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Cagney's - Important info

NJ Johnny

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We booked our October cruise because we could get the UDP. We love Cagney's and Le Bistro and plan to dine in them most nights. If they take Cagney's away from our options by the time we sail, it will be bye-bye NCL for us. Which will make us very sad because NCL is our preferred cruise line out of the three we have tried. We are thinking of trying Holland as they have a southern Caribbean that appeals to us. Time will tell.

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Also just read on FB that the GEM no longer takes "to go" orders at O'Sheehans. I guess they want to force the use of Room Service instead. The same person also posted a copy of the Freestyle daily that detailed that the Child's 50% off at Specialty Venues no longer exists. :mad: :(

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Also just read on FB that the GEM no longer takes "to go" orders at O'Sheehans. I guess they want to force the use of Room Service instead. The same person also posted a copy of the Freestyle daily that detailed that the Child's 50% off at Specialty Venues no longer exists. :mad: :(


This, O'Sheehans no longer allowing 'to go' is another whole new thread! LOL



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Final payment creates a contract for the product purchased, as it was on the date purchased.


I believe deposit creates the contract. You've entered an agreement and agreed upon a date at which full payment MUST be made. The deposit should entitle you to all of the promises, terms, and conditions present at the time of your deposit, and then secure your room at final payment. Final payment date really is to protect the company, not the guest.


Other than that, the terms of the contract aren't really up for constant change. Think of a contract to purchase a new car or a home; you put a deposit down. The terms and conditions state what you are buying and the date the deal closes. They can't just change the color of the car or knock down walls of the home between the time a deposit is made and the deal is closed. If a change is to be made, an amendment is drafted and signed off on by buyer and seller.


The right to change anything at anytime is NOT the same as the right to change materially what someone has contracted for and paid a deposit in good faith for.

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I believe deposit creates the contract. You've entered an agreement and agreed upon a date at which full payment MUST be made. The deposit should entitle you to all of the promises, terms, and conditions present at the time of your deposit, and then secure your room at final payment. Final payment date really is to protect the company, not the guest.


Other than that, the terms of the contract aren't really up for constant change. Think of a contract to purchase a new car or a home; you put a deposit down. The terms and conditions state what you are buying and the date the deal closes. They can't just change the color of the car or knock down walls of the home between the time a deposit is made and the deal is closed. If a change is to be made, an amendment is drafted and signed off on by buyer and seller.


The right to change anything at anytime is NOT the same as the right to change materially what someone has contracted for and paid a deposit in good faith for.


I'll agree with this!



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And this is the problem I see here with many people. If it does not affect them they either don't care, don't voice their opinions that the change is wrong or side with NCL saying it's their right to change things.


However, once some change DOES affect them.....boom! They're upset and have something to say.


I'm not targeting you.....this is for everyone.


Change IS okay.....with proper notification. Those that have already booked/paid should be grandfathered in. That way, they will actually get what they believed they were paying for.



This affects me, but since it clearly says that NCL can change the price or program at will, it is not an issue for me and I see no reason to get hot and bothered by something that I have no control over. I would prefer that they notify us, instead of a staff member telling a passengers of an upcoming change (NCL's communication is the issue, not the change), so that I can cancel the UDP that I've already purchased for my cruises.


I think the issue is that most went to Cagney's a number of times during their cruises.....I know I did, which made the UDP less revenue driving than they probably thought.


I also agree with the poster that said that the UDP will probably go away, I know I wouldn't purchase it, even if the price is drastically reduced, because I would feel that I should go to those restaurants included and not go to Cagney's. But since Cagney's is my favorite, I'll go and pay the ala cart prices and just pick and choose the others.


Since we don't know if this is a rumor or the truth or how it will be rolled out, I'll just wait and see if Cagney's is no longer part of the UDP.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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I believe deposit creates the contract. You've entered an agreement and agreed upon a date at which full payment MUST be made. The deposit should entitle you to all of the promises, terms, and conditions present at the time of your deposit, and then secure your room at final payment. Final payment date really is to protect the company, not the guest.


Other than that, the terms of the contract aren't really up for constant change. Think of a contract to purchase a new car or a home; you put a deposit down. The terms and conditions state what you are buying and the date the deal closes. They can't just change the color of the car or knock down walls of the home between the time a deposit is made and the deal is closed. If a change is to be made, an amendment is drafted and signed off on by buyer and seller.


The right to change anything at anytime is NOT the same as the right to change materially what someone has contracted for and paid a deposit in good faith for.


Unfortunately their Contractual lawyers disagree....

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This affects me, but since it clearly says that NCL can change the price or program at will, it is not an issue for me and I see no reason to get hot and bothered by something that I have no control over. I would prefer that they notify us, instead of a staff member telling a passengers of an upcoming change (NCL's communication is the issue, not the change), so that I can cancel the UDP that I've already purchased for my cruises.


