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Tipping, here's how we handled it

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Its easy in these discussions to get the impression additional gratuities are "customary". They aren't. Your viewpoint that additional gratuity for exceptional "above-and-beyond" service would be more accurate.


Exactly this. I've only ever tipped extra a few times because I was really happy with a bartender. On our last Carnival cruise we had a bartender that we saw several times a day and got to know her schedule and would chat with her and she was more like a friend who helped us get drinks than a bartender by the end of the cruise. Every several drinks I'd add a dollar to the slip.

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I agree. There are a some people that go overboard with tipping and make a big deal about it. Some think that tipping extra gets them extra attention, and that may very well be. I think most people just go with what the cruise line recommends (and demands) in the 18% tip.


We tip extra sometimes if we get the drinks for free or we've had a server for a lot of the cruise who was especially nice to us and added to making our vacation great. For example, on our last cruise there was a nice Asian girl named Heidi who recognized us in almost ever venue, remembered what we liked to drink, and always came up to us. We never tipped extra or anything, she was just really nice. So at the end of the cruise we found her and gave her and extra envelope. I don't know if she could sense that were the type of people who might do this and, maybe, she was playing up to us to get a tip, or whatever. I choose to think that she was sincere in liking her job and liking us and sincerely wanted us to have a good vacation. We like to give tips to people who make our trip more enjoyable more as a way of saying "thank you" than as a reward. We think they already get the award in the 18% auto-gratuity.


Similarly, our cabin attendant made us the most creative towel animals, anticipated our likes (ice, towels, etc.) responded to our requests, etc. So we also tipped him extra even though we knew the cruise line had already collected his "expected" gratuity.


When we get free drinks in the Diamond Lounge we also tip since, well, the drinks were free. 18% of "free" isn't yielding much of a gratuity for the wait staff.


But, all of this is at our own discretion. No one has ever made us feel guilty or anything. We pay the prepaid and expected gratuities because we don't have a choice. We'd tip anyway, so it's convenient that they build it in.




Hi, I'm new to cruising and come from a non tipping culture (well apart from restaurants where we generally round up the bill). I'm a bit confused about tipping for drinks. I was led to believe that an 18% gratuity is added to the cost of each drink automatically at purchase. 18% is also included in the cost of the drinks package. Am I expected to tip bar staff on top of the 18% I am automatically charged? I have elected to prepay my tips when I booked the cruise and thought that any other tipping would only be for extraordinary "above and beyond" type service. It seems however that there are people I am expected to tip on top of the regular gratuity charge? (and for some it seems I should tip them before they have served me at all in order to get the best service)? It all seems a bit weird to me. Shouldn't people do the job to the best of their ability anyway? I'm all for tipping for people that go out of their way to do more than expected. I just dont get the double tipping (prepaid or automatically added gratuities + extra) for just doing your job?
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This reminded me of something I've seen on occasion. A lot of people on cruises are dehydrated (out in the sun a lot) so often go to the bar and get glasses of water rather than buying bottled water (since it's expensive). I seldom see them leave a tip for that. We usually would tip for this because there is no cost for the glass of water so no 18% auto gratuity. They still have to get you the glass, fill it, bring it to you, and clean up after you even though you didn't have to pay anything. It's almost as much work as if you had ordered a drink. And extra $ once in a while seems fair to me.




This is who we tip additionally each evening: the bartender Steve who served us every night at the nightclub and had our drinks started as soon as we walked in (vodka soda and a tall water), and the servers in the CL. Our stateroom attendant, Floyd received an additional tip at the end and so did the concierges, Dexter and Fernando . Rudi our sommelier got a little extra too. All these people were terrific and did go out of their way so we had no problem tipping them.
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Considering the difficulty people report booking dining and excursions I find it TOTALLY unbelievable that anyone is going to find the names of their cabin/wait staff prior to the cruise. That gave away the sarcasm immediately.;)


Congratulations. You spend more time on here than I reading people's woes.

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All tips are now either pre-paid or automatic.


You are always so knowledgeable.

Any idea why MTD needs to pre-pay if they are automatic anyway??


If you pre-pay and have horrible service, is there no recourse w/ the tips? (not saying I would, just a curiosity question, as I know people have mentioned removing or adjusting the amount of the automatic gratuities).

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You are always so knowledgeable.

Any idea why MTD needs to pre-pay if they are automatic anyway??


If you pre-pay and have horrible service, is there no recourse w/ the tips? (not saying I would, just a curiosity question, as I know people have mentioned removing or adjusting the amount of the automatic gratuities).

