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UBP Gratuities


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Do you think that possibly if others were tipping for inadequate service as well, the bartenders thought that the service they were giving was satisfactory. Possibly if folks didn't just tip to tip and based their extra tips on the service, the service from the bartenders would improve. Just a thought!


You and I, harmonious on our thoughts this time. :cool:

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While I have learned huge amounts of information here on Cruise Critic, I have learned to take financial considerations for the crew to be a non-starter. I often feel that many of the cheerleaders are travel agents or stockholders and many of the negatives come either from short sellers of the stock, employees posing as posters or just down right trolls. It happens on every chat board on the internet.


If you really feel you need to know these things, ask a hotel manager. I suspect we will really never know the truth in any case. As has been said before, it really isn't our business.

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I am not beating up on you, but, simply stop with the generosity. My opinion on tipping is to reward good service. The auto-gratuities in place take care of "normal" service. Good service earns/deserves a bit extra. Substandard service, well, the auto-gratuities handle that too.


When workers put a spring in their step and smile on their face they tend to earn more tips. To tip for substandard service only normalizes it. If they can slack and get $1-$5 from you...why run to someone else instead? When they realize you're not an ATM machine their attitudes will improve as they try harder. It's almost impossible to "phone in" service.


I do agree with you.


On the Gem it was very rare for me to order a drink that I actually had to sign for. I had free drinks in the casino. I have always doubted that a tip was given to the server from the casino itself and I don't think they should have to serve me for free, hence I tipped in cash.


I was alone on that trip and had the Viva Vino package. I paid the 15% when I purchased but it is unclear how the tip reaches the actual server. I thought maybe they received a gratuity when they hand in the slip of paper when I request one of the bottles of wine. But that does not take care of the person who serves me the wine, if say, I had a half bottle stored and brought to me later.


The same as comped meals and wine from the casino or from Platinum. Where does the tip come from for those services?


With all the changes and seeing as I have the UBP as part of the promo on my next cruises I called and asked both regular NCL reps and a CAS rep. In all cases I have been told that the gratuity is included. So in light of all the recent changes and what NCL is themselves saying, on my next trips I will not be just tipping for tipping's sake or out of guilt etc. When I receive superior service I will consider tipping at that time. I say that and at the same time I know it will be hard for me to get up from the table/or receive that drink and not tip extra. But I have to in part as a matter of principle. If I continue to give when I have already given then the company will just find another way to hit me up again.


Tipping has gotten out of hand, especially on cruise ships. Take the new room service, we will now; pay the DSC which is supposed to cover these folks, pay the service charge (convenience fee), pay the automatic 18% gratuity and before you know it most will be tipping on top of all that as well. On the chit you sign it will say that the tip is only $1.19 and plenty of us will think that is not enough for the service provided.


It used to be the envelops at the end of the cruise was all the tipping necessary. Then the DSC was put in place and somewhere along the line enough people said that the DSC was not tips and it started to be believed. Add on auto gratuities and service charges. Where does it end?


The saddest part is that I really do not believe that all this money collected in the name of the crew is actually going to them. If you question that around here you are quickly told it is none of our business. But really I think it should be. Even those who say it is none of their business, who have no issues with the DSC, extra charges and auto grats, those who still tip more in cash are making it their business otherwise why the need to extra tip on top of everything?


Just my thoughts




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If the ticket says "auto gratuity" why are you confused about any of this? A resonable person should ocnclude that if it says auto-gratuity, then its an auto-gratuity. If NCL is using "creative" language then that, along with the net result for crew, is NCL's problem.


Maybe I'm stupid. I'm just not getting your point.


I'm also not sure where all this uncertainty about what NCL does with the auto-grat comes from. One or two posters say they spoke with a bartender who is upset about things? Seriously?


Bah... this topic sucks.


It sucks indeed that NCL cannot be clear about the 18%. Why am I confused about it and not at all sure that it covers the gratuity for the server? Because they are calling it a gratuity AND service charge. And it bothers me that the server may not be getting the compensation NCL wants me to believe they are getting.


Tipping has gotten out of hand, especially on cruise ships. Take the new room service, we will now; pay the DSC which is supposed to cover these folks, pay the service charge (convenience fee), pay the automatic 18% gratuity and before you know it most will be tipping on top of all that as well. On the chit you sign it will say that the tip is only $1.19 and plenty of us will think that is not enough for the service provided.


It used to be the envelops at the end of the cruise was all the tipping necessary. Then the DSC was put in place and somewhere along the line enough people said that the DSC was not tips and it started to be believed. Add on auto gratuities and service charges. Where does it end?


