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Review -- 20 family members on the Breeze -- January 2016-- Eastern Caribbean


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We got off the ship and getting a taxi is much easier than St. Kitts. There is a taxi stand. It lists all of the prices and where you want to go. Then you go stand under the sign for where you want to go. Easy. There were 18 of us (BIL and wife didn’t come of course) and we got into 2 vans and were off. It took about 15-20 minutes to get there. We arranged a pick up time with our driver to pick us up. You may want to do this because I never noticed a line of cabs waiting like when you go to other places. If you don’t you can always have the front desk call you a cab. It was $5 per person to get here.


Little Divi is a time share resort but the beach is public. I think it was $15 for 2 chairs and an umbrella. When you get there just pick some chairs and the beach attendent will be around to get you an umbrella and the bill.




This ended up being a good choice for us. The water was a great clear blue. The sand was soft.




Since it was a time share place there was a small grocery type store so the kids could different cans of pop (soda for you non Pittsburgh people) for $1 and snacks for those you didn’t pack any. I was equipped with all of our regular snacks (cheese its, doritos, fruit snacks, pretzels, gogurts, cheese sticks, etc). They also had food you could order inside or outside.


It was also nice to have nice clean bathrooms inside. No porta potties.

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When we got here there was one dark cloud and clear skies everywhere else. It poured down cold rain for bit. Then cleared up. Then it repeated itself. After that we had great weather.


Everyone enjoyed the water with small waves. We did a lot of floating.




The sand was soft on your feet when you were in the water. No rocks.


Sand castles were made.




Some games were played. (We brought this game ourselves)



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Loving your review, and what a sweet family you have.

We're considering Little Divi as an option for our St Maarten day. It looks great. Did you bring your own tube or is there somewhere to rent it?


I actually answer that later in the review but I had to go get the kids and forgot to come back. So I will answer you twice :)


We brought our own tubes but they have them at the water sports stand. Its $5 and they blow them up for you too. My SIL got a few.

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They have a stand where you can rent snorkel equipment, jet skis, etc. If you go down to the end of the beach by the rocks you can snorkle. There is also supposed to be a shipwreck.




I wanted to snorkle with my son this time so we went down and rented gear. It was 10 for mask and fins. Another 5 if you wanted a flotation device. Since we would be snorkeling a little further out we got my son some fins. You could get a tube and they would blow it up for $5. Jet skis were $65 for two people for a half hour.



(My BIL on the left has the flotation device they give you)

I am much more comfortable with an adult mask this time!


If you want to snorkle here it is similar to St. Kitts. If facing the beach walk to the left and go to the end of the beach. Swim along/near the rock wall.

Follow the mountain and you can go around the part that points out and go where they bring some tours. We were told there was a shipwreck out there but we never found one. If you look in the upper left side you see some boats. Those were tours I think.




Once again my little go pro type camera wasn't working. My SIL sent me some pictures they took when we were snorkeling in St. Kitts. In that group was only one picture from St. Maarten so here its :




We did see some different fish and coral. The water was very clear here. There were lots of huge rocks with sea urchins again. Closer to the mountain the water gets less deep and the rocks will be in shallow water. So watch for sea urchins!


We saw some squid. I saw a huge clear fish that was a huge feet long. Didn’t get a picture of it though.

Edited by brookeq
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We snorkeled and came back and let others borrow our equipment.


My BIL took my nephew out and some small waves came thru and he brushed up against some of the rocks. Turns out they had fire coral on them. He started screaming and my SIL had to swim him back in. He got a burn on his thigh. Poor guy. The workers put some vinegar on it and gave us some limes to squeeze on it. Basically it was like getting stung by a bunch of bees all at once all over your leg. He was ok later once he calmed down . It scared him pretty bad.




I don't know if I saw of this coral or not but I also didn’t get too close to the rock wall. I am a chicken for anything touching me so I stayed away a bit.

Most of the snorkeling is in deeper water so everything is below you a good bit. Except near the wall and near the shore.

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Eventually it was time for our taxi to come pick us up. We had five other ships in port with us so it was busy. So we had to leave plenty of time to get back. We walked off the beach and she was there waiting for us.


