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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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Happy anniversary JP and Chris. Thanks M.


Spins, I don't know whether you saw my answer to the note and the subsequent exchanges. I was accused of being an SS apologist of all things!:rolleyes:


In most fora it's against the rules to discuss moderator decisions, and we can only speculate. To me there were conundrums and apparent inconsistencies in the post that made me wonder whether another long-term poster had registered and posted to "whip things up a bit. Just an impression. ;)


Perhaps the moderators felt the post was mischievous or unfair and in my view they did absolutely the right thing considering how the poster decided to frame the post. I'm sure that if the poster made a more coherent and balanced attempt it might remain.






How odd! I didn't see the postings you referred.... I thought when you mentioned disappearing posts you were talking about mine talking about Brexit! I guess it got swept up at the same time and deemed "political" which of course it was. Either that or Sturgeon complained at being referenced as Jimmy Cranky!


Happy anniversary to those celebrating.

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Lovely to be watching Trooping The Colour today on TV!


Can any one else do it so well? Unlike yesterday, the Queen arrived exactly to the second on time as the clock gonged 11am. And what would the UK be like without The Duke of Ed?


I bet he would vote Brexit!





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Good Day All......


Happy belated anniversary wishes to those who have been celebrating...[emoji1]


Really cool story Jeffers about you going to assist that poor policeman...well done you...wonder of that would happen today.


I also saw that odd post...didn't quite know what the op was on about.....maybe he/she will return and enlighten us more!

Quite an interesting article on Cruise Law News regarding an ex crew member on the Spirit...sorry l can't link it.....am pretty useless at all that.


I am also watching Trooping of The Colour....such a wonderful spectacle and no Jeff....nobody does it better and HM did arrive spot on eleven....I'm thinking of entering into the ballot for tickets next year to take the young one.....as for Phil the Greek....oh yes most definitely he'd be out...[emoji12] he ain't looking too bad though for 95!


Quiet day here with furry babe....kids are in Cardiff to see that old rocker Rod Stewart...DD is a big fan...in all fairness he's doing pretty well for his age...but rather them than me in the throngs....[emoji15]


Good old sausage and mash for lunch today with a home baked cauli cheese....


Happy Weekend


S [emoji4]




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Good morning Coolers .... from a quiet balcony!


Later today we have the Red Arrows .....so I will fill my thermos flask with ice and vodka and orange for a bit of a lowcqrb liquid picnic. :D


Yes Soapy, it dies make sad reading. The e-coli issue means as I understand it faecal material being mixed with food. Poor hygiene more likely in food prep ie staff not washing their hands after going to the toilet. But the staff issue is a lawsuit started in 2011 by an ex-employee. One report in isolation allows those who will wish to give SS the benefit of the doubt but this is another employee being fired by SS when he objected to filling premium spirit bottles with cheaper variants and champagne with cheap Italian wine. Most people cannot tell the difference. So if you ask for champagne they pour from prosseco bottle. Insist on champagne and unless you see it freshly opened, then they pour from a champagne bottle with prosecco in it. As you know, my personal angst s the idea of drinking spirits in the bar that originated and were left from the suites. I just don't like the idea of stuff coming from a week in a,suite being moved to the bars.


We know that many people feel a tremendous loyalty to SS and will not miss an opportunity to defend them. But this behaviour is loyalty blind as it treats all customers with complete contempt. It is cheating and nasty and people make personal choices. This isn't the company I use to know and love, and these practices are not local initiatives that are unknown to senior management. It is impossible to believe that senior management are unaware and not at the heart of this problem.


If it was anything other than a senior management initiative then they have had ample opportunity to make a public statement on this issue and offer reassurance but as I understand it much of the problem remains. It is only by customers showing dissatisfaction rather than satisfaction will these practices stop, but should they have ever started? And more worrying from thinking people's point of view, is where else do they cheat and cut corners. Anyway. :(





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More than 50 killed and a greater number injured by scum, simply because they were gay young American's enjoying a night out. The world must show complete solidarity with all gay communties and ensure that wherever they choose to congregate that they are properly protected, and take greater steps to rid us of this nasty plague.



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More than 50 killed and a greater number injured by scum, simply because they were gay young American's enjoying a night out. The world must show complete solidarity with all gay communties and ensure that wherever they choose to congregate that they are properly protected, and take greater steps to rid us of this nasty plague. Jeff


Yes, very tragic! There are more media reports from mainstream news sources such as CBS-TV that this killer had some ISIS-connections, too! No just all anti-gay in the motivations based on a variety of government and news reports here in the U.S.


From the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other newspapers this weekend, they have these such headlines: "David Cameron Ups the Ante as Polls Suggest Lean Toward Brexit" with this story highlight: "U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron on Sunday sought to inject fresh energy into his campaign to keep Britain in the European Union, after the latest polls suggested momentum for the campaign to leave the bloc ahead of a referendum later this month."


