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Just another reason to fly a day early


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I think almost everyone here is convinced that this is a must..

But just in case there were still some of you who thought....Whats the worst that could happen:rolleyes:


ps..You don't need the security install...Just click dont install on the certificate.



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Last January we sailed Carnival Glory out of Port Canaveral. We scheduled flights from Rochester NY to Orlando for Thursday, sailing on Saturday 4pm.


Plenty of time right?


When we arrived to board flights there was bad weather in Atlanta delaying all flights... but connections still valid. Then a jet skidded off the runway in Atlanta and all flights were delayed past valid connections.


We worked patiently with the gate agent but she could tell us nothing - would our connecting flight be delayed? don't know. Can't get through on the phone either. Other airlines want over $2000 to fly the 3 of us plus the loss of our tickets on the current airline. Here's the amazing thing: THe next flights she could get 3 seats on was SUNDAY morning.


Out of amazing luck 3 people did not show up at the gate for departure on an earlier flight also delayed - she quickly reprinted our boarding passes and we went on our way while 3 people sipped martinis in the bar.


We got into our Hotel at 3am that night... it was nice to have a day to decompress in Florida after that!


p.s. Coming home here was a major winter storm... we were one of only 3 flights that decided to go and land in Rochester that night and we wish it had not, very scary!

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oh my g*d....I am soo worried about this! We are sailing on Sun Sept 18, and our flight leaves Chicago at 9:26am, arrives in Orlando at 12:58pm, and we have a RCI transfer from Orlando to Port Canaveral. Is this cutting it too close? We could switch our airfare to Sat, but it would cost $100 each ticket (me and DH), plus the cost of one hotel night, meals, etc. Is it worth it?? Advice, please!

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Watersoul, you have to decide if it is worth it to you, but you should be able to get a hotel in Orlando for $100, so your costs would be $300 to be safe and enjoy a pre-night and not worry about delayed flights or possibly $1000 or more to catch up with the ship at the first port, if you miss the ship...

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I would absolutely pay the extra money! Get a cheap hotel through priceline or hotwire - at hotwire you can even make sure you get to pick one with a pool - view the extra money as buying one day of vacation and peace of mind!

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My one time of traveling on cruise day almost ended very wrong. We were a group of 50 with me leading 19 from a small regional airport to connect in Chicago. We were due to leave around nine that morning


I had the alarm set for five but for some reason woke up a little before four and went on-line to check on our flights. Our hop to Chicago showed delayed for maintenance and not due into Chicago until our connecting flight was due to leave. No other flights could get us there that day from Chicago.


I called the airline and found seats were available on a flight at seven to Chicago. The agent changed us all to it, but then I had to wake up the other 17 plus my wife and get us all the 35 miles to the airport in time to check in.


We all made it but with all the hassle, were tired for the first two days of the cruise. I've gone back to flying in early. The rest of the group still flies the same day. I'll be there to greet them if they make it.


If I hadn't awaken early that morning, we would have missed the sailing and had an added expense of catching up with the ship.

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We drive to our ports-we live in Ga.-but we still like to get there a day ahead of time-come on-it is a vacation!-I like to relax in sunny Florida-instead of sitting in my house the day before-and there is always the chance of bad traffic-bad weather or something-to delay getting to the port.:cool:

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oh my g*d....I am soo worried about this! We are sailing on Sun Sept 18, and our flight leaves Chicago at 9:26am, arrives in Orlando at 12:58pm, and we have a RCI transfer from Orlando to Port Canaveral. Is this cutting it too close? We could switch our airfare to Sat, but it would cost $100 each ticket (me and DH), plus the cost of one hotel night, meals, etc. Is it worth it?? Advice, please!


I live at Lake Tahoe California 55 miles to the airport in Reno NV. and 90 miles to Sacramento airport. last December when we went on the Vision we left from Sacramento the day before and its only a 1 hour flight. When on the ship I met some people who live in Reno who flew from Reno to LA. the same day, there flight was to leave reno at 9:30 a.m. a flight time of 1 hour 15 minutes if all went well they should have been at the port by 12 noon. Ha all did not go well, that day Reno was so foged in nothing left for a few hours, it was the worst fog there was in Reno in over 25 years. they did make the ship but they arrieved at the port in San Pedro at 4:45 for a 5:00 sailing.


we got to our hotel in San Pedro the day before at 6:30 P.M. ($55.00 on price line) had dinner, went swimming in the pool, Had a drink at the bar, got up the next morning had breakfast, took the shuttle to the dock at 11:00 and was sitting in the buffet having lunch by 12:30..


the people from Reno were still sitting at the airport wondering if they would if they would ever get to leave.......




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well now you have all convinced me to fly in a day early.


TROUBLE IS...I just called the airline (American), and it would cost $100 to change each ticket PLUS the fare difference, which is now Around $150!!! So our total cost to change this flight is $500, plus 1 hotel night and meals. We just can't afford that, I don't think. I mean, we could, but I don't want to spend that much! Its crazy.


