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young boy's aged 11 and 16 smart shorts mdr

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This is the answer. As a recent poll indicated, the majority of cruisers on this site noted that they either supported or didn't care about shorts in the MDR during casual dinner nights. These people need to fill out their comment cards, send emails, call customer service, etc. and voice their opinion. If warranted, RCL will amend its policy.


Until then, it's a rule and as others have noted here, it should be followed for that reason alone.

We're in agreement here - just wanted to note that within normal error margins for polls, especially given the unscientific nature of one created on the fly on an internet forum, that its a stretch to say "a majority favor." There are two answers, one of which is admittedly ambiguous which you have to add together to create a bare majority of 53%, with 47% choosing the unambiguous option of preferring to continue restricting shorts in the MDR.

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It's really a lot simpler than that.


The new dining program on Anthem and Quantum fixes everything. This tired, old message board argument flies out the window to the past when/if this becomes standard fleet-wide.

At best, its at least a decade away before Dynamic Dining could become standard fleet-wide.


I also don't remember Dynamic Dining announcements stating that the prohibition against shorts is part of it. Did I miss that, can you point me to it? LMaxwell promised to a day ago, but hasn't yet, leading me to believe its not addressed within the Dynamic Dining information.

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Right? I've been an active participant in many types of forums over the years, including parenting forums with their ever-present 'mommy wars.' People didn't get as heated over real hot button issues as I've seen on this forum. From what I've observed, this is not a terribly friendly or fun-loving place. Which is weird considering we're all here to talk about, of all things, vacation?!


I'm not sure which threads you are referring to as getting more heated than "real hot button issues" but this is the most sterile forum I've ever been on in my entire online life.


If it's even slightly heated, LOCKED AND SHUT DOWN! Or just deleted/moved to some area where the normal folks can't see it.


Seriously, this place is about as evil/rabid as cheap, plastic, rounded-tip scissors. At least in terms of online forums.

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My rule of thumb I have always used for my children when dressing for the MDR or Specialty restaurant:


“What would they wear to a moderate to upscale restaurant at home?”


It has never failed…

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I'm not sure which threads you are referring to as getting more heated than "real hot button issues" but this is the most sterile forum I've ever been on in my entire online life.


If it's even slightly heated, LOCKED AND SHUT DOWN! Or just deleted/moved to some area where the normal folks can't see it.


Seriously, this place is about as evil/rabid as cheap, plastic, rounded-tip scissors. At least in terms of online forums.


Maybe condescending, rude, and quick to judgement would have been more apt adjectives then. The shorts poll thread was downright nasty. This thread, people were mocking the OP for her use of the word "smart." In another thread, some poor soul asked an innocent question and was promptly smacked with a lecture on entitlement.

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At best, its at least a decade away before Dynamic Dining could become standard fleet-wide.


I also don't remember Dynamic Dining announcements stating that the prohibition against shorts is part of it. Did I miss that, can you point me to it? LMaxwell promised to a day ago, but hasn't yet, leading me to believe its not addressed within the Dynamic Dining information.


I don't want you to mistake my comments for a full set of engineering plans on how Dynamic Dining works.


My thoughts are based around the sentiment that teeming masses of devotees to the formal lifestyle will be eating in their own arena of formal awesomeness and won't really be scouting out whether "smart shorts" are being worn in the other dining rooms by the remaining 6 or 7 people in there. You know what they say, "while the cat is away, the mice will play!"


I don't think Dynamic Dining = Duck Dynasty everywhere else. However, I do believe the overall (not just shorts, is what I mean when I say "the overall" but you'll have to forgive me for not knowing the formal Latin terminology for expressing this concept) focus of the clothing at dinner will be more acceptable to everyone involved.


The general population does not dress formally to eat dinner in a land-based restaurant unless the occasion dictates it. When you remove the formal night aspect, people as a group will likely dictate a new normal for the regular dining rooms. The people who love formal dress, will fill the formal dining room with like-minded individuals and enjoy themselves to the full, as well, dictating the dress rules or guidelines for those areas tighten up.

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I'd still consider your opinion/complaint valid. Just because something is a certain way you don't have to like it. It's perfectly legitimate to air complaints over rules you don't agree with.

There's a thread right now about someone who purchased a balcony cabin believing that the old rule allowing smoking on balconies was still permitted - and is very unhappy about it. They have a very valid complaint (more against their TA who didn't notify them of the change, rather than against RCI themselves.)


When I book a RCI cabin right now, I have certain legitimate expectations about the experience I'm purchasing, based on published information and rules from RCI. Those expectations include, at least in part:


  • a smoke-free balcony experience, if I purchase a balcony
  • kid-free enjoyment of the adult pool area
  • an upscale MDR dinner where diners are prohibited from dining in shorts, ball caps, sleeveless tshirts, swimwear and flip flops
  • no infants in diapers in the pools or hot tubs

Those are legitimate expectations that RCI has set about my expected cruise experience with their stated rules. Other cruise lines set other expectations - theirs are not better or worse, they're just different - and people choose one line or another based at least in part on that expected/promised experience.



