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After every cruise I make the same comment....


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I will be on the Oasis next week with my 4 grandchildren. I will review basic manners with them and reinforce it all week long. However I know there will be times when they act thier age and do not follow the rules. Maybe throughout the week one of them might be guilty of the dreaded extra buttons pushed or the running on the elevator before letting people off. Please remember folks it is a work in progress and a gentle correction from a stranger can go a long way. Leave the scolding to me.

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I will be on the Oasis next week with my 4 grandchildren. I will review basic manners with them and reinforce it all week long. However I know there will be times when they act thier age and do not follow the rules. Maybe throughout the week one of them might be guilty of the dreaded extra buttons pushed or the running on the elevator before letting people off. Please remember folks it is a work in progress and a gentle correction from a stranger can go a long way. Leave the scolding to me.


Harry0, I get your point. You are probably one of the ones who actually takes the time to train your youngsters in the fine art of cruise etiquette...LOL. But for the adults who let their children run through the ship like a pack of wild banshees, there are no guarantees about the scolding...:(

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I'm so glad you are blessed with the ability to just look at someone and determine if he or she is able to use stairs. You could have saved me a lot of time and money instead of going through all the medical tests I went through for my doctors to determine it.


I think we all know who is coming across as ridiculous and rude.


I never said I would be the judge of who should or should not use the elevator -- People can decide that for themselves. There are a lot of great reasons to always use the elevator even for only going up/down 1 floor. There are also plenty of people who are perfectly capable of walking up/down 1 floor and I'm suggesting that they should. There is nothing ridiculous or rude about this suggestion. If you ran to the elevator to catch it before the door closed, I'd say you're probably perfectly capable of walking one flight of stairs. Or two.

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Sorry guy, but you don't get the privilege of determining who takes the elevator and who doesn't. The issue is simply about exercising consideration for others when using that mode of transportation from one floor to the next.

Interesting that you closed your post with IMHO. Did you know that the "H" stands for HUMBLE? Your comment is far from that.


"consideration for others" also extends to not using an elevator to go one flight of stairs when one is perfectly capable of walking. That was my point.


My post was in response to someone else who ended their comment with IMO; thus, I ended mine with IMHO. Yes, I know what the H stands for. My response is no less H just because I disagree with what some people on here think about elevator courtesy.

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This makes you exactly the type of person this thread is talking about. Nobody questioned your right to use the elevator, but rather the necessity of using the elevator to only go up/down one flight. If you have the ability to walk you should. Why waste space and other people's time on the elevator when you don't have to? It comes across as ridiculous, rude, and lazy. IMHO.


"consideration for others" also extends to not using an elevator to go one flight of stairs when one is perfectly capable of walking. That was my point.


My post was in response to someone else who ended their comment with IMO; thus, I ended mine with IMHO. Yes, I know what the H stands for. My response is no less H just because I disagree with what some people on here think about elevator courtesy.

Pretty much everyone else in this thread seems to agree:


  1. You have no idea who is "perfectly capable" of using the stairs and its not up to you to make that determination.
  2. Despite your preachy comments about "consideration for others" and in spite of your accusations of others being "ridiculous, rude and lazy" your comments are the only ones in this thread which have deserved the "ridiculous and rude" tag.

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I never said I would be the judge of who should or should not use the elevator -- People can decide that for themselves. There are a lot of great reasons to always use the elevator even for only going up/down 1 floor. There are also plenty of people who are perfectly capable of walking up/down 1 floor and I'm suggesting that they should. There is nothing ridiculous or rude about this suggestion. If you ran to the elevator to catch it before the door closed, I'd say you're probably perfectly capable of walking one flight of stairs. Or two.


And I would say you are wrong. You do not know what walking up stairs does to my asthma or the knees of someone with bad arthritis.


If taking an elevator up one flight saves me from using my inhaler on a bad day, I will. Judge much?:cool:

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I am going to add an additional piece of elevator etiquette, more from the other side.


