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My first Carnival experience, with the Ecstasy (June 29 - July 3)


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This is my review/experience of cruising the Carnival Ecstasy. Hopefully, it doesn't end up being too long.


About me: I'm 46, married and have 2 sons, 9 and 17. I live in GA, but was born and raised in Miami, Florida, where most of my family still lives. This is my first Carnival cruise, but I've done the 1-2 day cruises that used to sail out of Miami oh so long ago :o.


We traveled with a total of 23 people; my parents, siblings and their families, aunts, uncles and cousins. The children were aged 1, 9, 9, 10, 15, 16, and 17. We had a 19 year old college student, and adults ranging in age from late 20s to 80s. Most of our group had never cruised before, so it was definitely an adventure.


I read through this board for months, as I was the "planner" for the trip. For first-timers, one thing that I can't stress enough is to read as much as you can on CC, make notes and then take a lot of it with a grain of salt. Keep an open mind and be willing to try new things so that you can form your own opinion and have loads of fun. Everything on our cruise wasn't perfect, but we all still had a great time, such that everyone wants to do it again. There are things that I've seen CC members rave about that I thought were just ok. And there were things that other CC members thought were just horrible that I really liked. Ultimately, the cruise is going to be what you make out of it. Being new to this, we made plenty of mistakes trying to figure things out. But not once did we allow anything to ruin our vacation. Oh, and walk the ship on boarding day!! I had read this, but didn't do it, and man, do I regret it.


So, this is the TLDR (too long, didn't read) stopping part. The rest will be my thoughts/review of my cruise. I'll include the good and bad (and try to include some pictures), but, again, there wasn't anything that was so bad that we wouldn't ever cruise Carnival or the Ecstasy again. I may have to change my travel mates somewhat :p but I will cruise again (next stop Alaska!!).

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OK, the picture thing really shouldn't be that hard, but I'm not able to figure it out at the moment and can't edit the previous post anymore :( So, I'll continue on with the review.


1. Drinks. I’ll start with this because it’s one of the most popular topics of conversation. :D We did bring on our 2 bottles of wine per cabin (with the exception of the cabin with my 17 year old and 15 year old nephew). Plus, our travel agent had arranged for a bottle of wine per cabin. However, we did also buy drinks onboard. We'd decided that we’d wait out embarkation day and decide on the next day if the Cheers program would be beneficial. It wasn’t, so no one purchased it. I may have purchased 2-3 drinks per day, and then had a couple of glasses of wine per day before stopping each day. The drinks onboard were great, but not very strong. But, even considering that, I don’t see how I could have gotten my money’s worth out of Cheers. I think a lot of it also had to do with the fact that we were so busy and having so much fun, that I just didn’t feel the need to drink very much. I think we ended up bringing 2 bottles of wine back home with us. My favorite drink, mango margarita!!!!! OMG!!


2. Embarkation. So, my family has a serious problem with schedules :rolleyes: We were all excited about the cruise, but decided to meet at the pier at 1:00 PM vs getting their early and dealing with crowds. Everyone was there at 1:30 PM (I guess 30 minutes late isn't too bad since it could have been worse), so we started to board. One of my nieces was on crutches (popped knee out of socket 2 days before). So, we had prearranged wheelchair assistance for her and my mother. So, a few of us were able to express board with them, while everyone else did regular boarding. My sister went with her daughter and I and my family went with my mom. There was a mixup with getting the S&S cards for my group, in that my 9 year old had gone to the restroom as the attendant was creating the cards, so she missed him. I didn't realize this until we were at the elevator on our way to go through the first security checkpoint. I had everyone else go ahead, while my 9 year old and I raced all the way back downstairs (carryon bags and all) to get it straightened out. Whew! The attendant was great, straightened it out quickly (even reissuing me a new card as I had given all the cards to my husband for them to go ahead, meaning I didn't have my card with me :o ). All in all, once entering the terminal, embarkation took roughly 20 minutes (not including the mixup) to get everyone onboard. Not bad!


