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I'm asking for advice/info for a friend who is planning on cruising with a 15 year old who can sometimes push the limits: What is it like on Carnival ships with teenagers?


(I've only ever cruised Disney and RCL, personally) My friend particularly wants to know how easy it would be for a 15 year old to find trouble? (All parents know kids can and will find trouble ANYWHERE they set their minds to find trouble, but with that said...) As a cruiser I think cruising is about as safe as it gets...This mama has never cruised and is looking to cruise Victory this Spring.


What's the curfew for a 15 year old? Would they allow her off the ship without a parent? Do you think it would be easy or hard to get into trouble with alcohol onboard?


Any advice?

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A cruise is a very easy place for teens to find trouble. Yes, she can have easy access to alcohol (through others.) She can also get pregnant. There are so many opportunities for problems for a kid that doesn't follow their parent's rules.


It sounds like she's thinking of Spring break? That's a time with a huge concentration of kids and even more opportunities for problems.

Edited by D4
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A 15 year old who " pushes the limits". hmmm. Usually, a child who pushes the limits at home or school pushes the limits everywhere. Do you think she would be different on a cruise? Can't imagine letting a 15 year old off the ship by herself. Just maybe, she is not really ready for a cruise. For a 15 year old delinquent - it's not a matter when she gets in trouble, but when and how serious. A cruise during spring break is the last thing I would think about for a problem child.

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they will not stop her from getting off the ship herself unless you flag her card to not let her. otherwise she will be able to get off the ship by herself.


she can get into a TON of trouble on a ship. Especially if she starts hanging with other teens trying to get into trouble. Sex, drugs, alcohol...too much stuff for someone that wants to get into trouble.


I dont think a cruise is for your friend unless they stay with the teen at all times.

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Carnival does not parent children. That is Mom and Dad’s job. There is no curfew. There is alcohol in the mini bar in the fridge. Others buy or smuggle on board and could be a source for a teen. As long as a S&S card is presented a child that age can debark at will.

They are both excellent students and involved in extracurricular school and church activates and neither has given us any trouble. However we are very specific with our girls when we sail. They know the rules and if they break our rules they then have to stay with us for the remained of the cruise.


If it were me, I would keep her by my side for the entire cruise. I would explain that her behavior at home has lead me to those actions.

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She could also meet and hang out with guys in their 20s or older. They can give her alcohol, sweet-talk her, and you know the rest.


I don't want your friend to be a Grandma nine months after the cruise!


I don't want to scare other parents. The girl described on the post does not sound trustworthy. We always cruised with our kids, but we had strict rules which they followed and they had a limited amount of freedom. They also weren't the type to seek out problems.

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Last year on the Splendor (sailed in April) there were a group of teens that were just getting into trouble everywhere. The kept stealing drinks off the tables and were getting quite drunk. The one girl about my daughters age (15) was sitting on one of the guys laps and he went up her shirt right there in front of everyone on this boat and she was just giggling away. It was so sad to watch, but it got scary when one of them sat on the railings drunk. I went and told a crew member and luckily he made them get down, but yes kids will get into trouble

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As a mother to teens I know what kinds of trouble a kid COULD get into and as a cruiser I know no one will be babysitting my friend's 15 year old for her the whole cruise. I also very clearly know that one could be put in JAIL and still do heroin, so I get it... (no, not at all what I'm talking about, but I want to convey that I understand that when one is he&&bent on trouble they WILL find it... and it's not what I see as the case here...)


I guess I hoped for more specific info. This kid has a lot of "good kid" potential, has been demonstrating a lot of great behavior, but has a hx of pushing limits (I know few teens who don't at one point or another and I happen to have insanely well-behaved children myself just by pure luck ;) ) Anyway, I think if trouble is knocking at the door she *might* (MIGHT) answer (but I don't think she'll be knocking on doors looking for trouble...)


No, they aren't booking a Spring Break cruise! That would be so stupid in this scenario! :p


There isn't a curfew though? There was a curfew on RCCL...