If you are on the elevator and are exiting. Please. Get out of the way once you get off! I have seen many times where people do wait for people to get off an elevator before boarding. Then a person or three get off, immediately stop in front of the elevator doors because they want to get their bearing on the floor, and take their time moving along. Meanwhile, those trying to get on can't because these exiting people have blocked the way while standing there. The doors then close behind the people figuring out where they want to go, and no one makes it on the elevator.


Then the people who missed the elevator and have to wait for another one decide they're not going to miss it again. So when the elevator comes they jump forward to make sure they get on and don't get blocked out again.

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That's why I only taught school a year and went into our family owned business. LOL. Thought you would get a kick out of that Cindy. Gerry


I had to add my two cents to this comment: I had to laugh because my husband retired after a career of 40+ years in management of a large company. He got bored after 3 weeks and thought driving a school bus part time would be fun! LOL!! He had a bus full of 60 Pre-K, K, and 1st graders with no monitor to control them! Kids are NOT taught how to behave anymore! He gave that job up after 2 school years swearing "never again"!! And he is the best poppa to our 14 grandchildren! Children today are not taught common curtesy and manners--for the most part.

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The elevator thing has always been a pet peeve of mine. One thing that irks me is when you have been waiting longer than anyone else and then others come up to the elevator area. Take your turn.


On our last cruise, we had arrived and had waited for a minute when an elderly couple came up. They waited for about a minute when 2 or 3 other couples walk up. Right after that the elevator opened, we saw it was pretty crowded...enough for just a few of us. I saw one of the couples who just walked up, try to get on the elevator and I explained that the older couple had been waiting longer. They didn't budge and it was already packed. We ended up getting off so they could get on. Really bugged me. Wait your turn!

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I had a couple kids run into me at full-speed on the Oasis a couple weeks ago. They ran onto the elevator as soon as the doors opened, and before I could get off. Their mom was just standing there watching them with a doting smile on her face. I actually said something to the mom about controlling her children before somebody got hurt-- I had seen them several times, and they were always running and totally oblivious to their surroundings or other passengers.



It is because some parents not all do not care what their kids do. They just let them run wild because they are on vacation. My sister and I wouldnt have got away with half of the stuff kids get away with now

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YES and USE THE STAIRS IF YOU CAN! We had a kid in the stroller most of the time so had no choice but to use the elevators (and even sometimes took her out and held her and folded up the stroller to use the stairs) but on our last cruise with no kids, we didn't ride the elevators once!

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Please stop telling me to use the stairs!! :mad:


I will use the elevator for whatever distance, up or down, that I choose. The choice is mine, NOT yours. As long as I don't knock you over or behave in a rude manner you have NO right to say anything about it!!


You can take the stairs as often as you wish but stop trying to make people feel bad because they choose not to.

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"consideration for others" also extends to not using an elevator to go one flight of stairs when one is perfectly capable of walking. That was my point.


My post was in response to someone else who ended their comment with IMO; thus, I ended mine with IMHO. Yes, I know what the H stands for. My response is no less H just because I disagree with what some people on here think about elevator courtesy.


You're entitled to your opinion, but I maintain what I said.

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I'll add "If you CAN walk up one flight, PLEASE TRY IT". My God. It's one thing if you really cannot. But for a family of 6 to get on and push the next floor? Totally get it if you need assistance, if you're in heels (formal nights always excluded), of if you're completely hungover, but you could TRY to climb ONE flight....


Jarrod and I joked we were likely the ONLY ones on board who never used an elevator the entire week!

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I will merely say that I see both kinds of bad behavior. And none of it has anything to do with cruising. It's basic manners. People act well or badly, however they act on dry land.


I see people not letting a scooter-bound person onto an elevator. I see many people waiting patiently for an elevator, the door finally opens, a scooter arrives, and guns its way onto the elevator ahead of those waiting.


I see people taking an elevator one floor, but it is not for me to judge their physical condition. You cannot see a bad back, a bad hip, a bad knee, etc. But for many people, one flight of stairs can be a dealbreaker.


I see dirty dishes left in elevators. But I have seen adults leaving them there as well as youngsters.


I see kids sitting on the stairs. But I see adults sitting on the stairs, too.