The saddest part is that I really do not believe that all this money collected in the name of the crew is actually going to them. If you question that around here you are quickly told it is none of our business. But really I think it should be. Even those who say it is none of their business, who have no issues with the DSC, extra charges and auto grats, those who still tip more in cash are making it their business otherwise why the need to extra tip on top of everything?


Just my thoughts





Totally agree and so glad that someone gets what I am talking about.

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The staff get paid a wage from the money that NCL collects, whatever NCL calls it. If the staff don't like it they don't sign or leave.


What it seems to be the case, is that some people want to control the wages of individual staff members themselves.

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The staff get paid a wage from the money that NCL collects, whatever NCL calls it. If the staff don't like it they don't sign or leave.


What it seems to be the case, is that some people want to control the wages of individual staff members themselves.


NCL says that staff salary is comprised of a combination of base salary and an incentive plan that our Daily Service Fees support. That pretty much covers all I need to know. Base salary is between the employee and NCL. What the employee earns from the DSC pool based on performance or whatever NCL a bases it on is their business. But it is clear to me that I have satisfied my obligation re tipping.


Now they have brought 18% gratuity and service charges into the picture with no clarity on whether or not this covers my obligation to tip. For the Specialties, they call it in part a "gratuity" but at the same time they also state that a gratuity is not included in the purchase of a UDP package ( when it clearly is ) and should be included on the gratuity line of your bill at dinner.


So, NCL, if the 18% is just a service fee that you are pocketing, please just be upfront about it so that I can just tip cash accordingly.

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The staff get paid a wage from the money that NCL collects, whatever NCL calls it. If the staff don't like it they don't sign or leave.


What it seems to be the case, is that some people want to control the wages of individual staff members themselves.


I for one do not want to control someone's wages. If though I am forced to pay an automatic 18% auto-gratuity I would like to know that the 18% is indeed a gratuity for the server. If it gets pooled and shared I have no problem with. If it gets pooled and the cruise line takes a portion for themselves, under the wording 18% gratuity and service charge then yes I have a problem with that.


If I am to pay money that I am led to believe is a tip to the servers (be they waiters or bar staff) then that is exactly what it should be ...for the servers themselves.


When people say, in regards to the crew, if they do not like it they do not have to work there, it comes off to me as arrogant. For a moment put yourselves in their shoes. Perhaps there is no other real opportunities available to them or in their situations this is the best job they can get. If they put up with a bunch of corporate BS while trying to earn an honest living, it does not make the BS right.




Edited by rochelle_s
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I for one do not want to control someone's wages. If though I am forced to pay an automatic 18% auto-gratuity I would like to know that the 18% is indeed a gratuity for the server. If it gets pooled and shared I have no problem with. If it gets pooled and the cruise line takes a portion for themselves, under the wording 18% gratuity and service charge then yes I have a problem with that.


What information do we have to suggest that the auto-grats are NOT fully disbursed to the crew? Supposition on the part of the posters here?

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NCL says that staff salary is comprised of a combination of base salary and an incentive plan that our Daily Service Fees support. That pretty much covers all I need to know. Base salary is between the employee and NCL. What the employee earns from the DSC pool based on performance or whatever NCL a bases it on is their business. But it is clear to me that I have satisfied my obligation re tipping.


Now they have brought 18% gratuity and service charges into the picture with no clarity on whether or not this covers my obligation to tip. For the Specialties, they call it in part a "gratuity" but at the same time they also state that a gratuity is not included in the purchase of a UDP package ( when it clearly is ) and should be included on the gratuity line of your bill at dinner.


So, NCL, if the 18% is just a service fee that you are pocketing, please just be upfront about it so that I can just tip cash accordingly.

You said "now they have brought"... No, it has been there a long time. It's gone up from 15% to 18%, but the auto-gratuity is not something new. Remember before you get off track that we are talking beverages. This post is about UBP.

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I for one do not want to control someone's wages. If though I am forced to pay an automatic 18% auto-gratuity I would like to know that the 18% is indeed a gratuity for the server. If it gets pooled and shared I have no problem with. If it gets pooled and the cruise line takes a portion for themselves, under the wording 18% gratuity and service charge then yes I have a problem with that.


So you would be happy if NCL simply gave 100% of the 18% auto-gratuity to the staff, and then modified the base salary up or down to keep their overall wage the same.

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What information do we have to suggest that the auto-grats are NOT fully disbursed to the crew? Supposition on the part of the posters here?


Perhaps but it is direct response to the change in language on the website. No longer is it just called a 'gratuity' but now it is called a 'gratuity and service charge'.


Why did they change this part of it? When it was called simply gratuity I thought things were pretty clear. With the new wording things are no longer clear.




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Perhaps but it is direct response to the change in language on the website. No longer is it just called a 'gratuity' but now it is called a 'gratuity and service charge'.