My fault for not booking a day early in the first place.:(


I think we are just going to keep it the same and hope for the best.:rolleyes:


I am hoping that although sometimes things go wrong, that there are in fact lots of people who fly in the day of departure without any problems. And also hoping that we are one of those people!

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Since you can't change your flights, look at it this way. A lot of us travel in the day of cruise because we just can't afford to go in the day before, whether it be for work reasons, money reasons, whatever, and we've made our cruise. I flew in day of for my first 3 cruises. My first two my flight didn't arrive until 1:30, with my first being out of Pt. Canaveral, and I made all of my cruises with plenty of time.


That being said, there are some things you can do to eliminate some worry. Pay attention to the schedules. Do like Retired not Expired and watch your flights and the weather around your area, especially the day before you leave. If your plane if coming from somewhere else, watch the weather and schedules for the area the plane is coming from as well. While it may not be the best option, get to the airport very early for your flight, especially if there is an earlier flight that you might be able to fly stand by on. Also, if you get there early, you are less likely to be bumped if the flight is overbooked because you will have your seat assignment before somebody who checks in after you.


I don't know if you've bought travel insurance, but see if you can buy some travel insurance that will cover trip interruption.

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Since you can't change your flights, look at it this way. A lot of us travel in the day of cruise because we just can't afford to go in the day before, whether it be for work reasons, money reasons, whatever, and we've made our cruise. I flew in day of for my first 3 cruises. My first two my flight didn't arrive until 1:30, with my first being out of Pt. Canaveral, and I made all of my cruises with plenty of time.


That being said, there are some things you can do to eliminate some worry. Pay attention to the schedules. Do like Retired not Expired and watch your flights and the weather around your area, especially the day before you leave. If your plane if coming from somewhere else, watch the weather and schedules for the area the plane is coming from as well. While it may not be the best option, get to the airport very early for your flight, especially if there is an earlier flight that you might be able to fly stand by on. Also, if you get there early, you are less likely to be bumped if the flight is overbooked because you will have your seat assignment before somebody who checks in after you.


I don't know if you've bought travel insurance, but see if you can buy some travel insurance that will cover trip interruption.


Excellent advice. I always try to be one of the first to check in so I won't get bumped. A couple of times, they've placed me on earlier flights, once even in first class. The agent would just as soon get rid of you early. That way, if there is problems with your original flight, you are a couple of less angry people they have to deal with.:D

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1. Our first cruise we drove to Galveston but also did this the day before.... stayed at the Hilton on the waterfront, had a nice dinner w/my in-laws (did cruise w/them) and a wonderful nights sleep. Also the hotel let us park car for the week for free (so $100 for hotel cancels out $100 parking bill). If thats not enough they even provided shuttle to pier and same guy came and picked us up a week later and took us right to our car at hotel lot. This year we are flying into San Juan 2 days early.... heehee. Not the same situation but when dh said lets go - I said "done deal".

2. Last year we flew to Mazatlan for a week and they changed our gate in Houston (for connections) at the last minute. Well, we went to Mazatlan and our luggage went to Monterrey Mexico !!! Since no flights from Monterrey to Mazatlan it had to go back to Houston and then over the next day....got it @ 5pm. Wouldnt want to be on a cruise ship with only the clothes on my back !!!!


Hope all works out for you...

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Excellent advice. I always try to be one of the first to check in so I won't get bumped. A couple of times, they've placed me on earlier flights, once even in first class. The agent would just as soon get rid of you early. That way, if there is problems with your original flight, you are a couple of less angry people they have to deal with.:D


Hey, I noticed you are from Branson. How's the traffic? I usually go up there once or twice a year, you can't beat the shopping there.


My 2nd cruise, we were on the 1st flight out of the morning. All the flights out that day out of Little Rock were overbooked including ours, and everybody on our flight was going to a cruise or catching an overseas flight, so nobody was going to take the bump. Believe me we were glad to have checked in first, as we left a few people behind with no hope of catching a flight that day.

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Hey, I noticed you are from Branson. How's the traffic? I usually go up there once or twice a year, you can't beat the shopping there.


My 2nd cruise, we were on the 1st flight out of the morning. All the flights out that day out of Little Rock were overbooked including ours, and everybody on our flight was going to a cruise or catching an overseas flight, so nobody was going to take the bump. Believe me we were glad to have checked in first, as we left a few people behind with no hope of catching a flight that day.


The traffic still makes the old Mel Tillis joke relevant.


He said he was sitting in traffic one day and a lady behind him kept honking and honking. He hollered at her, "What do you want me to do. I can't move".


She hollered back, "I'm PG and have to get to the hospital."


He yelled, "If you're PG, you shouldn't have gotten in this trafiic."


She yelled back, "When I got in it, I wasn't."