Sure, some people don't let the current occupants off the elevator before pushing their way on. But I simply push back and say, "If you let us off first, there will be room for you when we are gone." (and by push, I do NOT mean "shove")


I have seen kids push lots of the elevator buttons. But I have seen confused or arguing adults do much the same thing. ("We want Deck 4." "No, it's on Deck 5". "Ok, let's go to the Photo Gallery on Deck 3 instead." "No, the heck with it, let's go back to the cabin on Deck 2". ;) )


On Princess, the elevators doors opened. I saw three people. One calls out, "It's full" and hits the *close doors* button. :eek:


Elevators, schmelevators. Cruises, schmuises. There are rude or clueless people everywhere.


:D :D


Oh the dirty plates everywhere drove me batty but we had the same issues when we had dirty plates on where to put them or dirty glasses... I wish there were some obvious receptacles for them on each deck or area, at a minimum in the areas near refreshment stations/cafes!

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I usually walk up or down one flight and sometimes two is because by the time the elevator gets there it is full to the hilt and then you have to wait for the next one. By using the stairs in those instances I'm gone on to where I wanted to go rather than still standing to wait for the elevators. But I will say that I have used it to go up one flight and then got off as there is no elevator protocol for how many floors you have to go up or down to use the elevators. I won't let the elevator police dictate to me a perceived policy they have made up in their mind! During peak times I will usually walk to the forward elevators rather than use the mid ship ones because they are usually less people using those. I lot of times I am on those by myself.

I agree with everyone else about courtesy because their are some very rude people when it comes to those elevators. However I will not let anybody buffalo me out of the way if I have been waiting before they got there. I have told people when they walk up and try get in fromt of me.... "Excuse Me....but I don't think so"! :cool:

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This thread is great.


The "if you let me off there will be room for you to get in" dance is great.


The "stop right after getting off the elevator, causing a traffic jam" is an oldie but goodie.


The "let's press all the buttons to see them light up" is a guaranteed crowd pleasure.


My favorite, though: the "I don't care who else is in the elevator."


My mom and I were taking the elevator back up to the room one night - late-ish but well before last call at the bars. 4 people in the elevator. Me, my senior citizen mom, and a couple who were getting .... frisky.


Geez, your room can't be that far away!

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I will merely say that I see both kinds of bad behavior. And none of it has anything to do with cruising. It's basic manners. People act well or badly, however they act on dry land.


I see people not letting a scooter-bound person onto an elevator. I see many people waiting patiently for an elevator, the door finally opens, a scooter arrives, and guns its way onto the elevator ahead of those waiting.


I see people taking an elevator one floor, but it is not for me to judge their physical condition. You cannot see a bad back, a bad hip, a bad knee, etc. But for many people, one flight of stairs can be a dealbreaker.


I see dirty dishes left in elevators. But I have seen adults leaving them there as well as youngsters.


I see kids sitting on the stairs. But I see adults sitting on the stairs, too.


Sure, some people don't let the current occupants off the elevator before pushing their way on. But I simply push back and say, "If you let us off first, there will be room for you when we are gone." (and by push, I do NOT mean "shove")


I have seen kids push lots of the elevator buttons. But I have seen confused or arguing adults do much the same thing. ("We want Deck 4." "No, it's on Deck 5". "Ok, let's go to the Photo Gallery on Deck 3 instead." "No, the heck with it, let's go back to the cabin on Deck 2". ;) )


On Princess, the elevators doors opened. I saw three people. One calls out, "It's full" and hits the *close doors* button. :eek:


Elevators, schmelevators. Cruises, schmuises. There are rude or clueless people everywhere.


:D :D



A fair and balanced statement. People often blame kids ands teens, but adults can be rude but because we are older somehow it's ok. Etiquette is the same for all ages. Kids at least have an excuse - either they have never been taught, or they are too young, or they are just rude but can reference the other two reasons. Bad etiquette as adults just means you are mean. And before anyone flames me for judging who can ride and who should take the stairs, I am on referring to pushing people out of the way, not letting people get off before you slam yourself on, leaving dishes on the elevator.


