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To bring carseat or not to bring is the question?


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I would like some personal feedback from those who have cruised with infant and what you did about a car seat on your cruise and at the ports?


I have read so many different things about car seat rules in Cozumel, Mexico and Falmouth, Jamaica where we will be going next year while on the Oasis of the Seas with RCCL.


Our son will be 15 months old when we cruise and we only wanted to take a umbrella stroller with us and not have to bring a car seat as well. We were going to hire a private taxi van while in port as there are 5 in our group as we don't want to book through RCCL and just want to do our own thing since we have been to Cozumel before but never with a baby.


I have been told that many of the vehicles don't even have seat belts so they can fit more people in the taxi's. We were told that you just hold your babies/children in your lap in the backseat.


Anyone else travel without a car seat at these two ports?

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We traveled to Falmouth once and Cozumel twice with my son, 13 months and just shy of 3. We took a car seat on both cruises, and used it in Cozumel twice but decided to just stick in the port in Falmouth. First time in Cozumel our first cab had seat belts and we had no problem. Second time the first can we went to didn't have rear belts and the cabbie tried to tell me seats weren't required. I apologized and said no thanks, we'll wait for the next one. This year we are traveling with a 4 year old and a 13 month old so we'll bring a booster and a seat.

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If you are taking a ship's excursion, they will transport you on buses, so no seatbelt/carseats are used. You CAN find cabs with seatbelts...you must might have to bypass the 1st couple.....but it can be done!

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We did not take a car seat on our cruise. We did not leave the port areas. We did plan to leave in St Maarten using the water taxi, but the weather had other plans. Had we wanted to tour, we would have gone with a ship's tour where most of the time car seats can't be used.


I'm pretty laid back, but I don't think I'd take DD in cabs without a car seat in either of these ports. I'd consider ship excursions if I wanted to see sights in these ports or take a car seat if we wanted to go on our own in taxis.

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Bring on the flames but we didn't use a car seat in Cozumel when DD was 9 months. Don't plan to bring one in September when she'll be 14mo either.


I've never been anywhere that there wasn't provisions for a car seat if you wanted to use one though. Might have to skip a cab and wait for another but there's always seatbelts somewhere.



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My grandkids were pretty young. I forget the exact ages, but we had a new baby, one around 2 and the other 5. One port our transportation was an open trolly type vehicle... wood seat, no seat belts. Others were vans. They had seat belts and the older 2 used them but we just held the baby. Sometimes the older ones were on laps to fit everyone in. The car seat stayed in the cabin.

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Thank you all for the feedback. I've been researching and it looks like only 50% of people on cruises take car seats with them at some ports.


I am going to be looking at some alternative options besides the carseat and jogging stroller that we have. I am thinking we might be okay with just taking the umbrella stroller and a baby carrier to wear the baby when sitting in taxi and walking. He will be 15 months old and will be walking by January so very well may be too big for the car seat we have here at home that only goes up to 30 pounds. He is already 20 pounds so the baby bjorn carrier we have only goes to 25 pounds so we will have to see what that have for children over a year old. We are going to have to purchase a convertible car seat here very soon for our van.


If anyone has any suggestions regarding baby carriers for older infants let me know. I guess it just depends how much he grows between now and January and if he will fit in his car seat that goes with the jogging stroller. :D

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There ARE vans/taxis that have seat belts. You just need to be selective and tell them what you are looking for. Might have to wait a few minutes until an appropriate one can take you, but worth it in my opinion.


Remember, the laws of physics apply on vacation too. I personally would never take the risk of travelling without a car seat unless I planned on only walking around the port area. Just my two cents.

Edited by cello56
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Please bring on the flamers too but I wouldn't cruise with carseats and we don't either... When you think about it, a carseat is NOT going to be properly installed into a vehicle in less than 5 minutes. Alot of vans require additional support (via a rolled towel or cut-out wet noodle) to be properly secured within a van. If you take the time to properly secure it into the vehicle (which is atleast 15-20 minutes of pulling and tugging), you are going to have a very angry cab driver. If you don't secure it properly, then you have a child, strapped into a safety seat, that can both go flying if something was to happen. Secured on the lap or in an open bus is much better option for travel, unless you hire a private driver that knows upfront that you need extra time to secure your car seats to the vehicle and you need to carry an extra towel and know your car seat through and through, making sure you know how to secure it to any possible seat and seatbelt combination that you may encounter..

