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Thunderstorms in Atlanta, what time of day?


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We have a connecting flight in Atlanta to take us to FLL the day of the cruise. Booked through HAL's Flight Ease. The weather forecast is calling for thunderstorms in Atlanta on April 8. Can anyone familiar with weather patterns in Atlanta give me an indication of what time of day these thunderstorms usually show up? Our connecting flight leaves at noon. Thanks.

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We have a connecting flight in Atlanta to take us to FLL the day of the cruise. Booked through HAL's Flight Ease. The weather forecast is calling for thunderstorms in Atlanta on April 8. Can anyone familiar with weather patterns in Atlanta give me an indication of what time of day these thunderstorms usually show up? Our connecting flight leaves at noon. Thanks.


One would 'think' that if 'scattered thunderstorms' are predicted, they would come later in the afternoon after the heat build up. However, after moving to Atlanta Metro 10 years ago, what I've found is that they can come any time of the day, especially during the Spring. And, sadly, rain is not good here in the South for either driving or flying! A lot depends on whether there is a good size front moving in from the Gulf. All that being said, I wouldn't worry about it. Hartsfield Jackson is a good airport and they do a good job moving people thru. If your flight is delayed, you've also booked thru the cruise company and that pretty much covers you. I don't think you'll miss the cruise. Think positive! :) And, also, they really never really know what the weather is going to be anyway. Just pray to the 'Weather Gods'!! LOL!! You'll be fine .... you're going on a cruise!! Happy Sailing! :)

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Can anyone familiar with weather patterns in Atlanta give me an indication of what time of day these thunderstorms usually show up? Our connecting flight leaves at noon. Thanks.


While they can occur anytime and no one can predict with certainty, thunderstorms tend to occur most often in the late afternoon.


All that being said, I wouldn't worry about it. Hartsfield Jackson is a good airport and they do a good job moving people thru. If your flight is delayed, you've also booked thru the cruise company and that pretty much covers you. I don't think you'll miss the cruise.


Not sure what you mean by that. The OP has a connecting flight scheduled to depart at noon. If there is bad weather that causes flights to be delayed, they could very easily miss their cruise. Ships typically sail around 5:00, and all aboard time is generally 90 minutes prior, or around 3:30. I don't know where the OP is coming from or how long the flight is, but booking through the cruise line doesn't guarantee anything. Will the ship wait? Maybe, maybe not, it certainly isn't guaranteed. Franky I think the OP is taking a BIG risk flying in the date of the cruise AND on a flight that isn't scheduled to depart until noon! :eek:

An ATL-FLL flight departing at noon is going to show an arrival time of about 1:45. If the plane is on time, that gives the OP about 1 hr 45 min to get to the dock and get checked. Figure 10 min or so to deplane, another 10-15 to get bags, and 10 min to get to the port. That puts them at the port at 2:20 if everything goes perfectly. Chances are it will, but it sure doesn't leave much wiggle room if it doesn't.

Edited by waterbug123
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What do I know? All I'm saying is from everything I've read, the cruise line takes care of it. Whether that means changing their flights in the event of a huge weather system coming thru, or what. Especially since moving to GA, we always drive down the day before just because we enjoy road trips and don't want to be rushed or tired when we board. I do know that on one cruise we were on, there was a huge delay in leaving port because there were a lot of passengers coming in from a snow storm area. So, I'm assuming they waited because the flight was booked thru the cruise line? In any event, I'm sure she will be fine.

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What do I know?
Ooopps...wrong question to ask, because someone might just answer it.
All I'm saying is from everything I've read, the cruise line takes care of it. Whether that means changing their flights in the event of a huge weather system coming thru, or what.
And just what is this "it" and "what" that they take care of? Where have you read this? Is is possible that you have taken some verbiage and extrapolated your own assumptions?
In any event, I'm sure she will be fine.
Trying out for a possible remake of......?




Or maybe it's....



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Having a bad day FlyerTalker? You don't have to be rude and insulting when someone was just trying to be nice. Seems you post an awful lot, so maybe that's your deal ..... maybe you just get a kick out of browsing the boards and instead of being helpful to someone, lash out at someone else who was trying to be! Calling people names and putting people down isn't nice ... or were you absent the day that was taught?

