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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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Wimbledon was exciting.

Now the soccer.

The enthusiastic crowds! The spectacle! WOW.

I welcome the respite from the other mind numbing events of our world.


I cannot wrap my arms or brain around recent events or what the future portends.


Let's enjoy la finale of soccer. 300 million people watching.

The national anthems of both countries quite inspiring.

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Wimbledon was exciting.

Now the soccer.

The enthusiastic crowds! The spectacle! WOW.

I welcome the respite from the other mind numbing events of our world.


I cannot wrap my arms or brain around recent events or what the future portends.


Let's enjoy la finale of soccer. 300 million people watching.

The national anthems of both countries quite inspiring.


Loved it. So happy Portugal won.


Great day of Sport.. Shame Wales couldn't have overcome Portugal... No point in even mentioning England! lol


Things to remember... Great scenes from Iceland and the Oooh clap! (Even if they did nick it from Motherwell FC lol) and the Welsh.


Overall, I think its been a poor tournament. A few good games, but too many not so good. Good to see the Russian thugs sent packing (and to a lesser extent the English - who for the most seemed like local youths and these Russians wanted a piece of the English fans. Thats not suggesting they are angels - but I wasnt quite as it was painted.)

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Good morning all ...... looks like we have a TM PM.


I wonder what deal she has struck?





In the meantime, something was going on overhead in London this morning.. Directly above my head 3 helicopters hovering, and then a really low passenger jet... then they moved on.


I note online, they also report Ospreys near Canary Wharf, though what I saw was not one of those (I have seen them here a few times though.. awesome aircraft!)






Seems they are back this afternoon. I wonder if TM drops by too! lol

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Good morning all ...... looks like we have a TM PM. Jeff

Just announced that the current UK PM will step down on Wednesday allowing "May Day" to happen much sooner than waiting until this fall.


From the New York Times this morning, they have this headline: "Theresa May to Be Britain’s Next Premier as Andrea Leadsom Quits Race" with these highlights: "May is now set to take over at a time of immense upheaval for Britain. The nation must not only negotiate its withdrawal from the European Union, a process fraught with economic and political risks, but it must also hold itself together amid a clamor from Scotland for independence. Early signs are that Britain’s economy has already taken a substantial hit from the exit vote."


Look forward to gaining added smart insights and background from Jeff and other other key UK expert observers.


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 148,835 views for this posting.

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Les, I won't respond to your post on the other thread in case people get grumpy.


If you are going to continue to cruise for many years might I suggest you invest some time in looking at making more use of the mileage schemes particularly BA. You can buy the miles if you don't earn them during the year. For example there was an offer a couple of weeks back where using a cunning plan you could buy them at laround1p per mile. As you are booking so far out and will want a day or two before and after and assuming flexibility, you should always find redemption, and with the right credit cards you'll get 241. The main benenfit is that they are virtually flexible so any changes doesn't leave you out of pocket by much.


Just a thought.



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Thought I would share some dining "eye-candy" from the past week in Ohio. We are not New York City or London, but we managed to "survive" under these Midwest "conditions". Had a great July 4 evening dining experience as a high-end Central Ohio location. Plus, this past weekend, we were in the Amish region of eastern Ohio. These dining visuals were from a country inn with gourmet-style dining room. All fun and good!! Do things look tasty and interesting?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


AFRICA?!!?: Lots of interesting and dramatic pictures can be seen from my latest live/blog at:


Now at 16,618 views for this reporting and visual sharing that includes Cape Town, all along the South Africa coast, Mozambique, Victoria Falls/Zambia and Botswana's famed Okavango Delta area.