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Remember, the laws of physics apply on vacation too. I personally would never take the risk of travelling without a car seat unless I planned on only walking around the port area. Just my two cents.

And the laws of probability also apply. Drive slowly on short trips, and barring a tremendously unlikely and unusually bad accident, you'll be OK even if the child is held on your lap. You'll have a seat belt, and your arms will act as the child's. Promise the driver a big tip if he never goes over 20 mph.


Be careful about walking around the port area as an alternative, at least if there are any roads. If you're going to be in a collision with a moving vehicle, you're far safer in a vehicle of your own - not on foot.

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And the laws of probability also apply. Drive slowly on short trips, and barring a tremendously unlikely and unusually bad accident, you'll be OK even if the child is held on your lap. You'll have a seat belt, and your arms will act as the child's. Promise the driver a big tip if he never goes over 20 mph.


I am honestly and truly gobsmacked to read this. Do you REALLY believe that any adult could possibly hold on to a child in any kind of car crash? Have you seen any of the crash test dummy videos showing what happens in even a slow speed crash? The laws of physics would most certainly disagree with you.


When it comes to the safety of my child, I make sure that I take every possible precaution, and putting them in an appropriate car seat is at the top of the list. Sure that might mean that we don't get to do every excursion we might like, or miss going to a certain beach, but how could anyone live with themselves afterwards if the unthinkable happened and it could have been prevented? Yes child car seats are heavy and awkward to lug around, but that is the price that responsible parents pay when they travel with children.

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Knew it was only a matter of time.


OP the baby carrier is a good idea. Especially on board where even an umbrella stroller might be a bit of a hassle. Like you, my dd is now too big for our baby bjorn and I'm having a real hard time finding one for a toddler that doesn't look like I'm wearing my grandmother's purse. (I'm the dad, they'd be fine for a woman - but I'm not wearing a flowery quilted thing ;))



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Edited by Waterloomarc
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I would only ask anyone considering riding in a car and not securing their precious child securely in the appropriate restraint - would you ever do this at home?


Why do you think you are safer when on vacation? You're not. Children can be tremendously inconvenient, but as the parent, you are responsible for their safety. You are paying the driver, why do you care if they are "angry" that it takes a few minutes to install a car seat?


You are not "o.k" holding a child on your lap and fastening your seat belt around them. Suggest you google and see what happens when you do that; even in a crash of 20 MPH or so.

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I'm not looking for people to start a argument on here about car seat safety. I am honestly looking for feedback from only parents who have delt with car seats while on a cruise and at port.


So here is a question for parents only who have cruised with infants while at port. What do you do when your child is too big for the infant car seat that weigh over 30 pounds. Can you bring one of those bulky convertible seats that don't collapse and are made to stay kept in a vehicle and can't click into a stroller? I wouldn't think so, I guess you just stay on the ship and don't do anything at port since most of the excursions are transported by bus or water.


As far as the carrier is concerned, I think they are great and hope we can find one for bigger babies that weigh over 30 pounds for even walking around the ship if we didn't want to take a umbrella stroller everywhere we went while on board.


I guess I could put my baby on a diet to make sure that he weighs under 30 pounds so he can still fit in his infant car seat by January. lol. Just kidding. Seriously though, my father-in-law joked that and even suggested bringing a convertible car seat on board. I said no!

Edited by FLCruiser25
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I cruised with my kids and traveled with them when they were really young. I don't think parents are being cavalier by not bringing car seats. On the islands there are fewer cars and fewer accidents. Yes- an accident could happen anywhere- the plane could crash and you are completed screwed with or without a car seat. The ship could sink and the little one could freeze to death, drown etc. Your child is at risk every time you take them in the car- with or without a car seat. We all take risks with our kids. You have to live.


While on vacation- I recommend taking large vans instead of taxis, buses and sometimes it the best idea is to stay on the ship and enjoy it while everyone is off.

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On the islands there are fewer cars and fewer accidents.

