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Wedding Bands either Accidentally Thrown Away or Stolen by Room Steward - Help


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How about snooping fellow PAX?? When the room is being turned over, the door is usually open & someone could sneak in. We've peeked in some of the suites as we passed down the hallway. Just to see how the room looks. Frequently the steward is cleaning the bathroom. So don't judge the stewards too harshly.



In our case, the door wasn't open. Our carry-out luggage was in the room. Nothing was touched or moved except for the jewelry.

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With all of the crimes that have been committed over the years by Men of the Clergy, Teaching professionals, members of the Board of Education, Politicians and High profile business executives, I find it appalling that people are so naive to think that a cruise line domestic servant is incapable of lifting some jewelry or an electronic device that is left unattended. Back in 1991 a pair of sneakers was stollen out of my luggage. I didn't find out until I got home and unpacked.

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Which is why we always put small items in a zip lock baggie. Anything that might not be seen is in the baggie. When we depart, we just grab the baggie and everything is out of the safe.


EDIT: Oops! Looks like Julie MacCoy already made that suggestion! (And I thought I had an original and great idea :D;) )

Oh, don't feel bad about your original and great idea, as it keeps getting posted over and over again, and was an original and great idea every time.


Here are just a few examples, going back as far as 2006! :D














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That's pretty naive of you. Here is a very public example of when someone's phone was stolen and then started syncing to iCloud. I don't for a second think the Disney employees are worse than Celebrity or any others. Why not rings?




Judging by some of those pictures it appears that it's not all work and no play. Some of the CC members on all of these boards would have you believing that the staff lives a life of slavery.

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That's pretty naive of you. Here is a very public example of when someone's phone was stolen and then started syncing to iCloud. I don't for a second think the Disney employees are worse than Celebrity or any others. Why not rings?




Was it stolen? Or did she lose it and it was found by the crew member? Can't tell from the article. Since this article was in the Daily Mail, it probably is not even accurate, and most likely is embellished and dramatized to sell their news. Based on the other "articles" featured on that web page, this news source sure comes across as low end and sleazy. Can't imagine why anyone would read it for accurate news or information. :confused:



Edited by SantaFeFan
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I'm sorry about the lost rings. Regardless of how it happened, I know it's upsetting.




I've been married almost 28 years, and for every day of those 28 years I've taken my rings off...usually as soon as I walk in the door. There are lots of things I do without my rings...sleep, bathe, exercise, swim, etc. I look at it that the ring is a symbol of a promise, not the promise itself.


I'm sorry for your the loss too. In 28 years of marriage I've taken mine of twice. Once for an MRI and once pregnant, I was retaining water and had to take them off for the end of the pregnancy,


One way or another, I'd not be jumping to the conclusion they were stolen.

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Was it stolen? Or did she lose it and it was found by the crew member? Can't tell from the article. Since this article was in the Daily Mail, it probably is not even accurate, and most likely is embellished and dramatized to sell their news. Based on the other "articles" featured on that web page, this news source sure comes across as low end and sleazy. Can't imagine why anyone would read it for accurate news or information. :confused:







If you lose something that does not give the "finder" the right to keep it. If they don't turn it in to lost and found then they are stealing it.





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That's pretty naive of you. Here is a very public example of when someone's phone was stolen and then started syncing to iCloud. I don't for a second think the Disney employees are worse than Celebrity or any others. Why not rings?




I agree. I thought that it was common knowledge that loss prevention and security employees of large organizations in the retail, food service and hospitality industries spend more time monitoring employees than customers.


I am sorry that this happened to the honeymooners. Hopefully the rings will show up. In the meantime, contacting their home insurance is a good idea.


Our approach when travelling is simple - if we don't want to lose it, we don't take it with us.

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Oh good grief, MOST room attendants are hard working and honest. Of course there is always a dishonest one and they likely don't last long.


Use the safe, don't leave temptation laying around. And I need to remind myself of this advise more often!

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If you lose something that does not give the "finder" the right to keep it. If they don't turn it in to lost and found then they are stealing it.





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The point is that the Disney employee in this article is NOT a room attendant, and as I remember the story from a couple years ago, the iPhone was left in a public place and the an employee picked it up. The other thing I remember that was NOT reported in this article is that the employee that had the phone had purchased it from another crew member. Now I'm trying to remember the whole thing but it was a widely reported theft and carried in the news. (Also reported here on CC)

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I understand perfectly well why people remove their rings but do not understand why they put them down on a counter or shelf, particurlary when they're not in their own home.


