that in itself added some extra space. It certainly was for from palatial, but it was larger by a few square feet, which in that type of space is pretty significant.

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