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Carnival sunshine nightmare - need advice cruisers


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They can't make you keep your doors open! I mean, what if you wanted to sleep, get dressed... have sex? Close the doors and leave the fans on. I'd find out who put the fans there and tell them not to leave the door open again. But have a couple of drinks first so you get back into vacation mode! :)[/quot


OMG. Yes I know people have sex on a cruise, but just spit my coffee at the image of someone having sex with the door opened! Perhaps the issue would be resolved quickly if someone saw this.


It's all about offering some incentive!!! ;)

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OH MY... sure sounds like a "memorable" cruise. I hope you get this resolved to your satisfaction.


I'm not sure how I would feel in this situation. While I understand anything can and will happen.... and I would still be grateful to on vacation vs at work but...


~ I would be very upset if my family was moved when we expected to be next door especially in attached balconies.

~ I would be upset that my room flooded and I had fan everywhere.

~ I would be LIVID to find my door left open with no one tending to my room.


All this move your stuff to your dads room is not up to my satisfaction either. What a pain that would be.


You could invoke your vacation guarantee and we asked to be removed off the ship?? I really hope you where able to make lemonade out of these lemons!!! I do understand where your upset!

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You could invoke your vacation guarantee and we asked to be removed off the ship??

I thought about suggesting that, but that only applies within the first 24 hours of sailing -- the OP stated that she was on day 3 of her cruise.


I have to agree with the others -- them opening your cabin and leaving it open and unattended is completely unacceptable, and I'd be politely but firmly demanding satisfaction in getting the issue resolved.

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I'm back and all settled in and ready to respond.


Thanks for all the responses - not all were what I was expecting but still appreciated :D.


The cabin was #8302 and #8306 which was across from some mechanical room that flooded and the interior room across from us got hit even worse. The cause was still unknown after leaving the ship (at least thats what everyone I was in contact with said) and affected at least 4 other cabins nearby, several on other floors and even one main entertainment person who was a guys cabin as well.


It was an absolute nightmare for Carnival to handle. It was a new person every time and nobody communicated anything. At any point we came back to our cabin, there was a new note that Guest Services had been trying to contact us. I lost count of how many times I called guest services or went down to talk to someone or track down a maintenance guy for a follow up and eventually stopped. Every time the person I had spoke to last was nowhere to be found and unreachable and no notes were kept so I had to reexplain what was going on every time and even walk up to the room with staff to show them the room. I couldn't explain the extent of the damage since nobody was ever around to tell me why the furniture was constantly being moved around with a fan in a new spot every time I went back to the room. Every staff person just wrote their notes and said we'll be in touch - so after day two we decided to give up on the room. Everything was dry in the closet and so was the bed so we decided to make the best of our vacation. And thanks to all the comments from people agreeing about the door being left open. Regardless of if anyone would actually go into my room to steal something, its nice to know that ALL my belongings are safe. People of all ages area always roaming the halls freely and not everyone is as honest of a person and not everyone may think all my valuables are in the safe. I want piece of mind that my clothes are not being thrown on the wet ground to be ruined - there are thousands of other people on this ship. Chances are slim this would happen - I know - but its nice to know my things are not on display - the rooms lock and have extra locks for a reason. To the people who say this isn't an issue, I challenge you to leave your cabin dead bolted for your next cruise while you are out of the room!


It was very unfortunate that during this cruise the Weather was not very cooperative except the last day and the Lido deck was too cold/rainy to go out on and a port day was cancelled to a day at sea because of bad weather. While Weather is beyond their control - i've NEVER let a rainy day dampen my vacation spirit on any cruise. During days like this, I also like to just catch up on rest in the cabin during the day (which couldn't happen during this). And please save the ignore it and have fun comments - we did make the best of it I am just noting that being able to do this was comfortably was taken away. Diane Ford had her comedy show - whom I fell in love with on the Breeze and have to say still puts me to tears - she is HILARIOUS. We also did Bonsai sushi and I have to say it was INCREDIBLE. The food was great and staff was the friendliest people we've ever met. We did the sushi boat and i will definitely do it again.


Carnival did not send anything to the room - which I didn't expect but would have been a nice gesture as others had mentioned they received something. On the last night they did give me about $50 refundable credit- cancelled it and then gave me $30 credit instead - i'm not sure how they came up with this calculation as unfortunately my dad answered the phone and I didn't wanna call back and go through the headache to find out on the last night there.


