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Some observations around the few who weren't so happy

Vineyard View

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I just finished posting my overall review of our 29 days on the maiden voyage on the other thread that I started 1 week into the trip. After reading about so much unhappiness on this board prior to leaving for our trip, I stepped away from CC. Now that we are back, I would like to address some concerns/issues/observations that had nothing to do with Viking, but with some of the unhappy passengers. Below outlines a few scenarios:


As soon as we boarded in Barcelona, DH and I were grabbing a bite in the World Market while waiting for our cabin. At the table next to us, another couple sat down who had just arrived on board as well. Two people that had been on board since Istanbul, sat down at the same table with this new couple. They immediately started going on and on about all their problems and all their perceived 'wrongs' that had been happening. The woman tried to steer the conversation in a different direction, the husband had a look on his face that said 'get me away from them', but nope...these two just wanted to complain.I observed this complaining couple continue to repeat this pattern over and over again with people who were just having a great time - and didn't want to engage in the negativity. But the complainers just kept finding new targets to bemoan the terrible.


Another time while we were totally enjoying our lunch on our anniversary in The Restaurant (sea day), two couples were seated next to our table. They started complaining about anything and everything, and then decided that they didn't like the offering on the menu. So one lady orders a hot dog. When it is brought to her, she asked where the pickle relish was that she gets at the pool bar. The server apologized and explained that the pool bar was the only location with pickle relish. Her response - 'well then you better find your fastest runner and get some for me now!' (we are on deck 2, pool on deck 7 opposite end of ship). She then flicked her hand at the server dismissing him as one would flick at a fly....And she was dead serious. If you would like to have pickle relish for your hot dog, that is fine....but Need I say more?


DH and I sat at a table by the pool bar to listen to some music and dancing. Another couple sat at the table and first words out of her mouth were complaints. I told here we were having a great time, I was sorry she wasn't, and she then said, 'well no, we are having a great time'. Huh?


My point is this. I would estimate that 98% of the passengers on this trip were having a great vacation. They were totally enjoying their time on the Star. They were in good moods. Then there were the very few who just weren't. Some made it clear on these boards, and some of them made it very obvious to all on board that they weren't having a good time. They truly were very easy to spot. I am sorry that they weren't. BUT, it was not right of them to continue to inject their unhappiness to people who quite honestly didn't want to be around that. It was selfish. It wasn't fair. I am not saying that they didn't experience things/situations/legit reasons to them to be unhappy. And I am not saying that there weren't issues that needed to be addressed - we had a few ourselves and we addressed them directly with Viking. We did not sit down and start bitching to people we had never met. There are people at/on Viking where these concerns need to be addressed - and yes, they do need to be addressed or the areas of opportunity will not be fixed or improved. It wasn't perfect....but is was a whole lot better for most than it was for a small few. It is just a lot more fair to address the anger/concerns with the appropriate people rather than a fellow passenger who is just trying to enjoy their vacation.

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It was odd seeing people seemingly pulling, almost willing, for failure. It was an odd attitude to find on vacation. I think this issue here, and on the Star as well, is the squeaky wheel gets the grease. And I this case bad news sells. There seems to be more interest in reading about failure and disappointment than "I had a great time". And there are plenty of people ready to throw gas on any fire, no mater how small. It is a shame, life's to short to be looking for the negative in everything, especially vacation.


Welcome home Vineyard View! I'm sorry you anniversary spectacular is over.

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I learned a long time ago when traveling with friends and even family members let alone strangers, everyone has certain expectations about what a vacation is for them.

Sorry you ran into the complainers at the first opportunity on board the Star.

I have been know to walk away from a dear friend in Galway and told her that I did not want to be seen with her as she berated the waiter for some minor thing.

I am very particular who I vacation with now. I tend to find the more optimistic folks on a cruise, in a resort, on the beach, on a tour and make friends.

I am still smitten with the Viking Star and have learned that 16 -20 days are my limit for any vacation.

Maybe some of it was the total days some were on the ship and one's world becomes very focused on the daily irritants that become major obstacles.


Does anyone know when the 2017 sailings will be released?:)

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I am right there with both of you!

If the complainers had sat at our table, we would have moved tables. And if the two couple hadn't been seated next to us in the middle of our lunch, we would have moved then as well!