Added insights from Jeff and others for how this UK vs. EU issue is now headed? One story notes that those younger are more supportive for staying in the EU, but that demographic is not always as like to turn-out and vote. Cleanly, in the UK, like the U.S., those older tend to be more certain in their voting likelihood. Right?


Sorry been busy this week or two with lots of work and other activities. More later.


Full story at:



THANKS! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 145,318 views for this posting.

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More than 50 killed and a greater number injured by scum, simply because they were gay young American's enjoying a night out. The world must show complete solidarity with all gay communties and ensure that wherever they choose to congregate that they are properly protected, and take greater steps to rid us of this nasty plague.




The shooter appears to have been an American-born son of Afghan immigrants who is an ISIS supporter



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The shooter appears to have been an American-born son of Afghan immigrants who is an ISIS supporter




There is a REALLY important issue here for all of us. It doesn't matter what an individual may feel about the trivia, ie gayness, gay marriage or whatever else concerns individual people. On this issue we must all be at one.


I do not mean this to sound clumsy, so I hope I can be forgiven if I choose my words badly. The repercussions of this is gigantic for the gay community worldwide. Gay people will feel unsafe everwhere worldwide when thinking about simply going out and doing something reasonable like having a night out and visiting a club or bar. They already have enough to contend with without having the right to meet and mix without this sort of fear. We owe it to them to recognise that this is a very serious issue that needs our solidarity.


I had better stop.



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Yes, very tragic! There are more media reports from mainstream news sources such as CBS-TV that this killer had some ISIS-connections, too! No just all anti-gay in the motivations based on a variety of government and news reports here in the U.S.


From the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other newspapers this weekend, they have these such headlines: "David Cameron Ups the Ante as Polls Suggest Lean Toward Brexit" with this story highlight: "U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron on Sunday sought to inject fresh energy into his campaign to keep Britain in the European Union, after the latest polls suggested momentum for the campaign to leave the bloc ahead of a referendum later this month."


Added insights from Jeff and others for how this UK vs. EU issue is now headed? One story notes that those younger are more supportive for staying in the EU, but that demographic is not always as like to turn-out and vote. Cleanly, in the UK, like the U.S., those older tend to be more certain in their voting likelihood. Right?


Sorry been busy this week or two with lots of work and other activities. More later.


Full story at:



THANKS! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 145,318 views for this posting.


Terry, the EU game is basically over. Either in a month or so with our vote out starting a domino effect or if not - over anyway in a few years longer.


In shorthand - because the issues are very complex, the range of in or out is likely to be with a range of 40%/60% whatever way. Not an overwhelming vote of confidence if we are forced to remain.


So two possible scenarios.


If we vote out the domino effect is that both the French and German populations are even more anti EU than the British and they will demand their own say which will take one or both out. Either one heralds "game up" formthe whole project.


If we vote to stay in a whole lot of new stuff is coming down the line. To miss out a bit of detail, the consequence of all these things will be that taking Germany for example, there is a rapidly growing insatiable further right anti-Merkel feeling and in the next elections, the next party offering a referendum will win. It is effectively the same in France. I haven't seen any commentary on this which suprises me because to me this seems inevitable. Either country, the game is up.


So if we vote out it triggers the end of the EU. If we stay in it heralds the end of the EU as it is. It will reverse back from political consolidation to a common trading area. It Is simply when, ie either in the next couple of years, or the next ten with further harm in between.


There is a lot of underlying stuff but in my view that is the inevitable "bottom line".



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Yep I'm agreeing with this. Feeling that things are finally swinging Brexit way. The Remainers have over egged the pudding to the point they sound ridiculous. In our opinion Cameron and Osbourne are finished either way. Only worry is that the bookies were still up for Remain and they are rarely wrong. We'll know soon. Solidarity with gay people everywhere.



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When we see such tragic happenings as we have done today in Orlando it rather puts many other issues into perspective.......both personal and indeed political......my heartfelt feelings are tonight with those families who have lost loved ones.





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I'd been spared the news from Orlando with our unintentional media block and eyes firmly on our visit on the Wind today. So disturbing to hear about it. So so sad. Words fail. I just wished his bigoted perspective was a minority viewpoint by certain religous quarters.


Our visit was better than expected.... And my Wind stalking was in full flow roday (see master echo's thread for proof of that haha)

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Is it possible to somehow extrapolate hate so much that it becomes so consuming one must express it by killing as many fellow humans as possible in the name of religion?


This has nothing to do with religion. It is purely recreational terror and murder under the disguise of religion for those people wishing to do such things and have a convenient "excuse" to hang it on.



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Whilst much of our Brexit focus has been on topics like Turkey gaining membership of the EU and therefore the effect on immigration to the UK, what has been quietly overlooked is that there is a suprisingly quiet deal being negotiated with Turkey that allows them visa-free travel to the EU and UK anyway.


