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Is it OK to use walkie talkies?


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I am so thankful that the bloody walkie talkies have not hit Australia yet. They are the worst excuse for keeping people communicating - who needs them anyway? Well, maybe truckers do, but Crazy dude, you aren't a trucker are you? ;)


Crazy - let's say you really can't live without one. Okay, you have proven that point. You can have it. Maybe just turn it down, and when you use it keep the conversations to a minimum. Done. :)

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I am so thankful that the bloody walkie talkies have not hit Australia yet. They are the worst excuse for keeping people communicating - who needs them anyway? Well, maybe truckers do, but Crazy dude, you aren't a trucker are you? ;)


Crazy - let's say you really can't live without one. Okay, you have proven that point. You can have it. Maybe just turn it down, and when you use it keep the conversations to a minimum. Done. :)

If you read crazidude's previous posts I think you will see he is not about to change his habits just because they annoy other people.
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Ignore the condescending responses. Walkie-talkies are fine on a cruise. There will only be a handful of people who mind others using them, and apparently they're all responding to this thread.


I agree.


I think they shouldn't be used by irresponsible people. I believe even irresponsible people have the right to use them, though.


Use common sense and don't use them inappropriately.



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That's interesting because common sense s different to most people. To some, they're going to use them during dinner, shows, whatever, because to them, it's common sense to be in minute-to-minute contact with their kids (although, apparently, not in physical contact with them). To others, common sense entails consideration toward others and devising a means of getting through their holidays without annoying eveyone around.

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It doesn't bother me that other people don't like it, since safety is more important to me, than the comfort of other people. On deck chair saving: why is this ok: This is okay since the person who saves it took the time to get the chair first. I believe that moving or taking someone else's chair is rude, and wrong. However, but saving it, makes no difference. Lets say you are in the sun, and you are hot and want to go for a swim. So, you put whatever you are doing down, and go in the pool. Or, you go to the bathroom, and put your stuff down. If someone moves it, that is wrong. There is a reason why cruiselines do not enforce "No deck chair saving" since it is based on a first come first serve basis. Note: Only about 2% of cruisers use this board, meaning that there are other people who use walkie taklies, and save deck chairs. They are just too affraid to show who they really are.


On a side note: Whoever uses the Emac, I just don't perfer the mac, as I know the PC in and out. It is just a personal preference, and it is my goal to never use a Mac. I feel that Apple is WAY TOO big of a company.


Me, I board the ship first and then rush to save my chair by the pool, theatre and casino, right off, that way they are mine for the whole week. :rolleyes: Define Too Big of a company, too. I didn't know that there was a good size and a bad size. :rolleyes: Do you actually know anything about anything? Or do you always say such non supportable things?:rolleyes:



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That's interesting because common sense s different to most people. To some, they're going to use them during dinner, shows, whatever, because to them, it's common sense to be in minute-to-minute contact with their kids (although, apparently, not in physical contact with them). To others, common sense entails consideration toward others and devising a means of getting through their holidays without annoying eveyone around.


I agree, unfortunately, we can not eliminate the rude, uncultured or just plain boorish.


Those without a clue are going to be rude no matter what is right and what is wrong.



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I guess this is just a post that comes from thinking about those who feel the necessity of bringing those infernal walkie-talkies on board a cruise ship. Hey, it's not like you're on Celebrity Summit and the kids/significant other are on Horizon. You're in a confined space and while the ships are big, I know we've never misplaced a family member, missed a meal, show or trivia contest because we didn't use W/T's. It's really simple---teach each other how to tell time, tell each other where and when to meet for lunch/trivia/bingo/casino/cabin and then let it be and if you miss lunch/bingo/shows, it's your fault. On our last X cruise, there was a group who (mis)used those blasted things in the restaurant, Celebrity Theater and casino, and a couple of times they were beeping during the shows. If your kids are too young to tell time, well I've got news for you---they shouldn't be wandering the ship by themselves in the first place. If you want to use them when on shore, that's a perfect place for them, but on board the ship, I just can't see the need, unless you and your significant other want time apart and you're on different X ships.

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It occurs to me that ships all have intercoms, too. X doesn't use them much at all but if there is a true emergency I'm sure they would page you. If your spouse/kid had fallen in the pool area and hit their head, they would be getting checked out by the infirmary and the ship could page you to report there.

