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Ocean princess venice to rome


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After our visit to the Opera (photos and video) will be the Water taxi ride to the Ocean Princess and the cruise part will get underway.


Thanks for being patient!



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Hotel is easy- Palazzo Sant' Angelo sul Canal Grande


The canal-side restaurant was Da Raffaele and the bill was 129E or @ $180 so pricey but location was outstanding.


The Anzola Sq one for lunch was Acquapazza and the bill was 72E or @ $100. No wine as I was drinking beer.


All the servers were male and very friendly and efficient. Plates were licked clean.


You could certainly eat for much less if you window shop.




Thank you so much Norris for the info. I know Venice is pricey as we paid 30Euro for two slices of regular pizza the last time we were there. I figure your lunch restaurant would be a good splurge for one meal so for 42Euros more than 2 slices of pizza we might even consider it a bargain:)


Loving your review and the pictures and videos are wonderful. Like I said you inspired me to book Venice to Rome on Oct 13, 2015. I actually cancelled a Canada/New England cruise and changed it to the Grand Med. You have spun your magic and influenced me.






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Thank you so much Norris for the info. I know Venice is pricey as we paid 30Euro for two slices of regular pizza the last time we were there. I figure your lunch restaurant would be a good splurge for one meal so for 42Euros more than 2 slices of pizza we might even consider it a bargain:)


Loving your review and the pictures and videos are wonderful. Like I said you inspired me to book Venice to Rome on Oct 13, 2015. I actually cancelled a Canada/New England cruise and changed it to the Grand Med. You have spun your magic and influenced me.



Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk HD


Wow Jackie- way to pull the trigger! More Venice to come and much later our first visit to Rome and a great experience with the guides from Rome in Limo....

Next up, after some pics from our Opera event-we take a water taxi to the Ocean Princess.



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You've seen the outside of La Fenice Opera House



We were there to see Il Travatore written by Guiseppe Verdi and it was a great couple of hours of stirring music and singing. We had the first two seats on a prime box on the side with a great view. Behind us were a couple from Rome who talked so much I had to turn around at one point and tell them off in Italian so they would get the message. They shut up for the rest of the act. Carol made friends with the lady while I was out smoking in the intermission. The woman didn't speak English but Carol found she spoke some Spanish so Carol used that and some smoke signals, tom-tom beats and semaphore flags and they got on like a house on fire-which is not a good metaphor when talking about La Fenice which was burned to the ground by an arsonist in 1996 (not 2006 as I earlier intimated).


They rebuilt it and now the inside looks stunning....






When she's not on a ship this is what makes Carol a very happy camper....an Opera House!




After a wonderful experience in an opera house famous throughout the world we took the short walk back to the hotel and settled the bill. We asked Minette to order a water taxi to take us to the ship. I thought there would be time to have a drink while waiting but was told the taxi would be here in 5 minutes.


One by one the staff assembled out on the dock to thank us and shake hands and as the taxi drew up the manager offered me a couple of free bottles of beer "to drink on the boat". I thanked him for the kind gesture but declined as my hands would be full of cameras. What fine service we received in this hotel. It was super pricey but the service and friendliness of the staff was uncommonly good. It ranks up alongside the Hotel Sacher in Salzburg as our best hotel experience.


Bags loaded on board. Driver knows we are going to San Basilio dock to meet the Ocean Princess. The fee is 100E cash. The manager comes out on the deck to wave us goodbye...


Next up (Sunday morning) video of the trip to San Basilio and first sight of the O.P.


Stay tuned!!



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The water taxi to the ship took maybe 20 minutes. Soon after we left the hotel the driver pulled over and picked up a friend on a jetty. Along the way the driver had some difficulty engaging gear and we bobbed in the water for maybe 3 minutes while they discussed the issue. I though we might have to get off (if possible) and hail another but he got it in gear again and we were off.


There was a narrow canal I had seen on Google Maps which was a short cut from the Grand to the Guideca canal and he took that. I had to duck going under some bridges.


