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Sugar-high: Allure of the Seas...am I out of touch?


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I'm amazed that people still go for an unlimited soda package. There was someone on here recently who's husband had 4 sodas with meals. That's 36 spoonfuls of sugar in one sitting! In spite of all the evidence, it seems many people still hold on to the fantasy that diet soda is any better. Yes, apparently diabetes has not gone out of fashion, at least not in the US. People were complaining that the Freestyle machines were not always available on European cruises. It's good to know that at least some parts of the world has gotten the message.


I believe that has more to with availability of the multitude of syrups required to operate them. Simple logistics


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It is possible to enjoy those things in moderation without harming yourself or others (especially if you exercise regularly, which I do). Yes I realize that many people can't exercise the moderation required, but some can.


Nutrition is a very tough subject. Argue about refined carbs all you want, but if you want to get serious we need to talk about the hormones used to make animals reach maturity faster, and grow larger.


I'm not going to take this discussion any further, but I'll leave it at this. Cruising is a vacation, not a lifestyle. For me it is a time to try/eat things I very rarely eat/drink at home. Some of those things are "bad" for me, some are actually improvements over my regular diet.


Personally, I think inactivity is a much larger issue. But that's just me.

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My question, why don't more people mind their own business? As long as you are not blowing cigarette or cigar smoke in my face I'm fine with what vices you choose in your life. Why can't other's be the same.


Perhaps you mistook my amazement with judgment. Not the same. I'm fascinated by fire-eaters too, and while I also might recognize they may be at higher risk for health problems, I wouldn't tell them to stop. Eating at least 36 spoons full of sugar at every meal is mighty impressive too!

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It is about choices. We are blessed to have them. :) My kids bought a small bag of candies for themselves and their new friends to share during the showing of a movie on the screen on Oasis. They had a blast.


Some people would like to see choices taken away and force feed what they believe is right. I ordered the Soda Package / Replenish Package on my last cruise on the Oasis. I didn't use it to it's full advantage, but I had the choice of deciding how much or how little I wanted to drink during the 5 day cruise.

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Perhaps you mistook my amazement with judgment. Not the same. I'm fascinated by fire-eaters too, and while I also might recognize they may be at higher risk for health problems, I wouldn't tell them to stop. Eating at least 36 spoons full of sugar at every meal is mighty impressive too!


LOL - I didn't read anything you posted that would get my knickers in a knot, it was a couple of other posters. ;)


Regarding the Freestyle Machines - it seems there is an issue supplying the machines with the special dispensers. I like the Freestyle machines - I don't drink many of the offerings - I don't get vanilla, cherry coke with a twist of lime. But a diet coke that tastes like a diet coke is nice and the flavored waters are nice.

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Well, since on a cruise most people are on vacation, they tend to let go and binge a little. There is absolutely nothing wrong with indulging occasionally.


OP, everyone has a choice and if yours is not to eat there, then don't, but also don't think people are going to go on vacation and only eat salads and drink water.


It's no different than any other vacation that people go on to enjoy themselves. Eating cupcakes and ice cream for a week or two isn't the problem.


Agree with you 100%. We don't do the cupcakes or ice cream shop but you can bet your bottom dollar that all 3 of our grandsons will visit them at least once.


OP, since RCI is marketing itself to families it stands to reason that most families, while on vacation, may slack a bit and let the kids (and adults) indulge more than usual. It is a vacation after all. If you choose not to eat it, good for you. As MM said; choices, choices, choices.

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I am astounded at all the pay$$ shops selling sugar on Allure:

* "Candy Beach Sweets"

* "Cupcake Cupboard"

* "Ice Cream Parlor"


I have no interest in desserts, and I thought most people were "over that" as well. Obesity, fitness, overall health concerns, valuing what we put in our bodies, etc.etc.... I thought the era of sugars & refined carbs was well-behind us. I don't know anyone who eats in excess anymore.


And I don't drink coffee, but millions of people do, even though it's bad for you - and people will /line up/ to spend money on Starbucks at Sea when coffee is available for free in the Windjammer and every dining venue. Why isn't that "out of whack"? They could get rid of the specialty coffee shops on every ship and put in a salad bar with low-fat dressings so people could eat more vegetables.


Hubby & I are looking forward to the Cupcake Cupboard. We rarely eat cupcakes at home, but it looks like something fun to try on vacation.