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OPs cruise looks to be a TA, scheduled departure is 4:00 P.M. If the cruise line doesn't hold the ship (no guarantee), they'll likely put them on a plane to the first port. The first port is Horta, Azores - seven days later. The cruise line will certainly have taken care of it.


At this late date, it's too late for the OP to do anything without spending serious green. I read on the internet the storms will be in the evening. Don't worry, you'll be fine.

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Think nothing of it. I did appreciate your efforts. Forget about those Know it alls. For your info, I'm a he...:)


No problem. Just sometimes people on here can get really nasty. For the most part, it's nice, but just not tonite I guess. Anyway .... sorry about the he/she thing! LOL!! Good luck to you and Happy Sailing! :)

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We have a connecting flight in Atlanta to take us to FLL the day of the cruise. Booked through HAL's Flight Ease. The weather forecast is calling for thunderstorms in Atlanta on April 8. Can anyone familiar with weather patterns in Atlanta give me an indication of what time of day these thunderstorms usually show up? Our connecting flight leaves at noon. Thanks.


OP: As a resident of Atlanta I will advise you, don't rely on a forecast (for any city) 4 days out, just continue to monitor and look at what the locals are predicting, or what reputable, national weather prognosticators say. (With all due respect to expertise of the CruiseCriticCrowd from afar.) In the last week we have had thunderstorms pop up late in the afternoon, overnight & early in the morning (the latter did a doozy on ATL connections that day).


Many of my local ATL friends rely on this guy's site. Keeping in mind that 4 days out is a long time in weather forecasting:



Curious: What airline did HAL use for your flights? We have a hometown airline whose meteorologists are typically better on predictions than the local 'news' teams.

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Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, storms usually come in later in the day...
I hope it all works out for you. When you get back, you really should read the sticky on cruise air. Going to a cruise board asking about weather in Atlanta in four days is a little late to be worrying about cutting things so tight. Better to educate yourself about the pluses and minuses of cruise air before you you book it. Bon Voyage.
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Having a bad day FlyerTalker? You don't have to be rude and insulting when someone was just trying to be nice. Seems you post an awful lot, so maybe that's your deal ..... maybe you just get a kick out of browsing the boards and instead of being helpful to someone, lash out at someone else who was trying to be! Calling people names and putting people down isn't nice ... or were you absent the day that was taught?


Well, Flyertalker is a rather knowledgeable chap, along with some of the other regulars on this forum. Like some of the other regulars (myself included) we don't beat around the bush on certain matters.


Cruise Air is a very misunderstood product and many seem to think it's some belt and braces insurance policy that will guarantee you'll make your boat. It isn't, so giving false hope that ships will be held or the Cruise Air guys will move heaven and earth isn't going to help the original poster because that won't happen.

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Having a bad day FlyerTalker? You don't have to be rude and insulting when someone was just trying to be nice. Seems you post an awful lot, so maybe that's your deal ..... maybe you just get a kick out of browsing the boards and instead of being helpful to someone, lash out at someone else who was trying to be! Calling people names and putting people down isn't nice ... or were you absent the day that was taught?


Must point out that you yourself were rude with this post. Anyone so concerned with "being nice" certainly must have learned at their mother's knee, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".


Be honest. You have no empirical evidence to provide, simply false reassurances; basically, "don't worry, the cruise line will take care of it".


That simply isn't true. You seem to have absolutely no idea how cruise air works. Why is it "nice" or "helpful" to tell someone you're sure they'll be o.k., when you have absolutely no idea if they will?


It's better to tell the truth and give some practical suggestions of what to do if things go wrong, then to waste time with false reassurance.

Edited by 6rugrats
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OP: As a resident of Atlanta I will advise you, don't rely on a forecast (for any city) 4 days out, just continue to monitor and look at what the locals are predicting, or what reputable, national weather prognosticators say. (With all due respect to expertise of the CruiseCriticCrowd from afar.) In the last week we have had thunderstorms pop up late in the afternoon, overnight & early in the morning (the latter did a doozy on ATL connections that day).


Many of my local ATL friends rely on this guy's site. Keeping in mind that 4 days out is a long time in weather forecasting:



Curious: What airline did HAL use for your flights? We have a hometown airline whose meteorologists are typically better on predictions than the local 'news' teams.