Once on the Guideca the water was choppy but I stayed standing to get shots of the ship in the distance. She already had her lights on. I was excited to finally see her at San Basilio.


The friend came in handy she we docked, tying up the taxi and taking our luggage off onto dry land. I gave the driver the 100E (money well spent) and we rolled our luggage inside the terminal to security. There were signs for Silver Wind which was berthed just behind us. No Princess staff visible, just Italian port security. Passports and boarding passes were seen. There was no health questionnaire to fill out.


There were no luggage porters as it was getting near 8 p.m so we had to roll and carry our bags maybe 200 yards to the gangway.


15414303586_1f35a3b407_b.jpg IMG_1972


Next up-onboard the Ocean Princess and off to a rocky start....



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Seeing an opera at La Fenice remains one of the highlights of the trip for me. Many of Verdi's and Rossini's operas premiered at this house as well as modern works by Britten. So much history and such a tragedy with the fire. I'm reading the wonderful book about the fire and its aftermath called City Of Falling Angels by John Berendt that gives me such a deep understanding of Venice. I highly recommend it to any Venice visitor, not just opera buffs.

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Hi Norris ,Carol


Just wanted to add that I too am enjoying your review. It is fabulous. The photography is wonderful and the post with the pictures of the interior of the opera house were breathtaking!!! What an amazing stay you had in Venice. I found it magical as well and plan to return in a few years. Carol thank you for the suggestion of the book. Sounds like a wonderful read. Can't wait for your "official boading" impressions. Thanks for all the work that goes into one of these in depth reviews. This is one of the best ever!!!. Love your wit, Norris,!!

Regards, Rhonda

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Well as it was around 8 pm and no porters had been available to help with our luggage (numerous steamer trunks , Carol's hat boxes and my collection of quilted smoking jackets-a family heirloom from great-great uncle Errol Flynn) we had to haul the luggage up the gangway onto deck three ourselves.


We showed our boarding passes to an Indian security officer. He pointed to two young stewards and said "take the bags to 6033". I said "No-6088"

"It says 6033 on my list" said he and repeated the instruction to take the bags to 6033. One steward grabbed Carol's bags and off he went. He told the other steward to take my bags to 6033 and I said" I don't care what cabin you take them too as long as they end up in 6088 as that's the cabin I booked a year and a half ago. It's written on our luggage tags!"


The Indian officer now told the steward to take us up to Passenger Services in the elevator and he took the stairs. Once there he checked with the clerk at the desk ( only 2 on duty on such a small ship) who looked at his list, checked our name and said 6088. "They look like 3s!" said the security man who then told the steward to take the bags to 6088. Brilliant!!! I am sure somewhere in security was a list of people joining the ship, featuring their names and cabin number. I have no doubt that the person registered in 6033 (a forward cabin perish the thought) was not named Adair and was likely already in possession of his room key/cruise card.


So now at least we were in our room and could begin the process of Escaping Incompetence Completely (later to be proved wrong)


Photos of 6088 to follow....but first a WARNING to anyone tempted to look at my Flickr album. It is hideously disorganized and not in synch with events, so much so that it makes me gnash my teeth. Added to that I am going to pull photos from who knows when to tell the story. Events will take place chronologically- no dream sequences or looking back, no photoshop tricks or silhouetted confessionals from people on board whom I shared a drink with.


I am not one who looks at others' Flickr slideshows as I prefer to look at one photo and get an explanation or a sense of why I am looking at it as part of a narrative.


Ok so now I am going to select some pics to continue the story.


For those tired of Venice Pictures I have some very bad news for you....not only did I video the entire sail away from San Basilio but I also took stills! ( I will explain that much later)


There will be much Ocean Princess in the weeks to come and some amazing ports and excursions....and the icing on such a rich cake and a fitting dessert- ROME


I am beside myself with excitement! (and both of us need a drink)



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This is what the cabin looks like from a distance. We don't mind the walk at all.



