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Chair hog strategies for 2016


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Id love to see NCL hang baskets or install a shelf along the rails that go around the pools on the Jewel Class and Dawn Class ships.


Something you could put your flip flops and towel in.


When we were on our RCL cruise the only thing we used the chair (a single chair) for was to pile all our stuff on (6 of us)




This would be brilliant. I know some people like to lay or in the sun for hours, but I mostly just want a dry place to keep my stuff while I swim.

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So if I have to run back to my room to get some more sunscreen for 5 minutes, and leave my hat or towel on the chair, that means you think you are entitled to that chair? :confused::confused:


Seems that way don't it, can't even go for a swim:confused::mad:

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Once we were going in to a show. We found our seats and then I had to visit the the men's room.


Some bloke decided to chat her, and was darn rude (the theatre was half empty) I came back to find her almost in tears he had been so rude.


Probably just as well he'd left by the time I arrived.

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Id love to see NCL hang baskets or install a shelf along the rails that go around the pools on the Jewel Class and Dawn Class ships.


Something you could put your flip flops and towel in.


When we were on our RCL cruise the only thing we used the chair (a single chair) for was to pile all our stuff on (6 of us)




One would think the former Norwegian Caribbean Line would know how to spell Caribbean correctly- see your grey key card in your original post #43.........,,

Edited by Bollinge
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Originally Posted by bbryan5

So if I have to run back to my room to get some more sunscreen for 5 minutes, and leave my hat or towel on the chair, that means you think you are entitled to that chair?



Seems that way don't it, can't even go for a swim:confused::mad:



Don't be ridiculous! Haven't you read the entire thread. At first it was said 30 min and then shown that it is 60 min. If it takes you more than 60 min. to go for a swim or back to your cabin to get sunscreen - then yes, you could lose your chair.



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Originally Posted by bbryan5

So if I have to run back to my room to get some more sunscreen for 5 minutes, and leave my hat or towel on the chair, that means you think you are entitled to that chair?



Don't be ridiculous! Haven't you read the entire thread. At first it was said 30 min and then shown that it is 60 min. If it takes you more than 60 min. to go for a swim or back to your cabin to get sunscreen - then yes, you could lose your chair.


If the rule has been switched to 60 minutes then I'll abide by that, all I want is for folks to follow the rules and keep the social balance needed to have the pool area be nice for everyone. I'll sit on your chair if there is only a flip flop and a towel on it, but if you come back 10 minutes after I sit down I'll leave. If you come back 3 hours after I sat down, your chair wont be there for you.


As for the simple suggestion of just booking the Haven.. sure, after I win the lottery. Until then inside cabin with 3 people for 10 days here I come!

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We were on the Epic in the H20 area and the chair hogging was terrible. We saw sets of loungers left for hours, on one occasion 4 loungers with towels on were empty from when we arrived to when we left a total of six hours!


If I see loungers empty for a long time I will move the towels into a pile and use them. Going swimming, to the bar, toilet etc is completely acceptable and even lunch as long as it is not hours. Just hogging chairs and loungers for hours with no one using them is not.


It is called manners and respect for other people, every one is on holiday and wants to enjoy themselves.

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  • 1 month later...

I was going to start a new thread on this but didn't feel it was needed based on my search of the forums (and.. not trying to start some kind of huge debate) BUT.............


Do people really have that big of an issue moving towels that are "hogging" chairs? Unless there are other personal items (clothing, books, bags, etc) I would never consider a towel sufficient as "claiming your space". If I see just towels chilling on a chair/chairs I move them and take over.


... That being said. I am very aware of the issue and always avoid being a hog myself, for instance: my husband and I will put our things on 1 chair instead of 2 if we know we will be spending most of our time in the pool / on the slides.


For people like me, I think an easy solution to cut down on chair hogs (you looking at this ncl/every other cruise line???) is to also have a bunch of hooks around the pool area. I prefer to spend my time in the water rather than sitting around it, but if the only option of somewhere to put my belongings is a chair, then that's where they have to go to avoid getting soaked.

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One solution would be to have the cruise staff enforce the rules rather than have guests have to fend for themselves. I have also noticed that guests leave their towels behind rather than clear them off of lounges when they leave for the day. So sometimes you can't tell if the person has left for hours or for the day. Staff can resolve this issue to some extent. It won't take long for people to get the message if staff are consistent and the company supports the rules. They have no trouble doing thus when we question a rule for payment.