I try to go out early in the morning or late at night, but I still get the couple doing five MPH and rubbernecking.:eek:

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I know...I am also worried about this. Unfortunately, I can't fly in a day early. My wedding is on Saturday and goes until midnight, the cruise leaves Sunday night. So, while under normal circumstances I would book my own flight for a day or two before the cruise (and enjoy a little pre-vacation relaxation) it is just not possible to do this time. So I booked my airfare through the cruise hoping that gives me a little extra protection but it will be the day of the cruise. Added to my stress is that I won't find out what the flight times are until I get my cruise docs. So, I'm hoping and praying that we don't get a freak hurricane or freak security shut down that day. I do have travel insurance though...that is the one thing we did right (and we have passports ;) )


Crossing my fingers that my October sailing goes off without a hitch.

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I try to go out early in the morning or late at night, but I still get the couple doing five MPH and rubbernecking.:eek:


It wasn't me, I swear!


Last summer I came up there with a group. The guy driving insisted that we had to take 76 because that was the way he always went, despite several of us insisting that 176 would be faster. 2 hours of stop and occasionally go traffic later we got to the hotel which was on 176.

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Funny, I am sitting here alone because my husbands flight from Reno was cancelled today. No were not going on a cruise but just goes to show ya never know. He drove to Reno from Truckee to eat lunch & catch the Packer game before going to the airport for a 5:45 flight. He left his phone in the car, he would be on the way to the airport soon and would catch up on calls then. WRONG, airline called and needed him on a flight in an hour or he would have to wait until tomorrow to get to Denver. Well tomorrow it is :mad: if only he had his phone he would have made the new flight.


Another plus to flying in a day early:

How many times have you heard the airline offer free tickets and get you on the next flight deals:D Your in no hurry so perfect time to take advantage of the airline for a change.




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My first cruise was on the Voyager in Oct '03. We booked our air with RCI and flew in the day before and I'm glad we did. The trip down was uneventful save for one thing, our luggage did not make it with us. Seems when we changed planes, it got on another flight. Fortunately it arrived after dinner that night but would have missed us if we had sailed. Coming home our originating flight was delayed due to a medical problem with a passenger on the incoming flight. We missed our connection which was the last to our home airport. We were able to get the last flight to a nearby airport and rented a car to drive home. If this had been a cruise day, we would have missed our ship.


Last year I booked my own flights and arrived the day before. The travel arrangements were perfect and my stress level was low the whole time.

1. Definitely go down the night before. This starts your vacation a day early.

2. I try to book non-stop flights. In addition to my home airport, I have 2 within a 2 hour drive. I find it very stressful making connections.

3. Arrange to get together with cruisemates the night before. When you board the ship you are already acquainted.

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We've been going in a day ahead for a long time, probably the last 25 cruises. We like the great rates at first rate hotels like Sutton Place Hotel in VanCouver and the Intercontinenial in Miami. We also like the fact the cruise line checks you in at the hotel the night before the cruise and then in the morning takes you to a special entrance to board which allows you to completely avoid the cattle call. 9-11 made going a day before even more important. Our last cruise to Hawaii the couple we dined with had missed the ship because of a security problem at an airport. They boarded the ship at the first port of call. Lucky for them they booked the the cruise line and they took care of everything.


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My one time of traveling on cruise day almost ended very wrong. We were a group of 50 with me leading 19 from a small regional airport to connect in Chicago. We were due to leave around nine that morning


I had the alarm set for five but for some reason woke up a little before four and went on-line to check on our flights. Our hop to Chicago showed delayed for maintenance and not due into Chicago until our connecting flight was due to leave. No other flights could get us there that day from Chicago.


I called the airline and found seats were available on a flight at seven to Chicago. The agent changed us all to it, but then I had to wake up the other 17 plus my wife and get us all the 35 miles to the airport in time to check in.


We all made it but with all the hassle, were tired for the first two days of the cruise. I've gone back to flying in early. The rest of the group still flies the same day. I'll be there to greet them if they make it.


If I hadn't awaken early that morning, we would have missed the sailing and had an added expense of catching up with the ship.



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I know...I am also worried about this. Unfortunately, I can't fly in a day early. My wedding is on Saturday and goes until midnight, the cruise leaves Sunday night. So, while under normal circumstances I would book my own flight for a day or two before the cruise (and enjoy a little pre-vacation relaxation) it is just not possible to do this time. So I booked my airfare through the cruise hoping that gives me a little extra protection but it will be the day of the cruise. Added to my stress is that I won't find out what the flight times are until I get my cruise docs. So, I'm hoping and praying that we don't get a freak hurricane or freak security shut down that day. I do have travel insurance though...that is the one thing we did right (and we have passports ;) )


Crossing my fingers that my October sailing goes off without a hitch.


We are planning our honeymoon flights and running into similar issues. I feel your pain. Thankfully, we are having an afternoon reception, so we are catching the last flight out Saturday night. Good luck and congrats on your upcoming wedding and honeymoon.

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