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Live from the 2015 QE World Voyage


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Keep the updates coming...I'm so enjoying the chance to follow progress on the WC. Watched the harbour cam and port cam as you left NY. Jumping between webcams, including the ship's own, kept me busy!



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Hi Kathi. Sorry that your internet plan is near an end - we've been enjoying your posts. Thanks again.


For whatever it's worth, at this time, the Port of Fort Lauderdale schedule has QE arriving Jan. 22 at 07:00. Other cruise ships scheduled to arrive that morning: Caribbean Princess at 06:00 and Liberty of the Seas at 07:00. Mr. Struthers announcement from last Friday as mentioned previously has not been updated yet.


Best of luck rearranging your travel plans. -S.


Bit of good news for those disembarking QE on Thursday: The Port of Fort Lauderdale now shows Liberty of the Seas arriving at 06:00 (changed from 07:00 when QE is scheduled to arrive).

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The Garden Lounge is such a nice place for reading, talking and just passing the time away. I sat there reading some of my book for about an hour this morning. I am not a FULL WC passenger so am not permitted in that section, so just sit nearby hoping I might recognize someone. Got to speak to John and Andrea for a moment before the Fort Lauderdale presentation. Left early so I can be at the Royal Spa Raffle. Guess what? I never win anything, but today I did!! :) Won a free 50 minute Hot Stone Massage.....sounds great in his cooler weather and with all this stress......:D Hurray...now I can try the spa out. Had lunch in the Golden Lion and I just love the fish and chips there! Now off to try my hand at a bit of Bingo!

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Glad you are feeling better and congratulations on your win.




Today has been a nice, calm day at sea. Dolphins were spotted at lunchtime but I missed them.


Rumour of the day is that a couple were put off in NYC for fighting (with each other). Will post if any news as to the truth of this.


Watched a beautiful sunset from the Lido.


Very glad that I have a bonus day tomorrow. Guess I will have to fish the suitcase out from under the bed later and start tossing things in. Ugh!

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Bit of good news for those disembarking QE on Thursday: The Port of Fort Lauderdale now shows Liberty of the Seas arriving at 06:00 (changed from 07:00 when QE is scheduled to arrive).


I don't know if this matters to anybody, but here's the latest update on the port schedule:


QUEEN ELIZABETH Arrival 1/22/2015 06:15 Departure 18:30

LIBERTY OF THE SEAS Arrival 1/22/2015 06:00

CARIBBEAN PRINCESS Arrival 1/22/2015 05:45

Edited by Salacia
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While in the spa yesterday they also gave away (for a sale price of course) to everyone that attended the raffle drawing, a certificate for spa treatments to totalling $272 for $129....I know they hook you somehow. Anyway I decided to give it a try. You had to book it for yesterday or this morning so I chose this morning at 8 am for a full body massage, facial mini booster, scalp massage and foot/ankle massage. Nice! I also went ahead and booked my raffle prize (hot stone massage) for the day we are in Cabo San Lucas (you had to book on a port day of course). Can't wait for that one too!


Well, you won't believe this but last night is the first night we have been to the Britannia Restaurant for dinner. QE DR seems so much smaller than QM2 of course and seems smaller than the last time we were on her. I had ordered a chicken dish. Well it took forever first of all! Then when I got it I took two bites and then noticed that it was not even cooked!!! The site of the practically raw chicken made me sick. I called the waiter over and showed him and he tried to act like he did not know what I meant until I pointed at the dark flesh colored chicken an said this is NOT cooked. So he brought another after about 15 minutes and it was pretty good. But he shine had been tarnished for the night so hubby had a dessert and we left. Have to try another night. The waves picked up a bit 1.5 m overnight and at around 530 had lots of lightning and thunder in most of the sky with a small patch of visible stars....pretty!