Why did they change this part of it? When it was called simply gratuity I thought things were pretty clear. With the new wording things are no longer clear.



I'm sorry... maybe I missed it. What change in language? Where, exactly?

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I have read through this thread and I am still wondering if we will be billed the 18% difference per drink even if we have already bought the UBP?


I've read that it is already included, it isn't included...what's the truth?


The 18% is included with the UBP, whether the UBP is purchased or promo'd to you... it's included.

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I'm sorry... maybe I missed it. What change in language? Where, exactly?


This is the new answer to the questions about gratuities taken from the FAQ section of the website;


What about Gratuities?

Unlike most other ships in the cruise industry, there is no required or recommended tipping on our ships for service that is generally rendered to all Guests. While you should not feel obligated to offer a gratuity, all of our staff are encouraged to “go the extra mile,” so they are permitted to accept cash gratuities for exceptional or outstanding service if you care to offer them. Also, certain staff positions (e.g., concierge, butler, youth program staff and beverage service) provide service on an individual basis to only some guests and do not benefit from the overall service charge. We encourage those Guests to acknowledge good service from these staff members with appropriate gratuities. Additionally, there is an 18% gratuity and spa service charge added for all spa and salon services, as well as an 18% gratuity and beverage service charge added for all beverage purchases and an 18% gratuity and specialty service charge added to all specialty restaurant dining and entertainment based dining


Here is a link;





They have changed the wording. They made the change to reflect the increase from 15% to 18%, which is great because it's good to have the website information up to date and accurate.


In this section, now whenever they use the the term gratuity they now call it a gratuity and service charge. This is used for the spa, beverages and the specialty dining. Why is there now a beverage service charge added to drinks? As I understand it the service charges go to the company the gratuity goes to the employee. Personally if part is going to one and part to the other I would like to know the breakdown. And this is not because I want to be nosy about how much the employee makes but I think I do have the right to know exactly what extra fees a company is charging me.





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^ Thank you.


I see your point regarding the language change.


Personally, at some point as a passenger, I just can't be bothered to read and understand NCL's meaning, whether expressed or implied.


A reasonable person would say that the 18% is the gratuity... for me, end of sentence.

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This is the new answer to the questions about gratuities taken from the FAQ section of the website;


What about Gratuities?

Unlike most other ships in the cruise industry, there is no required or recommended tipping on our ships for service that is generally rendered to all Guests. While you should not feel obligated to offer a gratuity, all of our staff are encouraged to “go the extra mile,” so they are permitted to accept cash gratuities for exceptional or outstanding service if you care to offer them. Also, certain staff positions (e.g., concierge, butler, youth program staff and beverage service) provide service on an individual basis to only some guests and do not benefit from the overall service charge. We encourage those Guests to acknowledge good service from these staff members with appropriate gratuities. Additionally, there is an 18% gratuity and spa service charge added for all spa and salon services, as well as an 18% gratuity and beverage service charge added for all beverage purchases and an 18% gratuity and specialty service charge added to all specialty restaurant dining and entertainment based dining


Here is a link;





They have changed the wording. They made the change to reflect the increase from 15% to 18%, which is great because it's good to have the website information up to date and accurate.


In this section, now whenever they use the the term gratuity they now call it a gratuity and service charge. This is used for the spa, beverages and the specialty dining. Why is there now a beverage service charge added to drinks? As I understand it the service charges go to the company the gratuity goes to the employee. Personally if part is going to one and part to the other I would like to know the breakdown. And this is not because I want to be nosy about how much the employee makes but I think I do have the right to know exactly what extra fees a company is charging me.




So you are saying that YES we WILL have to pay that little bit extra per drink? I was hoping someone from a current sailing would weigh in tell us their experience with this particular mystery.


I'll be pretty P/O'd if I have to pay for every drink. I likely wouldn't have bothered with the package if this is the case.

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So you are saying that YES we WILL have to pay that little bit extra per drink? I was hoping someone from a current sailing would weigh in tell us their experience with this particular mystery.


I'll be pretty P/O'd if I have to pay for every drink. I likely wouldn't have bothered with the package if this is the case.



No that was not what I was saying. If you received the UBP as part of a booking promotion the gratuities are included. There is no need for you to pay anything more although you will have to sign a chit as normal but it will be zeroed out on your account.


If you purchase the UBP then you will pay the 18% at that point and then it will be the same as above when it comes to actually ordering your drinks.


If you pay as you go, it will be the drink price plus the 18% at time of sale.


Hope that clears up any confusion.




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We purchased the UBP, and I just assumed the added gratuity was put into a pool, not that each bartender was getting a tip on each drink. Never had any service problems, maybe because we tipped extra for each drink? I can't imagine not tipping if it was received for free. If you go somewhere, like a wedding, with open bar, you still tip for each drink, right?


