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Food - Hate it, love it - what's the deal?


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I honestly can't say what food is frozen. Quite a bit I'd assume.



Seems a little googling confirms this supposition, and at a most reputable site...




And, it seems comparing the restaurants to Olive Garden and banquet quality food has the CC endorsement. I'm sure this won't change anyone's opinion here (does anything?) but it certainly does validate my own.



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Have sailed with Carnival twice and felt that NCL has overall better food and service. Best of all No Dancing Waiters:)

Two NCL cruises (Sky, 2010; Epic, 2012) then sailed on Carnival Liberty last year. Although I thought Liberty a great ship-roomy designs on decks and in our OV cabin, great gym area, nice jogging deck, the food was so disappointing that I won't travel Carnival again. "Dancing waiters" is all right except when food arrives on the tepid side after waiting for the show to finish. I'm curious to try the new NCL menu in Nov. on Epic. I'm hoping for the best (I loved the bread puddings-so plebeian, I know) since I've booked the TA Barcelona/Med for April. In the past, we've enjoyed the food-all complimentary.


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As you know, food is very subjective.


In my opinion, NCL's food is good. I never had an inedible meal on board an NCL ship. Yes, I would say that it is slightly above that served in a Ninety Nine, Olive Garden, or Bertucci's. Service was very good.


I love the bar B cue served on the deck when we're at sea, and the buffet is ok for breakfast and lunch.


Last year we tried a different cruiseline, and their food was fine as well.


Remember, their kitchens are preparing food for thousands of people, three times daily. I think that they do very well, under the circumstances.

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There is so much food available, from snack type, grilled type, breakfast type, dining room type (from MDRs to specialty restaurants), that there is no way you can't find something you like. I've never walked away from an NCL cruise hungry or unhappy. Only you can be the judge of the food...for your tastes. Ignore it all and go try for yourself.


I did once but it wasn't because of the quality of the food...I just didn't like the choices :( And I didn't find out about the wings/comfort food until the very last night of the cruise.


That being said...That was one experience and every other cruise I have been on on both NCL and other lines were excellent...So I guess I am a glass half full kinda person

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20+ cruises on NCL. Four so far this year.



I am surprised that you are unaware of the requirements NCL has for hiring waitstaff.


They require experience in a three star or better hotel before they will consider an applicant.


If NCL has eliminated this requirement, I have not been informed of it.


I believe comments about poorly trained waitstaff are without factual basis.

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I like food. I like food a LOT. However, food is one aspect of cruising that isn't terribly important to me. As long as I get something to eat, and I like the way most of it tastes, I'm good. It's just icing on the cake when I eat something I find delicious.


YMMV. I fully realize food and eating/dining is a vital part of the cruise experience to many folks.

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I sometimes wonder if the nay-sayers about NCL's food have personal chef's or dine in four star restaurants every night.


I have never sent back a meal or had a truly inedible meal on anyone's ship. I have also had some memorable meals.


People continually gripe about the buffets. Don't know of many buffets this side of Las Vegas that offer the variety, and they continually are replenishing the food. Surely, you can find something to like from the array. Yes, they serve liquid eggs. Show me a buffet that doesn't and I'll show you one going broke.


People continually gripe about the blandness. Try cooking for 3000 or so people and you would quickly find that salt and spice will get you in all kinds of trouble. That's why they put salt and pepper on the table.


People continually gripe about the lack of service. Have never had this problem, ever. Waiters have been attentive but not cloying. Nothing I hate more than a waiter who comes by every five minute to make sure every thing is o.k.


People continually gripe about slow dinner service. I eat and bolt seven nights a week. I enjoy having a week where I can enjoy a leisurely meal.


Finally, the ultimate insult is to compare the for-pay venues to mass-market chain restaurant. Cagney's does not compare to a top shelf steak house, but try buying appetizer or appetizers, a steak and sides for $30.00 elsewhere, plus it is a pretty decent meal. People pooh-pooh Moderno as not comparable to land-based Brazilians. Last time I looked, those cost at least twice what NCL charges. Finally, they stick up there noses at La Cucina. No it's not New York Italian. No it's not Chef Boyardee. And yes, it costs $15.00. That might get you a glass of water and an appetizer in New York.

