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What would you expect carnival to do?


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So, on our last cruise we got to talking to some fellow Tennesseans and noticed one of the ladies had her foot in a cast. In asking about that we find out that she had slipped on some spilled beer on a marble floor and broke her ankle, on the 1st day of the cruise. She told us that she and her husband were sharing a cabin with another couple and that they were thankfully able to get refunds on the excursions they had already paid for.


Later on, DH and I were talking and wondering what Carnival would do for this passenger. We both agreed that she shouldn't have to pay one cent on any medical costs, but what about the cost of their cruise? Because of Carnival's negligent this lady broke her foot and was not able to continue her vacation as she had planned. And what of the other couple vacationing with them?


What do y'all think?

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Nothing, unless Carnival staff knew the liquid was present and was causing a safety hazard and ignored the situation. This is why what happened to this woman is called an accident.

Edited by AHS123
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Carnival won't do anything that could be construed as admitting negligence.


A year and a half ago I was on the Pride with my then girlfriend. She fell in the cabin on the last night of the cruise and broke her wrist. I called the front desk and was told the medical office was closed. A nurse called my room and told me to just keep it elevated. I asked if I could get some kind of Ace bandage or splint and was told the medical office was closed. I used a bath towel to try and stabilize it. Nobody from Carnival even wanted to look at it or make an incident report. Carnival was not negligent, but I've been a business owner, and I always made incident reports when someone fell on my property. Mainly to protect me from litigation. The next day I asked if we could get some kind of priority disembarkation so I could get her to the hospital. I was told no. We didn't get off the ship until 11:30 that morning. I'm not one to complain, but I did email Carnival about this when I got home. A couple weeks later I got an email back that basically just said, sorry it happened and hope she is doing better. I was even complimentary in my email and told them it was a great cruise and her falling wasn't their fault. I did take the towel. I'm surprised they didn't charge me.

Edited by cantthinkofanythingfun
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Shouldn't their insurance cover her medical cost. If they were negligent then there would be additional payments maybe for pain and suffering. But that is the same as your home owners covering if someone trips and falls at your house.

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What else should Carnival do? How was Carnival negligent? Lots of public places have marble floors. This has no impact on the other couple. They can still enjoy the excursions, etc.


Friend tripped on the pool deck the last night of a cruise. Carnival took care of her leg and provided a wheelchair.

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Sorry to hear about your friends ruined cruise - so unfortunate! But these things happen. I certainly wouldn't expect Carnival to compensate me for the price of the cruise for something like that because accidents do happen. Refunds for excursions she couldn't take and medical seems fair. Hopefully that won't happen to me, but if it did I would probably try to make the best of it and enjoy lazy times on the ship with maybe a quick trip via crutches when in port to look around on possibly a van tour. When life gives you lemons you have to make lemonade.


Hope she managed to have a good time anyway... I would have done my best to enjoy and hopefully she did too.

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Carnival won't do anything that could be construed as admitting negligence.


A year and a half ago I was on the Pride with my then girlfriend. She fell in the cabin on the last night of the cruise and broke her wrist. I called the front desk and was told the medical office was closed. A nurse called my room and told me to just keep it elevated. I asked if I could get some kind of Ace bandage or splint and was told the medical office was closed. I used a bath towel to try and stabilize it. Nobody from Carnival even wanted to look at it or make an incident report. Carnival was not negligent, but I've been a business owner, and I always made incident reports when someone fell on my property. Mainly to protect me from litigation. The next day I asked if we could get some kind of priority disembarkation so I could get her to the hospital. I was told no. We didn't get off the ship until 11:30 that morning. I'm not one to complain, but I did email Carnival about this when I got home. A couple weeks later I got an email back that basically just said, sorry it happened and hope she is doing better. I was even complimentary in my email and told them it was a great cruise and her falling wasn't their fault. I did take the towel. I'm surprised they didn't charge me.


Wow did you tell anyone you thought her wrist was broken? If so shocked they didnt open medical office to take a look.


Surprised they didnt do more to help her.

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I think Carnival did the right thing in covering her medical costs and also her excursion costs. But honestly I don't necessarily believe they were negligent. There's too much unknown. How long was the beer there? I mean Carnival could have had someone on the way to put down a wet floor sign and mop it up. Or maybe it hadn't been reported yet and Carnival had no idea it was even there because it was just spilled. Who knows..

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The woman is owned nothing by Carnival. If someone is at fault, it is the person who spilled the beer and didn't take prompt action to clean it up (either wiping it up themselves or notifying a Carnival employee while standing guard over the spill to make sure no one slipped).


And yes, I have taken these actions when I spilled some water on a cruise.

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Wow did you tell anyone you thought her wrist was broken? If so shocked they didnt open medical office to take a look.


Surprised they didnt do more to help her.


Yes, I told the nurse it had immediately swelled to three times it's size and I was sure it was broke. It was just after midnight and he said there was nothing that could be done and to put ice on it and keep it elevated. I took her to the hospital after getting off the ship and it was fractured.