Got up and had our breakfast at 630 (as usual for us) and prepared for my spa appt. Afterwards, went to my first trivia, but just listened and wanted to see how I did. 16/22 was pretty good until I heard that 3-4 groups had 22/22.:p They had a table of "sale" jewelery in the area outside the casino and Golden Lion... up to 50% off, and of course the obligatory chain by the inch stuff. I am sure my hubby will appreciate that I left with nothing......for now.:D Then we had a quick walk around outside deck 10 and the air was much warmer and it was nice to breathe some fresh air. Went to sit by the Lido Pool under the new shade. A bit chilly but still nice to enjoy the outside. I have been waiting to test the outside Grill area...wanted a hot dog but settled for a hamburger. Was very tasty and hot! Hot dog for later date. I am a simple person with simple tastes...sorry Cunard....I love hot dogs and Australia just doesn't do hot dogs well! Noon announcement as usual with a relaxed sounding Captain. The band Changez setting up but decided to leave beforehand. Off to see what trouble I can get into...chat later!


Hope my updates are not too boring or overly detailed for you guys...I have never done it and it is kind fun. Thanks for information regarding details of docking in FLL Salacia. I think it is interesting to see how info gets to some places before we get it or the routes it takes.

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Barbara - we use the bridge cam as our "window to the world" (since we book low and inside). We had a great light show one night before Naples that was great even on the tv :).


Glad to see you pick up on the "live from" forum, especially with Kathi disembarking :( tomorrow. I probably won't get up to watch sail in tomorrow, but will watch you leave FLL.

Edited by kahtrav
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The last day of a cruise is always sad. Saying good-bye to all the great people you have met and doing everything for the last time.


I have had a fantastic time and getting a bonus day on board was just icing on the cake.


The sound and light show (huge thunderstorm) last night was beautiful. I first noticed it just before 1 AM and stood on my balcony for an hour watching it. The flashes along the horizon lit up the night sky. I watched from bed until 2:30 when I fell asleep. Woke up at 3:30 and it was still going on. A number of people saw it continuing when they awoke before dawn. Absolutely spectacular!


I feel very fortunate to have been able to do this first segment. I hope all of those continuing on have an amazing time. Looking forward to reading the updates from everyone as the World Voyage continues.

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While in the spa yesterday they also gave away (for a sale price of course) to everyone that attended the raffle drawing, a certificate for spa treatments to totalling $272 for $129....I know they hook you somehow. Anyway I decided to give it a try. You had to book it for yesterday or this morning so I chose this morning at 8 am for a full body massage, facial mini booster, scalp massage and foot/ankle massage. Nice! I also went ahead and booked my raffle prize (hot stone massage) for the day we are in Cabo San Lucas (you had to book on a port day of course). Can't wait for that one too!


Well, you won't believe this but last night is the first night we have been to the Britannia Restaurant for dinner. QE DR seems so much smaller than QM2 of course and seems smaller than the last time we were on her. I had ordered a chicken dish. Well it took forever first of all! Then when I got it I took two bites and then noticed that it was not even cooked!!! The site of the practically raw chicken made me sick. I called the waiter over and showed him and he tried to act like he did not know what I meant until I pointed at the dark flesh colored chicken an said this is NOT cooked. So he brought another after about 15 minutes and it was pretty good. But he shine had been tarnished for the night so hubby had a dessert and we left. Have to try another night. The waves picked up a bit 1.5 m overnight and at around 530 had lots of lightning and thunder in most of the sky with a small patch of visible stars....pretty!