And they would really allow a 15 year old MINOR off the boat without a guardian in a FOREIGN COUNTRY! I asked cause I didn't know, but I was really hoping the answer would be "what are you crazy, of course not."


Any other perspectives out there?

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Yes, plenty of trouble for a teen onboard. I've heard stories of drinking, smoking, and even causing a fire in a cabin that was used as a hangout while the adults were out of the room. Your friend will have to set clear expectations. Hopefully, everybody can relax and have a great time.

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It's up to YOU to set limits for your teen. You can keep them from leaving the ship by taking their ship's card/key...You CANNOT leave the ship without it. Nor, can they charge anything!


I would NEVER allow my child to "roam" freely. I will allow them to come and go to specific activities...and then, when they're finished, they must come and PHYSICALLY check in with me, before going to the next thing.

Roaming is bad....too many opportunities to get into trouble.

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I sorry you didn't get the answers you were looking for however you set the scenario that she was prone to push the limits and then asked what kind of trouble she could get into.


I have to ask about your concern of her being able to get off the ship. If her parents tell her not to get off, end of story. If they can not trust her to not get off then she should not be left alone. Very simple. They are the parents.

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That's helpful cb! I'll pass that on, I think that's a good strategy.


My experience on the cruises I've been on have been of safety and order. You all are painting a picture of mayhem! Like I can't imagine being on my most recent RCCL cruise and seeing teenagers walking through the dining room swiping drinks and going up each others shirts. COULD it have happened? Suuuuuuuuuuure, in some version of the universe... Did it? No way. I never ONCE saw out of control teens, teens drinking...none of it. I felt like I was in a safe place with plenty of order.


There was a curfew, it was obeyed. What would have happened if it wasn't? (Maybe nothing?) I don't know, I never saw it being broken though.


My experience of cruising has been: It's just about as safe as life gets.


You all paint a different picture and I'm wondering if it's just the way I asked the question...Tell me it's not Carnival specific though...?

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Cruise lines are great for teenagers. Dance clubs, teen get-togethers where no alcohol is allowed. Activities on deck like line dancing.


But it is a parent's responsibility to control the behavior of their children. To monitor their comings and goings...even getting off the ship in port is left up to the parents to monitor.


Kids can sit in the bars and lounges...they just won't be served alcoholic drinks but that doesn't preclude other passengers from "sneaking" a kid a drink. Also Carnival does not require that kids "share" a room with an adult...so your friend's child could meet some others who are not closely supervised and would have the opportunity to go into cabins without adults being present.


I'm not quite sure what you are wanting for responses...the bottom line is that a cruise ship and it's staff, even security, do not patrol to see if kid's are behaving themselves unless other passengers report a problem. Even during "supervised" activities the kids are not answerable to the staff.


Only your friend can answer the question of whether she will be comfortable with taking her daughter....the rest of us only know how we 'control' our own young onesI was recently on a spring break cruise with 2000 school age kids...and it was wonderful. But the kids I sailed with were respectful of their elders and their peers so we didn't see any mayhem. And, I've been on a lot of different cruise lines and I have never heard of a curfew for kids. (just checked and RCCL has a 1am curfew)....lot of help that is.

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They do have teen only shore excursions that are monitored so that could be an option.


I have to agree. There is a lot of trouble to be had with all the freedom teens have on the ship (carnival even allows tweens to sign themselves in and out of activities by themselves). We just cruised last week and overheard a conversation that went something like... "We should go take a picture at the spot where Brian lost his virginity." Nice... huh.


We have cruised with kids and there is no ship imposed curfew. They do monitor who goes into the teen club (no one over 17 is allowed in) and the main club at night (no one under 18), but that's about the only thing I noticed as far as that goes.


It's been my experience that teens will meet at the teen club, but then spend the rest of the week hanging out with the kids the clicked with on their own and this where trouble could occur. Or meeting older guys around the ship and spending the week with them.


If you friend is concerned about these issue she should probably go with that gut feeling and save the cruising for when the kids are grown.


Good luck!!

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My experience of cruising has been: It's just about as safe as life gets.


You all paint a different picture and I'm wondering if it's just the way I asked the question...Tell me it's not Carnival specific though...?