For the most part, it was easy tho to see so many people having a great time. And we were two of them.

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It just proves the old adage:

" You can't satisfy all of the people all of the time - just some of the people some of the time"

However, I agree that those who have an axe to grind should address their problems to the right quarter i.e. management - not other passengers! Regrettably some people are born whingers & all they need is an audience! I also find it extremely abhorrent that any person could be so rudely demanding as to treat another, irrespective of their status on board in such a way as described by Vineyard View. (Bet they wouldn't have spoken to the Captain like that!) Perhaps they don't realise that such actions only reflect badly on themselves.

Still hasn't deterred me from looking forward to my 50 day Viking Empire in 2016 on the Star. (Given that Viking Sea will be undertaking its maiden voyage in April 2016, it will be interesting to compare comments re the Star's maiden voyage.)

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I wouldn't be deterred at all! You will have an epic experience and create a lot of great memories in some amazing places in the world.

Many thanks for all your input VV. I know this is CC with the emphasis on "Critic" but criticism doesn't necessarily mean that it should always be done in the negative. The time & effort you have put into your contributions is little short of magnificent, given that you ARE on vacation & should be spending ALL of your time enjoying yourself, rather than counteracting the whingers!!

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We are home as of Wed night. Our body clocks, however, are still not sure where in the world we are!!! I had to spend some time thinking about whether to post this thread, but in the end felt it needed to be said.

The ship was and will be (almost) full of people having a wonderful time!

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While I agree that some people are always going to find something to complain about, and have a miserable time no matter what, I think it's also important to hear what didn't go so swell so that things can be improved. We had a fabulous time, but had some real frustrations too. I addressed every issue I had with Viking staff but I also voiced some of those concerns here as well. Unless you want these boards to be just another rah-rah marketing tool for Viking, I think it's important to hear all views and not stifle the voices of those that had problems. Everyone has a legitimate point of view. Let's let everyone cheer or whine here on CC without restraint or criticism.

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Elizabeth, you are not part of the problem. You always found something good in any situation. And I agree these boards should carry issues, failures, criticisms, whatever somebody wants to call them. It doesn't mean it has to be negative, personal, and the end of the line.


In my review I pointed out some things that could be done better, but my over all experience was fantastic. It can be done without berating some individual for fault in making it rain that day.

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Cruise critic is a forum for people to ask and answer questions, share experiences and information. Many people write about their daily experiences while onboard. It is their experince and you have no right to criticize them for posting about it.

Unlike FaceBook ( which Vikings as removed negative posts) cruise lines have no means of editing what is written here.

Viking hopefully follows what is posted here and acts to fix what needs fixing.

Azamara has an official poster who monitors the Azamara board and answers questions etc. Might be a good idea for Viking.

Happy cruising........

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Respectfully- I stand by my post here. In no place did I state that the observations that I made were of anyone who posted on these boards. In fact, 2 of the 3 examples I made of observations, I have no idea if they have ever heard of Cruise Critic, let alone posted here.

As you all say, CC is for posting positive as well as criticism - but there are no rules that state you can only 'critic' Viking employees and Viking failures.

If people on a cruise behave in a manner that is offensive to fellow passengers, or their constant complaining to strangers on a cruise impacts those passengers negatively- who were just trying to have a good time, then we have the right to express our 'critic' of those behaviors and people. What I point out - to me - is as disturbing and frustrating as many of the complaints I read about regarding Viking employees and shortcomings.

If this is a forum to 'share experiences and information', and 'not stifle voices', then please do not stifle them -again, the observations I pointed out were of my experiences with a select group of people on the ship who may or may not be posters here. Apparently, based on the responses to my post, others felt the same way.

So I respectfully ask that our opinions and experiences not be asked to be stifled, without restraint, or criticism.

Edited by Vineyard View
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I don't want anybody to feel they shouldn't have a voice here, or anywhere else for that matter. I'm just confused as to why they are so negative. It is possible to point out an issue without being negative on Viking or their employees.


I also have to say I a more than a bit miffed when a poster is very negative about a particular topic only to find out later they haven't even been on the Star. Where is that anger coming from? And it doesn't belong in posts here.