For the mother that says her kids stay in the pool for hours, why do you need to save several chairs while your kids are in the pool? I can see one lounge, but for hours? My kids would turn into prunes and turn blue in less time.

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While I agree that people shouldn't leave the chairs all day when others could be using them, I think the 30 minutes isn't long enough. Surely people are able to go for lunch and be able to take their time and not have to worry about someone touching their stuff.


Personally I wouldn't think of start moving someone's personal items and I wouldn't be happy someone touching mine.


Why should you get to reserve a chair while you go off to eat a meal? Somebody else could be using that chair. That's extremely inconsiderate.

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Why should you get to reserve a chair while you go off to eat a meal? Somebody else could be using that chair. That's extremely inconsiderate.


Why should I not? If I've been using a lounger most of the day then I'll keep it while I take a 20/30 minute break from the sun. Its not inconsiderate at all as the lounger is being used.

People should get out of bed earlier if they want decent loungers.

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Seriously....if you are going to lunch you have vacated the chair, take your stuff with you!


It is people who act like a child that causes these issues....a child lays claim to a toy in the same manner....I used it and it is still mine, even if they were no longer using it!


Going to the washroom, or for a swim or getting a drink etc....is fine. Going for lunch....please that is a the issue that is being discussed.


If Cruise lines did a better job of enforcing their rules the need for others touching other cruises items would be nil. A chair that is vacant for 30 minutes is abandoned.


AMEN! If you're not using it, let someone else have the pleasure! Everyone is on holiday... When you get back from lunch, get a different lounge chair. If everyone followed these simple rules, there would be spaces for everyone.

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For the mother that says her kids stay in the pool for hours, why do you need to save several chairs while your kids are in the pool? I can see one lounge, but for hours? My kids would turn into prunes and turn blue in less time.


Who said anything about several lounges? I put all our stuff on ONE (1) chair (3 towels, shoes, bag with sunblock, extra goggles, coverups, key cards, etc), which was in the shade, and far from the pool (nothing closer was available). As for turning into a prunes and blue, the Jewel does have this thing called a slide, and also 2 kids hot tubs, right next to the kids pool, which they also used during those hours.


Perhaps my children are heartier than others, I don't know. It was a Caribbean cruise out of Houston in March, and wasn't all that cold. What *should* I have done with our things? Set them on the floor as a tripping hazard, where they would get wet and walked on? wrapped them in a waterproof plastic thing and duct taped them to the wall? Wear them in a backpack on my back and carry towels in my arms while I was standing the the shallow bit of the pool? Where should I have put them when I joined my kids in the water? All the "ledges" by the pool were being sat upon (not by me).


Not having our things (I.e. Leaving them in the cabin) isn't a good option, and I will NEVER allow my kids to swim unsupervised. There are not lockers, shelves, or similar that I ever saw. I was a lifeguard years ago, and I'm a pediatrician. I know *exactly* how fast drowning can occur and how devastating it is, even if the child survives.

Edited by Starflyr3
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On our last cruise (Escape, early January) the crew was going around on the second sea day (day 3 of the cruise) and tagging saved chairs with time stamped stickers - after an hour they would remove items left and free up the chairs. This was great, since on the day before (sea day 1, first full day of the cruise) most of the chairs were taken everywhere, not just at the pool.

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On our last cruise (Escape, early January) the crew was going around on the second sea day (day 3 of the cruise) and tagging saved chairs with time stamped stickers - after an hour they would remove items left and free up the chairs. This was great, since on the day before (sea day 1, first full day of the cruise) most of the chairs were taken everywhere, not just at the pool.


This is a nice idea which should be for all ships.

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On a recent RCL cruise, with my daughter, we found 2 lounge chairs early in the day (around 8:30) unoccupied and directly in front of the adult pool. There were many lounges there, a lot looked empty and a lot had towels on them. The two chairs we took had no towels on them.


After we were sitting there for about 45 minutes, a woman and her friend came over to us, and told us we were in their chairs! I said there was a mistake, the chairs were empty when we sat down. She insisted she had saved those chairs, and demanded to know what we did with her stuff!