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So, on our last cruise we got to talking to some fellow Tennesseans and noticed one of the ladies had her foot in a cast. In asking about that we find out that she had slipped on some spilled beer on a marble floor and broke her ankle, on the 1st day of the cruise. She told us that she and her husband were sharing a cabin with another couple and that they were thankfully able to get refunds on the excursions they had already paid for.


Later on, DH and I were talking and wondering what Carnival would do for this passenger. We both agreed that she shouldn't have to pay one cent on any medical costs, but what about the cost of their cruise? Because of Carnival's negligent this lady broke her foot and was not able to continue her vacation as she had planned. And what of the other couple vacationing with them?


What do y'all think?


So if she fell in your house, you should automatically be liable?


Are you saying Carnival spilled the beer on the floor and she slipped on it?

Edited by SeeBurd
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Ok I'm probably going to get flamed for this but what happened to responsibility? Everyone wants to blame someone else, sue, etc. This is crazy. I'm sorry it happened but if another passenger spilled the beer and Carnival didn't know how was that their fault? IMO People need to take responsibility and not always blame someone. On regular tv there is commercials with ambulance chasers etc. It's a crazy world we live in now and it's sad.

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I'm by all means not a legal expert, but in some of my grad school classes we did have conversations about this kind of situation. As others have said, unless Carnival knew about the spill and didn't clean it up, they are not negligent.


I mean, what if someone just spilled the beer a few seconds before the woman slipped? What could Carnival have done? Should they assign every passenger a crew member to follow them around watching to see if and when they spill something so that they can wipe it up immediately?


And then what do you do about the pool area where it's alway wet in spots? Common sense says if you are going to be on a cruise ship, you should make sure to wear shoes with good traction.


I feel bad for this woman, but I think that she should treat this as an unfortunate accident and nothing more. Should Carnival pay her medical bills? On the ship, yes. After the cruise? No, she can go to her own doctor once she's home and have her insurance pay those bills. That's why you have insurance.

Edited by bakersdozen12
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I also don't believe that CARNIVAL SHOULD do anything more that what they already did for this passenger. Yes, it is unfortunate and accidents happen, but that's just it an accident. If I was to hold anyone "negligent" it would be the person that actually spilled the beer & didn't clean it up so no one would fall. Or at least let a worker know or perhaps put a chair over the spill. Unfortunately, you can not be everywhere all the time. Things spill. For all we know her husband spilled the beer.


Now what COULD Carnival do above and beyond what they should do?

They could have

-offered a wheelchair for use (if there even was one onboard)

-perhaps offered a complimentary onboard spa treatment since the couple needed to cancel their pre-planned excursion. At least they could have some enjoyment during the original scheduled excursion time.

-offered a switch to a handicap room which could assist with bathroom usage. (again, if one is even available)

-perhaps a % off discount for a future cruise so they can plan a different discounted trip once she has healed.

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As to the broken wrist...Medical should have at least given her something for the pain but unfortunately the nurse is correct...If it was swelled up to 3 times it size you have to ice and elevate and with that much swelling you would need an orthapedic to set if necessary...Ships doctor wouldn't have the expertise.


As to the lady with the broken foot...Carnival did exactly what it should have done...Maybe offered her a free dinner in the steakhouse or a free drink or something too but that's about it

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Last time I was on Carnival I saw a child spill a plate of food and then just walk away (no biggie, he was only about 7 years old) and I told a security guard that happened to be on the phone nearby (he was the closest employee I saw). He immediately moved to the area and physically stood over the spill until someone else came to clean it up.


I think they have a strong policy in place to clean spills right away so we can't assume they even knew about the spill.

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Carnival won't do anything that could be construed as admitting negligence.


A year and a half ago I was on the Pride with my then girlfriend. She fell in the cabin on the last night of the cruise and broke her wrist. I called the front desk and was told the medical office was closed. A nurse called my room and told me to just keep it elevated. I asked if I could get some kind of Ace bandage or splint and was told the medical office was closed. I used a bath towel to try and stabilize it. Nobody from Carnival even wanted to look at it or make an incident report. Carnival was not negligent, but I've been a business owner, and I always made incident reports when someone fell on my property. Mainly to protect me from litigation. The next day I asked if we could get some kind of priority disembarkation so I could get her to the hospital. I was told no. We didn't get off the ship until 11:30 that morning. I'm not one to complain, but I did email Carnival about this when I got home. A couple weeks later I got an email back that basically just said, sorry it happened and hope she is doing better. I was even complimentary in my email and told them it was a great cruise and her falling wasn't their fault. I did take the towel. I'm surprised they didn't charge me.



I had the opposite experience last year, also on the Pride. I found the pool deck to be very slippery, particularly when wearing a pair of leather flop flops I had bought in Jamaica. They were at times like walking on ice, but I stupidly kept wearing them anyway and reminded myself to be careful.


One afternoon, I was coming back to the pool deck with a slice of pizza on a plate, and sure enough, a$$ over teakettle in between two rows of lounge chairs. The plate smashed on the deck and the broken pieces left me with a number of superficial cuts on my shin and forearm.