If i need to remove one of my rings while traveling I remove it while standing over one of my suitcases, it goes into a small bag or case and gets locked up in the suitcase.. If I can't do that, the ring stays on. Even at home, i never put them on a counter, they only go into their special case in my bedrooom.


I don't remove them for soap or lotion, and have never had a problem with them becoming dirty. I do remove them for certain excursions or activities.

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The point is that the Disney employee in this article is NOT a room attendant, and as I remember the story from a couple years ago, the iPhone was left in a public place and the an employee picked it up. The other thing I remember that was NOT reported in this article is that the employee that had the phone had purchased it from another crew member. Now I'm trying to remember the whole thing but it was a widely reported theft and carried in the news. (Also reported here on CC)



My point is at finding a lost item does not give the finder the right to keep it.


I believe most room attendants and most crew members are honest but it is not out of the question that a crew member could be a thief. I am sure there are passengers who cruise that could be thief's. A small percentage of any group of people are going to be criminals.


There is a reason there are safes in the room. Rings that are not being worn should be kept in the safe. But if they are left out that does not give anyone the right to "find" them.


As for the rings they could have been stolen or they could have been misplaced. I find the story odd, not because I don't believe people might take off their rings but because they both took off their rings and left them on the counter. That they both took them off for a shower and both left them on the counter does not ring true....





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Edited by Charles4515
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Sorry to the OP for their loss. If it is reported on board, they will check the garbage very very carefully.


Security onboard have protocols for this to protect the employee from a fraudulent claim by a guest and to protect guests from less than honest staff.


I think there are different types of wedding bands or rings. In UK Europe etc they are simple gold bands, no stones and we rarely if ever take them off, we might slide them slightly up our finger if we feel there is dirt underneath but they never come off. This is allowed for health workers everyone. For some it is a huge issue to take them off, my Mum had to take hers off because of a wrist injury. When she recovered, she and Dad went to church and with the minister had recommitment vows before Dad put her ring back on.


That is possibly why some are surprised the bands were off.

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I agree. I thought that it was common knowledge that loss prevention and security employees of large organizations in the retail, food service and hospitality industries spend more time monitoring employees than customers.


No, it is not common knowledge because it isn't true. Why are you fabricating such claims? :confused::rolleyes:

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......As for the rings they could have been stolen or they could have been misplaced. I find the story odd, not because I don't believe people might take off their rings but because they both took off their rings and left them on the counter. That they both took them off for a shower and both left them on the counter does not ring true....


I can understand the wife taking her ring off to protect the diamond(s) in it, if there are any, but for the husband to do so seems strange. As the husband in my marriage, I rarely take my wedding band off. Even when washing my hands or showering. Leaving it on is not a sanitation issue as someone earlier claimed. The ring gets washed along with the hand and both are left cleaner than before.


When I first got married, I would never have considered taking off my wedding band. I was too excited about having a reason to wear the wedding band, and never wanted to be without it, even for a minute.

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First, let me say to the OP that I am sorry for the loss, and the torment that has ensued because of it. The questions (unfortunately) will never be answered.


We have had things go missing from our cabin on three different cruises on various other lines (new size 13 running shoes on day 3?!) and it's been enough to make us more than aware.


I always travel with various size plastic boxes... one on desk (general stuff, key cards, sun glasses, etc), one in desk drawer (my fake jewelry, make up, etc), one on each night stand (glasses, kindles, phones), and one larger one in the safe. All boxes pack easily, and help to contain their contents from rolling around in the cabin (it happens), and we always know where things are. The steward also knows we are neat and organized, and don't leave things lying around.

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Not sure why so many posters are questioning why the rings were removed, I've removed mine many times when having a shower and forgot to put it back on. The op was simply asking if there was anything they could do now it's happened. I'm not sure they need a lecture on ring removal.

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No, it is not common knowledge because it isn't true. Why are you fabricating such claims? :confused::rolleyes:

Just another naive statement here.

Having worked for many retail organizations over the past 30 yrs I can tell you that it is a very true statement. If a store has a very high shrink percent the first place they look is to the employees. All it takes is one employee to get caught and then they rat out the others. I lost 80% of my staff once during an investigation. Employees have easy access and know the ins and outs of the business. The organization that I work for now monitors the stores from their lap top at home. One busy Saturday asked an associate to fill in the gloves. It was snowing outside and the store was busy with unprepared consumers looking for winter goods. I got a call from my district manager who was a home monitoring the stores asking why I had an employee doing stock work on a busy Saturday. I ripped into him like a monkey on a banana. Basically called him an idiot for trying to obstruct my sales for the day. Never had a problem with him again.