Not true, this isn't logical and it's not how statistics work. Reading the table below, it's clear that the road fatalities are high in commonly visited cruise ports.The latest WHO report, issued in 2013and covering statistics from 2010 - 2012 shows the following information regarding fatalities:



Road Fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 35.8

Road Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 13.7



Road fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 14.9

Road fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 7.3



Road Fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 16.4

Road Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 16.4


Costa Rica

Road Fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 12.7

Road Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 64.1


Dominican Republic

Road Fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 151.5

Road Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 41.7



Road Fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 11.4

Road Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 63.5



Road Fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 14.7

Road Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 54.1



Road Fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 14.1

Road Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 80.7


United States

Road Fatalities per 100,000 vehicles 11.6

Road Fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants 13.6


Your child should always be placed in the appropriate restraint, whether you are at home or on vacation.

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When it comes to the safety of my child, I make sure that I take every possible precaution ...

I'm sorry to take issue with you, but I suspect this isn't true. No doubt you take all reasonable precautions, but you surely don't take all possible precautions.


For example, does your child ever leave the house without a crash helmet? More children die each year from traumatic brain injury than from road accidents. And many of the children who die in road accidents are pedestrians, who may have been saved by wearing a crash helmet (and very likely would have been saved by being inside the car, with or without a seat belt). If crash helmets were made compulsory at all times, I suspect more lives would be saved than have been saved by child seats.


Yes, a tiny child is likely to be hurt in a crash without restraint. But they're even more likely to be hurt in a crash if they are on foot. It's up to the parents to decide whether the risk of injury or death is worth leaving the house for - not just on holiday, but at home as well. And the chances of a serious crash, in a car going at 20 mph with a professional driver at the wheel who is taking care, are miniscule.


It's also worth considering what happens to the child while you are fitting the child seat. Two adults to one child - not much of a problem. One adult can hold the child while the other fits the seat (or the two adults take turns at trying to figure out how it fits). One adult two children - trickier.

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Knew it was only a matter of time.


OP the baby carrier is a good idea. Especially on board where even an umbrella stroller might be a bit of a hassle. Like you, my dd is now too big for our baby bjorn and I'm having a real hard time finding one for a toddler that doesn't look like I'm wearing my grandmother's purse. (I'm the dad, they'd be fine for a woman - but I'm not wearing a flowery quilted thing ;))



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Did you see these two carriers?


http://www.babybjorn.com/baby-carriers/baby-carrier-one/?color=khaki-beige&material=cotton-mix This one goes up to 33 pounds and is gender neutral and runs around $180.00



This one goes up to 45 pounds and runs around $120.00


My husband and I are considering getting one of these above for our cruise to go along with our umbrella stroller if our son is too big/tall for our car seat.

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So here is a question for parents only who have cruised with infants while at port. What do you do when your child is too big for the infant car seat that weigh over 30 pounds. Can you bring one of those bulky convertible seats that don't collapse and are made to stay kept in a vehicle and can't click into a stroller? I wouldn't think so, I guess you just stay on the ship and don't do anything at port since most of the excursions are transported by bus or water.


As far as the carrier is concerned, I think they are great and hope we can find one for bigger babies that weigh over 30 pounds for even walking around the ship if we didn't want to take a umbrella stroller everywhere we went while on board.



ok - I qualify! I'm on my own with my twins. At that age on cruises where I didn't want to bring car seats, I went to the ports of call board here and looked for other options in port (places to walk to, tour guides who would provide car seats, places accessed by water taxi or bus). Otherwise I brought two big car seats. Alone. I had one in a bag with backpack straps and one in a bag with wheels that I rolled along with the stroller. I know some parents wouldn't consider checking their seats, but I did. They get checked curbside and show up at your room and are easily stored in the closet, then same thing at the end of the cruise.


My girls are 9 now, but last summer we cruised Alaska with a single mom with a son in the same situation as yours. She used a backpack case, checked the car seat for the flights and then we rented a car in most ports, so she carried it off/on the ship with her in each port.


It's all do-able - the ports of call board here is very helpful with finding the best way to go with/without a car seat.


An umbrella stroller that reclines/has a sun shade can be your best friend on a cruise. That way child can nap while you keep going. Also, the distances can be long - plus it's a nice place to keep all the gear.


Have a great cruise!




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We haven't cruised yet, but our 23 month old will be in his convertible carseat for the flight to the port and in the rental car. Due to our concerns with island transportation, we haven't decided on any excursions and are thinking about either staying on the ship or walking around the port. If I can find an excursion where I can use my car seat, I will.