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I think a part of the problem is that people who see no problem with the beeping going off during shows and dinner are simply not that accustomed to going out. For them, having someone talk during a tv show is not that big a deal and they don't make the leap that it is annying to the other people when they are disruptive. This happens a lot at the movies these days, where folks carry on a conversation about the movie while they're watching it and are oblivious that they are being rude to thos ewho can hear them and would prefer to focus on the film.

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It occurs to me that ships all have intercoms, too. X doesn't use them much at all but if there is a true emergency I'm sure they would page you. If your spouse/kid had fallen in the pool area and hit their head, they would be getting checked out by the infirmary and the ship could page you to report there.


I agree. If the kids has been knocked out, they're not going to be radioing in!

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In response to the original post, I would hope cruisers would refrain from using such devices unless absolutely necessary. I live in a very large city, and one of the nicest parts of the cruise is not to have to listen to the blasted cell phone conversations, or have someone walk into me on deck because they're so wrapped up in their cell phone conversation. While many people use the devices with good common sense, the manufacturers don't require a class on etiquette and unfortunately, some folks just don't have a clue. Sometimes, I long for the old days when you could get on a bus and either have a short conversation with the person next to you or sit in solitude and read --- but those days are long gone, so my cruise time is sacred for this one.

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This is an endless discussion. Bottom line:


Walkie talkies can NOT be ruled out of cruising. There are people who will always use them, and there will always be someone to bug you, since you are in a public place. Done with that one.


Deck chair saving: This is clearly a hot topic which people are uncertain about, and cruise lines are trying to stop this.


OVERALL: Let it go, enjoy your cruise. One walkie talkie situation isn't bad. Enjoy is the key word. Enjoy by either bothering people, or enjoy by moving their stuff.


by the way: favorite newspaper is boston globe/new york times

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From another post we made here is some advice.


"It is not "most people" who find them annoying. It is some people and some for good reason.


There are some rules thats I have posted many times to minimize annoying others passengers. You will want to get at least the 5 miles type walkie-talkies. You will find that there may be a few dead spots but they should work fine in most areas. Here are the rules:


1) Get the vibrate type use them on vibrate only.

2) Turn off the chirp.

3) Ensure that every user understands that they are not a toy to carry on endless conversations and are to be used at a minimum.

4) There is no need to yell into them.

5) Do not use them in the dining room or show rooms.

6) Be respectful of your fellow passengers.


We used them on Navigator for a family group of 18. They were invaluable. We followed our rules and never got a comment from anyone.


Now there are a very few people that are intolerate and would get annoyed just seeing a walkie-talkie but we never encountered any of them. Some may be the same ones who are intolerate of young children and tell you to leave them home too."

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1) Get the vibrate type use them on vibrate only.

2) Turn off the chirp.

3) Ensure that every user understands that they are not a toy to carry on endless conversations and are to be used at a minimum.

4) There is no need to yell into them.

5) Do not use them in the dining room or show rooms.

6) Be respectful of your fellow passengers.


The people who are rude with these hateful little devices don't care about your rules...they don't care about anyone but themselves...ban them completely and force them to show a bit of responsibility as parents...or in a best case, they don't cruise at all.

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You are right on that one. Hey .......dude, one question. It's 140 days until which ship? Just so that I can cross that one off the calendar:D





TOOOOO funny! :)

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Amazing... some would say not to use the walkie-talkies poolside, and other outdoor events aboard.


Some real facts: the cheap ones will not work. Get the ones that are FMRS ready, have a 5 mile range(min) and use the ones with the drop-in charger. We use Motorola brands, but many are great. The battery pack can be removed and you can substitute disposable batteries as well.


For those "offended" I'd strongly suggest getting a life. People do other things on cruises and vacations that bother some, and you have 2-3K people aboard that are all on vacation as well.


Agreed, the chirp sound during a show would be not a great thing, so turn down the volume, and then step out to respond.


We've sailed 10 times, used them on 5 and keep them on the communicate with the teenagers while in their cabins at night.


We also use them while shopping at ports, and they worked great. In Cozumel they worked great from the ship to the dock area.


My teenage daughter carries one with her when she heads for the deck chairs in the morning, and after our run we find her via walkie-talkie.