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Sailed on the breakaway in March. Ate mostly at the manhattan room also had lunch once in savor breakfast in osheehans lunch and dinner in osheehans cagneys once and tepanyaki once and of course breakfast and lunch in the buffet. Never had a bad meal. The one I was least happy with was lunch in savor. Other than that had no bad meals. My favorite was tepanyaki I'm not a foodie but I also hate Olive Garden. I personally enjoyed our meals but I ate way to much beef I think I had it almost every night. Heck I'm still eating chicken trying to recover lol

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We sailed the Epic last November, after 4 Carnival cruises. Here are my thoughts regarding the food:


Taste : Food was bland (maybe it was our choices?) We only at 2 meals in the MDR.

Buffet : Very good. Good variety and everything was tasty.

Cagney's : Great meal. My filet mignon was simply outstanding.

Noodle Bar : Very good.

O'Sheehans : Decent pub food.

Room service : We only ordered fruit, pastry, and coffee. Good.





Sent from my phone. Typos are inevitable.

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I sometimes wonder if the nay-sayers about NCL's food have personal chef's or dine in four star restaurants every night.


I have never sent back a meal or had a truly inedible meal on anyone's ship. I have also had some memorable meals.


People continually gripe about the buffets. Don't know of many buffets this side of Las Vegas that offer the variety, and they continually are replenishing the food. Surely, you can find something to like from the array. Yes, they serve liquid eggs. Show me a buffet that doesn't and I'll show you one going broke.


People continually gripe about the blandness. Try cooking for 3000 or so people and you would quickly find that salt and spice will get you in all kinds of trouble. That's why they put salt and pepper on the table.


People continually gripe about the lack of service. Have never had this problem, ever. Waiters have been attentive but not cloying. Nothing I hate more than a waiter who comes by every five minute to make sure every thing is o.k.


People continually gripe about slow dinner service. I eat and bolt seven nights a week. I enjoy having a week where I can enjoy a leisurely meal.


Finally, the ultimate insult is to compare the for-pay venues to mass-market chain restaurant. Cagney's does not compare to a top shelf steak house, but try buying appetizer or appetizers, a steak and sides for $30.00 elsewhere, plus it is a pretty decent meal. People pooh-pooh Moderno as not comparable to land-based Brazilians. Last time I looked, those cost at least twice what NCL charges. Finally, they stick up there noses at La Cucina. No it's not New York Italian. No it's not Chef Boyardee. And yes, it costs $15.00. That might get you a glass of water and an appetizer in New York.


I totally agree with you here. I find it interesting that a certain poster is always negative about NCL, especially the food and the service and yet they claim to repeatedly keep cruising with NCL. If it's so bad, then why do they complain when they themselves can control whether they go with NCL or not? If they truly do cruise with NCL, then I hope to never be on the same cruise with them.

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There is so much food available, from snack type, grilled type, breakfast type, dining room type (from MDRs to specialty restaurants), that there is no way you can't find something you like. I've never walked away from an NCL cruise hungry or unhappy. Only you can be the judge of the food...for your tastes. Ignore it all and go try for yourself.


I totally agree with your comment. I was on the Pearl for the 15 day Panama crossing in Apr 14 and never had a complaint about the food. As others said, it is very suggestive to one's personal taste but there are so many eating venues that one would definitely find something that they personally like. I really enjoy cruising with NCL.

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I spent two+ hours yesterday and an hour this morning reading tons of reviews for the NCL Pearl and I cannot figure out what is going on with the food situation.


This is what I see all within the last year -


"Food on Pearl is excellent compared to Carnival"


"Food on Carnival is way better then NCL, I will never go with NCL again"


"Buffet food on NCL is awful, worse than dorm room food"


"Food on NCL is terrible, including the specialty restaurants, they are always selling you the worst meat possible, Cagney was bad"


"Food is okay, not bad"


You've just proved the fact that taste is subjective.

I have never read so much conflicting information. Are peoples tastes really that much difference? How can someone say it's the worst food they've seen in a long time and another person can say it's great. And how can someone say the Carnival food is much worse than NCL while someone else says Carnival is much better than NCL.


Is there any point to reading these reviews? There is a point to reading reviews but take food reviews with a grain of salt. Nobody else has your tastebuds.


If I'm used to eating pretty good food, am I going to be severely disappointed with the NCL included food? How about the ultimate dining package? My definition of pretty good food is ...Me cooking curry dishes, prime/choice steaks on the grill with homemade garlic mashed potatoes, wild salmon, marinated chicken, etc. All organic food, grass fed, yada yada. If I go out though, I'm not disappointed in places like Applebees, Olive Garden, Claim Jumpers, Bostons Pizza, BJ's restaurant. Then I can't see how you will be disappointed in NCL.