EU chief says getting closer to granting Turks visa-free travel


The European Union is getting closer to granting Turks visa-free travel to Europe, but talks on this will continue until at least October, European Council President Donald Tusk said in an interview with German newspaper Bild published on Monday.


Asked when Turks would be given visa freedom, Tusk said: "When they have fulfilled all of the conditions without exception."


He added: "The negotiations will certainly last until October but we're getting ever closer."


The deal to give Turks visa-free travel in return for reducing the flow of illegal migrants to the bloc has been held up by a disagreement over Turkey's anti-terror laws, which some in Europe see as too broad. Turkey says its needs the law to fight its multiple security threats.


Last week Turkey said it expected a positive outcome in coming days in talks with the European Union about visa-free travel for Turks.





If this topic was more widely understood in the UK I wonder how it would influence the vote?



Edited by UKCruiseJeff
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Terry, the EU game is basically over. Either in a month or so with our vote out starting a domino effect or if not - over anyway in a few years longer. In shorthand - because the issues are very complex, the range of in or out is likely to be with a range of 40%/60% whatever way. Not an overwhelming vote of confidence if we are forced to remain. So two possible scenarios. If we vote out the domino effect is that both the French and German populations are even more anti EU than the British and they will demand their own say which will take one or both out. Either one heralds "game up" formthe whole project. If we vote to stay in a whole lot of new stuff is coming down the line. To miss out a bit of detail, the consequence of all these things will be that taking Germany for example, there is a rapidly growing insatiable further right anti-Merkel feeling and in the next elections, the next party offering a referendum will win. It is effectively the same in France. So if we vote out it triggers the end of the EU. If we stay in it heralds the end of the EU as it is. It will reverse back from political consolidation to a common trading area. There is a lot of underlying stuff but in my view that is the inevitable "bottom line". Jeff


Appreciate Jeff's excellent details and background. Agree that the long-term "problem" is not going away. When you look at the demographics, economics, etc., there is no easy solution or "fix" for certain of these various factors and realities. The idea or concept for having an EU sounds very good in theory.


BUT, how it "all" works and the "sharing" of the wealth, burdens, economic costs, etc., are not as simple or readily accepted. For many Europe countries, their "social-welfare-health-aging" benefits and costs are fairly high. Lots of differences among the many Europe nations for their work ethic, business creativity, wealth, leadership, natural resources, economic traditions, etc. Some countries have been doing fairly well. Others have been lagging badly. It is also interesting to contrast the situations/economics for Switzerland versus the other Europe nations.


It's changing world economy and the Europe businesses, farms and labor must compete in that evolving business environment.


Interesting New York Times story this morning with this headline: "France’s Largest Labor Union May Have Overplayed Its Hand" with these highlights: "There is a back story to the strikes that have made life miserable for millions across France in recent weeks, and it isn’t about high unemployment, immigration or the other issues confronting the country and its increasingly unpopular president, François Hollande. It has to do with raw labor politics — and the disproportionate role played by the General Confederation of Labor, France’s oldest union, which has ties to the once-powerful Communist Party, from which it has kept a Marxist-Leninist call to class struggle."


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 199,340 views.


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Whilst much of our Brexit focus has been on topics like Turkey gaining membership of the EU and therefore the effect on immigration to the UK, what has been quietly overlooked is that there is a suprisingly quiet deal being negotiated with Turkey that allows them visa-free travel to the EU and UK anyway. If this topic was more widely understood in the UK I wonder how it would influence the vote? Jeff


YES, Jeff, this angle on the Turkish Visa-free option as they related to opening the Europe immigration doors wider and WIDER do pose serious policy questions. My sense is that these "open immigration" policies are a key part of the concerns on the minds of voters in the UK leading up to the June 23 election.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 39,734 views for these postings.

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YES, Jeff, this angle on the Turkish Visa-free option as they related to opening the Europe immigration doors wider and WIDER do pose serious policy questions. My sense is that these "open immigration" policies are a key part of the concerns on the minds of voters in the UK leading up to the June 23 election.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


From our Jan. 25-Feb. 20, 2015, Amazon River-Caribbean combo sailing over 26 days that started in Barbados, here is the link below to that live/blog. Lots of great visuals from this amazing Brazil river and these various Caribbean Islands (Dutch ABC's, St. Barts, Dominica, Grenada, etc.) that we experienced. Check it out at:


Now at 39,734 views for these postings.


No Terry, as I explained. it isn't on the minds of UK voters because not many people have mentioned it. Just me it seems.



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No Terry, as I explained. it isn't on the minds of UK voters because not many people have mentioned it. Just me it seems. Jeff


Sorry, Jeff, for my wording not being more precise. My sense, overall, is that the loose EU immigration policies are currently of concern and one of several factors/issue in the minds with UK voters for this June 23 vote. Agree with you that IF this Turkish Visa-free policy was better known now, then it would hurt the "Remain" side of this debate. Does this help better sort out these various factors?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 213,810 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:


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