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Just Off Voyager Not Happy At All

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Originally Posted by madforcruising

And I thought Voyager is a ship and the boats are hanging on either sides.




You don't need to be rude. :mad: She's very upset, and I don't blame her at all.


I didn't think the VOS was all that great myself!


what one person finds rude others find funny

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As a fellow NY'er, it's always open season on NY'ers. I guess all the NJ & PA & CT people fly down to TX or FL.:eek:


when I was in NYC 3 years ago my first and only time there I found almost everyone there to be very helpfull and friendly, Not as kicked back as us from California, but that is from everyone here living on the beach all year long

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I know , we get a bad rap because we are LOUD and upfront and people construe that as being rude. I have an inlaw who is from a part of the country where lying is called tact and talking behind your back is the only way to discuss things. Give me a NYer any day!:D

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I was on the same cruise with my husband and 2 18 y.o.girls. Had a great time.Security was everywhere and, let me tell you, they were checking teens IDs all the time.


I have to say I was really impressed by the security AND the passengers. People were very polite to each other, no "elevator pushing" accidents, etc.


I was little sceptical sailing out of NJ expecting some 'interesting NY/NJ/CT people behaviors" on board. Before you start flaming me.. I AM FROM NEW YORK so I know what I'm talking about :) It was a pleasant surprise.


The only pet peeve I have is that there were a LOT of people in shorts and flip-flops in the dining room on FORMAL nights. I found this very disrespectful to other people. If you don't want to dress up for the dinner, it's your choice. But if you choose to wear shorts and t-shirts at dinner time, please have dinner at Windjammer.


All in all it was a great cruise.

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Could it be the Midwest? ;)


We moved here from Pittsburgh when I was 11. I was always used to my "honest", in your face, no beating around the bush, Italian family.


Everyone here gets offended way too easily. You never really know what they are thinking. I still can't get used to it.


I'm with you. I'll take a NY'er any day of the week.

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I was on VOS last year and again two weeks ago. I had a great time on both cruises. There was underage drinking and teens all over the library and on the stairs. Did this ruin my vacation? Absolutely not! Did a hand or two get stepped on while they were lounging on the stairs? Absolutely! Did they move the next time they saw me coming? Absolutely. Would I sail on VOS again...in a heartbeat. We are on EOS next summer.


Next year I will report more to security. I do not have the luxury of cruising while school is in session as I am a teacher.

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I was on VOS last year and again two weeks ago. I had a great time on both cruises. There was underage drinking and teens all over the library and on the stairs. Did this ruin my vacation? Absolutely not! Did a hand or two get stepped on while they were lounging on the stairs? Absolutely! Did they move the next time they saw me coming? Absolutely. Would I sail on VOS again...in a heartbeat. We are on EOS next summer.


Next year I will report more to security. I do not have the luxury of cruising while school is in session as I am a teacher.

Robinob: GMTA.......great minds that belong to teachers, that is. :D



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I understand the OP's frustration with the situation on board but we need an open detailed discussion of the real problem rather than an emotional tirade blasting the entire cruise as a "mess".


Underaged drinking is a problem on all cruise ships, not just RCCL. The problem is that parents make the decision to bring their teens and then allow them to run free while the adults go off and enjoy their cruise. Rather than making the cruiseline the accountable party here, why not point the finger where it needs to be pointed?


I know, it's a new concept, especially in the US: Accountability for your children's actions. Let's try it out everywhere, not just on the ship.


That's exactly whey they eliminated the consumption fee and continue to punish all guests. Quite frankly, if anybody is caught drinking and they're underaged, their responsible party (i.e: parents or guardian) should all be removed from the ship, no questions asked. Deal with it swiftly so other guests can better enjoy their vacations.


You may end up with some unhappy people who had their vacation cut short and will threaten to sue but in the long run, there will be many times more people who were happy with the outcome.


BTW: I have two kids. I'm responsible for how they act in public.

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I can also understand the frustration with the underage drinking. It really is sickening how RCCL is out to make money so much that they would allow this kind of garbage to go on. There is no excuse for them to be serving alcohol to anyone under 21. They need to do away with their "waiver" for 18 year olds and start getting their act together before they lose more customers because of things like this.


To add, I have been on one other cruise and it was on Carnival. Never was there anything that said 18 year olds can drink and never was there any problems on the ship regarding people 21 and under drinking. I don't think that this is as large as a problem on other cruise lines. All of these horror stories about the out of control drunk kids makes me think of Royal Caribbean as sort of the slums of cruise ships, I hope I am wrong when I go away next week on one.