3. The cabins (6 OV, 2 balcony). My cabin (OV) was myself, husband and 9 year old. 17 year old and 15 year old nephew were right next door. Initial impressions upon opening the door from me and my 9 year old were, "this is small!" However, it was clean and had everything we needed for a 4 day cruise, so we were all good!


4. The cabin stewards. We never really "met" them, but we'd see them in the halls and they were always nice and polite (although my sister and I observed how they would check out the women walking by, lol). Only once did I ever have to request anything (hair dryer), and it was delivered more quickly than I thought it would be. It seemed like they would clean our cabin every time we left. My 9 year old even commented once "why do they keep changing the towels?" lol!!!

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5. The Fun Shop. Excellent service and everything was as purchased. I had pre-purchased 4 packs of water that were waiting in my cabin when we boarded. One of my nieces turned 16 on our 2nd cruise day, so I had pre-purchased the Carnival glittery t-shirt/visor combo for her, to be delivered the morning of her birthday (while we were in Key West). And, my sister had ordered the birthday decoration pack and cookies (onboard), to also be delivered (and setup) on Tuesday. So, on our return from Key West, my niece had a great surprise waiting for her!! Kudos to the Fun Shop!


6. The buffets (Lido deck). I'm an almost type A personality person, so sitting in one spot for too long is really hard for me. So, I didn't really make use of the buffets for lunch as I was always out roaming the ship or otherwise doing something else and wouldn't eat lunch. We did always have breakfast, and I had an omelette from the buffet on the 1st and 2nd mornings. The made to order omelettes were delicious!!!!


The only other time I ate at the buffet other than breakfast was on the sea day for dinner. We had planned to attend the family comedy show, so I went to the Good Eats (?) buffet. We had later dinner seating, and I wasn't sure if we'd make dinner after the show (although that wasn't a problem). Interestingly enough, the food at the buffet was almost exactly what was on the menu in the dining room :confused:


Now, I'm not sure if this is related, but I'm chalking it up to something that we'll have to monitor next time. On Saturday morning (1 day after departing the ship), my oldest son was vomiting all morning (with bad stomach pains), as well as 1 aunt and 1 sister (3 different households, so not something eaten at home). We'd all been to the lido the morning of debarkation, which is the only common link that any of us could think of. None of us ate the same things as I pretty much only ate the omelettes and link sausages. I know my son doesn't eat omelettes, but I'm not really sure what he or the other 2 had. I don't mention this to say that there was some outbreak on the ship (although I don't know if anyone else was sick as we were off the ship at this point), but it just seems like a really weird coincidence and something to be aware of.


7. The dining room. I can't say enough about our dining room staff. They were awesome! We always made it to the dining room on time (imagine my shock at that), and they handled our first night chaos very well. One of our cabins was purchased the week before sailing (last minute stragglers, what else is new). They were wait-listed for late dinner, but ultimately given early dinner. Sigh. My dad, bless his heart, wanted everyone to eat at the same time, so had them come to late dinner anyway. The staff found seats at a table not too far from us, and a couple of days into the cruise, some of the people at a table right next to us stopped coming to dinner and we used those seats. So, it all worked out, and the staff was really great about it. It's amazing how they're able to remember names so quickly, especially since I'm bad with names.


The meals were pretty good. My oldest son, who never eats salad, ate the caesar salad every day :eek: My youngest and I had agreed to try the didja items. Our (and everyone's) favorite was the shrimp and plum sauce (yes shrimp is common, the plum sauce is not and what really made the dish really delicious). Unfortunately, the desserts (especially the chocolate melting cake) were a flop for us :( My least favorite was the sushi plate. My youngest loved the flat steak, and one of the great things was getting my kids to try different things. Actually, getting them to even get dressed (pants and shirt, no shorts) without WWIII erupting was awesome!! And, even doing lessons with them about the proper utensil placements and which belonged to each person was great. Now, don't get me wrong, we don't do fast food regularly, but as a middle class family, we don't get out to really nice restaurants as a family very much. While most people hate the dress code regulations, I loved elegant night, where we were all dressed (the birthday girl in a gown, the boys/men in suits or dress pants and either polos or button down shirts, and the women in various appropriate dresses). I loved teaching my children that there's a time and place for everything, and when you go out for dinner, your attire is just as appropriate as your manners.


