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Can someone confirm this alcohol question about RCCL

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It's funny, I have been on 5 cruises and never had an issue getting seats where I wanted to sit. Usually around the pool.


To me it's like finding a parking spot have a little patience and one will come up or move along to the next area.


I just love the three hot buttons on this forum


1. Tipping/gratuities

2. Rum runners

3. Hair hogging


If it wa not for these three topics then the forum would be very quite, everyone has a opinion and jump up to the highest soap box to give it.


My question is for those that condem others behind the safety of their computer, do they every do anything about it while on board?


If so what and to what end?


Not much one can do about 1 or 2.


But for 3 there is something. I often get up early to run, and during this time I see people leave towels on loungers and walk away. When I'm done with my run I collect them. This way I never have to check out a towel, and strike a blow for justice.


So if you got a towel charge on your last cruise, you're welcome.

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Seems clear to me.


I agree, it seems more clear if you only post part of it and ignore the part that says:


"Security may inspect containers (water bottles, soda bottles, mouthwash, luggage etc.) and will dispose of containers holding alcohol." To me, that makes it clear that alcohol is what they really are trying to control.


Even if you were right about the soda/water thing, though (which I still don't think you are), it's just wrong to say that you can't condemn some rule-breaking and condone others. Not all rules are equal. Is bringing on some bottled water, even though you're not supposed to, just as bad as throwing trash overboard, littering the ocean? Sorry again, but I think you're full of it. I don't bother bringing bottled water on, but it doesn't bother me, if someone else decides to do so. If I saw someone throwing trash overboard, though, I'd probably say something about it. Both rules, but one I care about and the other I don't.

Edited by Paul65
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I agree, it seems more clear if you only post part of it and ignore the part that says:


"Security may inspect containers (water bottles, soda bottles, mouthwash, luggage etc.) and will dispose of containers holding alcohol." To me, that makes it clear that alcohol is what they really are trying to control.


And yet that's not what the 'rule' says. It say you cannot bring water or soda on board for any reason, so yes they will throw away all containers with alcohol but maybe store others until end of cruise for you to collect like they do hairdryer and irons? Who really know? We can all just assume what we like to get around the rules.

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And yet that's not what the 'rule' says.


That's a quote from the same "rule" you quoted from, so yes, that is what it says. You can try as hard as you want, but you're not going to win this, because trying to pretend that every "rule" is equal to every other rule is simply wrong. I get that you're trying to paint people as hypocrites, if they criticize the breaking of one rule and don't care about others, but it's an extremely weak argument.


Maybe you should practice what your Mum told you.

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That's a quote from the same "rule" you quoted from, so yes, that is what it says. You can try as hard as you want, but you're not going to win this, because trying to pretend that every "rule" is equal to every other rule is simply wrong. I get that you're trying to paint people as hypocrites, if they criticize the breaking of one rule and don't care about others, but it's an extremely weak argument.


Maybe you should practice what your Mum told you.


Mum also told me some people just can't see that you need to play by all the rules or you get kicked outa the game. But hey that's just my mum right, I mean I'm a grown person I can make up my mind on the really big ruled that I can't break and the little itty bitty ones I can.


We I'm going to go have me some of my mums pie now so you all have a good night. :D

Edited by Naomigruis
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That's a quote from the same "rule" you quoted from, so yes, that is what it says. You can try as hard as you want, but you're not going to win this, because trying to pretend that every "rule" is equal to every other rule is simply wrong. I get that you're trying to paint people as hypocrites, if they criticize the breaking of one rule and don't care about others, but it's an extremely weak argument.


Maybe you should practice what your Mum told you.


I think it is a very strong argument. In my opinion every rule is not equal to every other rule. However, breaking any rule and then criticizing someone else for break a different rule makes you a text book hypocrite.


The same way if someone says they smuggle booze but still have a big bar bill

or they say they smuggle because drinks are expensive onboard still make you a smuggler and rule breaker.

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Not much one can do about 1 or 2.


But for 3 there is something. I often get up early to run, and during this time I see people leave towels on loungers and walk away. When I'm done with my run I collect them. This way I never have to check out a towel, and strike a blow for justice.