Not cabin 6033....




The view when you open the door




In the room (duh-obviously Sherlock) looking back towards the hallway where there is a hidden bathroom for Norris. Just a toilet and sink but spacious for one.




Living room with archway to bedroom on left




One of the two TV sets. This one was maybe a 37 or 39 inch. There was also a DVD/CD player and a powerful looking amp. Underneath a fridge with a free mini-bar set-up.



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King size bed,firm which we prefer so no egg crate requests. There were extra pillows in the copious closets.




A warmer photo that does justice to the rich woods and shows the 2nd TV better.

I certainly never switched it on. We used the big living room one to watch the ship's position channel so we could make sure the Captain was going where he said he would.




Writing desk came in handy as it had a drawer to store the daily deluge of mail we got.




No bidet (spoiled by Venice hotel) but a nice bathroom with shower over a tub. Tub was high to get into. Marble counters, one sink, shower curtain as opposed to stand-alone glass shower cubicle with multiple jets in Grand class suites.




But the crowning glory for aft-dwellers like us was this thing out either of the huge sliding back doors....


(photo taken in daylight for obvious reasons)




We were happy with our new home for a week. Luis, from Mexico our steward, came by and introduced himself and as a token of my thanks I gave him a bag of laundry. There were a couple of bottles of Korbel "champagne" (Veuve it ain't) in the mini bar but those were for sail away which would happen next day Sunday September 21.

Edited by Bimmer09
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We showed our boarding passes to an Indian security officer. He pointed to two young stewards and said "take the bags to 6033". ...I am sure somewhere in security was a list of people joining the ship, featuring their names and cabin number. I have no doubt that the person registered in 6033 (a forward cabin perish the thought) was not named Adair and was likely already in possession of his room key/cruise card.

Actually, if you look at the deck plan, had your luggage been taken to 6033, it would have been stashed in an inflatable dingy!

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What a beautiful cabin.


I love Ocean Princess, having done two longish cruises on her, but I have never stayed in a cabin as beautiful as yours.


I could do an around the world cruise in that cabin, but may have to sell the house. :)


What are the two little red things on the bed. Lollies (candies)? If so, what flavour? They don't look like the usual chocolates.


Loved the picture of the spectacular opera house and the video of the boat ride from your hotel in Venice to the ship. What a grand way to arrive!

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Great room. We've only had one suite which was on the Caribbean Princess and not located in a great spot like yours but we couldn't complain as it was an upgrade:) Only problem was we spent more time in the room and didn't get out and about as much.


You must be related to us as Rich was expecting to have inherited Uncle Errol's smoking jackets. At least now we know they are being put to good use as Rich quit smoking.:) The Uncle Errol joke has been in our family ever since I can remember.


Jackie(and Rich Flynn)


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Hi Norris ,Carol


Just wanted to add that I too am enjoying your review. It is fabulous. The photography is wonderful and the post with the pictures of the interior of the opera house were breathtaking!!! What an amazing stay you had in Venice. I found it magical as well and plan to return in a few years. Carol thank you for the suggestion of the book. Sounds like a wonderful read. Can't wait for your "official boading" impressions. Thanks for all the work that goes into one of these in depth reviews. This is one of the best ever!!!. Love your wit, Norris,!!

Regards, Rhonda


Rhonda, glad you are following along and enjoying the photos. Normally in an Opera House I would check my cameras at the coat check as I don't intend to take photos or video.


When we got to La Fenice (early...A.B.E -Always Be Early) we joined other patrons in the small square for espresso. We sat at a table, the coffee came-and the heavens opened so I had to gulp the espresso down as waiters scurried to remove tablecloths etc. Everyone piled into the opera house and we went to our seats. As there was a crush of people we just kept moving and no one mentioned checking my camera bag. As we had a box with space for it and a coatrack to hang our jackets it was no burden to have it with us. Normal seats in an Opera House have the same legroom as an airplane, which is to say NONE.


