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PHOTO REVIEW: Eastern Med on the Jade


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Lots of traffic in these busy waters in the morning – we were watching the ships out the window of the stateroom as the sun was coming up. Captain Fun was snoring pretty hard, Mr. Vacation thought the Jade had fired up another engine!


We let Mr. V do some exploring on his own, the autonomy is going to his head a little bit but he loves going out on errands and did a fine job fetching coffee (sure miss the LaVazza machines that the fancy staterooms have, but the coffee at the buffet is okay).


Breakfast in the MDR- we had a crummy waitress again though but as it is a sea day it isn’t like we didn’t have all the time in the world to wait for her to wait on us. Another day with very limited offerings on the daily.


Out of a lack of anything else to do we went to the Art Auction, well, we won’t be making that mistake again. Same stuff, different ship. Park West really needs to change it up.


Justin and I enjoyed a special sushi lunch date, and it was great! After lunch he wanted to play Wii. According to the daily there was supposed to be open Wii play in the Medusa Lounge from 1:00-1:45. We arrived after lunch at 1:15 and the guy was just packing it all up.


“Sorry guys, Wii is over,” he said.

I pulled out the daily and showed it to him; Wii is supposed to go until 1:45.

“Well no one was here at 1:00 and if nobody comes then I take it down.”

“But it is only 1:15 and we’re here now,” I said.

“Sorry,” he replied, “maybe come back later when the rooms are open.”


Okay, so they have these “whatever” rooms where you can pay or have a minimum bar charge to use them for Wii or karaoke or “whatever”, but they are only open when the bar is open which isn’t during the middle of the day when Splash Academy is closed between 12-2.


I was irked because it said on the schedule that there is Wii from 1-1:45 and to me that means anytime between 1 and 1:45 you should be able to go and play, right? The activities staff member clearly didn't care that we were there and wanted to play and really gave the impression that we were inconveniencing him. I went to guest services and complained but they didn't do anything about it.


Eric and I went to Jasmine Garden for dinner. On our last cruise I wasn’t a fan, but this time we took the advice of one of the waiters who we have come to know (even though he wasn’t at our table that night) and ordered the shrimp and the lobster at his suggestion. I don’t usually like shrimp but this was fantastic and the lobster was to die for. We were extremely pleased with both.


The second sea day in a row (Day 9), we had a good experience at MDR breakfast (same menu every day if you were wondering) and enjoyed the officer’s talk in the morning and handouts with interesting facts and figures about the ship.


We caught a little of the afternoon variety show, but didn’t much care for it – if this is what the evening shows have been then I suppose we haven’t missed too much.


We love the crew talent show though, it is always a lot of fun and the “Fountains” were a riot! We saw “Elements” on another cruise and enjoyed it a lot but the show schedule didn’t work out for us on this trip.


Splash Academy circus is always a highlight of the cruise for the parents. Mr. Vacation and Captain Fun did a great job and we were very proud of them for getting up on stage with the other kids.


Activities scheduling has been a problem on this cruise.


For example, on Day 2 Splash Academy is closed from 12-2, so wouldn’t it make sense for there to be some family things going on between 12 and 2? Why then is the family cupcake decorating scheduled for 3:00?


Also presumably part of the reason for the kids program being closed between 5 and 7 in the evening is for dinner, but nothing is open for dinner until 5:30 (except Blue Lagoon). Unless we all eat together we end up doing two different dinners, usually the first one with the kids eating at 5:30 at the buffet and then a second dinner at 7 or later at one of the Specialty Restaurants for the adults (and sometimes Mr. V too) after Splash Academy opens up again. So then we’re at dinner from 7 to 8:30-ish and miss the early show and the late one is too late for us with our early riser schedule.


On Day 8 family dodge ball is scheduled at 10:00 am and Family Pizza Making at 3:00 pm (right in the middle of the crew talent show), but there aren’t any family activities for between 12-2 or 5-7 when Splash Academy is closed.


I did like that there is a Family White Hot Party option for 9:30 although even 9:30 is a bit on the late side, depending on the ages of one’s kiddos.