That's when a crew member came over and told the women where to go to find their stuff. He said his job was to monitor the area and remove anything that sat on the chairs longer than 30 minutes. His shirt had the words "Deck Patrol" on the back. We did notice that he went around to the empty chairs that had towels on them, and refolded the towels and placed them on the backs of the chairs. I guess this was his way of marking the chairs, and timing them. The ship was the Liberty of the Seas. I wish NCL had a similar program in place, it would save a lot of frustration all around.

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I was on the Escape in Jan and I've never seen the chair hogs this bad. You couldn't find one anywhere, not even in a bad location, and 50% of the chairs were saved by towels or things.


One day we got up really early to get a couple of chairs. Our personal policy is that we take turns leaving our chair. So I'll go eat at the buffet and my husband will stay with our two chairs and then when I come back, he will leave, etc. I would say that 90% of the chairs we saw saved, people never came back for them and we were sitting in our chair from 7am until about 3pm


When I casually asked the guy manning the towel check out station what the policy was, he said if no one came back for the seat for an hour, they removed the towels/items. I never once saw a staff member patrol the area, much less remove someone's stuff/ towels


I did see some other people move people's towels and some fights did occur[emoji52]


They need to fix this problem, it's a big turn off for me. Like I said, I've never seen it as bad as it was in the Escape



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by aubreyc1988
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I think that leaving your items to "claim" your spot while you eat, you accept the risk that someone might touch your stuff


Personally the only time I might leave a towel on the chair is if I have to go to the bathroom or go get a drink, and even then my husband is in the seat next to it


So if I have to go back to my cabin for a medical reason(not to take a pill) I should lose my spot??


When I go to the pool I take all the comforts with me. Someone put my beach bag on the ground and moved the chair. The bag had my camera, sunglasses, sunscreen etc. Water from the pool soaked my bag and my camera case. You could say I was upset and a women told me a man did it soon after I left.


Back home, we live in a Active Senior Community and they have the same loungers around the pool. I told my husband I wanted to try an experiment and went behind him in the lounger and easily flipped him out! You just have to use that middle bar. He didn't get hurt because I did it slowly and the armrest keeps you from hitting the ground.


We had a good laugh but I wonder what the brute will think when this old lady flips him out of MY chair!! To only hope...

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So if I have to go back to my cabin for a medical reason(not to take a pill) I should lose my spot??




When I go to the pool I take all the comforts with me. Someone put my beach bag on the ground and moved the chair. The bag had my camera, sunglasses, sunscreen etc. Water from the pool soaked my bag and my camera case. You could say I was upset and a women told me a man did it soon after I left.




Back home, we live in a Active Senior Community and they have the same loungers around the pool. I told my husband I wanted to try an experiment and went behind him in the lounger and easily flipped him out! You just have to use that middle bar. He didn't get hurt because I did it slowly and the armrest keeps you from hitting the ground.




We had a good laugh but I wonder what the brute will think when this old lady flips him out of MY chair!! To only hope...



I'm not saying I would personally move something more than a towel OR the guy who moved your bag was right or justified, but cruise ship or community pool, I'd never leave my belongings unattended, as I KNOW what people are capable of and I don't want to lose my stuff. Leaving your stuff unattended in any public area always has risks tied to it.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So here we are in a new year and with that brings another year filled with people putting their towels down on chairs at dawn only to return after dinner to finally sit in them.


So what new methods has everyone developed to combat them and how do you plan on getting a seat during your cruise this year?


My personal choice is to give the person 20 to 30 minutes, I understand sometimes you need to step away, and then put their stuff on the floor, take the seat, as in actually pick it up and take it, and sit myself somewhere in view of the pile I made to see if they ever return.


My strategy is to ignore them and not let them ruin my cruise. Lots of chairs around on all of the ships I have been on. I am on vacation, I am not going to waste any of my tiem worrying about what other people are doing! :rolleyes:

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Does NCL really not have staff that does this? On my last cruise on princess it seemed several areas had chairs most of the time and the few times I laid in one we saw them remove several towels. Which makes snese since the towels are available right on deck I assumed most of the people were just too lazy to put their towels in the used bin, not that they were trying to keep their chair.

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