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I can also understand the frustration with the underage drinking. It really is sickening how RCCL is out to make money so much that they would allow this kind of garbage to go on. There is no excuse for them to be serving alcohol to anyone under 21. They need to do away with their "waiver" for 18 year olds and start getting their act together before they lose more customers because of things like this.


Arrow, you're blaming the wrong party. RCCL is not the guilty party. On the contrary, they probably are going out of their way to try to please everybody where they should crack down hard on the people responsible for the children themselves.


BTW: I've sailed Carnival before and it was a literal drunkfest of ALL ages. The problem is NOT purely with RCCL.

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Am I to assume that by underage drinking you mean children under the age of 18?


And not to be a doubter, but how did you know they were underage?


Furthermore, on the subject of the alcohol waiver, I must admit that I do not have a problem with people 18 or older drinking on a cruise with the permission of their parents, provided they are not being obnoxious about it. 1) Other countries, including Canada, have a lower legal age limit. 2) The beer and wine offerings are also to comfort guests from Europe, where casual drinking of beer and wine is common for people even younger than 18. 3) If you wish to drink and you are under the age of 21, you need a parent to sign a waiver allowing you to drink. If someone between the ages of 18-20 is being drunk and obnoxious, not only should you be upset at them for being irresponsible adults, but also be mad at the parents!

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There were security guards after there were way to many complaints from

Families that to much was going on.

I did do my researsh before going on this trip and I did read the boards

before I went I just never posted.

I learned alot of things from these boards but I was unaware about what goes on with the underage children.

The reason I care Is because I have two daughters that were on the ship and I felt I couldnt leave them alone for a second.

I am sure alot more is going to surface because alot of people that were there had the same complaints as me.

This was supposed to be a family vacation to enjoy not count the security guards or the underage drinkers.

I want nothing out of this post just to aware other families that are going to watch there children be careful there are no cameras on the floors and people let there kids walk alone floor to floor alone. I didnt .


I'm not saying I don't believe you, but if you truly read these boards you would know that a cruise during this time of year aboard any large family ship is going to be packed with kids of all ages on just about any cruiseline. If you want to go during this time and not be bothered by that many kids then you can pick a ship as well as an itinerary that doesn't cater as much to families such as an Alaskan or Med. cruise.

Also, you mentioned several times that this was a family vacation..yet it seems you are upset about having to spend so much time with your kids...isn't that what a "family" trip is all about?

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I've been on 20 RCCL cruises, and on none of them did I ever witness drunken behavior by children (young adults) - more often than not, I've seen it in the casino and lounges by adults.....it's not the cruiseline, it's the individual's responsibility in the case of an adult, and the parents' responsibility in the case of their young adults.



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We just got off the Sovereign last Friday and we spent several hours donating in the Casino. LOL


On about four occasions I personally witnessed the Casino staff request 4 different underage youths to leave the Casino area. All four left without confrontation.



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I agree with hermang. I was on that ship & there was 2 young girls in the next cabin. On most nights they were on there balcony drinking & making noise till 1 or 2 in the morning with a few young boys. On one of the last nights they were party till 4:30 drinking & smoking pot until I went on my balcony & they saw me.The next day the girl saw me & was so embrrassed that she ran back into her room. If there parents read these boards there room number was 6632

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On our cruise on the Rhapsody a few weeks ago, my 18 yr old DD told me that on quite a few occasions a younger teen approached her to buy beer which thankfully she refused. This happened more than one time with different kids.

Security at the entrance to the Viking Crown Lounge was heavy with many younger teens turned away after midnight. One 17 yr old teen whose parents were outraged at security not allowing their child entrance to the VC Lounge made a scene and demanded that her child be admitted. :eek: So, where does the blame lie? RCCL or the parents? And no, she was not admitted.

Kids are going to drink. We just, as parents, have to be more vigilant and not jump to blame the cruiseline.

By the way the children/teens on our cruise never gave us any concern but then I was on the Rhapsody, in a class by itself. :) :)

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I read these boards but dont often post. I had to chime in on this.

RCCL is not responsible for babysitting drunk people of any age....much less minors! If they are out of control, report them and let rccl handle it. You cannot watch your kids 24/7, ....on or off a ship, a fact. But who is responsible for underage drinking when these kids aren't on a cruise???? That right...the parents! Perhaps RCCL should increase the rates for kids so they can provide extra security to watch the kids if they are so horrible that they ruin peoples vacations. Just a though.