I didn't take photos during the opera as that would be crass and no flash was used in these before and after photos.


The theater sounded as good as it looks which is what is important to us.


An amazing rebuilding after the fire.



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Actually, if you look at the deck plan, had your luggage been taken to 6033, it would have been stashed in an inflatable dingy!


Good point Jimmy but you are not helping the Security Officer's case with this evidence! I can laugh about it now but it was a tedious "welcome" to the ship and at no time was there an apology for messing us around. I am sure he had a long day but I had already been up for 16 hours and was moments away from having a rewarding beer and no man should delay that.


Glad you are along for the ride and I promise no food fights at our dinner table.



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What a beautiful cabin.


I love Ocean Princess, having done two longish cruises on her, but I have never stayed in a cabin as beautiful as yours.


I could do an around the world cruise in that cabin, but may have to sell the house. :)


What are the two little red things on the bed. Lollies (candies)? If so, what flavour? They don't look like the usual chocolates.


Loved the picture of the spectacular opera house and the video of the boat ride from your hotel in Venice to the ship. What a grand way to arrive!



MM the red things were hard dark chocolates. The Water Taxi was the fast and least taxing (no hauling of luggage on and off a crowded Vaparetto) way to the ship for us and it was fun and memorable to arrive that way.

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Great room. We've only had one suite which was on the Caribbean Princess and not located in a great spot like yours but we couldn't complain as it was an upgrade:) Only problem was we spent more time in the room and didn't get out and about as much.


You must be related to us as Rich was expecting to have inherited Uncle Errol's smoking jackets. At least now we know they are being put to good use as Rich quit smoking.:) The Uncle Errol joke has been in our family ever since I can remember.


Jackie(and Rich Flynn)


Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk HD


Jackie we like the Grand Class aft suites very much and the balconies there are deeper than suites on the sides. The Ocean Suites are much bigger but the bathrooms are smaller and configured differently than a ship like the CB.


The closet space was phenomenal but there weren't many drawers for socks and undies etc.



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We followed our usual routine once in our cabin- Carol set about unpacking her luggage so I got out of her way by going up on deck for a beer and a cigarette.

There was a smoking section by the pool but the bar was closed. A couple of Australian ladies came by and told me there were 4 smoking tables up a deck in the Tahitian Lounge which looks out over the bow of the ship so up I went.


On the way to the pool I had stopped in at the Grill as it is known on the signage but is more properly the Sterling Steakhouse as we had complimentary first night dinner (suite perk). Normally we start our cruise dining experience in Sabatini's but on this small ship the specialty restaurants alternate nights.


Here is a video clip. We were the only diners at 9.30 pm. Three people served us. One was a new waiter from Serbia who was joining the Princess family that very day and the other was the new assistant Maitre 'd Roberto who had just been promoted from the Royal Princess, also on his first day onboard. We talked while the video wasn't running. We sat at an aft table overlooking the stern where the Silver Wind was berthed. I got up between courses to see the Aida Aura sail past in the dark.




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After dinner a walk on deck and a sit down by the pool. The Steakhouse was aft just behind the library which overlooks the pool, ahead of the funnel. No chair hogs at this time of night (nor during a sunny day at sea either).




We had originally booked an excursion for the following morning (Sunday) at 7.45 a.m but had canceled wisely before leaving Chicago. We had already spent a lot of time on the water (but weren't tired of it) but a 7.45 tour would have been tiring after having been up so long the day before. We had gone to bed around 11.30 and the 8 hours of sleep were very welcome.


There was supposed to be a ship's shuttle service to St Mark's Square and tickets were supposed to be in your cabin and charged to your account ($15 p.p) but there were none in our room. I spoke to someone the night before who said she had taken it and it took an hour and made a lot of stops which sounded like it was a Vaparetto driving in reverse towing a cruise ship behind it.


Anyway- we didn't need it as we were avoiding St Mark's today preferring instead a visit to the island of Guideca a short Vap ride away.


