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Possibly sick child 3 days before cruise.... Help!


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Maybe they haven't bought insurance . Why cruise without insurance with young child would be beyond me ?


Would most affordable insurance policies cover the cost of a family's last-minute cancelled cruise on the basis of a note from a doctor that said, "The child had a cough and stuffy nose that was either seasonal allergies or a common cold." Good luck with that.


Not to mention that insurance can't cover the disappointment of a cancelled cruise or the challenges of rescheduling that type of trip.

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The OP speculated that "maybe it's just a cold" among other things.

I hope the Dr will give them some definitive diagnosis as to whether it's contagious or not ... this thread would probably be more focused with a real diagnosis.

Allergies, a simple cold and a bacterial or viral respiratory infection are all very different things with markedly different repercussions.

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So glad you posted this. Because I was thinking the same thing. I can guarantee that no one here would cancel a cruise because of a cold! Let's be real, you could catch a cold on the flight to the cruise. Or a week before and it not show up until cruise time. And if it is a cold, would you seriously put your child in a mask on a cruise? Nothing like making them the center of attention and people running away from them!




OMG the sheer horror! Would you rather have the snot nosed kid coughing on everyone and putting people with lower immune systems at risk because the mother ignored the doctors warning the kid could be contagious? Have you ever been to the doctors office in the past 10 years? Go to Rochester, Mayo or a large facility people need/want to protect people they don't worry about silly things like how they look if it saves just one life.


The kid is old enough to know that protecting others is more important than vanity.


You know how selfish your comment was?



OP this is not directed at you or your child. I hope your doctors gives you the green light and you can relax and enjoy the cruise. You may also want to touch base with the doctor on board, so he has the update from the childs doctor just incase.



If there was a breakout on a ship that was deadly and contagious, tell me you would not put a mask on to protect your child? People really need to think before making comments like that.

Edited by PattBenatar
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And I was sitting here wondering how many of these people criticizing the OP go to work when they have a cough and stuffy nose? How many of you stay home so you don't pass it onto your fellow co-workers? I bet none of them. Nor would any of them stay home for their scheduled cruise.


BUT going to work to earn a living and GOING ON VACATION is not even a close comparison!...............;)


At work you do not have the chance to infect 2000+ people, who PAID for their vacation, again different. While both are wrong all of us have been to work not feeling well, ALL OF US. While I hope I never have this issue and do feel bad for the OP, who knows what we would do in this situation. OP I hope it is allergies as a common cold and allergies indeed feel the same, coming from someone who suffers from seasonal allergies, erh......yearly allergies.:(


Good luck OP!

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OMG the sheer horror! Would you rather have the snot nosed kid coughing on everyone and putting people with lower immune systems at risk because the mother ignored the doctors warning the kid could be contagious? Have you ever been to the doctors office in the past 10 years? Go to Rochester, Mayo or a large facility people need/want to protect people they don't worry about silly things like how they look if it saves just one life.


The kid is old enough to know that protecting others is more important than vanity.


You know how selfish your comment was?



OP this is not directed at you or your child. Just letting a clueless person know how stupid that comment was.


If there was a breakout on a ship that was deadly and contagious, tell me you would not put a mask to protect your child? People really need to think before making comments like that.


Comment is not selfish, my kid would know to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough. I wouldn't put them or myself in a mask for a cold. If someone has a lower immune system, why the heck would they go on a cruise with over 2000 strangers? That would be nuts.


Second - I certainly am not clueless and you need to learn about calling people names! If we are talking about a cold, no one I know or anyone I work with would never wear a mask or put one on their child. (And FYI - never seen anyone in my doctor's office with a mask on either.) It is a cold here, not something deadly. Where the heck did you get deadly from the OP? Maybe you need to read the original post again. We are talking a common cold or allergies. We are not talking the bubonic plague!

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Comment is not selfish, my kid would know to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough. I wouldn't put them or myself in a mask for a cold. If someone has a lower immune system, why the heck would they go on a cruise with over 2000 strangers? That would be nuts.


Second - I certainly am not clueless and you need to learn about calling people names! If we are talking about a cold, no one I know or anyone I work with would never wear a mask or put one on their child. (And FYI - never seen anyone in my doctor's office with a mask on either.) It is a cold here, not something deadly. Where the heck did you get deadly from the OP? Maybe you need to read the original post again. We are talking a common cold or allergies. We are not talking the bubonic plague!



We were not talking about a "cold". I was saying if the kid is possible contagious with another disease or virus. Mask the person/child until he/she is no longer contagious.


