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Viking Deeply Offends and Insults Their Most Loyal Guests


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After invitations...we thought, as well as many others, that we were going to the Christening dinner. Found out about an hour after meeting to go that we were all uninvited. Hmmmmmmmmmm. The ship's working staff are fantastic...the communication needs a LOT of improvement at the upper levels!!! Nothing unusual since the ship sailed from Istanbul. Before any of our friends try Viking Ocean Cruises, PLEASE contact us so we can give you an honest feedback about our cruise. There are some positives and some not so positives that you may want to know. We will be home in June. :)



Here LadyVol.....

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Originally Posted by CrusinSubMan viewpost.gif

Most of us won't. We have had and are having a great trip. My blog shows that well. But this has arisen to a level that I am determined to make them suffer equally or make proper amends.

In the end, even this is "petty": it is just our humiliation about something we did not know we wanted to do until they offered it. Pride and self worth are a big part of the human's positive psyche but it does heal better than physical or economic injuries do. I got over not being picked for flag football in the 3rd grade by the time I was in high school. :D


Being a future Viking Ocean Cruiser in 2016, I have been following all the post both positive and negative since the before the maiden cruise began and have to say to CrusinSubMan you have been a great source of information along with many of the 50 day crazies and my heart goes out to you and the others so carelessly thrown aside at the absolutely worse point in time. What should have been a great day of celebration turns in to something just the opposite. I know you and the offended others will bounce back strong and continue on in a strong positive fashion like you have through the many issues you have encountered to date. It will be interesting to see how management will respond just to today's actions, let alone to the many other issues. I know I and many others will be keeping up with yours and others post on this and the many many other management issues that keep slapping you in the face. Keep on Keeping on and keep the faith.

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Just think in a few years when some business school studies this and uses it for their students, it will show a perfect recipe for an eventual bankruptcy. Once Viking burns through their loyalists (river cruisers) and eats up all the money they took in a year or so in advance, Chapter 7 here they come. If they think they are going to be competing with Oceania or Regent, I would love to have some of what they are smoking. The good thing is they will only have to auction off three (3) ships. For those who enjoy ocean cruising, the last debacle like this (taking the money way ahead of the actual cruise) was Rennasiance Cruises. Gee I wonder where they are now, that's right all 8 ships were seized and sold off in a liquidation bankruptcy.

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Let's hope that doesn't happen. Some things will eventually get fixed, like the electronics and systems. It is a truly beautiful ship, it would be a shame to have that happen. But I think this whole first season (year) is going to be about the same. Have a hard time seeing things getting any better any time real soon. Maybe by 2017 this will be a great line, or maybe not, in which case I think you're right.


Shore Excursions need a massive overall. I have a theory with no facts to back it up, that Viking outsourced the whole ShoreEx to a 3rd party contractor who then arranged the tours in each port with different tour operators. There's just a massive disconnect in that department.


The other issue IMO, to echo CrusinSubMan is that Management is much more concerned about the Press' experience and whoever these VIPS are, than they are with their actual customers. I had a much better feeling about management's effort to fix things from Istanbul to Barcelona (and there was a lot more to fix then, I assure you) than since Barcelona when the Press started rotating through. I had hoped the end of that was going to be the Christening in Bergen, but apparently not; there's some back on board to Oslo and then another group of Press / VIPs comes on then.


Now I can already here "I should have expected that on a maiden cruise" coming back at me, but since this is my first (and I assure you LAST maiden cruise), I did not expect to have all managements attention diverted so abruptly from those of us paying big bucks to be here to those paying nothing. I know a happy press is certainly necessary to their survival, but in these days of social media, word gets out. Paying passengers have a way of getting the word out and we count too!

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The posting is still there, as well as mine (under Peter L. Smith). Look at the column on the left on the front page of Viking Oceans FB. Scroll down, past photos and videos, to a section called Post to Page.

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"For those who enjoy ocean cruising, the last debacle like this (taking the money way ahead of the actual cruise) was Rennasiance Cruises. Gee I wonder where they are now, that's right all 8 ships were seized and sold off in a liquidation bankruptcy."


I believe some Renaissance ships were purchased by what is now Oceana and formed the initial Oceana fleet.

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Woke up this morning to a beautiful dawn with Stavanger and the coast approaching.

Three of us had a nice (albeit long) experience last night that signals that Viking management is now well aware of the feelings of many of the 50 dayers and how offended we are.

We were sitting in the Explorer Lounge late last night (everyone got back late from the Christening so the ship left well after midnight from Bergen) when a group of executives started discussing the issue right behind me. They used some wording and tone that I thought was inappropriate to be using in public so I confronted them by turning around and saying something close to " I don't think you should be discussing this in a public place, especially since one of the "angry people" is right behind you."

Boy that probably really shocked them, especially when they realized I had been hearing every word they were saying and how they were saying it!