I'm not advocating censorship, if someone wants to be negative, it's a free web site, I just refuse to go along. And I will post my own experience along side, within a positive description, as we are talking about leisure here, not ending world hunger.

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Exactly my point - let everyone CHEER or complain here on CC. Those that have a wonderful cruise should feel free to express their enthusiasm. Those that didn't should feel free to express their frustration.


I'm only talking about these boards - not what happens on board a ship. If I end up sitting next to someone obnoxious, I either move at the time, or at least avoid them for the rest of the trip. I've found these people on every cruise or tour I've ever been on. I just want to suggest that here on CC is a safe place to express both the positive and negative.

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I agree 100% Elizabeth! I hope some of our complaints ( and praise) from the maiden voyage have been heard and the issues addressed making cruising on The Star a great experience

Edited by kathy9
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I agree 100% Elizabeth! I hope some of our complaints ( and praise) from the maiden voyage have been heard and the issues addressed making cruising on The Star a great experience

That's when we board the Star...Several years ago we did our first river cruise with Viking. They were four couples in our group. Another couple picked Viking, picked the Danube and pick a brand new longship..the Helvetia. I made the mistake of reading cruise critic reviews of Viking, river cruises, and the Danube prior to going but post-booking. I would have NEVER given Viking a try based on what I read and I have noticed that several people have cancelled their Star cruise based on what they have read. All 8 of us had a WONDERFUL time on our first Viking River cruise. My husband and I had so much fun that when they offered us $500 credit each because our showers backed up on the last day of the cruise, we turned around and booked the Rhine for the next summer and again, had a great time which is why we booked the Star for this trip...I take all praise and criticism with a grain of salt but can't imagine that we are going to have a terrible time on a brand new ship seeing parts of the world we've never seen before with people we love. There are so many people in this world that will NEVER get to go on any cruise in their entire lifetime. I am thankful for every trip I have ever taken. Bon Voyage to one and all!!!

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Huntersyaya, well said. We are all truly fortunate to be able to even travel this way. I guess that gets back to my initial post, which provides three specific examples of my observations. I would suggest that should there be anyone here on this forum who might fit the profiles of the examples of what I observed - people who made it very clear to everyone how unhappy they were - just try not to spread it around to those who are having a great time. That way there aren't quite as many of those 'people to avoid' that Elizabeth refers to that we all run into.

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Respectfully- I stand by my post here. In no place did I state that the observations that I made were of anyone who posted on these boards. In fact, 2 of the 3 examples I made of observations, I have no idea if they have ever heard of Cruise Critic, let alone posted here.

As you all say, CC is for posting positive as well as criticism - but there are no rules that state you can only 'critic' Viking employees and Viking failures.

If people on a cruise behave in a manner that is offensive to fellow passengers, or their constant complaining to strangers on a cruise impacts those passengers negatively- who were just trying to have a good time, then we have the right to express our 'critic' of those behaviors and people. What I point out - to me - is as disturbing and frustrating as many of the complaints I read about regarding Viking employees and shortcomings.

If this is a forum to 'share experiences and information', and 'not stifle voices', then please do not stifle them -again, the observations I pointed out were of my experiences with a select group of people on the ship who may or may not be posters here. Apparently, based on the responses to my post, others felt the same way.

So I respectfully ask that our opinions and experiences not be asked to be stifled, without restraint, or criticism.


Great post!

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All the misgivings and accolades I have voiced on CC about the first leg of the maiden (shakedown, rather), I also shared with Viking personnel upon my return. They contacted me, eager for feedback, one the booking agent, the other a pleasant woman, phoning me in response to the survey I completed onboard ship in which I agreed to be interviewed.


They sincerely apologized for lapses in communication and service and seemed genuinely interested in our total experience, both onboard and including port calls and excursions. They wanted details on the highs and lows, solliciting feedback so as to improve the experience for future cruisers. I think the woman was more effective, looking to problem solve, exhibiting none of the 'programmed' manner the booking agent found it difficult to shed. I do fault him for selling the cruise as a once-in-a-lifetime fantastic maiden voyage that would simply blow us away. If he had been up front about the potential downside of an inaugural sailing, we would likely have booked a later departure.