Am I upset with how Carnival handled this? Absolustely! I wrote a long detailed letter to carnival. They don't know their doing something wrong unless you tell them.


Will I sail again with Carnival - YEP! and already looking at booking my next cruise. I'm not upset this happened - just upset there was no initiative to keep me informed or anyone to help and it was all on me.

Edited by dcs1989
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And reading through the comments - just wanted to respond to the one that said I needed to be more forceful.


I have no problem being forceful and demanding things get fixed. When your spending your vacation time being forceful and not getting anywhere - you have to draw the line and give up.


The older i'm getting the harder it is to have family together for this long at once on its own sometimes let alone on a cruise...I wasn't about to throw a tantrum and camp out at guest services until this was resolved.

Edited by dcs1989
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I'm back and all settled in and ready to respond.


Thanks for all the responses - not all were what I was expecting but still appreciated :D.


The cabin was #8302 and #8306 which was across from some mechanical room that flooded and the interior room across from us got hit even worse. The cause was still unknown after leaving the ship (at least thats what everyone I was in contact with said) and affected at least 4 other cabins nearby, several on other floors and even one main entertainment person who was a guys cabin as well.


It was an absolute nightmare for Carnival to handle. It was a new person every time and nobody communicated anything. At any point we came back to our cabin, there was a new note that Guest Services had been trying to contact us. I lost count of how many times I called guest services or went down to talk to someone or track down a maintenance guy for a follow up and eventually stopped. Every time the person I had spoke to last was nowhere to be found and unreachable and no notes were kept so I had to reexplain what was going on every time and even walk up to the room with staff to show them the room. I couldn't explain the extent of the damage since nobody was ever around to tell me why the furniture was constantly being moved around with a fan in a new spot every time I went back to the room. Every staff person just wrote their notes and said we'll be in touch - so after day two we decided to give up on the room. Everything was dry in the closet and so was the bed so we decided to make the best of our vacation. And thanks to all the comments from people agreeing about the door being left open. Regardless of if anyone would actually go into my room to steal something, its nice to know that ALL my belongings are safe. People of all ages area always roaming the halls freely and not everyone is as honest of a person and not everyone may think all my valuables are in the safe. I want piece of mind that my clothes are not being thrown on the wet ground to be ruined - there are thousands of other people on this ship. Chances are slim this would happen - I know - but its nice to know my things are not on display - the rooms lock and have extra locks for a reason. To the people who say this isn't an issue, I challenge you to leave your cabin dead bolted for your next cruise while you are out of the room!


It was very unfortunate that during this cruise the Weather was not very cooperative except the last day and the Lido deck was too cold/rainy to go out on and a port day was cancelled to a day at sea because of bad weather. During days like this, I usually just catch up on rest in the cabin during the day (which couldn't happen during this). And please save the ignore it and have fun comments - we did make the best of it I am just noting that being able to do this was comfortably was taken away. Diane Ford had her comedy show - whom I fell in love with on the Breeze and have to say still puts me to tears - she is HILARIOUS. We also did Bonsai sushi and I have to say it was INCREDIBLE. The food was great and staff was the friendliest people we've ever met. We did the sushi boat and i will definitely do it again.


Carnival did not send anything to the room - which I didn't expect but would have been a nice gesture as others had mentioned they received something. On the last night they did give me about $50 refundable credit- cancelled it and then gave me $30 credit instead - i'm not sure how they came up with this calculation as unfortunately my dad answered the phone and I didn't wanna call back and go through the headache to find out on the last night there.


Am I upset with how Carnival handled this? Absolustely! I wrote a long detailed letter to carnival. They don't know their doing something wrong unless you tell them.


Will I sail again with Carnival - YEP! and already looking at booking my next cruise. I'm not upset this happened - just upset there was no initiative to keep me informed or anyone to help and it was all on me.