Should RCI change the rule regarding shorts - I may or may not LIKE it, but I will no longer have legitimate expectations to expect that environment when I book a RCI cruise, and have no basis to legitimately complain. That's what I mean by legitimate or valid complaints.

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At best, its at least a decade away before Dynamic Dining could become standard fleet-wide.


I also don't remember Dynamic Dining announcements stating that the prohibition against shorts is part of it. Did I miss that, can you point me to it? LMaxwell promised to a day ago, but hasn't yet, leading me to believe its not addressed within the Dynamic Dining information.


You can Google Dynamic Dining and dress code. The info will come up somewhere on page 3 or 4 of Google. Sorry, I thought I had it bookmarked but did not.

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Maybe condescending, rude, and quick to judgement would have been more apt adjectives then. The shorts poll thread was downright nasty. This thread, people were mocking the OP for her use of the word "smart." In another thread, some poor soul asked an innocent question and was promptly smacked with a lecture on entitlement.


Again... this is featherweight compared to most forums on the planet.


I missed the shorts poll, but it seems to be gone, so that was quickly removed. Like I said, real meanness doesn't last long here without going *poof* and vanishing.


Although, I do my best to spread the sarcasm around without actually having any malicious intent.

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Should RCI change the rule regarding shorts - I may or may not LIKE it, but I will no longer have legitimate expectations to expect that environment when I book a RCI cruise, and have no basis to legitimately complain. That's what I mean by legitimate or valid complaints.


I appreciate your expanded explanation on this. I also greatly appreciate the much more civil discussion we're having on this topic today in comparison to recent days.

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Which Royal ship's MDR are you referring to? (Given that you've admitted that you've not yet ever set foot on ANY RCI ship...) :rolleyes:



Any or all of them. You are right, although I have been on Disney Fantasy and to hear many people who have been on both the MDRs there are more "elegant" than than the typical MDR on RCI.


I doubt very much that I need to have gone there to have an opinion on the matter. I've seen pictures, videos and read countless reviews. I think I have a fairly accurate impression of what I'll find when I get there. If my opinion is invalid because I've never been there, then it won't bother you that I don't agree with yours.

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Should RCI change the rule regarding shorts - I may or may not LIKE it, but I will no longer have legitimate expectations to expect that environment when I book a RCI cruise, and have no basis to legitimately complain. That's what I mean by legitimate or valid complaints.



This is the best statement in the whole thread!!!


Agree !!!



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

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You can Google Dynamic Dining and dress code. The info will come up somewhere on page 3 or 4 of Google. Sorry, I thought I had it bookmarked but did not.

Little known fact - google results are different for each requestor based on past search history.


I tried it anyway, and the first page led me to royalcaribbean.com/dynamicdining where I learned that for the other 3 main (complimentary) venues other than The Grande, dress code is listed as "smart casual" which would currently still prohibit shorts. So Dynamic Dining in and of itself does nothing to address the desires of some to be officially permitted to wear shorts without fear of being turned away sometimes.

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Little known fact - google results are different for each requestor based on past search history.


I tried it anyway, and the first page led me to royalcaribbean.com/dynamicdining where I learned that for the other 3 main (complimentary) venues other than The Grande, dress code is listed as "smart casual" which would currently still prohibit shorts. So Dynamic Dining in and of itself does nothing to address the desires of some to be officially permitted to wear shorts without fear of being turned away sometimes.


What I had found was more of a dialogue than the DD page stating that there were no set dress codes in the complimentary restaurants (except the grande) and that current codes would be relaxed.


I did not realize the same search terms would yield different results on Google. If I can find it again I will share.

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Any or all of them. You are right, although I have been on Disney Fantasy and to hear many people who have been on both the MDRs there are more "elegant" than than the typical MDR on RCI.


I doubt very much that I need to have gone there to have an opinion on the matter. I've seen pictures, videos and read countless reviews. I think I have a fairly accurate impression of what I'll find when I get there. If my opinion is invalid because I've never been there, then it won't bother you that I don't agree with yours.

Lets just say that I've noticed that you seem to have many very specific opinions about RCI, its ships, policies and cruise experience - for someone who has never been on one. You're right though, that makes it less likely that it will bother me that your strictly second-hand opinions will bother me if they disagree with mine. ;)

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Any or all of them. You are right, although I have been on Disney Fantasy and to hear many people who have been on both the MDRs there are more "elegant" than than the typical MDR on RCI.


I doubt very much that I need to have gone there to have an opinion on the matter. I've seen pictures, videos and read countless reviews. I think I have a fairly accurate impression of what I'll find when I get there. If my opinion is invalid because I've never been there, then it won't bother you that I don't agree with yours.


Youve been on A cruise ship so you pretty much know what to expect. They are all just about the same when it comes to MDRs I would venture to guess.


Anytime you have extremely loud blaring music and a dancing and singing wait staff I think you can go ahead and scratch the words elegant or classy off.


The MDR is a nice place to eat and tries to mimick an upscale venue with the table settings and tux dressed waiters but "elegant" is not a word I use to describe a place that has so much organized chaos. Its pretty much a madhouse and not what I would expect at an "elegant" venue on land.