The towel attendant came immediately to see if I was all right, as did a number of passengers. I was scratched and bruised, but mostly just embarrassed. A short time later, someone in a white uniform helped me clean up, offered me a few band aids and practically INSISTED I visit the medical office. I declined more than once, as they were very persistent. She tried to tell me that I had to go. I felt that there was nothing left to be done, I didn’t want to leave my grandson alone, and I didn’t want to spend any of our precious vacation time in a doctor’s office.


By the way, I threw out the shoes!

Edited by jma624
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I had the opposite experience last year, also on the Pride. I found the pool deck to be very slippery, particularly when wearing a pair of leather flop flops I had bought in Jamaica. They were at times like walking on ice, but I stupidly kept wearing them anyway and reminded myself to be careful.


One afternoon, I was coming back to the pool deck with a slice of pizza on a plate, and sure enough, a$$ over teakettle in between two rows of lounge chairs. The plate smashed on the deck and the broken pieces left me with a number of superficial cuts on my shin and forearm.


The towel attendant came immediately to see if I was all right, as did a number of passengers. I was scratched and bruised, but mostly just embarrassed. A short time later, someone in a white uniform helped me clean up, offered me a few band aids and practically INSISTED I visit the medical office. I declined more than once, as they were very persistent. She tried to tell me that I had to go. I felt that there was nothing left to be done, I didn’t want to leave my grandson alone, and I didn’t want to spend any of our precious vacation time in a doctor’s office.


By the way, I threw out the shoes!


Anyone who wears flip flops on the lido deck is a sadist. They really ARE made for walking in the sand so the sand drops out. Wearing them on a smooth surface is like wearing ice skates.

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As to the broken wrist...Medical should have at least given her something for the pain but unfortunately the nurse is correct...If it was swelled up to 3 times it size you have to ice and elevate and with that much swelling you would need an orthapedic to set if necessary...Ships doctor wouldn't have the expertise.




As to the lady with the broken foot...Carnival did exactly what it should have done...Maybe offered her a free dinner in the steakhouse or a free drink or something too but that's about it



An ace bandage would have helped to limit movement. I certainly wasn't expecting them to set it. I think the main thing that bothered me was having to wait until 11:30 to get off the ship. The injury would have been obvious to anyone that would have taken the time to look at it. Nobody was trying to game the system. Of course our bags were checked and maybe it couldn't have been helped. I'm obviously not that upset over it. I'm going on the Pride again in three days. I don't know if she would ever go back on Carnival though.

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Carnival won't do anything that could be construed as admitting negligence.


A year and a half ago I was on the Pride with my then girlfriend. She fell in the cabin on the last night of the cruise and broke her wrist. I called the front desk and was told the medical office was closed. A nurse called my room and told me to just keep it elevated. I asked if I could get some kind of Ace bandage or splint and was told the medical office was closed. I used a bath towel to try and stabilize it. Nobody from Carnival even wanted to look at it or make an incident report. Carnival was not negligent, but I've been a business owner, and I always made incident reports when someone fell on my property. Mainly to protect me from litigation. The next day I asked if we could get some kind of priority disembarkation so I could get her to the hospital. I was told no. We didn't get off the ship until 11:30 that morning. I'm not one to complain, but I did email Carnival about this when I got home. A couple weeks later I got an email back that basically just said, sorry it happened and hope she is doing better. I was even complimentary in my email and told them it was a great cruise and her falling wasn't their fault. I did take the towel. I'm surprised they didn't charge me.



About getting off the ship. What time did this happen? After luggage was picked up? If so its almost impossible to find anybody's luggage. It's put into steel crates for offloading. Those are organized without aisle ways.

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Wow the wrist incident really shocks me because it is the polar opposite to what happened to me on the Freedom a couple of years ago. I fell and broke my arm when I tripped on a threshold. My husband called medical and they immediatly sent a nurse or someone from medical with a wheel chair.


I was given pain meds, and put in a cast. I returned to my room that night and was disembarked to an ambulance first thing in the morning. I was taken to the local hospital, treated and released to go home to see a specialist and possibly undergo surgery.


Carnival treated me wonderfully. Yes they asked the pointed questions to try to see if I was in the mood to sue. I WAS NOT! But they treated me with dignity and respect and even made several follow up calls to check on my progress. Call me a cheerleader, by my experience was second to none.

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I don't know. If it was out in international waters, which it probably was, all bets are off. That might make a big difference legally. But if you were in a U.S. hotel and slipped on a wet spot in the lobby, broke your ankle, and sued them over it, I think you'd more likely than not end up winning the case. (In reality the insurance company would probably settle before it got that far)


It all depends on the particulars of the case, and the judge, and the jury, but I think all the people saying "Why would Carnival be liable?" aren't looking at it very realistically unless they are taking the international waters part into account. If some Girl Scout selling cookies injured themselves on you property, wouldn't you be worried about getting sued over it? I sure would.

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