We didn’t do any shopping here...just got back on the boat and got something to eat. There was no line for the Mongolian wok so I decided to try it. I didn’t like it at all last cruise. I tried a different sauce this time and it was just ok. I don’t feel its worth standing in the long line for it.


They did finally have a good piece of cake at the buffet. Of course I forgot to write down what kind it was. Oops.


I let the kids play on the waterslides for a bit.




Hayden told me they were going much faster this time. I tried and he was right. Early in the week everyone was getting stuck in the same part of the yellow tube slide. This time I was flying thru it and slid almost to the end of the exit part.




My husband did the orange slide or as the kids call it the toilet bowl. Excuse my finger blocking some of the picture!




I put the kids in the kids club and visited the spa.

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I let Amelia do the build a bear event on the cruise. Proceeds go to St. Judes. It wasn’t much more than a bear would cost at the mall at home so I was ok with it. You pick a bear (or other animal) and an outfit. They give it to you and you have to stuff it yourself. It took awhile. But my daughter was happy with her bear. They also give you a carnival t-shirt for it.




My daughter loved the box it came with or as she called it the bears home.




We went to dinner that night. Only a few of us were there. I had the meatball appetizer. They weren’t very good. My son didn’t like them either. I ordered the veal. It was good and the portion was huge. My chocolate melting cake came over done today but i was too full anyways.




After dinner we hung out on the lido deck and played some card games. We brought a game called bean boozled. Basically you spin a wheel and our given a color of jelly bean to eat. You pick that color from the pack. It could be a good tasting jelly bean or bad one. For example green could be lime or it could be boogers. They have some really gross ones: puke, dog food, baby wipes, moldy cheese, etc. It is a gross game but fun to see everyones reactions.


Here is someone getting a really bad one:




We also stopped at the candy store and it was open again. It was the only store to re-open on our cruise. The kids had their own money and got a few small things. Prices weren't as high as I thought they would be and they had lots of individual pieces of candy too. (like reese hearts!)




Then it was time to find our towel animal and head to bed.



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Day at Sea – Day 7

This day did not start out good for me. My husband woke up early and left the room but was loud and woke up the kids. They were up late the night before and needed way more sleep so they were cranky. I couldn’t find him (I had the phone with the texting app) so we waited around for him. Eventually ( well over an hour) we found him and i said i wanted to go to brunch. I love sea day brunch. Well he didn’t want to so of course the kids didn’t want to. So he left and went to dodge ball.


I didn’t want to go by myself. My husbands family is on west coast time so they weren’t up. I got a little mad. I have watched the kids almost every night so he could hang out with his family and do what he wants and he couldn’t do this for me. After dodgeball i couldn’t find him again. I was getting really annoyed. I had the kids all morning.


Finally we found him and i said we were going to watch Hasbro the game show and meet us there. He never showed. Now I am just plain irritated. One kid wanted to stay and watch and one didn’t like it and was whining.

I eventually just took the kids up to the waterslides and got them lunch.


Then we watched the ice sculpture be made on the lido.




The cruise director walked around with the mic asking kids what they thought it was. He asked hayden. His answer was “A statue made of ice”. Ha ha. Later he asked Amelia and she spoke into the mic really loud but we had no idea what she said. No one did. Ha ha.


I had the kids by myself all morning and now the afternoon too and spent most of the time looking for my husband or waiting for him. Not very fun. Especially since the kids were cranky.


I let Hayden get a drink.




I had one myself






Finally my husband showed up and I took off. I was done. Our roll call had a slot pull tournament. I signed up for it. I went at the wrong time and just kept getting more annoyed with myself as the day went on. I went back at the correct time but by then my mood was not improved. I did my five “pulls” and got nothing. No one hit anything big. It was $20 to join. When it was all said and done we got $10 back at least.


Overall most of the day was spend chasing my husband around or us waiting for him. It wasn’t a fun day at sea. Communication is key! Sometimes its hard going with a large group when its family your husband doesn’t see that often. I was trying to be patient and realize he doesn’t see them often. But at the same time when we are home its my job to watch the kids. On vacation I need a break too.


Gosh I sound like a whiner. Eventually everything calmed down.

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Loving your review. Sorry about the frustration on your sea day. I'd feel the same. My DH is often like that in everyday life (where he just knows I'm looking after the kids) so I understand the anger.


