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Are solo cruisers mostly introverted?


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I always peg the scale on any personality test--as introverted as it's possible to be. That said, being introverted isn't the same as being shy, as introverts know but many extroverts seem to not understand. :)


I really enjoy spending time with others--just not ALL the time. I definitely need a lot of time to myself. Which makes solo cruising perfect for me.

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Thanks for replying. I am introverted. I am also very quiet and shy. So I was shocked at how easy it was to meet people and for me to talk to fellow solo cruisers on my first solo adventure. Although it took 2 days for me to open up and feel comfortable. I'm glad I was on a 7 day cruise. I'm hoping I will be able to open up and have fun from the start of my next solo. It will be next month.

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I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled for other solo sounding travelers and promise never to latch on unless it is out of pure mutual interest.....such as seeing the Tallinn prison I can't manage to get anyone else excited about.

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I consider myself an introvert, but most people would think otherwise.

I read that just because you're outgoing does not mean you are an extrovert. Introverts are happy just being with themselves. They can be extremely sociable, but their preference is to be alone I think if you were an extrovert, you wouldn't want to go alone... you would feel the need to be with others or a group...

Seems the older i get the more introverted i get. I just don't have patience for a lot of people...lol

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I am not naturally social, but I can be social. I consider myself shy to a certain extent, but mostly I can enjoy myself without interaction with other humans. Some people I know crave interaction with others humans, whereas I can be happy as a clam staying home all weekend by myself, not seeing another soul. For that reason, I do not peg myself as lonely.


That being said, I can strike up polite conversation with strangers on a ship without breaking out into a cold sweat. It can add enjoyment to my cruise experience.

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From what I've read (and it matches up with my experience) the difference between introversion and extroversion is in what GIVES you energy and what TAKES your energy. I just get exhausted when I have to attend our annual client conference, for example, and be friendly and sociable and talk to people all day and evening. I really need time by myself to regain my energy.


My younger son is the only extrovert in our family (he gets it from his paternal grandfather I'm sure, since he's the only extroverted grandparent!) and watching him as he was growing up it was obvious that what he truly enjoys, what truly makes him happy, is being with other people. He just blossoms when he's in a group. The salespeople in my company are the same way--they just LOVE the client conference where they get to be with and interact with people all day and evening.

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I consider myself an introvert, but most people would think otherwise.

I read that just because you're outgoing does not mean you are an extrovert. Introverts are happy just being with themselves. They can be extremely sociable, but their preference is to be alone I think if you were an extrovert, you wouldn't want to go alone... you would feel the need to be with others or a group...

Seems the older i get the more introverted i get. I just don't have patience for a lot of people...lol


Bobbisailsolo, you sound a lot like me, most people would say that I am an extrovert because I have an extremely outgoing personality and can talk to just about anyone. At the same time I can entertain myself very easily so I don't really need to be around other people to be content. I think that perhaps I may be a middle-vert as I am not really an extrovert or an introvert, just someone who is content with whatever life brings.


As far the patience for a lot of people, I think that may just be part of getting older. I certainly don't have the patience I used to have with others, some of the time they can be somewhat irritating and other times they can be very entertaining, depending on the circumstances.


In my cruise experiences I have met other solo travelers who were introverts, some who were extroverts, and some who were probably in the middle like me.

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Bobbisailsolo, you sound a lot like me, most people would say that I am an extrovert because I have an extremely outgoing personality and can talk to just about anyone. At the same time I can entertain myself very easily so I don't really need to be around other people to be content. I think that perhaps I may be a middle-vert as I am not really an extrovert or an introvert, just someone who is content with whatever life brings.


As far the patience for a lot of people, I think that may just be part of getting older. I certainly don't have the patience I used to have with others, some of the time they can be somewhat irritating and other times they can be very entertaining, depending on the circumstances.


In my cruise experiences I have met other solo travelers who were introverts, some who were extroverts, and some who were probably in the middle like me.



I think solos could be more introverted in the sense that they like having their own time and agenda. I am pretty extroverted on the cruises but like to keep my own schedule.

I think it comes down to having less free time as we get older and you don't want to spend the precious time waiting on others etc..

Introverts can be assertive, shy, quiet , forward etc... All types.

As I am writing this, I am watching tv, with the piano on etc, vs. being out somewhere with people at this moment. Early day at work, and this is what I enjoy doing.

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I am very shy and find it painful to have to make small talk with strangers. That being said, I do not find it as difficult on a ship. Maybe it is because you automatically have something in common with the others onboard.


From my experience I have found most solo cruisers seem fairly outgoing but like their own space and time.

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I'm definitely an introvert and also a loner. Honestly, after I spend a lot of time with a large group of people, I need 24 hours to detox.