The only other time we used the dining room was on the 3rd morning (sea day), when I decided that I wanted to have a sit down, quiet breakfast. It was one of my sisters, a niece and I. Breakfast was great there as well, and a mimosa to get the day started right!

Edited by TechDiva
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8. The shows. We only attended the shows on our only sea day. I kind of wish that we had done at least one sooner, but our family is so good at having fun in any environment (and including those around us :) ) that we just never made it until the last day. Some of the adults (those of us that still liked to party a little :) ) went to the Stripes club every night. The 2nd night was the best night, the last night was the worst. I people watch (as well as a little dancing), so that was always interesting :D But, back to the sea day activities, lol! We decided to do the Hasbro and family comedy shows, so that everyone could be in attendance. These may not be popular, but I enjoyed them both! I could be biased a little because my 9 year old was selected to participate in the kid's portion of the Hasbro show, as well as one of my sisters being selected for the adults portion :D But, I also get into the activities that my kids like and as long as they are having fun, so am I (well, maybe camping with the Cub Scouts turned out to be a bit much for me :( ). Anyhow, the family comedy show was pretty good as well. The teenagers in the bunch didn't get all the jokes, although I did catch glimpses of them smiling at times (as they were trying to be typical teens that don't like anything :rolleyes: ). I later attended the adult comedy show, same comic, and I enjoyed that show as well. His routine was funny (even going 'off script' a few times with ease at hecklers) without being vulgar or crass, and without resorting to ridiculing the audience (a last ditch effort for a comedian who's routine is not funny).


9. Debarkation. This was a bit chaotic for us, but I could see where it shouldn't have been. We unfortunately needed to attend a funeral of the mom of a friend (known the family for 38 years) that started at 11A. Kind of a bum ending to a great vacation, but unavoidable. The chaos was our fault for not properly preparing, so I'm not faulting Carnival. Debarkation started at about 9A, I think. We tried to get off early (especially considering the wheelchair arrangements) but we ultimately weren't off the ship and in our car until about 10:40A. Not everyone in our group attended the funeral, so some of our group departed for their homes, while just a few of us headed straight for the church. The CD assisted us with debarking, but not at our request. He saw that we had the two wheelchairs and took it upon himself to expedite the process for us. We recognized him as the host of the Hasbro show (our fault for not familiarizing ourselves with who was who on the ship), and it was great that he remembered my 9 year old from the show, as well as his name!

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10. The ports. Following our laid back attitude of not being in a rush for anything, we generally waited for the debarkation rush to be over before getting off at the ports.


Key West. This is the one time that I have to admit that I was truly upset, more like totally pissed off (at my family, not Carnival). So much so, that I ended up leaving and going back to the ship. Sigh. The biggest lesson that I learned from this is that with a group this big, it’s best to split up and everyone do what they want. The ‘elders’ wanted to keep the group together, but the kids (and me) ended up getting the short end of the stick. We started out walking because it was too early for the trolleys to run (which was part of the plan). This resulted in our leisurely walking thru the shopping district. If you’re not a shopper (or don’t want to shop on a vacation where you want to sightsee :mad: ), then this is the biggest mistake ever!!! I had to retrieve about 5 of us from one shop after an hour had gone by and we were just sitting around waiting. A walk down a little further and a few more stop in a CVS (ok, really, there’s CVS in every town across the country) to buy… alcohol to drink while walking down the street :rolleyes: Then we still have to sit around waiting some more because a couple more disappeared into another store. At this point, I’m trying to contain my anger as I feel it boiling up. My 9 year old keeps asking when are we getting on the trolley and I keep saying when everyone gets together. My mistake. I should have just taken him at that point. So, 2 hours in, and they’re still walking a few feet, then stop in a shop. Walk another few feet, and stop in another shop. The only good thing is that I saw the conch place that my sister wanted to go to. So, I tell her to that we need to remember where it is so we can go back. A little while later I tell my dad that this is not how I planned to spend my time in Key West and that I had told my sons that we would at least see one of the ship museums. So, since we were too far past being able to buy trolley tickets, we ask someone which way to go for the ship museums. We walk to the Coast Guard ship museum and tour that. Great experience and a must do! During all this, the eldest of our group calls my dad to say that we were supposed to stick with them and need to get back (it’s his older brother, so I have to be nice and hold my tongue). We finish up our tour and my dad says they’re sitting in some restaurant waiting for us and my sister can get her conch from there (another big mistake in that she didn't like it). I already knew how it would turn out and had reached my boiling point, so I headed back to the ship taking the 3 boys with me. I went to my cabin and slept for about 3 hours before having to deal with anyone again.