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It looks like a poop in the top. I'd feel ill if someone gave me it :(


Well maybe the picture didn't do it justice....it didn't look anything like poop I assure you! :p


I spent a very long time making them (cupcakes, swiss buttercream, candied bacon) and my daughter was very appreciative. It was her request for her Sweet Sixteen, so I said, 'what the heck?!' and gave it a whirl... and they were amazingly good. Candied bacon if you've never had it tastes more like candy than bacon, so it was a nice complement to the maple buttercream. Just sticking regular bacon in a cupcake probably would not have had the same effect I'm sure. :)

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Well maybe the picture didn't do it justice....it didn't look anything like poop I assure you! :p


I spent a very long time making them (cupcakes, swiss buttercream, candied bacon) and my daughter was very appreciative. It was her request for her Sweet Sixteen, so I said, 'what the heck?!' and gave it a whirl... and they were amazingly good. Candied bacon if you've never had it tastes more like candy than bacon, so it was a nice complement to the maple buttercream. Just sticking regular bacon in a cupcake probably would not have had the same effect I'm sure. :)


Had no clue there was such a thing as candied bacon. Do NOT tell my child. She would think its the best of both worlds!! Lol

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I'm sorry but I found your post completely pompous. As long as you are judging cruise ships and the people on them why not pass that onto Disney World? Those people are real Aholes for selling sugar also. And the Mickey Shaped Waffles? Gluten Galore :eek: The entire place should be shut down for this crime. Let's throw this out to theme parks in general. I think anyone who is eating cotton candy or a pretzel should be thrown in the GMO food prison so they can be shunned, embarrassed by the do gooders and learn their lesson.


Now lets extend this to anyone who vacations in Europe. Those patisseries or any place that serves bread should be shut down. Nobody on vacation should be able to indulge. We all know better, right?


For the love of God, why not places that serve alcohol? As we all know there are no alcohol related deaths, right? What I think is funny is that people turn their noses up at others who eat a cupcake but they are walking around with a margarita in their hands or any mixed drink in general. Do you know how much sugar and calories are in the average fruity mixed drinks? But God forbid, I want a freaking cupcake on vacation. I should know better right? The fact that I workout like crazy at home and eat mostly protein and veggies and never let myself have a sugary drink means that I'm a fat cow if I enjoy something on a cruise? Oh ,that's right, I'm the average cruiser as someone stated. Just a fat cow there to eat like crap for a week.


No, I typically do not pay for extras on a cruise ship but if my 3% body fat kid that spends 3 hours a week tumbling and can do 4 back handsprings in a row wants to eat candy… I'm going to let her.


The amount of judging on this forum is more disgusting than any amount of processed sugar one can consume at once. I honestly do not think I have ever been so put off by reading this diatribe and verbal vomit.




I agree with this completely. I do struggle with weight as well as try to keep it at bay. But if I want to eat sugar on a cruise then I will! Cruising is for enjoying yourself! And if you're not into eating sugar then don't! But don't judge those who do want to eat it.




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I am astounded at all the pay$$ shops selling sugar on Allure:

* "Candy Beach Sweets"

* "Cupcake Cupboard"

* "Ice Cream Parlor"


I have no interest in desserts, and I thought most people were "over that" as well. Obesity, fitness, overall health concerns, valuing what we put in our bodies, etc.etc.... I thought the era of sugars & refined carbs was well-behind us. I don't know anyone who eats in excess anymore.


Is my perception completely out-of-whack? Do people still line up to pay for cupcakes/icecream/candy? All of those things are free in the Windjammer. Why would anybody spend additional $$ for things that are FREE IN WINDJAMMER, & are known to harm them?


I guess I'm puzzled why Royal Caribbean would devote so many shops to selling sugar items that most people no longer consume regularly due to the known health risks. Is Royal able to turn a profit off of the few people who don't know better?


I guess I look at it the same as cigarettes. Imagine if Royal had at least 3 stores selling all sorts of tobacco & cigs. The tide has turned, nobody chooses smoking anymore unless they are already completely hooked. Consumption of sugar items is a dying trend, so I don't understand why Royal devoted so much space to that behavior... especially when they offer the same sugar for free in Windjammer. Who would pay for cupcakes?


The very fact that obesity is a growing problem is evidence that your belief that "most people no longer consume (sugary products) due to the health risks is not factual. Knowing that there are health risks is much different from discontinuing consuming the products. If "most people no longer consume those products, the obesity problem would pretty much cease to exist. Clearly it hasn't and isn't likely to in the near future.