For a carrier, we have an Ergo and I love it. We don't use it all that often, but when we do, it is wonderful. I have a herniated disc in my lower back and am rarely bothered using the Ergo. I had a Baby Bjorn and with my older kids and hated it! I think the Bjorn may have been redesigned since then, but I am not sure. Be sure to get a carrier where your child sits, and doesn't dangle ( that is what happened in the Bjorn when the baby was forward facing. The Ergo can be worn on your front, back or in hip carry, and for the dad who doesn't want flowery patterns, it comes in solid colors, like black, green or navy.



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I am going to be looking at some alternative options besides the carseat and jogging stroller that we have. I am thinking we might be okay with just taking the umbrella stroller and a baby carrier to wear the baby when sitting in taxi and walking. He will be 15 months old and will be walking by January so very well may be too big for the car seat we have here at home that only goes up to 30 pounds. He is already 20 pounds so the baby bjorn carrier we have only goes to 25 pounds so we will have to see what that have for children over a year old. We are going to have to purchase a convertible car seat here very soon for our van.



Regarding your jogging stroller. Most I have seen are wide. This is very impractical for a cruise ship. The hallways are narrow - think 2 people walking side by side - and usually there is a room steward cart in the hall. If you run into a cart or a person in a wheel chair one of you is going to have to back down the corridor to an opening and on a ship that could be a long way. If you are polite it would be you since you are the problem. People walking down the hall will have to duck into a door way so you can get past. It will be next to impossible to get into an elevator at prime times. Take an umbrella stroller.

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I will just give my personal experience with car seats. I am/have raised 8 children and have traveled with all/part of them many, many times. Train, Bus, Ships, Planes. I have used full sized seats as well as no back boosters. I have also used 2 Sit n' Strolls and Travel vests. I have buckled seats into cabs and rental cars and it has NEVER taken me 15-20 minutes to do so. Know your seat and you will have this done in 2 or 3 minutes tops. Knee on the seat, thread belt, buckle and cinch down and lock the belt. Even without the tether OR the tightest fit, my child is much better off than in my arms. I have done multiple seats/same van/same trip - no problems or delays.


My recommendation for under 40 pounds is this seat : http://www.lillygold.com/products/sit-n-stroll.html


I have owned and resold two of these over the years. They hold their resale value so well that it would be a reasonable expense if only for one trip. They easily change from carseat to stroller to restaurant booster. We LOVED this seat. Check out Ebay to compare prices and depreciation.



For a child over that I would recommend the travel vests :




If your child is big enough for a basic backless booster that you can buy for under $20 at Wal-Mart then I would go with that. You can always leave it at your last stop to be given to a child in need. These fit well inside a reusable grocery bag for toting. Likewise you could make backpack straps and have the kids carry them.


If your child is heavy enough for the travel vests but not old enough ( see details on the travel vest pages) or you want a cheaper alternative, then you could use a lightweight convertible like this $38 one. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Cosco-Highback-Booster-Car-Seat-Quigley/21128091

Remove the cup holder and lengthen the shoulder belts and put it on your back like a backpack until needed.


Below is a link to a photo from a cruise we took in 2006. You can see the Sit and Stroll here. Sorry its not a better pic, but its what I had handy to share. Also pictured is my 3yo who was in a vest and my 6yo who was in a basic backless booster on this particular trip. We were able to buckle all 3 into a van in the airport pull-thru with no delay or difficulties. Did the same when we few out from HI. In between we used vans, buses and the like as we did all kinds of touristy things. We didn't have anything to carry since the 3yo wore her vest, the 6yo backpacked her booster and the baby was in his carseat/stroller. We ditched the backless booster with the car rental at the end of this trip as it wasn't worth carrying on the plane.

Password is carseat


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Thank you Tracey for your helpful response and all those links. I appreciate you helping us get some options.


I did see the vest for babies over 30 pounds and I think it's a great option over taking a bulky car seat and jogging stroller around with us. It's great that it packs in the luggage as well and it's priced on amazon for $135.00. We have added it to our amazon prime wishlist when we get closer to see how big our son is.




My husband and I insist on skipping the cabs/vans that don't have seat beats and we are looking into a private all day driver and won't be booking via RCCL for shore excursions!


I think between this vest, baby carrier and umbrella stroller we will be set and safe for our little one when at port for babies over 30 pounds! :D

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