Cozumel. This is where you need to do some prior research so that you don’t get taken advantage of. We planned to go to Paradise Beach, so we headed straight for the taxi stand. Actually, I headed straight for the taxi stand and told them to get moving if they were coming, as this route takes your straight thru the port market and I didn’t want a repeat of yesterday’s shopping fiasco. At the taxi stand, a tour operator (under the guise of a taxi driver), tried to get us to pay $25 per person to take us to Paradise Beach, and then tried to say that we could only get into Paradise Beach if we paid $18 per person and then sat through a timeshare presentation :eek: Luckily I knew better (from CC). I found the board at the taxi stand with the rates and talked to a different taxi driver who got 3 vans to take us to Paradise Beach, $30 per van each way. We had a great time there!! My mom and I pretty much relaxed in the loungers, eating and drinking (she got in the water just a little). The kids thoroughly enjoyed the water “toys” and the pool. Some of the adults kayaked for a while. This was my chance to just relax, enjoy the atmosphere, and watch everyone else enjoying themselves. And, there was no timeshare presentation :rolleyes: It’s $3 for the beach part, that includes the loungers, umbrellas, etc. You don’t have to do that part. You can sit at the bar all day and pay nothing. I paid for the kids to do the inflatable toys, and then we paid for our food and drinks (they request you spend at least $10 in food and drinks, we easily exceeded that, lol ). As the beach was closing, it started raining, hard. So, that was perfect timing. We took 2 vans back, and took our time walking through the marketplace (it was still really early). One thing that I can say about the locals is that they get their hustle on, lol! They won’t take pictures or play music for you unless you tip them. But, I was more than willing to do it, and was prepared with tons of $1s. One thing I didn’t like was trying to hustle the kids. My niece had purchased a backpack for $20. About 5 minutes later, my 9 year old had walked over to the same place looking at the bags. I wasn’t “with” him, but was watching his every move. He had his own money so I was trying to give him a little independence. As I was slowly walking up, I hear the guy say that the bag was $45. I immediately stepped up right next to my son and whispered in his ear that it was too much. Not that he didn’t have the money, but it was too much for the bag and he was trying to hustle my son. As I was whispering in his ear, the guy immediately says “I just gave it to the girl with you for $20, so you can have the same deal.” I do not like someone trying to get over on me, so I definitely wasn’t going to stand for someone doing it to my son. I told my son to let’s go and we’ll find it somewhere else. And, we did, for $12.99 :) We walked some more, bought a few more small souvenirs, got my free margarita at Fat Tuesday’s (I think that’s what it was), and leisurely boarded the ship.


Of course, the 2 eldest and a couple other party poopers decided they’d had enough beach time early on, so they left with enough to fill 1 van. My eldest son and nephew went with them (resulting in us searching the ship for them when we got back onboard because no one was sure they made it onboard as they kind of left them on their own once off the van at the port :mad: ). We were back 1 ½ hours early, so we had plenty of time to play around with if we needed to go back and look for them. Luckily, they were onboard hanging out with some other teens.


This was the night that they had the midnight Mexican buffet and deck party, but I missed it because I fell asleep after dinner, thinking I’d get up in an hour and head upstairs. But, I never woke up in time.