Glad you kept such a positive attitude. I would have been just as upset as well coming back to a open door I think that out of everything would have bothered me the most just because you dont know everyone you are cruising with it's nice to think that everyone is just like you and won't do things you wouldn't do but unfortunately that's not an option nowadays. It's a shame that there obviously was no communication going on and you had to keep explaining your issue. Something that effected so many rooms should have been passed on from shift to shift so that everyone was aware of what was being done if anything. As for the compensation they should have compensated you, sorry if this was a land vacation you would have been compensated at any hotel depending on the severity of the issue and inconvenience. But my concern would be why they would offer one thing which was fair in my opinion ($50) to taking it back and offering less. That's just not the way of making a guest happy and owning a situation. Even if the $50 was a mistake they should have kept by it.


Hopefully you get some sort of response back from Carnival, it seems like the customer service desk needs a bit of help with communicating and knowing how to own a situation.

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Put the snoozing sign on the door and shut it, then they have to find you to open it it's against ccl policy for anyone to enter your room with that sign out. Tell manager your stuff is valuable to you and your family so until they can provide safety for your room it will be closed and they can hunt you down to get in. I bet they change their tune then. Happy cruising and don't let it ruin a family vacation.

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Hello all,


I'm currently aboard the carniVal sunshine where things have taken a turn. I'm an avid cruiser and decided to take my dad and sister on a cruise aboard the sunshine. Me and my partner booked one room and I out my dad and sister next door and we had the balcony divider open. We are now on day 3 and upon waking up at 6am there was flooding outside our cabin and we placed a call. They r now moving my dad and sister to a new floor and while I understand issues happen but I am completely upset by us no longer being next door. They are being out on the opposite side of the ship and 2 floors up. We are not moving bcause they have no other rooms for us to go so we currently have fans sitting in our room. They are altering what I had planned months in advanced to have a family escape.


They are not able to give me any details and I came back to my door wide open, nobody around and fans sitting all over after coming back from port.



I'm in limbo sitting here with nobody able to tell us anything and honestly just want to leave and try a do over. Does anyone have any advise on how to handle this.


I guess it would be past that 24 hour Great Vacation Guarantee, but I would sure be raising hell for Carnival to make it right. We spend way too much on our vacations and invest way too much precious time. Even though there isn't a way to stop all "disasters" from happening, the least they could do is give you credit for your next cruise or possibly refund you on this one.

Edited by Timsierramist
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You have a great attitude about this and for that, Carnival is lucky. There are people out there who could use this to create a PR nightmare for them (like the Ecstasy Elevator accident). I'm not saying that's right (it's not) just saying they're lucky you're not one of those passengers.


Giving you a $50 credit (that I think was already too small) and then revoking it with an even smaller number is crazy. They should be embarrassed.


Hopefully contacting Carnival will help not just get you some compensation for your semi-ruined vacation, but alert them to problems with their customer service on-board. Keep us posted!

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And now because of weather half moon cay was cancelled so guest services is out the door. I do not want my belongings left here wi tb my door wide open and nobody around monitoring. Guest services said there's nothing they can do.
Then ask then to honor their guarantee.
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Sorry this has happened to you, I know how disappointing it can be when things don't go according to plan. I would definitely talk to them about leaving your door wide open, hopefully they can find a resolution for that quickly. Good luck with the rest of your trip, I hope the rest is smoother for you.



Hello all,


I'm currently aboard the carniVal sunshine where things have taken a turn. I'm an avid cruiser and decided to take my dad and sister on a cruise aboard the sunshine. Me and my partner booked one room and I out my dad and sister next door and we had the balcony divider open. We are now on day 3 and upon waking up at 6am there was flooding outside our cabin and we placed a call. They r now moving my dad and sister to a new floor and while I understand issues happen but I am completely upset by us no longer being next door. They are being out on the opposite side of the ship and 2 floors up. We are not moving bcause they have no other rooms for us to go so we currently have fans sitting in our room. They are altering what I had planned months in advanced to have a family escape.


They are not able to give me any details and I came back to my door wide open, nobody around and fans sitting all over after coming back from port.



I'm in limbo sitting here with nobody able to tell us anything and honestly just want to leave and try a do over. Does anyone have any advise on how to handle this.

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Thank you for your kind support. Its people like yourself who make veterans Feel Good About There Service!


Thanks Again'





Thanks for Your Service!


I was Searching for the "Like Button" on your reply earlier. Then I remembered I was on the wrong site. LOL

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OP sorry to read this, had to be disappointing, especially not having one CCL contact person coordinating this situation.


Curious if you asked to speak to the hotel manager (i'd be shocked if he/she materialized) but would think a manager should've been available to explain & possibly expedite a resolution for you while onboard.