The very same MDR with the very same table settings is used during the day for breakfast and lunch and pretty much everything but a bathing suit is allowed.

Edited by ryano
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Youve been on A cruise ship so you pretty much know what to expect. They are all just about the same when it comes to MDRs I would venture to guess.


Anytime you have extremely loud blaring music and a dancing and singing wait staff I think you can go ahead and scratch the words elegant or classy off.


The MDR is a nice place to eat and tries to mimick an upscale venue with the table settings and tux dressed waiters but "elegant" is not a word I use to describe a place that has so much organized chaos. Its pretty much a madhouse and not what I would expect at an "elegant" venue on land.


The very same MDR with the very same table settings is used during the day for breakfast and lunch and pretty much everything but a bathing suit is allowed.



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Currently, it is printed in the Compass (although VERY small print) that "shorts are not permitted for dinner" and also on a sign outside most of the MDRs. :)


Possibly on one ship vs another, but I just read through the entire 52 pages of the cruise compass I have from the Allure in April and it never said that shorts are not permitted. It says they are not recommended which is entirely different from not permitted. It does say there is dress code policies for the specialty restaurants, but not the MDR.

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Youve been on A cruise ship so you pretty much know what to expect. They are all just about the same when it comes to MDRs I would venture to guess.


Anytime you have extremely loud blaring music and a dancing and singing wait staff I think you can go ahead and scratch the words elegant or classy off.


The MDR is a nice place to eat and tries to mimick an upscale venue with the table settings and tux dressed waiters but "elegant" is not a word I use to describe a place that has so much organized chaos. Its pretty much a madhouse and not what I would expect at an "elegant" venue on land.


The very same MDR with the very same table settings is used during the day for breakfast and lunch and pretty much everything but a bathing suit is allowed.

That poster should really ask the person they are arguing with, how many RCI cruise ships they have actually sailed on. Not all C&A statuses are earned, some are inherited.

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LOL, is that Johnny Rockets or are they opening a Chuck-E-Cheese? on Oasis 3?


No, this is in the "elegant" MDR! :o;) The music is so loud you can barely hear yourself think and then they come out and sing and parade around the room. Thats the ONLY part of the MDR experience I absolutely cannot stand.

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Freedom this past August, sideways but you get the point.:p


Freedom this past August, sideways but you get the point.:p


We can debate whether it's a good rule/suggestion/guideline or not, whether it should be changed, etc but if someone reads that sign and wears shorts anyway, they're rude, sorry. And if the MDR staff choose not to make a scene about it and let it slide, it doesn't make it any less rude.


Will it ruin my meal or vacation? Absolutely not I doubt I personally would even notice, because I choose not to let others' behavior affect my mood. But still rude. IMO.

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There's a thread right now about someone who purchased a balcony cabin believing that the old rule allowing smoking on balconies was still permitted - and is very unhappy about it. They have a very valid complaint (more against their TA who didn't notify them of the change, rather than against RCI themselves.)


When I book a RCI cabin right now, I have certain legitimate expectations about the experience I'm purchasing, based on published information and rules from RCI. Those expectations include, at least in part:


  • a smoke-free balcony experience, if I purchase a balcony
  • kid-free enjoyment of the adult pool area
  • an upscale MDR dinner where diners are prohibited from dining in shorts, ball caps, sleeveless tshirts, swimwear and flip flops
  • no infants in diapers in the pools or hot tubs

Those are legitimate expectations that RCI has set about my expected cruise experience with their stated rules. Other cruise lines set other expectations - theirs are not better or worse, they're just different - and people choose one line or another based at least in part on that expected/promised experience.



Should RCI change the rule regarding shorts - I may or may not LIKE it, but I will no longer have legitimate expectations to expect that environment when I book a RCI cruise, and have no basis to legitimately complain. That's what I mean by legitimate or valid complaints.


Please show us where these "rules" are on the RCI webpage. When looking at their site and searching, this is what comes up:



Q: What are the dress codes onboard? s.gif A: There are three distinct types of evenings onboard: casual, smart casual and formal. Suggested guidelines for these nights are: con_bulletgray_ico.gif Casual: Sport shirts and slacks for men, sundresses or pants for women con_bulletgray_ico.gif Smart Casual: Jackets and ties for men, dresses or pantsuits for women con_bulletgray_ico.gif Formal: Suits and ties or tuxedos for men, cocktail dresses for women

Notice the word that I have changed to red, SUGGESTED. This does not imply a rule. A rule would be use words such as prohibited. Perhaps in the past, they were "rules" and maybe some staff still try and enforce them, but my guess is that now they don't want to push the patrons too much as they rely on their gratuities for their pay. To me the suggestion is an attempt to keep the old tradition going, but not one they are going to "police" anymore as a whole company. If it is written anywhere on their site, I will be glad to stand corrected, but I don't see it anywhere.

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Possibly on one ship vs another, but I just read through the entire 52 pages of the cruise compass I have from the Allure in April and it never said that shorts are not permitted. It says they are not recommended which is entirely different from not permitted. It does say there is dress code policies for the specialty restaurants, but not the MDR.


It also says that bare feet are "not recommended" along with hats and tank tops.

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