No, you shouldn't. Your host/hostess has already paid those tips in advance as part of the package. I always hate to see these tip jars, and in fact at my own son's wedding, raised the subject with the manager. You should see how quickly that jar disappeared.

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We purchased the UBP, and I just assumed the added gratuity was put into a pool, not that each bartender was getting a tip on each drink. Never had any service problems, maybe because we tipped extra for each drink? I can't imagine not tipping if it was received for free. If you go somewhere, like a wedding, with open bar, you still tip for each drink, right?



If I am a guest at a wedding I tip no one!,,,


The bride and groom are paying the gratuities on the meal and that is enough as I am a guest



But I love to watch the one or two or three big shots in my husbands family throw a 20 around and I am glad to see them do it because I don't


We give the valet a couple of bucks but I hate valet parking. I could do it better anyway



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No, you shouldn't. Your host/hostess has already paid those tips in advance as part of the package. I always hate to see these tip jars, and in fact at my own son's wedding, raised the subject with the manager. You should see how quickly that jar disappeared.



Agree 100%



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If you go somewhere, like a wedding, with open bar, you still tip for each drink, right?


I've been to weddings that was open bar and where there was a tip jar for the coat clerk, one on the bar and one near the valet. When my son got married we had an open bar and I specifically said that I didn't want to see one tip jar anywhere. They gave me a price that included all tips and I happily paid it. Heck, I even paid for the valet parking since the only parking for his wedding was a parking garage that charged $25.00 a car. I got a deal and paid for all parking as well.



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I apologize if this has already been discussed but thought I would share just in case. We were on the Sun last week ( did not like btw) and had the UBP. We found a bartender that we really loved so we would frequent his bars as he moved throughout the day. He was literally the only one who could make a real Rum Runner, hand poured without all the box crap and he actually understood good service as opposed to the majority of the bar staff. It was terrible overall with the exception of our guy. I can't count on my own hands and feet how many people said the same on this cruise. On the last night, he shared with us that the 18% gratuity that shows on receipt for UPB customers does NOT go to him. Apparently there is a small percentage that is pooled from the inital cost of the UBP but the auto 18% shown on the receipt does not go directly to the individual making your drink. Hearing that totally made me understand why service in the bars was so poor. These people are slaving all day and most people ordering are thinking 18% is plenty when in reality, the bartenders are seeing a tiny bit of that. I added a buck or so here and there for some and always for our bartender who I will leave unnamed as I don't want to case him trouble. He is seriously questioning whether he will renew his contract and I totally understand why! Overall, the service on this cruise was the worst I have ever experienced to date. I can't help but surmise that the UBP promo is a nightmare for the bartenders.

So you fell for the sob story and tipped extra, just what he wanted you to do. It was totally unprofessional for this bar tender to talk about his income and NCL's payments to him. It was rude if you even asked, (but maybe you didn't)nobody should ask how another gets paid. If you didn't ask then he was essentially guilting / extorting you for more money.

I would have reported him to Management for this breach in protocol.

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No that was not what I was saying. If you received the UBP as part of a booking promotion the gratuities are included. There is no need for you to pay anything more although you will have to sign a chit as normal but it will be zeroed out on your account.


If you purchase the UBP then you will pay the 18% at that point and then it will be the same as above when it comes to actually ordering your drinks.


If you pay as you go, it will be the drink price plus the 18% at time of sale.


Hope that clears up any confusion.





I was just reading a recent cruise review and the writer indicated that they did have a gratuity added even though they had the "free" UBP. Can anyone else confirm this to be true? http://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=501105

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I was recently on two NCL cruises. The first I had the UBP and the second I brought my own soda onboard. Neither time did I notice slack service. The pool bar was busy. It was spring break!

I tipped extra when there was extra service, like at the martini tastings. I doubt the tip went to the server who ran the card, but also to her fellow server and the bartender/entertainer.

When I had the soda in my room, I would often stop at a bar on the way to the room to get a cup of ice. I never got flack for it. But I felt guilty about not being able to tip on a slip easily. If I'd gone to just one bartender, I would have added it to a drink.

Anyway, what I did was mention the good service in my NCL survey.


One of the best ways to help an employee get a bonus or promotion is to specifically give them, by name, a glowing review on a comment card. NCL has free-style dining so you rarely get the same servers. When I get a good one, I get a comment card and fill it out right away. The dining rooms have comment cards on the table or at the hostess stand. I believe general service comment cards are available at the Guest Relations desk. The OP could have done this to differentiate to management the good bartender from the mediocre.


A different kind of tipping....maybe I'm a cheapskate, but I do care.

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