Sent from my ONE E1005 using Tapatalk

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Loving your review. Sorry about the frustration on your sea day. I'd feel the same. My DH is often like that in everyday life (where he just knows I'm looking after the kids) so I understand the anger.


Sent from my ONE E1005 using Tapatalk


Thanks. I was hoping i wasn't coming across bad.

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May I ask why you didn't use the kids' club? I don't mean to be critical: we tend to have this happen on vacation in my own family (husband goes and does his thing, leaving me in charge of the kids, so vacation basically ends up being the same thing as being home -- but somewhere else), and we're on the Breeze in three weeks. I fully plan on using the kids club while there; did you find it wasn't fun for the kids?

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Loving your review. We've been calling that type of slide a toilet bowl for years and thought we were the only ones.


I totally get your frustration with your husband. My husband was almost always like that when my kids were little. It's tough being the parent of young kids, no matter how good they are.

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May I ask why you didn't use the kids' club? I don't mean to be critical: we tend to have this happen on vacation in my own family (husband goes and does his thing, leaving me in charge of the kids, so vacation basically ends up being the same thing as being home -- but somewhere else), and we're on the Breeze in three weeks. I fully plan on using the kids club while there; did you find it wasn't fun for the kids?



It didn't open until ten. So I couldn't do it until then. And we planned on meeting and doing something with everyone but I couldn't find him.


Also the kids just didn't want to go as much this trip. I think because their cousins weren't in there. My son wanted to go with his cousins but they were older then him.

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Dinner was our second formal night. I still wanted a good family picture. I told my husband and the kids to help improve my day and be good . Thankfully I got a good picture that I was happy with.




We could have chosen this one. At least my son looked happy finally. Ha ha




For dinner I had the filet. It was good but after the steakhouse its hard to go back!


I put the kids in the kids club for awhile and headed to the piano bar. I just didn’t enjoy the performer so I left and went to the spa.


Later I tried the chocolate mocha drink. I didn’t really care for it. It looked pretty though.




Eventually i picked up the kids and my husband went to the pool deck to watch one of the Hunger game movies.



The kids made some t-shirts. They always like that activity.




We got our towel animal and headed to bed.



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I did notice that when I got back on the ship I had a lot of bug bites. No one else did though. I am assuming it was sand fleas. Some on our roll call mentioned seeing a lot of ants???



Yes, I noticed a lot of ants and also a lot of flying biting insects.

After my first bite (even though I was covered in DEET) I headed back to the ship. I wasn't impressed with the beach. In addition to the ants in the sand there was dog poop and wild dogs running along it.

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Day 8 -- Sea Day


Our last day on the ship!


Today we had scheduled the Green Eggs and Ham breakfast with the Cat and the Hat and Friends.




We signed up for this on the first day we boarded. They were inside on the lido deck on the way to the elevators (near the pool). You just put your name and maybe your room number on a piece of paper.


They had some props outside to take pictures with.




When you walk in you immediately see this cute ice sculpture.




And there are some more props/decorations you can take pictures with:





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The menu is similar to brunch. I got the steak and eggs. Hayden got the green eggs and ham.




Amelia got the truffula tree pancakes.




My husband got the Belgian waffle. He didn't realize it would be full of icing.



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We got to meet all of the characters. It didn't take long either. The crew members will stamp the back of the kids menu with the character stamps to keep track of who needs to come to your table.










Overall it was cute and I am glad we did it. I don't feel the need to ever do it again. Hayden is out growing the characters a bit but Amelia is a great age.

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Hi, Did the entire family book as a group or did you each do your own?? Either way, were you able to get any group amenities, and if so, how did you go about arranging them. I am reading your entire review (but not finished yet) and very much enjoying both the texts and the pictures!

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Hi, Did the entire family book as a group or did you each do your own?? Either way, were you able to get any group amenities, and if so, how did you go about arranging them. I am reading your entire review (but not finished yet) and very much enjoying both the texts and the pictures!


There were 5 groups of families that booked. We had a carnival PVP so we booked thru him. Then gave each of our families his info to book thru him too and have all of our bookings connected. One family booked with their own travel agent so they had to get our booking numbers to be added to our dining reservation.


We didn't get any discounts or anything.


I think if you book separately you can connect all of your reservations online somewhere.

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