So because I have a low immune system I should never cruise because of inconsiderate people? Now that is NUTS! If I see a kid hacking up a lung and the parents don't say anything I will. I don't care, if the lack of parenting or brains, someone needs to say something. Nobody said the boy was contagious but if he is coughing its common decency to protect other people from the potential germs contagious or not. You want a kid to hack up on you? I know I sure don't. Don't even get me started if the same kid goes into the pool or the hot tub. ICK!!!!!!!!!!


Same kid goes thru the buffet line, YUMMMMMMM! That is why I don't go to buffets.


I will wonder away from this tread now, because obviously you know more that anyone else.


I did edit that comment about being clueless, but now I wish I had left it alone.

Edited by PattBenatar
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As an elementary school nurse, I agree with the 100.4-101 degree mark indicating a fever. A person can be too warm from exercising or wearing heavy clothes and they just need to cool off. A simple cold is no reason to miss school or a cruise. Also, if this is determined to be allergies or asthma related, it is not contagious and no one is going to catch anything by being in close proximity to him! No virus or bacteria involved.

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Once I was standing in line at check in about 4 people behind a family with 2 children, about 8 & 10 years old. The mother and one of the children were actively blowing noses into Kleenex as we approached the table where we filled out health cards at the time. I stepped aside and made sure one of those checking us in knew what I witnessed. They were called aside afterwards, don't know what the final disposition was but I never saw them on the ship. I am grateful to those honest enough that have respect for their fellow passengers. Trip insurance! I do not apologize for tattling either, I have a compromised immune system and am very careful about reducing my chances for illnesses. So far have never picked up anything on a ship but am very proactive about personal cleanliness and not touching common area rails with my hands.

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Once I was standing in line at check in about 4 people behind a family with 2 children, about 8 & 10 years old. The mother and one of the children were actively blowing noses into Kleenex as we approached the table where we filled out health cards at the time. I stepped aside and made sure one of those checking us in knew what I witnessed. They were called aside afterwards, don't know what the final disposition was but I never saw them on the ship.


I certainly hope they weren't denied boarding just because they were blowing their noses. Flying in an airplane makes my nose run. Going outside makes my kid's nose run.


According to statistics I have read, the average kindergartner has 12 colds per year, and the average adolescent has 7. I would bet that no one has ever gone on a cruise with thousands of guests that was entirely free of people with colds.


For those of you hoping the OP will get a doctor's diagnosis, have you ever taken a child to the pediatrician or urgent care with a cough and stuffy nose? There's no magical test to diagnose a cold or virus.

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So my son woke up yesterday coughing his little head off. He gets this EVERY year at this time. His cough lasts several weeks. No fever 99.1 when I checked this morning. He has a stuffy/runny nose. I personally think he has allergies and maybe some asthma going on. We are taking him to the dr just to be sure it isn't bronchitis. I'm just so afraid they are going to turn us away! He went to school today because of no fever and he is generally fine... He just sounds gross. No commuting or diarhea either. It could just be a cold for all I know.

If he has no fever bit is coughing and stuffy, will they turn us away? Obviously if he really sick we wouldn't bring him on there but what about just a cold/allergies???


This would seem to be covered by the Public Health Questionnaire in your online docs. It needs to be filled out just prior to arriving at the terminal by everyone 18+. It also gives space for those under 18 traveling with them. Quoting the relevant portion:


2. Do you, or any person listed above, have a Fever or Feverishness PLUS any ONE of the following additional symptoms: Cough, Runny Nose, or Sore Throat?





(* If you answer YES... you will be assessed free of charge by a member of the shipboard Medical Staff. You will be allowed to travel, unless you are suspected to have an illness of international public concern.)


My advice is not to lie and let the process work itself through the way it's supposed to.


I wish you and your family well on your upcoming cruise.

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This would seem to be covered by the Public Health Questionnaire in your online docs. It needs to be filled out just prior to arriving at the terminal by everyone 18+. It also gives space for those under 18 traveling with them. Quoting the relevant portion:






My advice is not to lie and let the process work itself through the way it's supposed to.


I wish you and your family well on your upcoming cruise.

Good post.


The questions is, I suppose, would a common cold be considered "of international public concern?" I wouldn't think it would be, but that's a guess. Maybe someone can answer that question definitively for us...factually, and not with opinion.

Edited by Towel Critter
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99.1 is a fever . Normal temp is 98.6 . He does have a fever if temp is 99.1.


Really? My temperature typically runs about 97.8 whihc is my normal, but my physicians don't consider me having a fever until I get to about 99.5, or almost 2 degrees above my normal.