It's impossible and not practical to say who can ride and who can't. But I have to say until I had knee surgery I truly loved being able to take the stairs because they are WAY faster than the elevators. But after a year and a half I think I can do the stairs again in December and I can't wait.





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Edited by cindivan
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I usually walk up or down one flight and sometimes two is because by the time the elevator gets there it is full to the hilt and then you have to wait for the next one. By using the stairs in those instances I'm gone on to where I wanted to go rather than still standing to wait for the elevators. But I will say that I have used it to go up one flight and then got off as there is no elevator protocol for how many floors you have to go up or down to use the elevators. I won't let the elevator police dictate to me a perceived policy they have made up in their mind! During peak times I will usually walk to the forward elevators rather than use the mid ship ones because they are usually less people using those. I lot of times I am on those by myself.

I agree with everyone else about courtesy because their are some very rude people when it comes to those elevators. However I will not let anybody buffalo me out of the way if I have been waiting before they got there. I have told people when they walk up and try get in fromt of me.... "Excuse Me....but I don't think so"! :cool:

Courtesy, isn't that a wonderful word ! I try to be . . . but it's hard when there are folks who instinct is, "I am more important than anyone in the vicinity." To such folks - "Your crudity is showing!" BTW this also applies to chair hogs, maybe especially to chair hogs :mad:


I do the stairs most of the time. I see it as a method of toning up the leg muscles, for its aerobic and cardiac value, to avoid intrusions into my personal space, and - sometimes - as a way to beat the elevator.

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YES and USE THE STAIRS IF YOU CAN! We had a kid in the stroller most of the time so had no choice but to use the elevators (and even sometimes took her out and held her and folded up the stroller to use the stairs) but on our last cruise with no kids, we didn't ride the elevators once!

Well good for you:rolleyes: They put the elevators on the ship for people to use EVERYONE:eek: If you chose not to use them then good for you just dont expect everyone else not to use them.I am perfecly heathly and if I feel like using the lift then I will.:)

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The entire situation could be vastly improved if the cruise lines would put in LARGER elevators....instead of 10 little, bitsy ones, if they had 8 bigger cars, it would improve the situation.

One scooter takes up more than half the capacity of an elevator car...only about 8 folks can fit in a car at once....unless you wish to "squish"...which I don't.


Larger cars would be a HUGE benefit!


I don't agree that larger elevators will solve the problem.....it won't, both the thin people and the heavy people trying to use the elevator will still exhibit poor behavior, they will just have a larger area to exhibit in WITHIN.

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Please stop telling me to use the stairs!! :mad:


I will use the elevator for whatever distance, up or down, that I choose. The choice is mine, NOT yours. As long as I don't knock you over or behave in a rude manner you have NO right to say anything about it!!


You can take the stairs as often as you wish but stop trying to make people feel bad because they choose not to.

I agree totally.


It's quite oppressive being hounded to use the stairs isn't it :(

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This thread is great.


The "if you let me off there will be room for you to get in" dance is great.


The "stop right after getting off the elevator, causing a traffic jam" is an oldie but goodie.


The "let's press all the buttons to see them light up" is a guaranteed crowd pleasure.


My favorite, though: the "I don't care who else is in the elevator."


My mom and I were taking the elevator back up to the room one night - late-ish but well before last call at the bars. 4 people in the elevator. Me, my senior citizen mom, and a couple who were getting .... frisky.


Geez, your room can't be that far away!

LOL!! Too funny! I wish this site just had a "Like"! :)

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Oh the dirty plates everywhere drove me batty but we had the same issues when we had dirty plates on where to put them or dirty glasses... I wish there were some obvious receptacles for them on each deck or area, at a minimum in the areas near refreshment stations/cafes!


We just came off of a weekend cruise on Her Majesty....we saw people leave their dirty plates everywhere.....even on the steps. How disgusting! I leave dirty dishes outside my cabin door when we have ordered room service, but I would never just leave dirty dishes where someone could trip on them, fall and hurt themselves.


Please don't say it was because the weekend cruise is a 'party cruise' -- we have been on this cruise plenty of times, and never saw it like this.

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