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11. Serenity. I found this on the Key West day when I still needed to cool off a little. I went through an entrance that can be found in the comedy club (actually had to ask a staff member to verify). It was very quiet here, and plenty of loungers available. The really weird thing is (remember my mention of a near type-A personality?) that I couldn’t relax. After 15 minutes, I found myself looking at my watch, constantly. I even had my headphones and phone with me, and tried listening to music, but I couldn’t stop myself from wondering what everyone else was doing and what my next trip would be, etc. I forced myself to stay there for at least an hour, after stopping a server and purchasing a blue margarita (yummy). I was drinking these until I tasted the mango margarita (double yummy).


12. Galleria Shops. Remember my mention of walking the ship on the first day? Again, please do it because we didn’t find these shops until our sea day, the last day :( We’d found the $10 store and the Fun Shops, but somehow missed this. Maybe it’s a good thing because we bought t-shirts for $5 (not cheap ones, either) and a few other souvenirs. The staff in the jewelry store were very aggressive in their sales tactics, though. We did buy a few little things, like my mom bought a necklace and earrings for $10 each (costume jewelry). But not the $2300 necklace that the sales lady kept pushing on our friend.


13. Kids clubs. The teen boys used this regularly. We sort of gave them free reign to come and go, with certain stipulations. The 16 year old girl felt out of place with the other teen girls, plus she was on crutches, so she either hung out with us or the 19 year old. With the younger kids I had planned on using the Kids Club extensively for them but it didn’t work out that way. While we had subgroups hanging out together while onboard, we always ran into each other and hung out together so much that the kids pretty much had no need for the club, until the one night that I did take them there. Now, I had gone to Camp Ocean (9-11) on day 2 to see what it was like. When I got to the door, the kids in there looked so bored. They were just sitting around, with the lights dim, and combined with younger kids, watching maybe a movie. So, I didn’t really bother until this one night. It was supposed to be Night Owls, with a party. We pay the fee for the 3 younger ones to attend (1 boy 9, 2 girls, 9 & 10). Since we dropped them off about 11:30 PM, they were only there for about 2 hours before we had to pick them up. They did not like it at all! They said only 2 other kids their age were there and they wouldn’t talk to them (maybe because it was so late). They wanted us to promise not to take them there again, lol! Luckily for them they didn’t have to because the teen & college age girls didn’t mind hanging out with them while we were doing adult things.


14. The Internet. The Ecstasy has the new Internet packages, and it’s great to be able to purchase for a single day versus the entire time. I purchased it just for my last day, and the speed was pretty good. I got the $10 package, so that I could do more than just social, but didn’t need streaming.

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All in all, we had a great time!! Most of the issues (maybe all) were caused by us, but we always moved on and continued with the fun. We never really experienced any issues with the staff nor any out of control passengers (although there were some characters onboard, lol :eek: ). Yes, the ship is old, but is taken good care of. There are plenty of activities onboard, just make sure to read the Fun Times daily (more a note to myself).


I wasn't sure how I would like cruising for so long. I love land trips, as I prefer the sightseeing aspect of vacationing (we're doing New York in 2016). But, when my dad wanted to do a trip with his kids and grandkids, I didn't hesitate to push that to the side and decide that we would have fun. I'm glad that I did! We are going to cruise to Alaska in 2017 (a bucket list item of mine), and already have way more than our original 23 committed to going :eek:


Lord help whatever cruise line we select :D


If you made it this far, thanks for reading!!!

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I was on the cruise the week right after you. I'll be honest and say I'll never sail Ectasy again (not unless it goes into dry dock). The ship was old, the carpet worn, the non-glass elevators didn't work (people young and old were walking up 4-5 flights of stairs at a time), and the food sucked. The service staff were very nice and upbeat.

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Thanks for your great review! The Ecstasy was my husband's first cruise (my second), and she holds a special place for us. The service that we had both times we cruised on her was just awesome.


Glad you had the same experience!