Yep, They can happen any time of day, especially during April and May. They tend to move in a somewhat organized line associated with a front.

During the hot summer months we usually have a 10-20% chance of a thunderstorm in the heat of the day(afternoon) most days in the SE US.

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Curious: What airline did HAL use for your flights? We have a hometown airline whose meteorologists are typically better on predictions than the local 'news' teams.


I'm booked on Delta, thus the Atlanta connection. Thanks for your help.

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OPs cruise looks to be a TA, scheduled departure is 4:00 P.M.


If that is the case, I would be afraid if I was the OP. A noon flight from ATL will be scheduled to land at FLL at 1:45. A 4:00 cruise departure almost certainly means all aboard time is 2:30. So if everything goes PERFECTLY, the OP has exactly 45 min from the time the plane arrives at the gate, to be checked in at the pier.... 45 min to deplane (5-10 min if sitting in the back of the plane), get bags (15-20 from gate arrival, on average), get a cab (I'll assume no line so 2 min), get the the pier (another 10 min if no traffic but it CAN back up at the port entry on cruise departure day if there are 5 or 6 ships), check bags (again, let's pretend there's no line since it's late in the day and call it 2 min), go through security (5 min?), and get in line to check in. All things considered, if the OP makes it it will be by the skin of their teeth.

A minor delay of even 10 minutes and they can pretty much assume they will miss the ship unless it waits. Will it wait? Nobody knows. And a small delay could occur for any number of reasons; a thunderstorm at ATL is probably the least of their worries. Just to give some examples:

I just returned from a trip and there were a total of 4 non-weather related delays, all minor. Heading down to FL the first delay was due to a late arriving aircraft. It was a small plane (CRJ) so deplaning and boarding was quick and delay only ended up being 7-8 min. A larger jet (i.e. one that flies ATL-FLL) would take at least 10 min longer, probably more like an extra 20 min. Next was waiting 2-3 min for a gate to open up at the arrival airport. Or maybe they were waiting for the jet way operator, I forget. Either way it was minor, but still a few minutes. On the way home I boarded the aircraft at the connecting city and right before we pusehd back they announced a minor mechanical issue. We waited about 3-4 min and it was fixed, but had to wait a few more minutes while they completed the maintenance paperwork (About 10 min total). Then oops- another mechanical issue, slightly more serious. We had to deplane. After deplaning they found another aircraft to swap, but it was inbound and wouldn't arrive for about 10 minutes yet. Then we had to wait for that plane to deplane and be serviced. All in all, my flight ended up arriving at my final destination an hour late.

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Its been years since I flew thru Atlanta but like you worried about the weather.


Its the weather and storms can come anytime, but the thunderstorms associated with hot warm thermals of course are more likely as the weather warms thru the day.... thus early afternoon to later is more likely IMHO


I recalled I was deciding between a 7am and later flight into Atlanta for LA to catch a evening flight to Europe. The late would have still gotten me in time, but I dragged everyone to LAX for the early. FWIW we landed on time but the thunderstorms came in, our afternoon to Venice was delayed more than 45 stitting on the runways as all the traffic incoming and outgoing had to be rejuggled. I did feel rather smug that I was already in Atlanta not worrying... :D

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If that is the case, I would be afraid if I was the OP. A noon flight from ATL will be scheduled to land at FLL at 1:45. A 4:00 cruise departure almost certainly means all aboard time is 2:30. So if everything goes PERFECTLY, the OP has exactly 45 min from the time the plane arrives at the gate, to be checked in at the pier.... 45 min to deplane (5-10 min if sitting in the back of the plane), get bags (15-20 from gate arrival, on average), get a cab (I'll assume no line so 2 min), get the the pier (another 10 min if no traffic but it CAN back up at the port entry on cruise departure day if there are 5 or 6 ships), check bags (again, let's pretend there's no line since it's late in the day and call it 2 min), go through security (5 min?), and get in line to check in. All things considered, if the OP makes it it will be by the skin of their teeth.