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I read these boards but dont often post. I had to chime in on this.

RCCL is not responsible for babysitting drunk people of any age....much less minors! If they are out of control, report them and let rccl handle it. You cannot watch your kids 24/7, ....on or off a ship, a fact. But who is responsible for underage drinking when these kids aren't on a cruise???? That right...the parents! Perhaps RCCL should increase the rates for kids so they can provide extra security to watch the kids if they are so horrible that they ruin peoples vacations. Just a though.


Rather than raise rates, which punishes the RESPONSIBLE parents and children, why not simply enforce regulations? If you bring you kids and they are caught drinking on board against regulations, then the kids AND the responsible party(ies) are all removed from the cruise immediately. It would be painful ONLY for the irresponsible people on board rather than the rest of the guests.


Quite frankly, it doesn't MATTER whether kids have access to alcohol, nor does it matter who served it whether it be an RCCL employee or another guest, the fact remains that you still have someone consuming alcohol who should KNOW that it is not permitted for them to do so. Hold their PARENTS or whoever brought them accountable.


Geez, quit blaming the cruiseline/non-related parties/society for the irresponsible behavior of people's kids. Drop them off at the next port and wish them well.

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Why NOT hold Royal Caribbean more accountable? What are the prudent measure we take on land, for instance... let's see


* Illegal to serve to minors

* Illegal to sell to minors

* Picture ID to drink if you look under 30


So how about for cruise ships

* Change Cruise ID to include picture and mark clearly for age group

* Bartenders and servers lose their job if they sell to minors

* Round up teenagers who are drunk (even from rooms if reported)

* Send families of drunk 18-20 year olds off the ship next port

* Send families of underage drinkers off the ship next port

* Heck send drunk adults off ship next port if they become obnoxious

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We are sailing on the Voyager 11/13 to Bermuda and one of my traveling buddies is thrilled the kids will be in school and we shall only have the little tykes. She took her daughter and friend on the Dawn during Easter Vacation and they were very naughty, doing much worse than what has been cited.


Having spoiled her only child all her life, she was not able to control her behavior on the ship which included staying out all night with friends they made on board.

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First the Underage drinking was Unbelievable. The Bartenders were serving liguor to minors many cruisers witnessed it. I was in the casino with children younger than my kids I made the casino host know it.

They dont clean up the tables so young kids go and get the drinks.

I was very upset with the whole boat in general.


Feds were waiting for two minors at bayonne


They let underage kids in the vault no proof no seapass cards nothing.[/u]

Too much to write.

We are sailing on the Voyager 11/13 to Bermuda and one of my traveling buddies is thrilled the kids will be in school and we shall only have the little tykes. She took her daughter and friend on the Dawn during Easter Vacation and they were very naughty, doing much worse than what has been cited.


Having spoiled her only child all her life, she was not able to control her behavior on the ship which included staying out all night with friends they made on board.

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I just want to say that I am really not serious with my comment about raising the rates for kids to hire extra security. It was really just to see how ridiculous it sounded to make RCCL 100% accountable for underage drinking. I believe that the bartenders definately share the blame but parents have a huge share of it . They are minors, kids will find booze anywhere they can if they want it! You can not have rccl follow every person who buys a drink to make sure they didnt buy it for a minor. These things do happen but the kid knows what they are doing is wrong and they should be held accountable for breaking the rules and the parents responsible for them! I totally agree with putting them in the clink and worse than that if the offense warrants it!

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We were on the Serenade a year and a half ago for a New Year's cruise, and it may very well be our last RCCL cruise. We often travel over the holidays so we expect to encounter a lot of kids. However, the teenagers on this cruise were out of control. They were in the bars and the casino. Not once did I see a cruiseship employee ask for their ID, ask them to leave the area, or refuse to serve them.


On New Year's Eve, a group of teenagers converged on a waiter handing out champaign, causing him to drop his entire tray. On the morning of New Year's Day, there were teens passed out all over the ship and broken glass everywhere.


While I agree that parents should supervise their children, if they can't or won't, then the cruiseline should at least enforce their rules. I wrote to RCCL twice about this situation and received a typical form letter response that didn't even address the issue.


I've never seen anything like this on Princess, and I think one reason may be that their drinking age is 21 (even for beer).

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