Got up and had our breakfast at 630 (as usual for us) and prepared for my spa appt. Afterwards, went to my first trivia, but just listened and wanted to see how I did. 16/22 was pretty good until I heard that 3-4 groups had 22/22.:p They had a table of "sale" jewelery in the area outside the casino and Golden Lion... up to 50% off, and of course the obligatory chain by the inch stuff. I am sure my hubby will appreciate that I left with nothing......for now.:D Then we had a quick walk around outside deck 10 and the air was much warmer and it was nice to breathe some fresh air. Went to sit by the Lido Pool under the new shade. A bit chilly but still nice to enjoy the outside. I have been waiting to test the outside Grill area...wanted a hot dog but settled for a hamburger. Was very tasty and hot! Hot dog for later date. I am a simple person with simple tastes...sorry Cunard....I love hot dogs and Australia just doesn't do hot dogs well! Noon announcement as usual with a relaxed sounding Captain. The band Changez setting up but decided to leave beforehand. Off to see what trouble I can get into...chat later!


Hope my updates are not too boring or overly detailed for you guys...I have never done it and it is kind fun. Thanks for information regarding details of docking in FLL Salacia. I think it is interesting to see how info gets to some places before we get it or the routes it takes.


Hi alibabacruisers. Oh, please soak up some of that Florida sunshine for me! That chicken dish you mentioned would also turn my stomach. But a friend told me of ordering chicken tartare in a very expensive NYC restaurant :eek: Speaking of food, I've never had a true hot dog on board. Frankfurters and bangers yes, but not what I would consider a hot dog - for that, you need to come back to NY:)


Looking forward to reading more about your voyage. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience. Cheers, - Salacia

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Wednesday cont'd (found out how to use Notepad to compose offline...now you guys will get info...sorry for the look of the posting....lol)


I explored, in detail, more of the ship. I went to the shop and browsed.

The first shop had mainly clothing, purses, and a bit of jewelery. Some

of the purse brands I noticed were: Radley, Lulu Guinness, Ted Lester and

Harrods. In the perfume area was Elizabeth Arden, Clinique and others. Then

I saw the Duty Free Alcohol Shop. During the TA, WV passengers received a

voucher for one bottle per person for consumption in your room. I checked

the prices and they were very good. For example, 1L of Jim Beam was $22. The reason I tell you this, in case you like a drink, is that in the cabin directory, in the very back, is a 24 hour beverage page. It lists that you can order a bottle of listed alcohol, with a 6 pack of mixers, for a price.

To compare, this list says 1L of Jim Beam with the 6 pack is $55; so you see

that the Duty Free is a better choice if you choose to buy.


Then I chose to sit and read (I am on my 2nd book...amazing) and I hadn't noticed the Cafe Carinthia too much so I sat a table for 2 by myself to read. I thought, let me have a look at the coffee menu. I decided to try a Iced Mocha, large...lol. It was $5.46 with the auto service charge added. Sat here for about an hour an a half moved on. Checked out the "Sale" table again, outside the Golden Lion to see if the earrings I spotted the last time around were still there...they were, but still was able to resist....unbelievable.


Next wandered past the Queens Room to see the Classical Musical Dolce Duo

practicing for their upcoming concert in about an hour. Piano and flute

combination and it sounded nice.


Then I ran into a CC friend, Kathi, who is sadly leaving us tomorrow. We

talked for awhile, then I bid her a fond farwell and I hope to see her again

in the future.


Decided to read some more, so sat at the Midships Bar next to the window.

What a nice view! The sun was out and I could see lots of people sitting in

the deck chairs enjoying the fresh breeze. Read for about an hour more and

then decided to head back to the cabin to get ready for dinner. We eat at

the first sitting and tonight we decided to visit the photographers areas to

see how that setup was. We haven't had any pictures taken except for the

embarkation photo. They had a station at the atrium level 2 and 3 that we

could see, and I think there may have been one near the clock, casino, and

Golden Lion area (couple of years ago we had lots of pictures taken there).

Checked the Purser's Desk to get a copy of our account to check. Had to get

them to adjust a few things and then on to dinner. Tonight was Informal

again and dinner was much better tonight. I had Aubergine Cannelloni while

hubby had the Filet of Lemon Sole. His was very good, he said and mine was

not too bad. For dessert, I like to try the ice creams/sorbets they have so

I had that, and hubby had the strawberry parfait; both were good.