So if you got a towel charge on your last cruise, you're welcome.


I tend to leave it to RCI to police their ship. They aren't paying me to do it.:rolleyes:

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I think it is a very strong argument. In my opinion every rule is not equal to every other rule. However, breaking any rule and then criticizing someone else for break a different rule makes you a text book hypocrite.


Then I will consider you just as wrong as Naomigruis.


One could take your argument to ridiculous extremes and say someone is a "textbook hypocrite" if they bring water on-board, even though there is a rule against it that the cruise line itself doesn't even seem to care about, yet they criticize rapists. You can't break one rule and criticize someone else for breaking a rule, right?

Edited by Paul65
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So, just to clarify, I think there is a distinct difference between "smuggling alcohol" and bringing on a few bottles of water, because one involves dishonesty, and the other doesn't. If you're trying to hide something to get away with breaking a rule, that is a form of dishonesty. If you're openly bringing on some bottled water, and nobody seems to care, that is not dishonesty.


To invoke a rather overused comparison to speeding, one would be like driving a few miles over the speed limit in plain view of the police officer (who is probably passing you), compared to another scenario of driving way over the speed limit and using a radar detector to avoid the police.

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Then I will consider you just as wrong as Naomigruis.


One could take your argument to ridiculous extremes and say someone is a "textbook hypocrite" if they bring water on-board, even though there is a rule against it that the cruise line itself doesn't even seem to care about, yet they criticize rapists. You can't break one rule and criticize someone else for breaking a rule, right?


Forgot who I was dealing with for a second but now everyone knows.


FYI, rape is a crime.

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TSA has nothing to do with ship scanners, port security officers or what is carried on. Take a good look at those uniforms, they are from a private security company...






And while liquids of all kinds are limited to the 3-1-1 rules in carry-on bags, alcohol generally is permitted in checked bags (subject to fairly minimal restrictions) so TSA wouldn't even be looking for it.

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Forgot who I was dealing with for a second but now everyone knows.


FYI, rape is a crime.


Of course it's a crime. I was admittedly just taking your incorrect pronouncement to ridiculous extremes. I certainly understand why people who want to justify their rule-breaking try to portray anyone who criticizes it as a hypocrite, because there's probably some rule somewhere that they break, too. It's a silly game, and not very convincing, though. :cool:

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I think it is a very strong argument. In my opinion every rule is not equal to every other rule. However, breaking any rule and then criticizing someone else for break a different rule makes you a text book hypocrite.


The same way if someone says they smuggle booze but still have a big bar bill

or they say they smuggle because drinks are expensive onboard still make you a smuggler and rule breaker.


I don't care what you bring on-board but it's specious argument at best. Allowing water and soda to be brought on-board is and implicit admission by Royal that the rule does not apply. It's just not a valid comparison. That said, smuggle on if you so choose.

Edited by Big_G
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While I agree that smugglers don't cause drink prices to go up, their behavior does affect the rest of us. Specifically, I have to carry my bottles of wine on board rather than conveniently leave them in checked luggage. Also, there are people who have had to go to security because something in their bag looked like liquor.


It is undeniable that dishonesty affects us all. Think about all the checks, rules, proofs, etc that one has to provide on a daily basis, and consider how many of those are in place due to a few people's dishonesty. True, many if not most result from actual criminal activity which is a whole different story, but at least some are from the kind of petty dishonesty that so many seem to accept as normal. Why do towels suck in hotels? Because so many people thought it was just fine to steal them.


I do not accept it, and try to teach my children that as well. I firmly believe that endemic dishonesty and acceptance of the same is a problem in society.


although having said that I do consider smuggling alcohol to be a minor version.


And before you say it, yes I am not perfect and have sometimes broken a few rules. But I can still advocate against it.

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Had a look at the Rum Runner site. They are hardly subtle about the intention of their product.


It makes me wonder if they have other products of a similar nature like Coke Enemas. You can imagine the pitch.