Even though the number of smokers has declined dramatically in recent years, there are still a large number of smokers who, even though they should be aware of the risks, continue to smoke or are unable to break the habit. To believe that only the "few people" who don't know better are the ones consuming sugary products ignores the reality. Perhaps in coming years or decades your claim that "consumption of sugar items is a dying trend" will prove to be correct, but I don't think that such is currently the case. Until that happens cruise lines and all other businesses that offer sugary products will continue to prosper.

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And I don't drink coffee, but millions of people do, even though it's bad for you - and people will /line up/ to spend money on Starbucks at Sea when coffee is available for free in the Windjammer and every dining venue. Why isn't that "out of whack"? They could get rid of the specialty coffee shops on every ship and put in a salad bar with low-fat dressings so people could eat more vegetables.


Hubby & I are looking forward to the Cupcake Cupboard. We rarely eat cupcakes at home, but it looks like something fun to try on vacation.

This is such a good point. I do drink coffee and man does it give me heartburn. I don't let myself have the sugary stuff from starbucks except a couple of times a year. I do, however, let myself use a tablespoon if sugar free creamer. That is worse for me than regular sugar and i do knowit. You could pick apart every single thing someone eats. I cant believe you are eating white bread, wheat is the devil, red meat, potatoes, sugar, gluten, fat, etc. And don't even get the vegetarians vs vegan debate involved.


We all have our opinions and we have all been fed a major load of crap by the processed food industry. You can feel real proud walking around with your fat free yogurt parfait because they tell you fat free yogurt is good for you, but is it? Ever read a label?


At least I know when im eating the yummy frosting on a cupcake that it is bad for me.


What diet lifestyle works for one is different for another. Judging someone for a vacation or a one time meal is completely unfair and ridiculous. The issue is you don't know these people or their story nor do you know the other people on the cruise. If they want to walk in and pay for a cupcake, turn up your nose if you wish but it is just not your business.

As a nation are we in trouble? Absolutely l, but I really don't think what people do on vacations is really the issue. It is only a small snap shot in time.



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I am someone who does not drink coffee, soda, alcohol, red meat, or smoke. I'm not a big dessert fan. I'm fairly active and healthy.


BUT when I go on a cruise I love my desserts. Just like my vacation is a treat, so are some of the foods I eat. Yes, I like candy on my vacation. Yes, I like soft serve on my vacation.


I don't think I'm going to die because of some indulgence here and there!

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I think we missed the point, the cruise industry has changed dramatically. They cater to families. Families have kids and kids love all of these things. Who can resist a sweet little kid when they say please, just one. Or, the screamer that won't stop till the parents give in.

Cruise lines are businesses and they know how to make money! Bottom line



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No you are not out of touch at all. In fact, you represent a dieing breed of people who aren't afraid to open their mouths when something isn't right. Obesity is at an all time high and it is still growing. Yet, in this day and age, people aren't allowed to say anything because it might hurt someone's feelings. To you, I say bravo. Personally, I think it's awful selfish to mind our own business and ignore this problem. Some of us do care about the health of others and don't have a problem spreading the word on how bad these carbohydrates are for people.

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No you are not out of touch at all. In fact, you represent a dieing breed of people who aren't afraid to open their mouths when something isn't right. Obesity is at an all time high and it is still growing. Yet, in this day and age, people aren't allowed to say anything because it might hurt someone's feelings. To you, I say bravo. Personally, I think it's awful selfish to mind our own business and ignore this problem. Some of us do care about the health of others and don't have a problem spreading the word on how bad these carbohydrates are for people.


Well Dang!! Here I've lived close to 62 years and I come to a cruise message board to learn the very basics about bad carbs. :rolleyes: Thank you so much for your kindness.


In your next post, will you be telling us about the dangers of driving without our seatbelts? Or cycling without a helmet? We all will learn from your knowledge.


I am sure while out in public and not behind a computer screen you are not so proselytizing in your concern about my health and the health of others. I am quite certain a doting grandma or grandpa would not appreciate you expressing your concern about little Bobby as he consumes a special sugary treat.

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Well Dang!! Here I've lived close to 62 years and I come to a cruise message board to learn the very basics about bad carbs. :rolleyes: Thank you so much for your kindness.


In your next post, will you be telling us about the dangers of driving without our seatbelts? Or cycling without a helmet? We all will learn from your knowledge.


I am sure while out in public and not behind a computer screen you are not so proselytizing in your concern about my health and the health of others.


If I were you, I'd take a close look at how offended you get from internet comments, especially from factual comments.

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