Decided to go back to our cabin and sit on the balcony. The temperature was

around 22C and we could see stars so it was quite romantic.....awww.



Thursday, 22 Jan


Up earlier today because we will be docking at 6am in FLL. I am sure the

Lido will be packed. It was pretty crowded but we were in and out so we

could watch thee sailin from our balcony. Almost in our berth now. Just

reading the Daily Programme regarding In-Transit passengers. We can get off

after they clear us to, but no one is allowed back onboard until the disem-

barking guests have passed thru Customs. Also, it the DP it discusses the

"payable" shuttle from QE to FLL. First bus at 9am and transfer takes 20

minutes. It takes us to the Galleria Mall. A max of two journeys per

person will be charged and each additional journey will be free of charge.

The service is complimentary for Cunard Fare Guests. (Adults $8 one way).

There is no need to purchase tickets in advance as they will scan your voyage

card when boarding. Will wait and see how that process goes as this is the

first time we have encountered this (note: we booked a Cunard Fare acc to



Also of note in the DP was the info regarding Seating Enquiries. This is the

first time I have seen this. They say Enquiries can be made from 1-3pm BUT

tables for 2 are no longer available and that they had been assigned according

to when you booked. We booked 15 months ahead and requested a table for 2.

We got a table for 2 on Deck 3 next to the rail, but have another table for 2

next to us. We have visited the "guy" to enquire about being changed a couple

of times, only to have it explained to us as above. Yesterday he told me

that 180 people were embarking today and they already had a waitlist of 60

waiting for a table of 2.


Salacia...I wanted to try a hot dog from one of the NYC street vendors but could never muster the courage.


I will be trying to post some each day and if you have any questions or comments I would be glad to hear them and try to answer, if I can.


Presently waiting for disembarking passengers and tour groups to get off so we can go too. We have the Everglades tour this afternoon, so my first goal is to head to Walmart (I know, but I love Walmart...none in AUST) to get a few supplies. Will try to check out other stores as well as enjoy the sun! TTFN (ta ta for now):D

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Barbara, I wasn't sure how long you would be booked but am glad to see you are continuing. I'll be in Ft. Lauderdale later today and will board the Maasdam tomorrow, so I'm subscribing to the thread if I haven't done so already.


Bon Continuing Voyage, and welcome home Kathy.



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Thank you to all of you for your great updates. I'm really enjoying reading about your voyage.


Today is Thursday! That means that exactly two weeks from today on Feb. 5, I will be boarding the Queen Elizabeth in Long Beach. Ca. and joining you! Looking forward to being on the ship again and look forward to meeting all of you.


See you in two weeks!



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I have bid a sad farewell to the QE. We were to meet in the Queens Room by 7:45. They started disembarkation about 8. My luggage was ready when I arrived in the terminal. There were two CBP officers on duty (no doubt the majority were working the large Princess and RCI ships also in port with far more people disembarking) and I was in line about 25 minutes.


When I exited the building and was walking towards the taxi queue I found a shuttle van service for $11, so I took that (there were two couples also in the van. It only took about 12 minutes until I was dropped off (I was second).


It took about 15 minutes for curbside check-in because the machine that prints the luggage labels ran out of paper. I enjoyed standing outside in the sun, warm temperature, and nice breeze.


I was given a TSA pre-check Sky priority (not sure why but I had it for the flight over - I guess maybe I look like everyone's old granny and totally unlike a terrorist). There were two people ahead of me while there were about 30 in the regular line.


I am sitting in the airport waiting for my boarding (12:05) and already missing my QE life.


Barbara - love reading your reports and will be following your adventures.


Salacia - thank you for the kind words


Roy - have a great cruise. I met an English lady (Margaret - don't know hubby's name) in Needlework/Knitting group who will be on your cruise. Described you in case she should meet a "Roy". You certainly have a lovely day in FLL today. The "addicts" will be waving to you tomorrow!



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