Don't trust condoms which can burst when you smuggle in your next batch of Coke. Use Coke Enemas which come in funky designer colours. Now ribbed for your smuggling pleasure. Can also be used for any powdered drug or dry explosive. *Multiple Use Warranty does not apply to suicide bombers.
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I think it is a very strong argument. In my opinion every rule is not equal to every other rule. However, breaking any rule and then criticizing someone else for break a different rule makes you a text book hypocrite.

Do you consider RCI "hypocrites"? After all, they're the ones who not only make the rules, but decide which ones they're going to enforce.


Yes, according to the "rules", bringing on soda and water is not allowed. However, odds are very good (as reported on CC) that you can put soda and/or water in/with your checked bags and the worst thing that would happen is you get called to the naughty room. You still get your soda/water. There's no need to purchase special containers or otherwise hide (smuggle) water or soda.


Personally, I've never understood the complaining about people not following the "suggested" dress code rule. If RCI is going to let them in the dinning room in jeans, so be it. RCI also allows people to remove auto tips.

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I do find drink prices on RCL excessive. I wish they were cheaper.


I avoid drinks packages because I don't drink much and hate restrictions. I can't be bothered to keep track of whether a particular drink is included in a package anyway.


I don't try and smuggle drinks on board a ship. I like to have a quiet, stress free cruise experience.


As a diamond member I get so many drinks free anyway. Probably another reason why it isn't such a big deal to me.


I have bought alcohol at port stops. Security take these when you board the ship and give them back on the last day. I am fine with that.

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Not much one can do about 1 or 2.


But for 3 there is something. I often get up early to run, and during this time I see people leave towels on loungers and walk away. When I'm done with my run I collect them. This way I never have to check out a towel, and strike a blow for justice.


So if you got a towel charge on your last cruise, you're welcome.


Ha ha - I love this! I'm leaving in a few weeks and am also an early riser. You've given me an idea! :p

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Do you consider RCI "hypocrites"? After all, they're the ones who not only make the rules, but decide which ones they're going to enforce.


Yes, according to the "rules", bringing on soda and water is not allowed. However, odds are very good (as reported on CC) that you can put soda and/or water in/with your checked bags and the worst thing that would happen is you get called to the naughty room. You still get your soda/water. There's no need to purchase special containers or otherwise hide (smuggle) water or soda.


Personally, I've never understood the complaining about people not following the "suggested" dress code rule. If RCI is going to let them in the dinning room in jeans, so be it. RCI also allows people to remove auto tips.


Yes, textbook.

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I've heard RCCL is the most difficult cruise line to get rum runners through checked bags. Is that true? Any packing tips for the large 32 oz rr's?


Use them on every cruise - used them two weeks ago on Anthem - never an issue. love those things

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Do you consider RCI "hypocrites"? After all, they're the ones who not only make the rules, but decide which ones they're going to enforce.


Yes, according to the "rules", bringing on soda and water is not allowed. However, odds are very good (as reported on CC) that you can put soda and/or water in/with your checked bags and the worst thing that would happen is you get called to the naughty room. You still get your soda/water. There's no need to purchase special containers or otherwise hide (smuggle) water or soda.


Personally, I've never understood the complaining about people not following the "suggested" dress code rule. If RCI is going to let them in the dinning room in jeans, so be it. RCI also allows people to remove auto tips.


The guy sitting near to me in the cafeteria is allowed to fart, and just did. Does that make it right? Or OK? Unless he couldn't help it of course, maybe he came from the GI lab.

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Do you consider RCI "hypocrites"? After all, they're the ones who not only make the rules, but decide which ones they're going to enforce.


Yes, according to the "rules", bringing on soda and water is not allowed. However, odds are very good (as reported on CC) that you can put soda and/or water in/with your checked bags and the worst thing that would happen is you get called to the naughty room. You still get your soda/water. There's no need to purchase special containers or otherwise hide (smuggle) water or soda.


Personally, I've never understood the complaining about people not following the "suggested" dress code rule. If RCI is going to let them in the dinning room in jeans, so be it. RCI also allows people to remove auto tips.


You got pretty much the answer I would have expected. Some people seem to lack either the capacity or desire to understand differences. It's all or nothing. Enforce every rule or enforce none of them. Doesn't really make any sense, but I suppose it provides some gratification in being able to call pretty much every human being a hypocrite.

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