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P&O - Customer Services


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Just had to vent at my frustration with P&O Customer Services. Received a letter advising me that they had changed the day to departure from the Saturday (half term) to the Friday, as well as a port change. Disappointed with the port change as it was the main one we wanted to see but the change of date will incur a day's lost pay from work and taking my daughter out of school unauthorised as the school does not permit it. I rang up to find out if they were offering any form of compensation as I was considering cancelling and booking with another cruiseline to be told that not only are they offering no compensation but I would lose my deposit if I cancelled. I can't believe they can change the date of departure and if their customers cannot make the new date they lose their deposit!


Last year I had a similar situation with NCL who offered compensation or a full refund of our deposit (which I took and re-booked with another cruise line).


I am also aware that P&O will not give price drops to those who book select fares whereas I have received price drops from both Royal Caribbean and Holland America.


This is the first time we were going to travel with P&O and unfortunately it will be the last as I have no confidence in their treatment of their customers.


Has Customer Services always been so poor, or have I just been unfortunate in my dealings with them?

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Probably the latter.

Just a quick question when you contacted them did you go in all guns blazing from the off.

When I have to phone up and complain anywhere I always start off very quiet and polite and ask nicely if.......

UK have always had one hand tied behind their back ref. deposits and lowering fares etc than USA companies.

I don't think you can blame P and O for that, more the law makers.

You can move your booking to another ship at another time. Only provisos is new cruise has to be the same price or more expensive and has to be booked within a year.

Would it be feasible to try doing that.

Which ship are you going on and when?

If it is getting into port a day early, surely that means all the people on the previous cruise are having their cruise curtailed by one day.

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Just had to vent at my frustration with P&O Customer Services. Received a letter advising me that they had changed the day to departure from the Saturday (half term) to the Friday, as well as a port change. Disappointed with the port change as it was the main one we wanted to see but the change of date will incur a day's lost pay from work and taking my daughter out of school unauthorised as the school does not permit it. I rang up to find out if they were offering any form of compensation as I was considering cancelling and booking with another cruiseline to be told that not only are they offering no compensation but I would lose my deposit if I cancelled. I can't believe they can change the date of departure and if their customers cannot make the new date they lose their deposit!


Last year I had a similar situation with NCL who offered compensation or a full refund of our deposit (which I took and re-booked with another cruise line).


I am also aware that P&O will not give price drops to those who book select fares whereas I have received price drops from both Royal Caribbean and Holland America.


This is the first time we were going to travel with P&O and unfortunately it will be the last as I have no confidence in their treatment of their customers.


Has Customer Services always been so poor, or have I just been unfortunate in my dealings with them?



When is the cruise. I cannot believe that you cannot you cannot just cancel.



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Page 192 of 2014-15 cruise brochure. Paragraph 40;


Alteration or cancellation by P&O prior to departure.


[my interpretation] if P&O have to make a significant alteration after a booking has been made (I would think that a change of departure day is significant in this context) then the passenger shall be offered an alternative holiday or shall be entitled to a full refund of all monies paid


Something doesn't sound right.....

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Typical of P&O they always when they change itinerary or date they say if you cancel you will lose your deposit. Ring them back tell them its classed as a major change and you want to cancel with all payments refunded in full and if not you will be contacting ABTA and taking legal action in small claims court and they will change their minds. They have done it numerous times before and tried to get away by intimidating their customers just ring and ask to speak to a supervisor.

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If it is a half term holiday cruise, there will surely be more families affected by the change so it seems odd that there is no compensation offer etc.


I interpret the booking condition as does rooftop.

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Typical of P&O they always when they change itinerary or date they say if you cancel you will lose your deposit. Ring them back tell them its classed as a major change and you want to cancel with all payments refunded in full and if not you will be contacting ABTA and taking legal action in small claims court and they will change their minds. They have done it numerous times before and tried to get away by intimidating their customers just ring and ask to speak to a supervisor.



The T&C's seem fairly tight. You are assuming the OP has got it correct. I would have thought there is little doubt about this one. We still do not know which cruise this is. I have never heard of them doing a change like this.




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Typical of P&O they always when they change itinerary or date they say if you cancel you will lose your deposit. Ring them back tell them its classed as a major change and you want to cancel with all payments refunded in full and if not you will be contacting ABTA and taking legal action in small claims court and they will change their minds. They have done it numerous times before and tried to get away by intimidating their customers just ring and ask to speak to a supervisor.


Which is why when I wish to complain I usually do quietly and politely. Threatening all and sundry does not usually work.

As others have pointed out something is not ringing true here. Two of us have asked which cruise it is.

P and O cannot be expected to know every schools holidays in the UK, as they all vary. It does say when booking to double check all dates around the holiday periods.

How come we have not had people on here complaining about their cruise being cut short by one day. (the previous cruise to whichever one the OP has booked)

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The cruise is Azura 511 which was due to depart from Southampton on Saturday, 23 May 2015 but has now been altered to Friday, 22 May 2015 "due to unforeseen congestion in the port of Southampton".