Here are two dinner examples/samples from The Guild House at the Le Méridien Joseph hotel in Columbus. First is their pork dish with duroc blade steak, sour apple cabbage, poached apricots and sweet super brown butter. Second is chicken roulade with celery root purée, romanesco, wild mushrooms, sliced true es with a wonderful madeira reduction. My wife and split these two dishes and things worked out in an excellent manner.:








From the Inn at Honey Run in the Amish county of eastern Ohio, here were three samples from Saturday's evening dinner. First, was a delightful blend of four different types of mushrooms to creat this super tasty miso soup with aged balsamic vinegar and white truffle oil. Second was a pasta dish with fresh basil, tomato confit, slivered garlic, capers, shaved parmesan, lemon & white wine butter sauce. Third is a long bone port chop with soft polenta, charred broccoli, smoked bleu cheese, dried fig & walnut compote. Yes, things were super good. For dessert, back in our cottage in the middle of the forest, we had coconut cream pie bought from Mrs. Yoder Amish cooking location at Mt. Hope.:












On Sunday morning, here is how they did their presentation for eggs benedict at the Inn at Honey Run with added tarragon onion jam, plus hash browns. We dined on their outside deck enjoying the perfect and cool morning air, seeing the surrounding woods and hearing the many birds. Perfect setting and great company!!:



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From our weekend in Ohio's Amish Country, here below are some visual "eye-candy" to share. It was a super perfect weather period for our two days there. Lots of nice sunshine, no rain, mild temperatures, not too hot, etc. Plus, good food and company.


We have had a number of home furniture items made for our home in Amish Country. Such super workmanship, skilled finishes, etc. Their culture and traditions are very special. No TV or electricity at their homes. BUT, they are extremely creativity in how they balance their traditions in a modern world. Their wood and furniture items are very well designed, built, plus being being super good in the "value" department. Happy to answer any questions about the Amish in Ohio, etc.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 214,565 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




The Amish do not use "modern" items, power over the wires, certain machines, etc. BUT, these people are very skilled, hard-working and smart. I grew up near these areas in eastern Ohio and have many friends/associates who have shared much about this area, the people, their approaches to life, etc. First, are the results for how they, by hand, do "shocking" of the field growth so that it dries and is ready later to be used to feed their livestock. Second is one of the many, many horse-drawn vehicles that we saw them using on Saturday and Sunday.:








There is a unique and massive "hardware" store in Amish country called Lehman's. It's in Kidron. Just a small village, but this store is huge with an amazing and unique variety of items, displays, etc. Below are a couple of interesting observations. First, is a UK phone booth where one of the customers posed for my picture with some of the building's old barn timbers showing in the background. Does this look like the "real thing" from England? Second is a musical group performing live in their store that day and adding to the fun atmosphere.:








After lunch at Mrs. Yoder's, our waitress brought around a sampling of their potential desserts. Any of these treats look good? Across the street from this dining spot in Mt. Hope, there was an auction happening. Here are four young Amish in their traditional dress walking with buggies showing in the background.:






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Here is the second part of our visuals from doing Ohio's Amish Country on Saturday and Sunday. Look forward to any comments, questions, etc.


If you feel the need to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city or you want to enjoy rolling hills and well cared for farmsteads, come to Ohio Amish Country, home for one of the largest Amish settlement in the world.


The Amish are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss Anabaptist origins. They are closely related to, but distinct from, Mennonite churches. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress and a reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology. The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian Anabaptists. In the early 18th century, many Amish and Mennonites immigrated to Pennsylvania for a variety of reasons. Later many from Pennsylvania then came to Ohio and other western areas.


Part of the attraction for visiting here is to feel yourself "unwinding" in driving the country roads and enjoying the rolling hills. This is considered the most visited tourist destination in Ohio. Ohio Amish Country is mostly in a four-county area of Ohio where approximately 40,000 Amish people live and work. It is centered around Holmes County, where nearly half the county's residents are Amish, plus Tuscarawas Coshocton, and Wayne Counties. Among the towns we visited included: Berlin, Millersburg, Charm, Farmerstown, Baltic, Walnut Creek, Winesburg, Becks Mills and New Bedford.


Two of the most common family names among the Amish are Miller and Yoder. One key attraction are the people . . . honest, friendly and hard-working. With no TV to watch, nor wasting time on video games, etc., things are well-kept and looking good in Amish country.


Among the attractions and options include: rrestaurants (mostly Amish cookin' made from "scratch"), antique shops, crafts, some of the best cheeses in the America, quilts (not only a way of life, but also a piece of art), horses (there are more horses than people in Ohio's Amish Country), country farmers' auctions just like the good old days, many furniture options made by the Amish and bakeries. Anything sound good and interesting?


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 61,345 views.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!