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I can understand the wife taking her ring off to protect the diamond(s) in it, if there are any, but for the husband to do so seems strange. As the husband in my marriage, I rarely take my wedding band off. Even when washing my hands or showering. Leaving it on is not a sanitation issue as someone earlier claimed. The ring gets washed along with the hand and both are left cleaner than before.


When I first got married, I would never have considered taking off my wedding band. I was too excited about having a reason to wear the wedding band, and never wanted to be without it, even for a minute.


I have taken mine off various times over the past 25yrs because I'm doing yard work, painting or even mixing chop meat for burgers. I have replaced my rings twice because they shrunk. Now I wear a $30 dollar titanium ring that I purchased at overstock dot com and I still remove it for the same reasons. When on a cruise I don't wear it during the day as chlorine or salt water can dull the finish. I do put it in the safe but that's so I know where it is. At home we have a ring holder by the kitchen sink and that's were it goes when I need to remove it.

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There is a lot of informaton missing, what ship and cabin type? Was it reported as soon as it was realised they were missing?


The bathoom in an Celebrity normal cabin is compact to say the least, if you were drying down or getting dressed in there, it would be very easy

to knock the rings on the floor, or even down the sink waste.


Over the years we have found several items left by the previous occupants, including a cagoule, make up bag, and numerous items of

clothing, I don't blame the cabin staff for this, they have a very busy day on changeover. My wife has problems with her legs, and uses 2 small

cushions in bed to make herself comfortable. One day they disappeared, we think they were scooped up when they changed the bed and went

to the laundry!


One thing we have noticed over the years, that the stewards are working on 2 or 3 cabins at the same time, with the doors proped open, easy

for a passing passenger not at dinner to nip in and pocket something.

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Cruise workers are not the same as retail or fast food workers. If they are put off the ship for cause they pay their own expensive way home, and their shipboard career is over. It's not like going from McDonalds to Burger King down the street. That said, I was careless too and on the last day ran to the buffet on a Crystal ship 'for a minute', and returned to find my stateroom attendant rushing out of my cabin; the cash in my unattended purse was gone. This was my fault, but I reported what I saw, and Crystal sent me a check. I don't know if there had been other reports about her, or if Crystal was being kind offering a relatively small amount on an expensive cruise.

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I have never ever taken my wedding ring off- why did your son and new daughter- in - law they take theirs off?

Is it a new custom?


With all due respect, it is lovely that you don't remove your ring, this would be impossible for me! I golf, play tennis and take cross training classes and there is no way that I could wear a ring while doing any of those things. I don't wear any jewelry at all while exercising, maybe just some stud earrings. My husband cannot golf with his ring as the glove will not fit over his finger. Unfortunately, he has forgotten to leave his ring at home and has, more than once, lost it by leaving it in the golf cart. Now we just buy him an inexpensive band, lol. I can't sleep with it and I won't shower with it either as the diamonds will get so dull looking from the soap. We also go boating a lot since we live in Florida and would never wear jewelry. The last thing you want is to attract sharks with your shiny bling! We recently did a Baltic cruise and I left my jewelry in the safe while in port. There were abundant amounts of pickpockets in St.Petersburg.


As a matter of fact, we are travelling next week and my husband asked me not to wear any "real" jewelry as we are going someplace where it could put us in danger.


So it's possible that they were going to the gym or doing any multitude of activities. A good idea would have been to put them in the safe but they are newlyweds and they are probably not used to even having the rings.

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To assume anyone will or will not take something of a personal nature is naive. How do you know for sure in advance?!


We try to have a pattern of how we take care of our items we want to secure vs just sit or lay around unsecured. We slip up too! We have left our safe open!


Anyway, securing you possessions protects you and the employee. You could, by accident, drop something into a trash can and then when missing incorrectly blame an employee.


We have not ever had an issue in over 30+ cruises and we for sure hope to not have an issue in future. We do know that some employees are thieves with an intent to steal and there are some that not intending to steal, steal based on an opportunity/impulse, so either way, you need to protect your valuables just as you would protect your passport/money/etc.

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My (then) teenage son left his wallet in the cabin night table beside the bed when he disembarked. Had about $200 in it. He realized it on the way to the airport and we called the ship and asked that security go to the cabin immediately and get it, and we will return to the ship to retrieve it. They called us back ten minutes later to say it wasn't in the drawer.

Could have been the steward ... or security who stole it. Either way, my son learned a valuable lesson.

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