Looks to be DL2446, B757, arr 1:48PM. Long shot would be to call HAL, and point out the itinerary is problematic. Other than that, there's not much the OP can do but hope. Maybe pay for Delta Comfort to get off the plane sooner. Even better if he lucked out and got offered a cheap upgrade to first. I wonder how long the connection is? I'm guessing he's coming from Montreal, DL1869 dep 6:45 AM. I don't know Deltas policies. Would it be possible to same-day change (for a fee no doubt) to the FLL flight leaving an hour earlier? That would give a 1 hr 9min connection in ATL, getting into FLL at 12:53 PM. Assumes the tickets are changeable. With cruise air tickets, who knows?
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Looks to be DL2446, B757, arr 1:48PM. Long shot would be to call HAL, and point out the itinerary is problematic. Other than that, there's not much the OP can do but hope. Maybe pay for Delta Comfort to get off the plane sooner. Even better if he lucked out and got offered a cheap upgrade to first. I wonder how long the connection is? I'm guessing he's coming from Montreal, DL1869 dep 6:45 AM. I don't know Deltas policies. Would it be possible to same-day change (for a fee no doubt) to the FLL flight leaving an hour earlier? That would give a 1 hr 9min connection in ATL, getting into FLL at 12:53 PM. Assumes the tickets are changeable. With cruise air tickets, who knows?


You've got it right! At first this arrival time in FLL did not bother me since my thinking was that we were past winter storm possibilities. Since checking the forecast for Atlanta and seing a chance of thunderstorms, I have gotten a little more nervous about it all. Thankfully, the latest forecast has no thunderstorms announced. Cross my fingers.

Edited by Tangocherie
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I sincerely hope you make your sailing. It's going to be very tight.

You are arriving in Atlanta on a smaller jet which could dock at any of the seven concourses. The FLL flight could also leave from any of the seven so when you exit your flight immediately check the overhead monitor. All connecting flights will be listed. If you have a Delta app you can check when you land and before you depart the aircraft. In the back of the Delta magazine you will find the airport layout. You can also study it online now. With the exception of F concourse you will find the escalators in the middle of the concourses that take you to the train for your connections. The trains run every couple of minutes and take a short couple of minutes between concourses. Signage is overhead and most of the escalators are between gates 18-19. These areas are very congested.

That's the good news.

Now for the reality check on several fronts.

While rain is in the forecast for your date, rain in Atlanta may not be the only contributing factor. It's highly likely that your 6:45 a.m. departure will be the first flight of the day for your aircraft. If you had taken #1869 Saturday you would have had an extensive delay into Atlanta and the weather was clear in Atlanta. The weather was bad between QC and Atlanta causing the delay. (I live close enough to Atlanta to know the city's weather.) You would have missed your connection.

I honestly think what you are not considering is your arrival in FLL. The Delta terminal, shared with Air Canada, is not that large. You will be within a few minutes of deplaning and arriving at baggage claim. But if you are the least bit late you could miss the ship. You MUST be onboard 90 minutes before you sail. Your margin is extraordinarily tight. HAL didn't do you any favors with their air program. More than likely their shuttle will be long gone too. If there is still a HAL representative in baggage claim hail them down and get instructions asap.

Cabs are inexpensive and available. You'd best have some US currency though as some do not take credit cards.

Good luck!!!!!

Good luck.

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I don't know Deltas policies. Would it be possible to same-day change (for a fee no doubt) to the FLL flight leaving an hour earlier?


"Same day confirmed" changes: For non-Sky Priority level FF's, I believe the fee is still $50, BUT the same fare class must be available AND there must be available seats. Easy enough to SAY "we'll get up that morning and call and switch to the earlier flight" but in reality it may not be possible. I would not bank on that option as some kind of insurance policy.


You've got it right! At first this arrival time in FLL did not bother me since my thinking was that we were past winter storm possibilities. Since checking the forecast for Atlanta and seing a chance of thunderstorms, I have gotten a little more nervous about it all. Thankfully, the latest forecast has no thunderstorms announced. Cross my fingers.


Can you confirm which cruise you are on and what the ship departure time is? I believe it was someone else who said they thought you were doing a transatlantic with departure time of 4:00. If that's the case, have you read nothing I've posted regarding your VERY tight connection between plane and ship? Not that there's much you can do about it, but again- weather is probably the least of your worries if that departure time is correct.

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