When I first rang up I spoke to a woman who transferred me to a gentleman who was very understanding. I spoke very politely and explained the situation and asked if any compensation was being offered. He told me that as far as he could see there was none but would check with customer services but before doing so he asked how much I would be losing in my salary as a result of the change. We worked it out and I explained that I was not expecting to receive the full amount but just wished to find out whether it was worth me cancelling or not (although I still had to give consideration as to what to do with my daughter's school).


He rang me back fairly quickly and said they had confirmed that there was no compensation. He asked if I would like to speak to them direct, to which I replied yes and he put me through to a woman. I was very polite to her too. (In my line of work I have to speak very politely to customers and am well-trained to keep my patience under all circumstances.) There was never any threats or anger.


When I realised I might as well be talking to a brick wall as there was no chance of P&O changing their stance, I told her that I assumed I would get a full refund of my deposit and she informed me that according to their terms and conditions I would lose the deposit. I questioned that as I felt they had made a major change and she told me that one day was not a major change and they had given me plenty of notice and P&O were only acting as other cruise lines would act. I explained the reason why we book so early is that there are very few wheelchair adapted cabins that take three people. We have no choice but to book early as wheelchair adapted cabins get booked up very early.


The only concession she would make was that we could transfer our booking and she would waive the £100 fee (I think it was £100). I was quite taken back that they would even suggest that we have to pay a transfer fee, especially as the letter I received seemed to indicate that we could "automatically transfer booking to the new cruise number". I explained we wished to see the Norwegian Fjords, especially as it is a cruise that can be enjoyed even from the ship. (We have sailed the Fjords twice already.) I also explained that I had next year's holidays already booked and, although I had already told her that my friend has a deteriorating neurological disease, she suggested that I book for the following year as I had a year from the sailing date. I realised that there was no point in continuing this conversation and told her politely that I was wasting her time and mine and said goodbye.


The cruise is still showing on their website but when I pressed to book (as a test) it says the selected cruise is no longer available. I have also tried to log-in to my booking but it does not permit me. I checked and the cruise following ours is a 2 night cruise and when you press "book" it again says the selected cruise is no longer available. The cruise following that is open for bookings. My guess is that they may cancel the 2 night cruise after ours.

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Using "Significant" is weasel wording from P&O. If you want to cancel you are entitled to all your money back as the terms have been changed to what was offered.


An official letter of complaint, requesting refund of the full amount with 14 working days may make them see sense.

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Page 192 of 2014-15 cruise brochure. Paragraph 40;


Alteration or cancellation by P&O prior to departure.


[my interpretation] if P&O have to make a significant alteration after a booking has been made (I would think that a change of departure day is significant in this context) then the passenger shall be offered an alternative holiday or shall be entitled to a full refund of all monies paid


Something doesn't sound right.....


I would consider this to be a significant change in the circumstances and would suggest that you should confirm the facts and consult trading standards with a view to cancelling and obtaining a full refund.

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tTank you lynn2002 for explaining. Glad to hear that you didn't scream and shout....I can understand why you must be soo annoyed now..

As you have explained to them the difficulties you have booking a cabin one wonders why they are being so obstinate. In this case I would suggest emailing David Dingle head of p and o--I am sure someone will be on here pronto with his email addy- explain why you have to book so far in advance - why them changing the day is going to cause you so many problems and see what he comes up with. He usually replies very quickly from his ipad.

I am still mystified why the cruise preceeding yours -which is being cut by one day ,no one has complained on here..it is a 14 night med cruise.last port of call gib, then 2 days back to Southampton.

It is not just your cruise that is not allowing you to book on. The preceeding one says bookings not allowed either. stranger and stranger.

Do let us know on here how things develop .....

One way or another I hope you manage to have a holiday

Edited by the english lady
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Clause 40 covers the case where the cruise is significantly altered by P&O Cruises. The options are

1. Accept the change

2. Accept an alternative package

3. Full refund



If the date moves into the school term and thus the children cannot travel then it is a significant change.

There are only two P&O ships, Azura and Britannia, in on 23 May 2015


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What is also peculiar is they quote port congestion as a reason for changing the departure dates for several cruises :confused: surely the berths are booked years in advance so perhaps there has been an error on the port of southamptons part and ships have been double booked?


Or perhaps all these huge american lines are now willing to pay more for berths that P&O thought where theirs by right and historical association :eek:


Maybe the previous cruise passengers have not complained because P&O have not told them yet :rolleyes:


A full refund is obviously the correct legal response from P&O and they had better be quick with it because the press could have a field day with this one.