Overall I felt like there is very little going on during the day, especially on sea days. Except right at the end on Day 9 there is a lot more listed on the daily, but the activities are scheduled in conflict with each other like Ice Carving and Towel Folding Demos at the same time and ten different things scheduled for 11:00.


Here are some of the published highlights from the daily. I can’t vouch that these activities actually occurred or if it was like Wii in Medusa Lounge or the activities schedule for Splash Academy! Just because it is listed, doesn’t mean it happened. I left off anything with a fee, art auctions, bingo, and the stuff that’s just a ship amenity, like the library is open. I saved the dailies, so if there is something in particular that you want to know about, just ask!


Daily Highlights:

Day 1

Splash Academy Open 8:00 pm to 10:30 pm

4:00 Lifeboat Drill

4:30 “Ciao Roma!” Party

7:45, 9:45 Welcome Aboard Show

8:45 Match Game

10:30 Sing it if you Know it

11:15 “Cruise Like a Norwegian” Party


Day 2 (SEA DAY)

Splash Academy Open 9-12, 2-5, 7-10:30

10:15 Napkin Folding

12:30 Beer Fest with Oompah Band

1:00 Greek Dance and Language Tips

2:15 Majority Rules Game Show

3:00 Cupcake Decorating (for kids)

7:30, 9:30 Graffiti Classics Show

10:30 Norwegian’s Night Out Party


Day 3

11:30 Team Trivia

1-1:45 Wii Open Play (ha ha)

3:30 Craft Corner: Paper Box

5:15 50’s 60’s Trivia

7:30 Salsa Dance Class

7:30, 9:30 Shout! Show

8:30 Perfect Couple Game Show

10:30 50’s, 60’s Sock Hop


Day 4

1:00 Win Lose or Draw

7:30, 9:30 Brenda Cochrane Show

10:00 Dixieland Jazz Jam

10:30 Dancing thru the Decades


Day 5

11:15 Team Trivia

2:00 Charades with Cruise Staff

6:30 Family Pictionary

7:30 Cha Cha Dance Class

7:30, 9:30 Showdown Show

10:30 Latin Fiesta


Day 6 (Istanbul, mid day arrival)

9:00 Trivia

10:00 Zumba

11:30 Sail-in Barbeque

1:00 Win, Lose, or Draw

3:00 Craft Corner: Journal Making

7:30 Line Dance Class

9:00 Just Magic with Jorgos

10:00 Motown Tribute

10:45 Late Night Disco


Day 7

11:30 Team Trivia

5:00 Disney Tune Trivia

7:30, 9:30 Angels Show

8:30 Close-up Magic with Jorgos

10:30 Dance like a Norwegian


Day 8 (SEA DAY)

Splash Academy Open 9-12, 2-5, 7-10:30

10:00 Family Dodgeball

10:00 Zumba

2:30 Crew Talent Show

3:00 Family Pizza Making

7:30, 9:30 Tenors of Rock

8:30 Broadway Music

9:30 Family White Hot Party

10:30 Norwegian’s White Hot Party


Day 9 (SEA DAY)

Splash Academy Open 9-12, 2-5, 7-10:30

10:00 Senior Officers’ Profile

10:30 Towel Folding Demo

11:30 Cake Decorating Duel

1:30 Mixology Demo

1:30 Ice Carving Demo

3:45 Big Top at Sea (Splash Academy Circus)

7:30, 9:45 Elements Show

11:00 70’s Funk-a-licious Dance Party


Day 10

11:15 Trivia

1-1:45 Wii Open Play

2:00 Name that Michael Jackson Tune

6:46 Trivia

7:30 Line Dance Class

7:30, 9:30 Farewell Show

10:30 Karaoke Superstar Finals

11:45 Ultimate Farewell Party



If I had the chance to change something about this cruise, it would be the scheduling of the onboard activities! Granted, this sailing is all about the itinerary and the ports of call, but there are still 3 full sea days.


If NCL put me in charge, I would move the early show to 5:00. This way families and anyone who isn’t a night owl could go before dinner. I would move the family friendly activities like cupcake decorating and scavenger hunts to the times when Splash Academy is closed already and try to keep interesting things from overlapping and similar events from occurring all on the same day.