At that point a very senior executive came over and spoke candidly with myself, my wife and one other gentlemen at length. Great eye opener about many things and overall it was a great conversation. But we were up until 3:30 in the morning discussing things.


I expect some effort by Viking today to make amends but a few things they (since they are reading this) probably still do not fully understand:

1) It is not the mistake of mis-inviting us to the event we were not supposed to be invited to that is so upsetting. Most of us understand and expect that mistakes will be made.

2) The original mistake was made into a humiliating experience by how we were treated by them in the Theatre and overall in how they sought to resolve it.

3) They do not really know who got the invite letter, nor who was upset and offended.

4) I think (based on the conversation that I overheard before I stopped them) that they may still not all understand how offended we were (and are).


An open and public apology for that latter, "uninvite' incident is probably what will most heal the wounds as much as they can be. I am hopeful they pursue that today.

But so far the effort to resolve it has also not been managed ideally. The apology letter did not go to everyone that was offended nor did the ship credit appear on everyone's screen. Since I actually think they do not know who the invite went to nor who was offended this should not come as a surprise. But at this point I think nearly every single 50 dayer has heard about everything and feels offended even if they were not in the theatre when things went so badly awry. There may be some non-50 dayers that also got the invite letter and suffered through the embarrassment.


My advice to them is:

1) Treat us with respect in public spaces (I should not need to say this but need to given their public discussion of it)

2) Communicate with us in an open manner

3) Tell us the truth when they make a mistake including this one (I.e.: tell us what happened)

4) Apologize deeply and from the heart (focus on the theatre un-invite experience for the apology, not for the mistaken invite in the first place.)

5) Offer something as an amenity.


The challenge they have in executing on my advice is how to communicate to "us", since short of a ship's announcement, they have little other means of doing it. I guess we could spread the word to register ones room with the explorer's desk about being offended so they could accumulate a list of "us" but that is about the only other option I see besides a public announcement and will add delay to their efforts. They could send a letter to all 50 day cabins as an act that might come close to a surrogate for "us." But since they think they already did that and did not, they probably really need to do it much more carefully.


We should all keep in mind that this is going to fold out while all these friends of Tors, media and industry folks and other VIP's ride us for another day and enjoy the other event that I think we were also not supposed to be invited to: the special farm tour that was also in that letter.


We would all do well not to focus too much time and energy on this. Either they fix it up as best they can and minimize the damage or they don't. In either case, we will do best to focus on having as much fun as we can on the remaining wonderful itinerary we have!

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Can you post the names of the execs you spoke with?


It was actually just one (though I confronted a group of several of them as noted). I would rather not post his name as I have been avoiding listing people by name overall to avoid making it personal and this person showed some great courage and leadership in sitting down with us.


I will tell you though when I see you and all about it. But it won't be at 10 AM trying to get on that farm tour :D. You gluttons can pursue that one. I need to get off the ship and find a WIFI that will let me use Outlook so I can catch up on work email before the workweek starts up in the States.

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1. Before embarrassingly leaving the Star theater last night, I confronted Paul Reynolds, the cruise director, and the mysterious man who has been on board since day one and appears to be Tors right hand guy. Paul was apologetic but appeared to be doing as told. The other guy listened for a second, we were interrupted, he walked away, I stood my ground and he had to go past me to leave, and then said to me, "You have to understand, there is nothing I can do".


I felt insulted, embarrassed, appalled, humiliated, etc. and I am not alone.


2. Today I would just like to get off this ship and go home. I'm done.


3. Our bill has been incorrect Since Day 2 of the 50 days. It is now Day 38 and my bill still says we owe over $7000. Prior to embarking, we prepaid everything. All our prepaids continue to be ignored by Viking accounting as well as credit for Viking tour cancellations and a mysterious computer cancellation of tours we had orginally booked and were cancelled by the computer.


Vikings computer system and electronics have been messed up since boarding. I'm trying to work through the bill with the head of excursions, but so far no resolution or improvement. A stress I hope I don't need nor does anyone else and there are several others with this same problem.


4. The crew mates are awesome! At least that is a positive.


5. I'll try to get my attitude in order, but tears are right nearby, I'm so disappointed and devastated.


6. As a marketing and sales person, the last thing I ever wanted to do was insult and demean my most valued customers. 125 valued customer's stories after this maiden voyage will taint what started out being an awesome adventure and is ending in a sad tale.

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Oh my god that is terrible I would of broke down and cried how dare they what were they thinking I will never sail with them again.I will tell all my friends about this I cant believe this what a mess the nerve of them oh my gosh I feel like crawling in a hole and crying.I don't know what to do now maybe I will write a letter how on earth could this happen now what hold on a minute let me get a hold of myself no no I am to upset to go on I will have to go for now holly molly what a mess:eek::mad::(:confused:

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Originally Posted by CrusinSubMan viewpost.gif

Most of us won't. We have had and are having a great trip. My blog shows that well. But this has arisen to a level that I am determined to make them suffer equally or make proper amends.