I enjoy spending the day on my own, but I do like enjoying a meal with company and good conversation in the evening.

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Shy has never been a part of my personality. The original question

is a bit general though. We are all different human beings. Some folks

are outgoing, some are not......Yes, I am very independent and love

cruising on my own but I don't consider myself an introvert at all.

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When at home, I like to spend time alone doing my own thing. However, when I am on a cruise, I noticed I prefer to be in the company of people almost all the time. It would be my preference to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with others. I really don't like to attend evening entertainment on the ship by myself and I just can't see myself on a balcony reading all alone or sitting in the cabin watching TV.

I tell to gravitate to the Solo Lounge on NCL at different times of the day, when not engaged in some type of social activity somewhere else on the ship. What I found is that there seems to be always someone in the Solo Lounge and I am happy to engage in conversation. In a nutshell, I don't like solitary life on a ship but enjoy it at home.

Edited by Hondu
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When at home, I like to spend time alone doing my own thing. However, when I am on a cruise, I noticed I prefer to be in the company of people almost all the time. It would be my preference to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with others. I really don't like to attend evening entertainment on the ship by myself and I just can't see myself on a balcony reading all alone or sitting in the cabin watching TV.

I tell to gravitate to the Solo Lounge on NCL at different times of the day, when not engaged in some type of social activity somewhere else on the ship. What I found is that there seems to be always someone in the Solo Lounge and I am happy to engage in conversation. In a nutshell, I don't like solitary life on a ship but enjoy it at home.


Your post is very interesting to me. I gladly go to the shows on my

own....and breakfast and lunch? I am happy to eat by myself...dinner?

Either way.....I do enjoy having dinner with other folks but am ok on

my own.


Hmmm.....I know I am very comfortable with my own company but

still don't consider myself an introvert;):D

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When at home, I like to spend time alone doing my own thing. However, when I am on a cruise, I noticed I prefer to be in the company of people almost all the time. It would be my preference to have breakfast, lunch and dinner with others. I really don't like to attend evening entertainment on the ship by myself and I just can't see myself on a balcony reading all alone or sitting in the cabin watching TV.

I tell to gravitate to the Solo Lounge on NCL at different times of the day, when not engaged in some type of social activity somewhere else on the ship. What I found is that there seems to be always someone in the Solo Lounge and I am happy to engage in conversation. In a nutshell, I don't like solitary life on a ship but enjoy it at home.


I can relate to that. Although sometimes I have breakfast and lunch by myself- its great eating those meals with others I run into. Dinner- I eat always with people on the NCL Solo ships.


I did get a balcony the last 2 times vs. the studio; but found the advantage for the balcony was just more space to spread out and unpack.


Its defintely the most social week of the year for me when I am on a cruise vs at home doing my own thing.


I am looking at prices for the Breakaway and it doesnt seem that in the next few months there are low single prices for non studio rooms.


I might do the Escape in December- it has more studios and nice looking shows (however with no Fat Cats and potentially no Howl at THe Moon- it could be a dealbreaker asI like to go play on stage

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Me too for the Escape. I am looking at the week before the expensive Christmas sailing. Even though it is a new ship, experience from previous years indicate that there should be good deals. I am hoping to snag a solo cabin after final payment.

Last year, I did the Epic the first week in December and was originally in a solo cabin but the balconies were so cheap, I decided to upgrade. It was nice to pull back the blinds for sunshine and to see the ocean. Yet you may not believe it but I must have gone out on the balcony about 4 times. I hardly spent any time in the cabin.

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I test as an INFP -- so yes, I'm introverted. However, a lot of people forget that it's not about how shy or how outgoing you are that makes you introverted or extroverted... it's about how you recharge your energy stores. Introverts are recharged by spending quiet time alone, whereas extroverts are recharged by being around other people and feeding off their energy (which actually drains an introvert). I know we introverts know this... but I'm surprised at how many extroverts don't understand how we operate. :)


I'm gearing up for my second cruise - both solo. For me a balcony is essential for those times when I just need to escape the "funness" of the Fun Ship and sit in peace and quiet with some room service and a good book. I do anytime dining and I'm always fascinated by the interesting people I get to meet and chat with over a delicious meal. If I eat a meal in the Lido buffet restaurant, then I usually end up sitting with (or within talking distance at least) of other cruisers.


Above all... I think the key to enjoying a solo vacation (cruise or otherwise) is "Know Thyself" and act according to what you enjoy most and don't try to force the expectations of others on your own desires.

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When I did anytime dining I was seated alone at a table for two. How do I go about doing anytime and sitting with a group? I am an introvert and really enjoyed my solo cruise. However I did not like dining alone. I sat with the solo table after 2 days of dining alone.