There was a Jazz Brunch one day but there was an additional charge for it and it wasn’t included in the Ultimate Dining Package so we skipped it, but that’s the sort of fun activity that one would expect to be offered (complimentary) on a sea day.


Anyway, we weren’t bored, but things could have been more entertaining on the Jade for sure. If I have my Kindle I am perfectly content to amuse myself and fortunately Eric is pretty good company too!


More than anything the scheduling shortcomings just felt like a bit of a missed opportunity. I wonder if this is intentional to get people in the shop, the casino, at the spa, drinking at the bar, going to bingo and the awful art auctions?

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It isn't difficult to take the tram at all! The ship ports in between two tram stations, so there is one within a few blocks walking no matter which way you come out. If you exit left off the ship (near the art museum) turn left at the main road and keep going a couple of blocks. If you exit to the right through the terminal building, go right and keep going for a couple of blocks. You will be able to see the wires and the trains in the middle of the road. At the station-stop, go to the self-serve kiosk with your Lira and purchase a token (jetton) which is good for a one way trip (buy two if you plan to take the tram back), use the token to get through the turnstyles to the platform. There are signs both on the platform and inside the tram with the stops listed. Major attractions are also listed in English under the appropriate stop, so it is easy to tell when to get off. You don't need to make any transfers to go to the Grand Bazaar or the Blue Mosque area. The tram trains run frequently, so whenever you arrive if you wait a few moments, one will be along shortly.


We did walk back across the bridge, there is a large sidewalk area on the bridge itself and sidewalks next to the road, so it is pedestrian friendly. Or you can hop a tram easily too if you didn't want to make the walk.


Enjoying your review - we'll be doing the E. Med. on Princess but a lot of the same ports. DH is not happy about stopping in Instanbul, wasn't going to get off the ship, etc. Talked him into a ship tour. My question is: Is it easy to find the tram in the Grand Bazaar - to return to the ship? Did you feel safe doing this? I heard about the taxi drivers, etc.........:eek: The tour we want has more free time in the Bazaar than what we want. Thanks for posting :)

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Enjoying your review - we'll be doing the E. Med. on Princess but a lot of the same ports. DH is not happy about stopping in Instanbul, wasn't going to get off the ship, etc. Talked him into a ship tour. My question is: Is it easy to find the tram in the Grand Bazaar - to return to the ship? Did you feel safe doing this? I heard about the taxi drivers, etc.........:eek: The tour we want has more free time in the Bazaar than what we want. Thanks for posting :)


Yes, it is not hard to take the tram and we felt completely safe. As much as anywhere- pay attention & keep your valuables close (or in the safe in your stateroom). Also ignore anyone who offers to "help" you, unless it is another cruise ship passenger :)

This link has a map (You want the T1 blue line):




It is easy to get completely lost in the Grand Bazaar, but there are uniformed police officers who can point you towards the exit if you get turned around.

There are some maps online too, like this one:



I'd suggest asking your excursion leader or driver to advise you of the exit from the Bazaar that will put you out near the tram station. It is so large and there is so much to see you may find that you use all the time on your excursion easily. We aren't big shoppers either, but it is really interesting to wander around a look at everything. Have a great trip!

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Beautiful morning sailing into Naples “Napoli” we sure love this part – the pinks skies, the view of an exciting new port of call from the balcony, other ships in the harbor!




Unfortunately Mr. Vacation is sick with a cough, sore throat and a slight fever; he perked up after some Day-quil and orange juice though. He was excited to see the U.S. Naval vessel in port, p[art of a U.N. task force but we were happy to see Old Glory today.


We hurried off the ship and met our driver Vito and his 12 year old son Christian. Captain Fun and Christian quickly became fast friends. Even though there is a little language barrier, all boys speak “kid” and they managed to communicate just fine.




Wonderful tour up the Almafi Coast, the local produce here is amazing and I love how if there is even tiny patch of land the Italians will plant something wonderful.




Olive and citrus trees, grapes and gardens are tucked into every available spot. Very scenic and beautiful drive and we greatly enjoyed exploring Positano by the sea.