I think the issue is that most went to Cagney's a number of times during their cruises.....I know I did, which made the UDP less revenue driving than they probably thought.


I also agree with the poster that said that the UDP will probably go away, I know I wouldn't purchase it, even if the price is drastically reduced, because I would feel that I should go to those restaurants included and not go to Cagney's. But since Cagney's is my favorite, I'll go and pay the ala cart prices and just pick and choose the others.


Since we don't know if this is a rumor or the truth or how it will be rolled out, I'll just wait and see if Cagney's is no longer part of the UDP.


For an Arizona person you sure are cool as ice. There's not a change made that you seem to take offense to. I'm not sure if I admire that sort of unflappability or feel sorry for it. Genuinely.

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This is so wrong. I guess NCL never heard of grandfathering in something. That would solve a whole lot of problems and angry people. Not to mention lines at gues services


Has anyone made a list of all the changes in the past couple of months. I'm curious to actually see it.




Grandfathering would seem to be a reasonable compromise.

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I believe deposit creates the contract. You've entered an agreement and agreed upon a date at which full payment MUST be made. The deposit should entitle you to all of the promises, terms, and conditions present at the time of your deposit, and then secure your room at final payment. Final payment date really is to protect the company, not the guest.


Other than that, the terms of the contract aren't really up for constant change. Think of a contract to purchase a new car or a home; you put a deposit down. The terms and conditions state what you are buying and the date the deal closes. They can't just change the color of the car or knock down walls of the home between the time a deposit is made and the deal is closed. If a change is to be made, an amendment is drafted and signed off on by buyer and seller.


The right to change anything at anytime is NOT the same as the right to change materially what someone has contracted for and paid a deposit in good faith for.



Actually the deposit creates a voidable contract on the part of the pax as you are not required to make final payment as you can cancel and get your money back



As far as ncl is concerned .... Hmmm.... I would think that whatever was available to the pax at deposit should be grandfathered in for them as that is why the deposit was made in the first place based on the offerings at that time


Not even thinking about the legality on that issue either.... Just thinking about the goodwill and good public relations that would mean for ncl



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For an Arizona person you sure are cool as ice. There's not a change made that you seem to take offense to. I'm not sure if I admire that sort of unflappability or feel sorry for it. Genuinely.
Just as I don't admire and I feel sorry for those that complain constantly over things that they have no control over. It is just how you look at life.


BTW, when and if there is a change that I find offensive, you'll be the first one to know.

Edited by NLH Arizona
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Grandfathering would seem to be a reasonable compromise.
Since this hasn't happened, has only been reported by one passenger who heard it from a crew member and NCL has not announced it yet, we don't know if (1) this is really happening and (2) if it is, how the rollout will be, if any.
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Actually the deposit creates a voidable contract on the part of the pax as you are not required to make final payment as you can cancel and get your money back



As far as ncl is concerned .... Hmmm.... I would think that whatever was available to the pax at deposit should be grandfathered in for them as that is why the deposit was made in the first place based on the offerings at that time


Not even thinking about the legality on that issue either.... Just thinking about the goodwill and good public relations that would mean for ncl



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Recently...NCL has not been showing much "goodwill and good public relations" .:( So we will have to wait and see......but I am not holding my breath

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Just a thought..... Is it possible that the free udp. Ubp etc has backfired?


Too many pax took advantage of these deals so the specialties are swamped etc


So what does ncl do?


They make everything more difficult for those who have not yet made final payment so they might cancel thus reducing those bookings that have the free packages


Thus ncl resells the cabins without any meaningful perks or packages


The initiation of the excursion obc is a perfect example of a meaningless perk because ncl excursions are overpriced and just useless in many ports plus if a family of 4 gets a $75 excursion obc per port the family HAS to book all 4 thru ncl for it to be a meaningful perk especially if they want to stay together in the ports....as in families with kids and couples


That will be quite expensive and probably go unused by savvy cruisers which is ncls hope


And will probably be used by newbies which is also ncls hope as the newbies will have to book their families at regular cost. A win win for ncl


Fdr is very smart!!!



IMHO ncl wants to rid itself of the savvy latitudes pax it has had for so many years and just cater to newbie cruiser that will be none the wiser and just think all the negative changes are just business as usual


For that matter newbies won't even realize what used to be part of ncl cruising and is no longer there.


They won't realize the changes


I'm glad I booked my dirt cheap inside at a true ksf..... No perks other than $25 obc....and a great deal on the 10 day gem.....for literally pennies


If we want a specialty we will just pay because our deal for the 3 of us was incredible!!!!