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We are on the previous cruise,..we booked A510 while on Azura on May 23rd.....on our return Monday 26th I noticed we had not had our second 5% discount and it took some phone calls to get it deducted. I spoke first to a gentleman who explained the changes (instead of Cannes we are now going to Monte Carlo!) but couldn't help with the discount so I rang again after trying to check prices online...where it said cruise not available...I then spoke with Georgina who said the same but when impolitely insisted the second discount still hadn't been applied, did suggest I spoke with Shelley our Cruise Specialist. Shelley said something about needing to check with the systems team and did ring me back after we each tried the other leaving messages, and got the second discount applied, and confirmed the changes and the new reference for that cruise. It is fine by us as we have no time constraints but I can see this is now impacting on other Azura cruises. The one before us still shows the fjords cruise returning the day after we have sailed!!



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We are booked onto A510, the preceding cruise to yours.


I thought something was odd yesterday when I received a second confirmation email from P&O telling me how delighted they are to be welcoming us onto cruise A510N on 8th May . . . . Which is peculiar because we booked onto A510 (no N!) on 9th May and received a confirmation of that last week as soon as we'd booked.


It would appear that they're also pulling our departure date forward by one day to leave on a Friday rather than the Saturday as planned so who knows what they're doing with the poor sods booked on the 7 day fjords cruise the week before us. This is also highly inconvenient to us because it means taking extra days holiday from work which may not be easy or convenient to do.


We haven't even had the decency of a letter explaining what's going on so you are one step ahead of us!


Hubby is going to ring P&O on Monday and find out what the heck is going on. At this point I'm less than impressed!


Hope it all gets sorted out.


Miss Babs

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I'm no legal expert but this is covered by basic contract law. P&O offered a package holiday departing on xx/xx/xx and returning on xx/xx/xx. You offered a deposit for this which P&O accepted (and at which point entered into a contract with you). P&O now want to change a significant detail which puts them in breach of the contract they made.


Legally and morally a refund is due as a minimum... if not all some compensatory good will gesture.

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The T&C's seem fairly tight. You are assuming the OP has got it correct. I would have thought there is little doubt about this one. We still do not know which cruise this is. I have never heard of them doing a change like this.




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They reduced a cruise I did from 16nts to 15nts cancelled 1 port completely and every other port they changed the days so not one was on the same day as I booked it. They tried to say it was not a major change and I couldnt cancel and if I did I would lose a lot of money because it was after final balance had been paid. They soon changed their mind when I quoted their own T&Cs in the brochure about significant changes and threatened legal action and contacting ABTA. The trouble is some people will never question or challenge anything P&O say or do and will not have a wrong word said about them thats what P&O want and play on it. They even tried to reimburse the 1 nt of cruise that they cancelled as OBC and I said I paid for it in cash and wanted it returned in cash as per contract which they disagreed to do but finally had to give in.

Edited by majortom10
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I'm not one for complaining having spent far too many years in customer service roles. However, if I had been in the same position as the OP and not got anywhere with resolving the matter is a "sensible" way (written Formal Complaint) I would take to social media (Facebook and Twitter) and highlight the issue. I would also be asking if P&O are going to be paying the school fine that you will be receiving from taking your child out of school, and also get a letter from the school confirming this.


It's very sad that a "British" company serves it's customers so badly, no wonder the American lines are doing so well in Europe. I cannot believe they won't allow the deposit to be refunded or transferred at no charge. Though to be honest beings as the holiday has obviously been booked so far in advance I can't believe they are behaving like this with a paying customer.


Good luck OP, hope you get a resolution!

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I think someone on here mentioned that the cruise after the OP's might be cancelled. I'm on A512 which was the 2 night one after the one mentioned by the first poster. We've had a letter explaining we are not on A512N now departing a day earlier and for 3 nights at no extra charge and they've put the reason as port congestion on our letter too. Of course we're happy with that, but I can completely understand why everyone else is so annoyed because you're worse off from the change.

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So as it stands the cruise the OP is on is leaving a day early, the cruise prior to theirs is leaving a day early. When do the cruises return to what was originally advertised. is a509 going/returning as per?

I had a thought this morning, maybe the person who booked the port spaces was working on the wrong calendar and managed to be a day out . Can't think of any other reason why they can be a day out on 2 possibly 3 cruises.

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So as it stands the cruise the OP is on is leaving a day early, the cruise prior to theirs is leaving a day early. When do the cruises return to what was originally advertised. is a509 going/returning as per?

I had a thought this morning, maybe the person who booked the port spaces was working on the wrong calendar and managed to be a day out . Can't think of any other reason why they can be a day out on 2 possibly 3 cruises.

I just checked the P&O site. A506A transatlantic arriving in southampton on the 3 April is available. A 507 is missing, A 508 on the 19 april is not available etc etc.


Was there originally a A507? If so it looks as if that is the one where the missing day will be recovered. This is going to cost P&O a lot with passengers on 5 cruises potentially upset at the change of sailing date.

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And where in all this are they finding time for what heard was to be a refit of Azura in the Spring? Or is that behind the rescheduling?



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