We wandered down to the water and spent some time on the black volcanic sand beach.




I’m sure it is quite the hot spot in the summertime but because it is the off season and just a few days before Christmas there were mostly local Italians out and about enjoying the fine weather and doing holiday shopping.




From Positano we continued on to Sorrento, stopping to visit a lemon grove in the city and sample the local Limoncello liqueur. We enjoyed an amazing lunch that featured “real” pizza, antipasti, gnocchi, bruchetta, and pasta. Maybe just the air here but everything we ate tasted fantastic – it is all simple food, but very good quality local fresh ingredients and reasonably priced. We had some time to explore Sorrento after lunch before heading to Pompeii.

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Love reading your review. We were on the sailing right before you.


I agree completely about the need for more activities on sea days and the timing of many activities. I remember a circus workshop at 6 p.m. which I thought was dinner time for families and trivia at dinner time, too.


As far as taxis in Istanbul, we were told only to go to taxi stands. We had no problems and never had to negotiate fares.

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Loving your review so much and the pictures are great. Who did you use for the tour of amalfi coast? About how much was it?:)


We used seeamalficoast.com as they had excellent tripadvisor reviews. The private tour for the four us us was 400Euro. Would highly recommend.

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Pompeii was Mr. Vacations’ favorite site and we spent the rest of the day there. It is in a surprisingly urban area, although the site itself feels very separated from all that is around it.




You could easily spend a week in Pompeii and not see it all, we barely scratched the surface. The visitor’s map doesn’t really tell you anything, but for 10 Euro in the bookshop next to the ticket counter (Porta Marina entrance) is a very good book with a red cover that is a comprehensive guide to the site. Look for “Pompeii: guide to the site”. If you aren’t going to do a tour or audio tour this book is well worth buying before going in and makes a nice souvenir too.








After bidding a fond “arrivedercci” to our new friends Vito and Christian we made it back to the Jade. Mr. Vacation went straight to bed but there was no way Captain Fun was missing the pajama party in Splash Academy. We were still so full from all the amazing food we ate during the day that we skipped dinner and spent the evening packing. The last night of the cruise is always bittersweet- I wish we had a few more days! We had such a nice time in this part of Italy too, we will definitely be back to visit again.





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At 6 am the following morning the announcements began for disembarking.


Since we have a sick kiddo we changed our plans for the day and rather than hustle off the ship to catch the early train back to Rome we went for a later departure from the ship. Unfortunately Civitavecchia is not a good port as there is a major lack of infrastructure for passengers. We took the free shuttle to exit the port but I don’t think it saved anything in terms of walking or time since the drop off point is several blocks in the opposite direction of the train station. Taxi’s were not a good price and the $75 per person transfer that the ship offered did not seem to be a good value for four of us, so we hoofed it to the train station. The regular train was a bit of a pain, especially with our luggage. We packed light, but next time I will bring even less, wash more in the sink and no jeans! There are lots of stairs, uneven cobblestones, and no elevators or escalators, so a few light bags is the way to go if you are negotiating public transportation. We stayed one more night in Rome before flying to home the next day.


We had a great trip and checked a lot of things off the family bucket list. Overall we were generally pleased with the cruise. Sure there are a few things that I would change, but we loved the itinerary and had a good room with a good view and good food. We found this Mediterranean cruise on the Jade was a great way to get a taste of Italy, Greece, and Turkey and a good value. We were so fortunate with the weather being mild (all of the walking we did would be pretty miserable if it was very hot) and going in the off season was a nice way to beat the crowds too.


Now that the holidays are over we are already thinking looking forward to our next cruise. Thanks for reading!

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EPaul78, if you can would you mind scanning in Day 1 of the Daily schedule? I would like to take a look at everything available to sign up for or buy on day 1. Thanks, If you can't do it I understand; no pressure.

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  • 1 month later...
I want to go back!


Thank you for your great review. I was smiling while I was reading your review. You brought me back to the great moment that I was there with my wife. Too bad that we didn't meet even we were in the same ship.


Wish you all the best and much more joys to come with your lovely family.



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