In the end, even this is "petty": it is just our humiliation about something we did not know we wanted to do until they offered it. Pride and self worth are a big part of the human's positive psyche but it does heal better than physical or economic injuries do. I got over not being picked for flag football in the 3rd grade by the time I was in high school. :D


Being a future Viking Ocean Cruiser in 2016, I have been following all the post both positive and negative since the before the maiden cruise began and have to say to CrusinSubMan you have been a great source of information along with many of the 50 day crazies and my heart goes out to you and the others so carelessly thrown aside at the absolutely worse point in time. What should have been a great day of celebration turns in to something just the opposite. I know you and the offended others will bounce back strong and continue on in a strong positive fashion like you have through the many issues you have encountered to date. It will be interesting to see how management will respond just to today's actions, let alone to the many other issues. I know I and many others will be keeping up with yours and others post on this and the many many other management issues that keep slapping you in the face. Keep on Keeping on and keep the faith.


I agree whole heartedly with the comment that Cruisinsubman has been a great source of information ... but would go further and say that he has also been a source of "very balanced" critique whilst also putting forward the positives ... so refreshing.


Cruisinsubman, I hear that there is a job going with Viking ... Customer Advocacy Director or something similar ... you interested?


You'd get my vote :)

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My husband and I are on the Star for 29 days, not 50, and we received the same letter and "dis inviting." 50 days or 29 days or 1 day, it doesn't matter. What matters was the disregard and embarrassment of passengers. I am angry and disappointed by Vikings behavior. To add insult to injury, Viking is having a gathering in the theatre, by invitation only, tonight to talk to the 50 day passengers. 29 doesn't count. We were not invited.

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Letter appeared in stateroom this afternoon signed by Torstein and for once addressed specifically to us:




Being among our most valued guests, I would like to invite you to Star Theater this evening, Monday, May 18th, at 8:30p.m. for a personal "thank you." (his italics).





If this is about the uninvited fiasco, a) the event is being held at the scene of the fiasco, not sure that's the best idea and b) not having the courage to specifically name the topic at hand is weak.

Edited by algaes
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Cruisinsubman - I met you several times up at the bar and while walking the deck. My wife and I also saw you on our last night on the ship (thank God) before leaving at Bergen. We were going to the Italian restaurant for dinner which lasted less than a minute. When we arrived we were seated at a table next to the entrance and in front of the waiter station bar which made me feel very uncomfortable with all the action at my back and the cool breeze coming in the doorway. I politely asked if another table was available. The first word out of Raul's mouth was NO! "If you would like to come back in a hour, maybe we might have a better table available for you."

As this was the second time a "supervisor" had told me NO as an initial response (I was the one who could not get a glass of Chardonnay for 6 days) I lost it. I did refrain from telling him what he could do with his ship. My wife and I got up and left and went to the World Cafe for dinner.

We happily left the ship the next morning in the rain


I agree that a total lack of supervision, communication and staff individuals accepting responsibility to resolve specific situations is the overall problem. That always starts at the top of the command chain.


I know you and your wife will keep on plugging along and we hope things get resolved. John & Judy (jjean)

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My husband and I are on the Star for 29 days, not 50, and we received the same letter and "dis inviting." 50 days or 29 days or 1 day, it doesn't matter. What matters was the disregard and embarrassment of passengers. I am angry and disappointed by Vikings behavior. To add insult to injury, Viking is having a gathering in the theatre, by invitation only, tonight to talk to the 50 day passengers. 29 doesn't count. We were not invited.




You would think that Viking would have a record of everyone they sent letters too.....

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IME, Viking's sole intention is to take over the world of cruising, any way they can. Passengers are secondary to their goal of domination.


IMO, it is not a company that has the passenger as the foremost priority. Their BUSINESS and the bottom line is what matters most. Once they have dominated the river cruise market and achieved that status, then maybe, just maybe they'll start working on a better public image.

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My husband and I are on the Star for 29 days, not 50, and we received the same letter and "dis inviting." 50 days or 29 days or 1 day, it doesn't matter. What matters was the disregard and embarrassment of passengers. I am angry and disappointed by Vikings behavior. To add insult to injury, Viking is having a gathering in the theatre, by invitation only, tonight to talk to the 50 day passengers. 29 doesn't count. We were not invited.


You were snubbed originally and I would not wait for an invite. Just show up at appointed time.

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You were snubbed originally and I would not wait for an invite. Just show up at appointed time.


Ok....I'm probably going to roast in H--- for this, but is there any way for a few louder mouthed passengers to slip into the theater and then stand up and ASK : "why were the other passengers invited to attend and then "uninvited" to attend? Are the people sailing for 50 days the only ones on board who are important to you? Then tell him how this made you feel: not only were we not allowed to eat at the "cool kids table" we weren't even allowed to be in the same room with them! And to have to stand up and walk out made us feel like WE had done something dishonest and wrong.

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