No its not Carnival specific and yes the cruise ship is as safe as a mall with that being said you have to remember you have hundreds of different personalities, parenting styles and moral compasses on a cruise with you. Also what I may witness on a cruise, the next person may not and vice versa


There is no place that is "safe" because of the makeup of all the factors mentioned above. My daughter is 15 and was allowed to go to the arcade or pool or lido with her camp carnival friends. BUT there were rules

1. NO going into anyones cabin

2. No bringing anyone to our cabin

3. Always have someone with you

4. Tell me exactly where you are going.

5. We carry walkie talkies so we kept in constant contact


She met some wonderful friends through cruising that she still keeps in touch with!

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Imagine a 15 year old girl with " behavioral issues" in a town with a population of about $3500( at least). Now - imagine being able to get anywhere in town very easily without a car. Imagine about 15 bars within walking distance and people of all walks of life, with completely different morals and ethics. It's a gold mine for a child with a history of bad behavior. Of course, if a child misbehaves, the parent(s) can be thrown off the ship.

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I don't think a cruise is as safe as a mall.


You don't spend an entire week at a mall. A mall doesn't have a couple thousand "bedrooms." Everybody in a mall doesn't have a key to their own "bedroom" right there at the mall. Plus there's lots of alcohol flowing and everybody is in vacation mode on a cruise ship.

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I don't think a cruise is as safe as a mall.


You don't spend an entire week at a mall. A mall doesn't have a couple thousand "bedrooms." Everybody in a mall doesn't have a key to their own "bedroom" right there at the mall. Plus there's lots of alcohol flowing and everybody is in vacation mode on a cruise ship.



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I never said "behavioral issues"!!!!


We do live in a town of 5-6000, you can walk anywhere, there are a handful of bars and young men everywhere! Just like any town there are parties with teenagers, drugs, sex, rock and roll...it's life out there...


I will prepare my friend for the party atmosphere I'm hearing she should expect (which I didn't foresee having to warn her about because it's so not my experience) and use some of your comments and ideas to help her come up with some agreements before the trip. Any further advice still welcome!

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A cruise is as safe or dangerous as any other vacation. If you want to find trouble you can, but you can also have a great time with no issues and meet lots of new and great friends. Some of these people make it sound like a cruise is most dangerous vacation you can take and would not do it that is just not the case. It is no different then any place else you go in life.

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There isn't a curfew though? There was a curfew on RCCL...


And they would really allow a 15 year old MINOR off the boat without a guardian in a FOREIGN COUNTRY! I asked cause I didn't know, but I was really hoping the answer would be "what are you crazy, of course not."


Any other perspectives out there?


Yes on RCCL there was a curfew and I remember the staff even walking teens back to their rooms afterwards to make sure they went to the right place. Not on Carnival though. My oldest was 15 on his last cruise, he was 13 though. There were times I went searching for him at midnight. He wasn't getting in trouble, he was just hanging out with a few friends he made and lost track of time.


That being said, I have seen kids of all ages making their own trouble on Carnival, everything from teens, to kids who looked younger than 10 doing everything they could to annoy staff with whatever they could. This also wasn't a Spring cruise with a bunch of people, I am talking 1st week of December, total of 75 kids including babies on board.


I was searching for the thread here (can't remember if it was Carnival Board or Family Board) but just recently Carnival let a 13 yr old off the ship alone about 30 mins before needing to be back on. It was a friend sailing with the person's son, and the son had to go tell his mom so they could find them. So yes, they WILL let anyone off at anytime w/o question unless you tell them not to. This should be the first thing she sets up as soon as she gets on board IMO.


I will say if she drinks or tries to drink on land, she WILL get alcohol on board the ship unless mom is with her constantly. I say this mainly because you specifically asked about alcohol. Since you have cruised, how many times have you seen drinks sitting around while someone sits back in the sun with their eyes closed? And there will always be "friendly" guys out there who will happily get her a drink. I can't say how old she looks, but I know there are 13 year olds in my son's grade who could easily pass for 16-18 if they wanted to.

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