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Edited by Crusin6
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For an Arizona person you sure are cool as ice. There's not a change made that you seem to take offense to. I'm not sure if I admire that sort of unflappability or feel sorry for it. Genuinely.


I don't think anyone is happy about the changes, which were all made to increase profit for NCL. The fact is, there is nothing one can do to stop he changes. Vote with your dollars - don't sail NCL. In the end, NCL might find that these changes were successful in increasing profit, or they might find out they decreased profit.


It's a fact that NCL has been changing policies at a manic pace. However, they can. It's not illegal, even if it upsets the customer.

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Do you actually believe NCL, or any cruise line for that matter, is going to tell crew/staff "Sorry, but the guests in cabin 9724 reduced their DSC's last week so you all get 1.4 cents less in your paychecks this week." ?!?!


Oh, my bad. Anyone with half a brain knows that salary and earned incentives are going to be paid regardless of revenue, but since your brain capacity is clearly below 50%, you probably do believe it!


Please forgive me for attempting to give you more credit than due. ;)


Well, "incentives" are not usually paid "regardless of revenue." If there were a large-scale protest and the DSC revenue dropped 20%, I don't think NCL would take the revenue from another area and pay the incentives. Especially since a 20% drop would likely signal the criteria for the incentives was not met. It's my understanding that incentives do not have to be paid if pre-defined criteria is not met.

To RuthlessBoss' question, punishing the staff for the company's change in service might be the best solution to having the company rethink how it's treating it's customers. For example, if the DSC revenue were to drop 20% or even 25%, the cruise line is likely lose it's best employees to other cruise lines that aren't experiencing this drop in revenue. That would leave NCL with staff that doesn't mind working for 25% less pay. As the old adage goes: you get what you pay for. I don't think NCL is prepared to give their passengers substandard service. Increasing fees is one thing; it's easy to reverse that. Poor service is a reputation that will take years to erase (if ever). No company in the service industry wants to be stuck the the bottom of the barrel employees serving the paying guests. Again, it's going to take more than 1 cabin reducing the DSC, but every trend/protest starts with just one voice.

Finally, Wendy&Grumpy, it's sad to see you take Beaver1975's bait. Come back to the high road. Sure, it's lonely up here, but the view is excellent. :)

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I thought there must be some catch when these were first rolled out. I was so excited in January when I was able to rebook and save $ plus have $25 obc and chocolate covered strawberries replaced with $200 obc and UBP for half of the cruise and UBP plus UDP for 2nd half of b2b in an OV room.


The offers have changed since then along with increases in fees. When they upped the cost of the UDP I'm sure many chose the UDP perk as it was a better value. Interesting how we are steered to choose UDP and then the value diminishes. I won't be surprised if the UBP value diminishes next. It's really the last big perk they gave away and given what's happened so far it seems more likely than not that it won't be the bargain it was originally.


For those sailing in the near future it works out but sure does make one hesitant to book in advance knowing that the value of their choices is very uncertain.

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Just a thought..... Is it possible that the free udp. Ubp etc has backfired?


Quite possible.


I did notice when we purchased our UDP it stated "Limited Availability" which I assumed meant they had some algorithm for determining space limit and cutting off purchase of the package once the limit was reached.


Maybe the programmers forgot to add this programming connection in when they set up the UDP as a free perk?!


Let's face it, if those who pay for their UDP are unable to get tables due to all the promo UDP's, there will be complaints!

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Since this hasn't happened, has only been reported by one passenger who heard it from a crew member and NCL has not announced it yet, we don't know if (1) this is really happening and (2) if it is, how the rollout will be, if any.


It's not just this cagneys thing that should be grandfathered in. It's everything that's taken place recently. Lots of changes have happened since people made bookings. Cagneys is just the latest


Seriously grandfathering in these items would really solve so many problems.



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I don't think anyone is happy about the changes, which were all made to increase profit for NCL. The fact is, there is nothing one can do to stop he changes. Vote with your dollars - don't sail NCL. In the end, NCL might find that these changes were successful in increasing profit, or they might find out they decreased profit.


It's a fact that NCL has been changing policies at a manic pace. However, they can. It's not illegal, even if it upsets the customer.


You are so right. If one doesn't like the changes or how the changes came about, then don't cruise on NCL, but that isn't going to happen, very few will leave because of these changes.

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Do you actually believe NCL, or any cruise line for that matter, is going to tell crew/staff "Sorry, but the guests in cabin 9724 reduced their DSC's last week so you all get 1.4 cents less in your paychecks this week." ?!?!


Oh, my bad. Anyone with half a brain knows that salary and earned incentives are going to be paid regardless of revenue, but since your brain capacity is clearly below 50%, you probably do believe it!


Please forgive me for attempting to give you more credit than due. ;)


Are personal attacks the only thing in your repertoire?

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