If you pre-pay tips, it is generally not allowed to reduce or eliminate tips. I have read here once of someone doing it, but it was not easy.


I don't know why they still require prepaid tips for MTD. With automatic tips, I cannot think of a logical reason beyond the fact that they prefer getting our money as soon as possible, and they can get away with it.

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Very interesting post. I hope that the tipping up front does not become 'the norm' as more people tip in the beginning to entice exemplary service.


When we pay upfront for a drink package we don't immediately think about the 18% we have already paid. It almost seems unnatural to get served a drink and not tip..


You won't. The service staff knows they need to serve everyone equally, regardless when they pay the tips. Now, if someone says, hey, here's an extra $50 to make sure we're well taken care of, then it becomes an issue if the difference in service is noticeable. Else, really, who cares when people tip or don't? I surely don't lose sleep over it.

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call it bribing, "to insure prompt service" , whatever you want.....it's pretty well known that often times a server, waiter, or bartender will give you a little bit better service if you cough up a few $$ at the beginning of the trip...


I was a server, and I would have felt that it was an insult, that it was a bribe. I gave the same service to all, no matter who they were, and giving me money up front would have done absolutely nothing. Actually, I would have expected that you're going to have MORE needs than an average person, which would make me feel negative about you from the very beginning.


One cannot prove that you're getting better service because you tipped up front. We receive very good service and we don't do that.




If that were actually true, which it isn't, it would have to be teps (to ensure prompt service). You can't insure service.


:) :) :)



Hi, I'm new to cruising and come from a non tipping culture (well apart from restaurants where we generally round up the bill). I'm a bit confused about tipping for drinks. I was led to believe that an 18% gratuity is added to the cost of each drink automatically at purchase. 18% is also included in the cost of the drinks package. Am I expected to tip bar staff on top of the 18% I am automatically charged? I have elected to prepay my tips when I booked the cruise and thought that any other tipping would only be for extraordinary "above and beyond" type service. It seems however that there are people I am expected to tip on top of the regular gratuity charge? (and for some it seems I should tip them before they have served me at all in order to get the best service)? It all seems a bit weird to me. Shouldn't people do the job to the best of their ability anyway? I'm all for tipping for people that go out of their way to do more than expected. I just dont get the double tipping (prepaid or automatically added gratuities + extra) for just doing your job?


With the drinks package, the tip is built in. If you *wish to* give them something extra, you may do so. But you do not have to.


If you feel called to give extra at the end of the cruise, you may do so. I've never felt that more was expected.

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I don't understand why you feel the need to tell everyone what you tipped? I never tell anyone what I tip. The only person that knows beside myself and wife is the person that has received it.


As far as a bar tender is concerned, they get my 18%. Doubling it to 30% or more seems excessive, even for someone generous.

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If you pre-pay tips, it is generally not allowed to reduce or eliminate tips. I have read here once of someone doing it, but it was not easy.


I don't know why they still require prepaid tips for MTD. With automatic tips, I cannot think of a logical reason beyond the fact that they prefer getting our money as soon as possible, and they can get away with it.


See, you DO know why they still require prepaid tips.;) I wonder if maybe someday, instead of getting rid of prepaid tips, they will get rid of auto tips and require everyone to pre-pay.:eek:

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All tips are now either pre-paid or automatic.


Bob, there is also a sub-set of 'automatic' - the ones who go to GS and have the auto-tips removed. They then either pay directly in cash or ...........

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We never tip in advance...(or bribe!)...we tip as is traditionally done...on the last evening.


Only once did we not have stellar service, and I'm 100% positive that pre-tipping wouldn't have made one iota of difference.


We have pre-tipped a couple of times. Once was when our three boys had their own aft cabin next to ours and I was 100% sure that the room steward would have to be Extraordinaire that cruise.;)


I have also pre-tipped some bartenders once or twice when I was 100% sure that they would have to be Extraordinaire on those cruises.;)


Bribery is a good thing!:D

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Just off Oasis this morning.......May 2 '15

In addition to the "regular" gratuities, we tipped our cabin attendant $20, waiter, assistant waiter and Head waiter $10 each, after the 3rd day...we waited to see how we were being treated.

Waiting till the end of the cruise is nice, but, in advance gets you even better service....(they were all excellent from the beginning anyway)

We tipped the bar waiters $1 for each of our free (Diamond) drinks, otherwise they get nothing for serving them.....when you add it all up,,,it's a small figure, these people work VERY hard...7 days a week...