While waiting for Carol to join me at Sabatini's for breakfast this Costa ship came into port




Next up-breakfast at Sabatini's then Guideca



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One more thing about our embarkation. At one point the Security Officer, eager to be rid of us, said "why don't you just go to 6033 and take a look at it? If you don't like it then let Passenger Services know." He did not realize he was dealing with Deckplan Adair, who knows every cabin like Davy Crockett knows every tree in the woods. His suggestion was politely but firmly refused. Also my luggage had to be tracked down via walkie talkie. Lesson: never let go of that suitcase handle no matter how tired you are from lugging it onto the ship!

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Enthralled by your attention to detail, your pictures and videos, and your sense of humor;


Envious that you are in one of my most favorite cities in the world; and


Teary-eyed to see the pictures of the Rialto Bridge. Did you get to any of the shops or open markets there? They were so much fun. On one of your videos I spied the hotel in which we stayed while in Venice.


Vicariously, reliving a wonderful trip. Thank you so much for your review and all the super pictures.



Edited by silverbird
poor grammar
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No 4.30 a.m rising for me, as is my won't. The ship was docked in Venice overnight and was quiet as the tomb so we slept late. Add to that the fact that the alarm phone was way over on the desk and I couldn't get an alarm call without waking Carol which is One Of Those Things It Is Best Not To Do on Vacation.


A 9.a.m breakfast at Sabatini's was the plan and then a short walk down the pier to the San Basilio Vaparetto stop to take a boat over to beautiful Guideca where one can look across the canal to St Mark's and the Doge's Palace. We had to be back on board the ship by 12.30 as we sailed for Dubrovnik (yes!) at 1.00 p.m.


The ship still sports the original Renaissance Cruise Lines signage (from 1999!!!)...giving her, in my opinion a "borrowed" feel as PCL didn't commit to her and stamp their brand all over her. The sign refers to Italian Restaurant- it's Sabatini's. The Grill is Sterling Steakhouse people! Now it's immaterial as she is to be sold. The elevator areas of the ship look drab and forlorn in comparison to a Grand Class vessel. I love this little ship after one sailing but Princess seem to have neglected her and not fully "owned" her as a unique (with the Pacific Princess) elegant arm of the fleet.






Besides the space a suite affords and the two toilets/bathrooms the best suite perk is a quiet relaxing breakfast in Sabatini's where waiters fight to the death to earn the honor of laying your napkin across your lap as you obviously don't yet have the strength to do it yourself.


That strength can only come after you get to savor one of these essentials of life...



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Enthralled by your attention to detail, your pictures and videos, and your sense of humor;


Envious that you are in one of my most favorite cities in the world; and


Teary-eyed to see the pictures of the Rialto Bridge. Did you get to any of the shops or open markets there? They were so much fun. On one of your videos I spied the hotel in which we stayed while in Venice.


Vicariously, reliving a wonderful trip. Thank you so much for your review and all the super pictures.




Thank you for those kind words indeed. Although not many people are reading this currently, those that are seem to be enjoying it, which is the reward that beats all in my book (not yet written).


I couldn't keep these photos and videos to myself. Only 680 people were on this ship (as paying passengers ) and each one had their own story but not many are sharing and that is what CC is all about. It is unfolding slowly but that's the only way I can write it. For us it was 11 days of joyful discovery and it exceeded our expectations overall.


Everyday (with one exception) was better than the rest. You have to read on...


Norris, uploading delicious video with an even better one still on the story board...an embarrassment of riches experienced!


PS I was at Rialto at 5.30 a.m so no shopping for me. Next time!

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I didn't think the elevator lobbies looked forlorn. I thought they looked elegantly restrained, in keeping with the the rest of the public rooms. In fact, the absence of brass and marble was one of my favourite things about the decor. Not that I don't like the other ships, but this was a nice change and better suited to the smaller ship, I think.


If you had lingered your video camera over that steak one second longer, I was going to have to lick my screen.

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