Edited by keishashadow
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OP sorry to read this, had to be disappointing, especially not having one CCL contact person coordinating this situation.


Curious if you asked to speak to the hotel manager (i'd be shocked if he/she materialized) but would think a manager should've been available to explain & possibly expedite a resolution for you while onboard.


I'm not one to complain - I've always ignored the small things so this was a first for me which is why I reached out here while I was on board. I didn't even know there was a hotel manager on the ship.


I wrote Carnival while on board and followed up with a phone call and they are still "investigating" and will get back.


Its unfortunately now tax season (boring CPA over here) and this will have to go to the bottom of the list of importance. Fortunately, the Carnival Casino values me more (even tho I ended leaving the ship up!) and I have a free casino offer from them.

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I'm not one to complain - I've always ignored the small things so this was a first for me which is why I reached out here while I was on board. I didn't even know there was a hotel manager on the ship.


I wrote Carnival while on board and followed up with a phone call and they are still "investigating" and will get back.


Its unfortunately now tax season (boring CPA over here) and this will have to go to the bottom of the list of importance. Fortunately, the Carnival Casino values me more (even tho I ended leaving the ship up!) and I have a free casino offer from them.


you'll need to book another cruise after tax season lol

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I personally think you ahve had a great attitude about it all..especially with that pittance of compensation.


When and air con dripped onto our cabin carpet (at the start of our PC cruise) and left a 7" square of wet we got 8 $9 drink vouchers, an offer of a new room and our $49 FTTF refunded because our cabin was ready an hour later than normal. We didn't even ask it was just given when we got to the room.


You should contact JH or CCL.

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I actually sent an email to John yesterday with the reference # asking if he could give them a nudge.


I don't know if it had any effect - but I actually received a response today. They offered me 15% off my next booking with extra wordage - no alaska/holidays/other blackout yada yada. The message didn't acknowledge anything and looked like a 100% spit out letter with fill ins for Ship name, date and my name.


They caught me on a good day - moved to FL this summer from DC and I am missing the HUGE blizzard they will be getting - definately puts me in a good mood. Snow days are a tax accountants nightmare - still gotta work someway some how.


I responded humurously with all the pictures of the room rearranged with blue fans and said you couldn't get me to book this for 15% off.


I'm booked on the NCL Escape for post tax season, a quicky 4 day carnival elation cruise (thanks carnival casino!), and NCL epic towards the end of the year. I think i'm capped on cruises for the year - its time to call this issue done and moving on.

Edited by dcs1989
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A lot of people said to just close the door

Did you not read where she said every time she closed & locked it she came back to it standing wide open again. And to the comment about the tornado. I am sorry about that. But that's like telling this woman her problems don't matter & she shouldn't be upset because others have it worse. In turn then you could also tell the eternally cheerful person that others have it better than them. That's what it amounts to.

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Take a big deep breath and assess the situation. It seems that they are working to fix the flooding problem and rehab your room. While your family has been moved they are still on the ship and really not that far away. Maybe they even got a better room. If you have questions head down to guest services on deck 3 and speak with one of the pursers and explain your concerns to them.


Remember that your vacation/cruise happiness cannot be ruined by flooding, people, or Carnival, but by your own response to the situation. Sometimes the most memorable moments on a trip are the times when things go awry and the crazy things that happen. Sit back, get a drink, and it'll all turn out ok. Keep us posted.


Well said!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
And reading through the comments - just wanted to respond to the one that said I needed to be more forceful.


I have no problem being forceful and demanding things get fixed. When your spending your vacation time being forceful and not getting anywhere - you have to draw the line and give up.


The older i'm getting the harder it is to have family together for this long at once on its own sometimes let alone on a cruise...I wasn't about to throw a tantrum and camp out at guest services until this was resolved.


I feel the same way. At some point you have to weigh the time you will spending trying to right the situation with the time you are missing with your family, having fun, enjoying yourself...


Our last cruise we did not have hot water in our shower for 3 days. We called for them to fix it, and each time they came, it did not get fixed, until the 3rd day. I probably spent 10 minutes in phone calls trying to get things working again but that was my limit. I'd rather suffer through a few quick cold showers than spend an hour in line at guest services demanding OBC or something like that.

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