Here are some animal samples and visuals. This includes these horses with their buggies being tied up next to Mrs. Yoder's in Mt. Hope. Is the one horse trying to speak and tell me something? Second are a few of the daily cattle in Amish Country. Third is one of the cute lambs near out cottage at the Inn at Honey Run. Not sure of the exact breed name for this lamb, but it is a special type with a different face than we normally see with most lambs.:











Here are some other views from Sunday in Amish Country. This includes an insect on a colorful flower, three young girls along the roadway waving to visitors and finally another buggy samples out in the scenic countryside. Like?:









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Les, I won't respond to your post on the other thread in case people get grumpy.


If you are going to continue to cruise for many years might I suggest you invest some time in looking at making more use of the mileage schemes particularly BA. You can buy the miles if you don't earn them during the year. For example there was an offer a couple of weeks back where using a cunning plan you could buy them at laround1p per mile. As you are booking so far out and will want a day or two before and after and assuming flexibility, you should always find redemption, and with the right credit cards you'll get 241. The main benenfit is that they are virtually flexible so any changes doesn't leave you out of pocket by much.


Just a thought.




I'm all ears.. cruise-trip@europe.com


Are you referring to the Istanbul thread?


The last trip, we did very well with flights. Out to Barcelona and back from Athens. I think we paid approx £320 return for both of us and that was including 4 suitcases!


The flights through SS for next March are £299 - I priced them up on the BA site and because it was open jaw, London to San Juan was coming up at £1350 and back from Miami and £1150 - Crazy amount. But the funny thing regarding the total costs. I put the likely cost of those flights down as £1000 - and taking into account the cost of 8 nights on Vista over 10 on the Wind and adding the cost of drinks...... The cost pro rata has actually worked out cheaper on the Wind in the Caribbean than Vista from Barcelona! Nuts but true.


Actually.... I did ring on Friday and managed to swap my credit card over... (I got an Amex through Costco to get a 2% rebate instead of zero from the one I was using... They happily let me change it over. Quite impressed they allowed me to.




Greetings Coolers! Just back from a visit with our new grandson. He is awesome!


I stumbled on this photo article about an "art" photo shoot in Hull, England and I thought it might tickle my fellow coolers.




Have a great evening!



Edited by les37b
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Terry, do you see many of these Amish near where you live? Strange choices of lifestyle, but complete respect for them. I cant imagine being without my gadgets, so for that reason, I'm out! :p

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Greetings Coolers! Just back from a visit with our new grandson. He is awesome!


I stumbled on this photo article about an "art" photo shoot in Hull, England and I thought it might tickle my fellow coolers.




Have a great evening!

Spencer Tunick has done a number of these installations in the UK (and many, many more elsewhere). One has to apply to take part and in the UK at least the events are always oversubscribed. It would seem that there are plenty of people not at all ashamed of their natural state.


We would certainly join in if there were something locally, but then we often take naturist (or nudist for our transatlantic cousins) holidays. Give it a go - it's very liberating and makes you realise how totally silly swimsuits are!

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Tothesunset....There was something very captivating about this installation. It was like the nudity factor was completely overshadowed by the blue sculpture-like poses of the bodies. It fascinated me!


I am a bit on the prudish side (and prune-nish side as well) with respect to my own nudity. However, I can appreciate that it would very liberating! :)

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Hi All........


Great pics Terry......


Sounds like you're having fun with the new born Mysty....such a lovely time, my old dog walker has just had a baby girl and she's gorgeous. .......but l do miss the dog walking service.....even though I'm becoming fitter by having to take pup out myself....can't wait for the winter...[emoji15]!


Les, hope you sort your flying out......Jeffers is quite an expert with this...l always book flights myself and this year have grabbed two great bargains with Virgin for just under £600 one way in Upper....l personally think you have to keep ringing the airlines up and see what they can offer as in my opinion it changes with the wind!!


Lola...hope all goes well with the nhs for you......it's been a nightmare for me with regard to my father in every way. I'm afraid you have to be very firm with them or they will walk all over you as they don't quite realise that we all have a life outside their so called routine! I had to literally battle to get father out of the hospital last Friday and back into the care home....l did it but it caused me great stress doing so and father has since told me he'd rather die than go back in..........