So many of the guests are a real PIA's....


Bizarre - must have money to burn !

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Tipping is dependent upon getting good service. If you give it first, then it could be considered a bribe.


When we go out to eat, or tip the maids at a hotel.....we tip after so we can establish if the gratuity is worth it.




Gratuity = an amount of money given to a person (such as a waiter or waitress) who has performed a service.

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Tipping is dependent upon getting good service. If you give it first, then it could be considered a bribe.


When we go out to eat, or tip the maids at a hotel.....we tip after so we can establish if the gratuity is worth it.




Gratuity = an amount of money given to a person (such as a waiter or waitress) who has performed a service.

"A bribe" - I appreciate your point but the potential perception of a "bribe" seems bizarre !!!

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"A bribe" - I appreciate your point but the potential perception of a "bribe" seems bizarre !!!




No matter how it's labeled....it can still be considered a "bribe".


(These are synonyms of the word bribe.)

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Bizarre - must have money to burn !


We cruise often…in a few of the recent years as many one or two each month. We wouldn't say that we "have money to burn" but we do have enough disposable income to enjoy ourselves. We tip extra. For us, sharing some of what we have with the waiters, concierges, etc. is the honorable thing do.

Edited by beachnative
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I believe everyone has a right to spend their money the way they feel it best serves them, with that said if an individual feels tipping up front is better for them , so be it. other choose not to tip at all. Their personal preference. Calling it a bribe to tip up front borders on someone just being an idiot. it is no ones business how another spends their money. Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.

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it is no ones business how another spends their money.


Right. SO why even bother with the post to begin with? Who cares how they tip?


Also, in order to truly know if you got better service, you'd have to have done the cruise one time with all the exact same crew and NOT tipped in advance and then a second time but tip in advance. And even then, you could just be getting better service the second time around because they crew knows you.

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Hi everyone. Just a bit confused on this tipping. We haven't cruised in about 4 years -- bought a condo in Florida instead. Back then it was simple, it was automatically added at bar, and at the end you gave out envelopes, said thank you to the staff and went on your way. We have a 4 day trip in August on the Majesty. We did not prepay our tips but I think they take so much out a day toward tips? Also, my understanding is that there is no diamond lounge so we get 3 free drinks added to our card. How does the bartender know these are the free drinks? I have no problem tipping them (as others have said, they are free), but trying to figure out when to tip. I'm assuming this is done with cash? We will probably tip extra at the end to our room steward and wait staff in the MDR, it's just the bar staff I'm confused on. Oh, then I think I read somewhere that there is something for diamond in the Viking Lounge. If that is so, why the 3 free drinks on our card? If someone can clear this for me, I will be grateful. And then I'll have some idea of how much extra cash I'll need.

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Hi everyone. Just a bit confused on this tipping. We haven't cruised in about 4 years -- bought a condo in Florida instead. Back then it was simple, it was automatically added at bar, and at the end you gave out envelopes, said thank you to the staff and went on your way. We have a 4 day trip in August on the Majesty. We did not prepay our tips but I think they take so much out a day toward tips? Also, my understanding is that there is no diamond lounge so we get 3 free drinks added to our card. How does the bartender know these are the free drinks? I have no problem tipping them (as others have said, they are free), but trying to figure out when to tip. I'm assuming this is done with cash? We will probably tip extra at the end to our room steward and wait staff in the MDR, it's just the bar staff I'm confused on. Oh, then I think I read somewhere that there is something for diamond in the Viking Lounge. If that is so, why the 3 free drinks on our card? If someone can clear this for me, I will be grateful. And then I'll have some idea of how much extra cash I'll need.

Tips are automatically added daily to your onboard account.


When you order a "free" drink from the 3 that are on your card daily, I would mention to the bartender that you want to use one of your free drinks.


Drinks in the Viking Crown area are in addition to your 3 free drinks, and have no limit. You are asked to consume those drinks there.

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I don't care if you call it a bribe, we did get exceptional and quick service....would we have gotten the same with out the "bribe", I doubt it.....and when we left the Schooner bar we did get a additional "splash" in our drinks....oh, and my wife did get a coupe of glasses of champagne (on the house) ... bribe ?? maybe....!!


Maybe I misread your initial post. I thought you said that you tipped after the 3rd day, but your service was "excellent from the beginning anyway." So, did it become beyond-excellent after the mid-trip extra tips?

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