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When I did anytime dining I was seated alone at a table for two. How do I go about doing anytime and sitting with a group? I am an introvert and really enjoyed my solo cruise. However I did not like dining alone. I sat with the solo table after 2 days of dining alone.


I would speak with the Maitr'd or Hostess...whoever is in charge of

Anytime dining on your particular sailing. Tell them you would like to

sit with other people and hopefully they will accomadate your request.

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Your post is very interesting to me. I gladly go to the shows on my

own....and breakfast and lunch? I am happy to eat by myself...dinner?

Either way.....I do enjoy having dinner with other folks but am ok on

my own.


Hmmm.....I know I am very comfortable with my own company but

still don't consider myself an introvert;):D


Lois, Although I don't actually know you other than our conversations on this forum and your other posts on the various boards, I don't think I would classify you as an introvert either. Earlier I had mentioned that I thought I was more of a middle-vert rather than an extrovert or an introvert as I have qualities of both. I think that would catch quite a few of the solo cruisers that I have met through the years. I think the actual terminology that they use is an ambivert to describe someone in the middle of the scale.


That way you can enjoy the best of both worlds and totally disregard the worst of both worlds and just enjoy life. When you feel like being alone that is fine, and when you feel like being with others that is fine as well.


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Lois, Although I don't actually know you other than our conversations on this forum and your other posts on the various boards, I don't think I would classify you as an introvert either. Earlier I had mentioned that I thought I was more of a middle-vert rather than an extrovert or an introvert as I have qualities of both. I think that would catch quite a few of the solo cruisers that I have met through the years. I think the actual terminology that they use is an ambivert to describe someone in the middle of the scale.


That way you can enjoy the best of both worlds and totally disregard the worst of both worlds and just enjoy life. When you feel like being alone that is fine, and when you feel like being with others that is fine as well.



Hi Neil, great post:D.....we are in the same category. Hopefully one

day we will be on the same cruise:)

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Hmm...while no one has said anything egregiously wrong, maybe it is time to clarify some terminology:


An introvert is a person who requires less social stimluation than the average person does;

consequently, an extrovert is a person who requires more.

If you consider yourself "in between" you are not a mix of introvert and extrovert, you are simply neither.


However, it is common to be a mix of introverted and gregarious: someone who enjoys the company of others, just a bit less often then most. I believe many frequent solo cruisers fall into this category--we like meeting new people but cannot deal with the needy, clingy ones who demand constant stimulation from their new "friends."


Unfortunately it is also possible to be a mix of extroverted and shy: desperately wanting social stimulation but too fearful to go out and find it. As the only child of two extremely gregarious parents I was always known as the "quiet" kid; given that about half of my last dozen cruises have been solo simply because I enjoy the down time, in retrospect I don't mind having been known that way--but many people are too quick to label someone as shy simply because they are observed sitting alone and for that moment not engaging anyone in conversation.


But in the end, the terminology doesn't matter: I think this thread proves that we solo cruisers transcend whatever labels any couples or families onboard may have for us. (And thankfully no one on this thread has misused the terms unsocial vs. antisocial...but that's another lecture :D)

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This will be my second solo cruise. My best friend lost and then started a new job, and Has no vacation time. Our dog sitter will be away, so my husband needs to be home with her! A few years ago I wanted to test my comfort zone and opted to cruise by myself. I had no trouble making friends, had company when I wanted it.. The only time it was a little too quiet was in the Cabin. I am a teacher so definitely not an introvert... :)

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Me too for the Escape. I am looking at the week before the expensive Christmas sailing. Even though it is a new ship, experience from previous years indicate that there should be good deals. I am hoping to snag a solo cabin after final payment.

Last year, I did the Epic the first week in December and was originally in a solo cabin but the balconies were so cheap, I decided to upgrade. It was nice to pull back the blinds for sunshine and to see the ocean. Yet you may not believe it but I must have gone out on the balcony about 4 times. I hardly spent any time in the cabin.


I was also looking at either the Escape 12/12 I believe or Breakaway 10/19 to Bermuda. Studios for that Escape one are now $800 which is a decent price for a newer ship. I did a similar week on the Epic 4 years ago - 12/17, before as you said the prices get really high.


Also,theEscape has more studios than theBreakaway class which is a good thing. I didn't use the balcony that much and enjoyed my Epic cruise in the Studio as much as the other 2 so don't think it would be a huge issue,although I am honestly not 100% sure I would miss the balcony.


Theonly thing I am noticing is that the last minute deals on the Breakaway do not seem to be favoring the low single supplements that had been present

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