Again, some people think a cruise is a step into fantastyland for dress, manners, customs, etc. and firmly think that people will all be the perfect cruise passenger for the duration of their vacation. These people need to write and review at http://www.polyanna.com


Cruise prices are lower in relation to other vacations, the market is saturated with choices and more passengers are headed to ports to sail for the first time. The days of tux's, long dresses, and formal dinners are numbered on mass market cruise lines.


I listened to the marketing manager at NCL discuss the topic above in depth, and he talked about freestyle dining, relaxed dress codes and more choices for the newer cruisers. Some that want to cling to the past have little in the way of firm footing to stand on.


We took our first cruise in 76 aboard the Mardi Gras, a old Carnival vessel when all they had were two ships. The dress was different, but so was my hair and waistlines.


Simply put, go enjoy yourself. Take your walkie-talkies, and enjoy the security they bring. If someone is offended in a otherwise noisy public place aboard the ship then remind them they didn't pay your vacation costs, and get over themselves...


Bon Voyage,



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For those "offended" I'd strongly suggest getting a life.



I have a life...and while I'm conducting my life, I don't expect, sitting quietly, speaking quietly, respecting those around me, I ever really annoyed anyone.


Ask any cell phone abuser, they'll tell you they are not the problem...it's the other person!!


I've been on several cruises since these inane devices have made an appearance...this is not conjecture.

Walkie talkies are, by an overwhelming majority, used by rude, noisey, ignorant, irresponible, manners devoid people, who live to talk about NOTHING!!


"Hello...yes I'm on deck 5, DECK 5....DECK 5!!!! I'm fine. How are you...I lost $10 at the slots...yes it's very nice, did you see the fabric...Mertyle has the same on her sofa...say hi to Arnie...BYE".

The same stupidity you've heard on 1000's of cell phones....

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I've always wondered why these great parents need a walkie-talkie to communicate with the kids in their room. Why not just open the connecting door? Then it occured to me that these same great parents also don't want to shell out so there kids can be next-door, presumably in a balcony room.


I agree that there are lines like NCl for those who don't wish to dress up or conform. I hope they choose those lines. For my part, I have no desire to stand in line while I wait for a table to become available and be served by yet another different waiter.

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I listened to the marketing manager at NCL discuss the topic above in depth, and he talked about freestyle dining, relaxed dress codes and more choices for the newer cruisers. Some that want to cling to the past have little in the way of firm footing to stand on.



And this surprises you how?? When was the last time a representative from Coors told you Budweiser was a better beer?? Of course NCL believes this or they wouldn't proceed on that tack...and if you agree, then NCL is where you should be...and those of us who don't agree should be on X.


I'll make you a deal...I won't try to change NCL...leave X to those of us who want a traditional experience...with no walkie-talkies.

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. Take your walkie-talkies, and enjoy the security they bring. If someone is offended in a otherwise noisy public place aboard the ship then remind them they didn't pay your vacation costs, and get over themselves...


Oh, the old I'm paying for my cruise so I'll do whatever I want. You missed that one Danno. Got me, can you hear me now.


Anyboby ever notice while in many land based casinos you have no service on your cell phones. Wonder if thats done on purpose, wouldn't that technology be nice in certain area's of cruise ships.

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. Take your walkie-talkies, and enjoy the security they bring.


Can anyone explain how these offer security? If your kids are hanging out with a bad element, do you think they're gonig to tell you? If they've gotten in real trouble, do you think the bad people are going to let them use them? All that will really happen is that the bad person will know how long it is before you start looking for the kids. Setting your kids free in a ship of thousands of rooms (with doors and locks) and thinking that a walkie-talkie is improving their security seems silly. Teaching your kids about risks and, I don't know, spending your holiday with them seem better ways of supervising.

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And this surprises you how?? When was the last time a representative from Coors told you Budweiser was a better beer?? Of course NCL believes this or they wouldn't proceed on that tack...and if you agree, then NCL is where you should be...and those of us who don't agree should be on X.


I'll make you a deal...I won't try to change NCL...leave X to those of us who want a traditional experience...with no walkie-talkies.

Amen Danno!!!Those are only a few of the many reasons we stay with Celebrity.By all means enjoy your "freedom" on NCL and Carnival.
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