Thanks for taking the time to read it!

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I was on the cruise the week right after you. I'll be honest and say I'll never sail Ectasy again (not unless it goes into dry dock). The ship was old, the carpet worn, the non-glass elevators didn't work (people young and old were walking up 4-5 flights of stairs at a time), and the food sucked. The service staff were very nice and upbeat.


I'm really sorry you had such problems with the ship and didn't enjoy your cruise. I know that we would have had big issues if the elevators hadn't worked (especially with my mom, she's mobile, but would not have been able to maneuver those stairs). Food is such a subjective topic, everyone doesn't have the same tastes or preferences. I guess it's a good thing that at least you had a positive experience with the staff.


I'm not sure it will go into dry dock anytime soon as it just came out of dry dock in somewhere around October 2014. Hopefully your next cruise (on a different ship?) is much much better!! Cheers!

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Thank you for your review.


I have traveled with my family in big groups so I completely understand your frustration in Key West. I'm traveling with a group on the Ecstasy in September - but I'm planning my own things to do in port. I learned my lesson lol.



I'm glad you enjoyed your cruise.

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Thanks everyone for the responses!


Thanks for your review. I always enjoy reading about other people's experiences.

You are going to LOVE that Alaska cruise! :D


Even though Alaska is planned for 2017, I'm so excited that I'm already planning as much as I possibly can for now!

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Thanks so much for your review! I'm going on my 2nd cruise on the Ecstasy in 2 weeks. It was a last minute idea. ;)


You'll have lots of fun, but it's definitely going to be hot!!


I really enjoyed your review. My husband and I are going in December with our 17 year old and 12 year old sons, and my in laws.


Thanks! That's a perfect time to go cruising in the Caribbean, and your sons will have a ball (my 17 year old finally confessed that it was the best vacation that we've taken to date, and that's a lot coming from him :) )


Thanks for the review. I miss the Ecstasy in Galveston. She was my go-to ship for short cruises!


I do believe that Ecstasy will be changing ports again in the next year.

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Thanks for your review. We are on the Ecstasy out of Miami at the end of September. Just a deal that came up and we couldn't pass up, plus it turns out our school system is instituting a "fall break" which works perfectly, as end of September the weather is usually still warm enough to do summer-type stuff but its low season pretty much everywhere. This will be our first time on Carnival as a family (my wife and I sailed many moons ago on the Celebration), although we have been on two DCL cruises in the last couple of years. I've tried to temper expectations with my two girls.


BTW, TechDiva, I guess we must be related somewhere; I also grew up in Miami but live in the Atlanta area. I'll guess by your username that you are involved in Tech, as am I.



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Thanks for your review. We are on the Ecstasy out of Miami at the end of September. Just a deal that came up and we couldn't pass up, plus it turns out our school system is instituting a "fall break" which works perfectly, as end of September the weather is usually still warm enough to do summer-type stuff but its low season pretty much everywhere. This will be our first time on Carnival as a family (my wife and I sailed many moons ago on the Celebration), although we have been on two DCL cruises in the last couple of years. I've tried to temper expectations with my two girls.




It is definitely not going to be like a Disney cruise, but tempering expectations is a good way to go. My family pretty much knows how to have fun anywhere, so we did very well without all the bells & whistles. However, I would imagine that at the end of September there aren't many kids on the cruise. That could be positive or negative depending on whether your girls are able to entertain themselves and/or don't mind hanging out with the parents for 4-5 days :)


BTW, TechDiva, I guess we must be related somewhere; I also grew up in Miami but live in the Atlanta area. I'll guess by your username that you are involved in Tech, as am I.




lol, it's quite possible that we could be related, although I know so many people that have moved to the metro area from Miami. And, yes, I am in the tech industry ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Great review, thanks for taking the time! We will be on the same cruise in about a month & I'm in absolute planning addiction mode :p


Question, did you happen to keep copies of the fun times that you could post or email me? There are 3 young men going with us (19, 19 & 21) this is their first cruise & I'm trying to show them what to expect. TIA.

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