Based on that, what do you all think my experience would be? Is the food on the NCL honestly as bad as people say? It's making me want to cancel my cruise at this point.


Thanks...I appreciate any advice. And I know, I tend to read into things a lot before I go somewhere on a trip.. Especially if I spent a lot of $. :)


Like I said food is subjective. If you don't like something then ask for something else. DH likes steak...I can't stand it. I like crab....DH can't stand it. He wouldn't take my word for what is good and I wouldn't take his. Why would anyone trust a strangers opinion? My advise....try it. If you don't like it don't eat it and get something else. You are on a cruise afterall.

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He wouldn't take my word for what is good and I wouldn't take his. Why would anyone trust a strangers opinion?

Exactly the same here! In general, we both enjoyed 95% of what we tried on Epic. For the 5%, yep, easy enough to get something else.



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I think this question gets asked in every cruise lines' thread. Some like their food, a few don't (usually very vocal ones, who are usually fans of different cruise lines).


I have never had a bad meal, on any ship, any cruise line. Matter of fact, the best meals I've experienced overall have been on NCL, followed in 2nd by RCCL.

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Remember that lots of food, to the best of my knowledge (someone correct me if incorrect), is frozen on a ship and this will affect the taste of what you might normally receive fresh in any upscale restaurant.

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Just had to say I would be shocked if any of the meat brought aboard a cruise ship is fresh and NOT frozen. Raw meat delivered to a cruise ship and served to you 5 or 6 days later? ( someone correct me if I'm wrong ). But, I hope you, or anyone else reading this does not envision stacks of thousands of frozen entrees sitting in the kitchens waiting to be warmed over prior to your evening meal. Unless I am very mistaken, the various entrees are made in large batches using other fresh ingredients along with the thawed and fresh cooked meats.


And unless the land based restaurant is VERY upscale, the meats they serve were all probably frozen when they received them. Again, correct me if I'm wrong. Had never given this much thought. The biggest difference I think, as stated by others, is that the cruise lines are cooking for thousands daily, while a restaurant may serve a few hundred if they're lucky.

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And you keep going back:confused:


Yes sir. Lots of things to like about cruising with NCL. I love the freedom of having money. I get to cruise any line I choose. With or without your approval. Read the numerous cheerleaders post to discover some of good things about NCL. They cover it over and over so I don't have to. ;)

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I appreciate the OPs dilemma. I had the same after booking my first cruise a year and a half ahead of time. So many people writing about how bad the food is. Then come the comparisons to Olive Garden and Applebee's. I don't want to sound like a food snob, but I really don't care for either. So then, you start to think, should I cancel because I really don't want to be stuck on a ship with bad food? But then I decided to check other cruise lines threads. It was then I realized all of them have complaints about food. So I stuck with my reservation. I was happy to find the food ran from good to excellent, depending on venue or item. I do not like buffets, so can't really comment on those, but the other restaurants did quite well for 12 days. Never sent anything back.


So, it is very subjective. But I was happy and we do dine in the better restaurants at home and while travelling. We also enjoy a good burger, well done breakfast and great fried chicken. NCL didn't leave us disappointed.


Service is excellent. I supervise client relations, and observe the staff closely. They really do a fantastic job for such large venues. They also deal well with passengers. And we do expect friendly and timely service. For the most part, they hit the mark.



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I usually don't pay any attention to food reviews but I was reading the ship reviews on NCL Sun and nearly paniced and canceled my cruise. I've sailed NCL, Carnival and RCI and never had a problem with the food anywhere, but the Sin is a new ship fore and I am a little concerned. My cruise is in Feb 2015. Will the crew change by then?

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I usually don't pay any attention to food reviews but I was reading the ship reviews on NCL Sun and nearly paniced and canceled my cruise. I've sailed NCL, Carnival and RCI and never had a problem with the food anywhere, but the Sin is a new ship fore and I am a little concerned. My cruise is in Feb 2015. Will the crew change by then?


I noticed the reviews for the MDR on the Spirit were particularly bad in the run up to our cruise in April. Whilst I don't usually pay too much attention to specifics in reviews, I was a little concerned, and we went prepared to use other venues if it turned out that there was a specific problem.


As it was, the food and service were absolutely fine. I don't know whether there was a change in staff, or something else, or just a run of particularly critical reviewers, but I couldn't tell any difference between the Spirit and other cruises I've taken.


My honest opinion would be to not worry about it.

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