Horrid day here with more rain so time to cuddle up on the sofa with furry babe.....[emoji5]





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Hi Sophia! We live a 4.5 hour flight away from the newborn, unfortunately. With airline prices here in Canada being ridiculously high, we won't see him again for a few months. We did savour the time we spent with him! It is interesting to see different approaches to parenting. Our daughter had a completely different approach with each of her two children as newborns from our son's approach with this newborn. And in turn, their approaches were different from mine 36 years and 34 years ago. :)

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Tothesunset....There was something very captivating about this installation. It was like the nudity factor was completely overshadowed by the blue sculpture-like poses of the bodies. It fascinated me!


I am a bit on the prudish side (and prune-nish side as well) with respect to my own nudity. However, I can appreciate that it would very liberating! :)

Tunick certainly causes people to stop and think and to challenge accepted mores. Which, after all, is the purpose of art is it not - to make people look at the world and its ways in a different light.


I agree about the blue paint in this event. Mind you, with the weather in Hull it wouldn't take long for an unprotected human to turn blue naturally,


Another thing Tunick challenges is the primacy of the individual or, in contrast, the uniformity of humanity. And isn't it interesting that if one naked person were to walk through Hull they would be arrested but when 3,000 do it it becomes an event? Why?

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Tothesunset.....You raise a very interesting question. Why, indeed! It seems that if one person does something out of the ordinary they are considered to be a tad "loony" whereas if masses of people do the same, it becomes a "movement". Strength in numbers? Also, this "event" had some sort of "legitimacy" by virtue of being art and choreographed. :)

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I think that Tunick is taking the urine! After all, all Spencer has done for publicity is to get lots of people to remove their Tunicks in public. :D


Today was trout oven steamed in a fragrant soffritto, with goats cheese and red onion flatbread and a zorba salad. None of it was burned. All that was warm was warm and all that was cold was cold. And it was fresh. Bleedin' nothing A La Cloud served up here. :)







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Tothesunset.....You raise a very interesting question. Why, indeed! It seems that if one person does something out of the ordinary they are considered to be a tad "loony" whereas if masses of people do the same, it becomes a "movement". Strength in numbers? Also, this "event" had some sort of "legitimacy" by virtue of being art and choreographed. :)

Which further raised the point that does an action's acceptability have a numbers threshold as you clearly state above? Or will the minority always be persecuted by the majority?


To me there are many examples of individual choices that in no way harm or inconvenience others yet are thought to be unpalatable or even wrong - being gay, maybe, or being naked in a public place or having pink hair and tattoos or whatever. Yet, none of these actions has an direct effect on anyone else. Humans sometimes have a weird way of victimising difference.

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Have you had wine with lunch ....:eek: .. you've gone over all philosophical! :D


I agree with you to a degree. There is a lot that minorities do that shouldn't offend but seem to. Breast feeding is an interesting example. This is something that women should always feel comfortable about doing in public. Very sensible arguments for the females rights here.



But one stage further and following your example. What about topless bathing. If it is perfectly right for females to bathe topless, is it wrong for men to stare at them? Would it be the staring or simply the looking that causes offence?


I'm all for topless bathing myself.



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But one stage further and following your example. What about topless bathing. If it is perfectly right for females to bathe topless, is it wrong for men to stare at them? Would it be the staring or simply the looking that causes offence?

Being offended is not a good excuse to stop something. Nobody has a right not to be offended. Whether it's polite or not is another thing altogether and that is a hard call to make. Looking at something unusual out of interest or curiosity is one thing, staring aggressivley or threateningly is quite something else. But that would be quite a subjective judgement!

I'm all for topless bathing myself.

I do it every time.

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Which further raised the point that does an action's acceptability have a numbers threshold as you clearly state above? Or will the minority always be persecuted by the majority?


To me there are many examples of individual choices that in no way harm or inconvenience others yet are thought to be unpalatable or even wrong - being gay, maybe, or being naked in a public place or having pink hair and tattoos or whatever. Yet, none of these actions has an direct effect on anyone else. Humans sometimes have a weird way of victimising difference.

Tothesunset....I was not suggesting that there some magical numbers threshold. And I agree that the world seems extremely intolerant of behaviour that does no harm to anyone yet seems to get peoples' shorts in a knot. What happened to the old "mind your own business" approach?

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