When you pay in full two years in advance, you hope for an honest accounting of the adventure that awaits so you can make an informed decision. This is my biggest disappointment of all, not any technical glitches, the one dismissive restaurant manager, or the delays. We did feel lost in the shuffle, and short on information, as the crew tried to its hardest to get things up to snuff. So, for those now on board or about to embark, I hope Viking has ironed out the wrinkles. With our vouchers in hand, perhaps we will give it another shot, but as Kathy9 has previously said, you can't make a second first impression.

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I figured out long ago that the complainers were just complainers, or else they didn't understand that cruise lines have to do certain things for a reason. I, too, stayed off here for a while, as I was tired of being bashed by others for being too positive, when all I was trying to do was help.


Oh well, from what I've read Viking Oceans is great, especially for their, what, less than 2 months of existence? I'm ready to put all the negativity behind us and move on, but thank you for having the courage to say what you've said, Vineyard View. The kind of person you describe is not the person I want to be cruising with, but luckily I assume they are just a very small (but intensely vocal) minority. I just think it's a shame that with their encouragement of bad reviews, endless harping, and things like that, they've probably skewed the perceptions of Viking would-be customers. No, I'm not in any way associated with Viking, as one person wondered, but I DO feel sorry for a new company that is getting repeatedly bashed for start-up glitches and disappointment by people who had extremely high standards. It also made some people afraid they wouldn't love the cruise they had not paid for, which is a real shame. I also felt extremely sorry for the new employees on Star who had to deal with people that you described. I hope they don't all leave once their contract is over!


I'm extremely happy with what I've heard about Viking so far. Are they as good as my favorite (Oceania)? No, probably not, but at least they represent excellent value, right now, even before they tweak and gel, as all new lines do. Oceania was good when they started out; now they are great, but they didn't get there overnight. They are also a little bit more expensive than Viking, so comparing apples to oranges is not exactly fair. I recently compared the cruise I'm on to a very similar one on Oceania, and Viking is actually less when you equalize what's included on each line. Of course, if you're that focused on 5-star service and things like that, maybe you should try Silverseas, Cunard, Regent or one of those lines - but you'll pay a lot more for it!


Anyway, thanks for letting people know what went on. I'm used to cruising with wonderful, down to earth, well traveled but NOT snippy people, and that's exactly who I'm expecting to find when I (finally) get on board this fall. We want to see the world, and if we have to go to a different part of the ship to get relish, we'll go get it!

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Loving your reviews, Vineyard. By the way, do u live in wine country??? I appreciated your thoughtful analysis and descriptions.

One thing that's always made me scream with laughter is the instant 'intimacy' with total strangers.....for example, you get on the bus after an excursion, with a bag or two and invariably someone says, "What did you buy? Show us Show us"

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We do live in 'wine country'.....however since arriving back home Wed evening, we are still in a 'drying out' period from our Viking trip!! ha!! Along with a bit different eating!


Roothy, I have an appreciation for your attitude, and for stepping away as well. For me I needed to go into this trip in the right head space - for me, and I too had some disparaging comments made about my being positive......however, after returning those are the two main reasons I decided to speak my voice, and just briefly share some experiences and observations that paint a bit different picture - not a perfect picture for sure - but a bit different for those who are waiting or will be on the Star. You will have a great time.

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Rest assured, none of the for/against comments on CC about the maiden voyage of the "Star" have deterred me from looking forward to my 50 dayer from Istanbul to Stockholm next year with great excitement. I know it will be an awesome experience! However, to quote Paquebot:

"When you pay in full two years in advance, you hope for an honest accounting of the adventure that awaits so you can make an informed decision."

I do feel let down by Viking as far as the itinerary is concerned. Rather than visiting Malaga, Cadiz, Porto and A Corona as shown on the Viking Empire website when I booked (and these ports were what influenced me to happily spend the money so far in advance), I now find via "My Viking Journey" that these ports have been omitted from the itinerary and the cruise will go Barcelona, Gibraltar, Lisbon, Bordeaux. Like Paquebot, I had hopes for an honest accounting of the adventure that awaits. While I am philosophical enough to accept that a port here or there may need to be omitted for various reasons, surely not so many in the one cruise!

Even so, I remain very positive about the "adventure that awaits" and as the days slowly tick by until my departure, my excitement proportionally increases - only 293 days to go!!!:)

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