In other words, 98.6 is an average, not an absolute and a persons typical body temperature varies by individual.

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For those of you hoping the OP will get a doctor's diagnosis, have you ever taken a child to the pediatrician or urgent care with a cough and stuffy nose? There's no magical test to diagnose a cold or virus.


If I thought my child might have asthma or allergies, as mentioned in the original post, I DO think I would feel it important that an MD were to diagnose the problem.:o

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From the Health Questionnaire:


2) Do you, or any person listed above, have a Fever or Feverishness PLUS any ONE of the following additional symptoms: Cough, Runny Nose or Sore Throat? Yes* No

(* If you answer “YES”, you will be assessed, free of charge, by a member of the shipboard Medical Staff. You will be allowed to travel, unless you are suspected to have an illness of international public health concern.)

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Worse thing the OP did was posting this in the first place. Geesh. A lot of damn near hyperventilating going on. :p


If your child gets this every single year then what are you worried about? Treat it like you normally would. May make more sense to book at another time of the year in the future.


If it is something contagious, then no you shouldn't go. Can't compare it to work. Coworkers spread germs all of the time. We have to go to work. Vacation is different, and I wouldn't want to take a chance on infecting a bunch of other people. That's selfish. Not to mention having to care for a sick kid on a ship is no vacation or fun for him. Also, don't send your sick kid to school. Not cool.


If it's not contagious, then I wouldn't mention it. In 3 days he could very well feel better. Keep him home and do whatever you normally do when this flares up. Only the OP knows the real deal. Talk to the doctor. And good luck.

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(* If you answer “YES”, you will be assessed, free of charge, by a member of the shipboard Medical Staff. You will be allowed to travel, unless you are suspected to have an illness of international public health concern.)


I think this part is important, a cough can be a symptom of various things and not all will be contagious and a risk to public health. I boarded the Equinox this summer with a cough directly related to my hayfever (happens each year) and was waved on.


Also as a teacher I applaud a parent that sends children in with mini sniffles. They are hardly worth being off for and if children keep good hygiene spread is minimal and in some cases a few more mini snuffles. Much better than missing out on school work and feeling behind. JMO

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99.1 is a fever . Normal temp is 98.6 . He does have a fever if temp is 99.1.


Actually, 99.1 is a normal variant. Health care professionals do not consider it a fever until it reaches 100.3. An an experienced RN (Emergency Department), we do not treat temps under 100.3.

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Worse thing the OP did was posting this in the first place. Geesh. A lot of damn near hyperventilating going on. :p




If your child gets this every single year then what are you worried about? Treat it like you normally would. May make more sense to book at another time of the year in the future.




If it is something contagious, then no you shouldn't go. Can't compare it to work. Coworkers spread germs all of the time. We have to go to work. Vacation is different, and I wouldn't want to take a chance on infecting a bunch of other people. That's selfish. Not to mention having to care for a sick kid on a ship is no vacation or fun for him. Also, don't send your sick kid to school. Not cool.




If it's not contagious, then I wouldn't mention it. In 3 days he could very well feel better. Keep him home and do whatever you normally do when this flares up. Only the OP knows the real deal. Talk to the doctor. And good luck.



Well written. However I seriously doubt you would cancel your cruise 3 days out and lose hundreds if not thousands of dollars due to a common cold or allergy.

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99.1 is a fever . Normal temp is 98.6 . He does have a fever if temp is 99.1.




What is normal body temperature?


Most people think of a "normal" body temperature as an oral temperature of 98.6°F (37°C). This is an average of normal body temperatures. Your temperature may actually be 1°F (0.6°C) or more above or below 98.6°F (37°C). Also, your normal body temperature changes by as much as 1°F (0.6°C) throughout the day, depending on how active you are and the time of day. Body temperature is very sensitive to hormone levels and may be higher or lower when a woman is ovulating or having her menstrual period.

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From the Health Questionnaire:


2) Do you, or any person listed above, have a Fever or Feverishness PLUS any ONE of the following additional symptoms: Cough, Runny Nose or Sore Throat? Yes* No

(* If you answer “YES”, you will be assessed, free of charge, by a member of the shipboard Medical Staff. You will be allowed to travel, unless you are suspected to have an illness of international public health concern.)


The important word here is PLUS: a fever PLUS any of those symptoms.

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Seems like OP is maybe concerned that someone may take the childs temp since she mentioned it a few times (doth protest too much :rolleyes:) it seems to be on her mind. If she is truthful on the health card they may pull them aside and take the temp, if she is truthful and child is in normal range then nothing to worry about. They will clear them.

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