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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Sally, I took down and put away all our Christmas stuff yesterday. Because we decorate the whole house, it took almost all day! I confess that my husband usually does it. He normally has a few extra days off near the holidays that I do not. Because of his surgery though, I did it this time.


We also decided for a date night to go see Rogue at Movie Tavern. Sadly, we got there and it was pretty much sold out. We then decided to grab a bite for dinner, head home, and watch the Jason Bourne DVD he got for Christmas. We went to chain steak restaurant, and ordered medium. We verified that I meant pink in the center. It came out very, very rare, so I sent it back. Once again, it came out very, very rare so I sent it back again. This time it was just rare so I ate the more cooked section around the edges, lol. They took it off the bill, thankfully. I am not fussy, but this was really in desperate need of being cooked!


But the DVD was enjoyable. After switching around DVD players when one of them wasn't working. :) But the company was good though so that makes up for it!!!


Today, I might just start matching up shorts and tops. I'm on a roll! I still have not firmly decided on the dress situation. I"m leaning towards the red lace dress over the solid red, but I can't seem to move my mind past bringing two olive green dresses, for some strange reason. And I really like both of them.


This is the print dress on:




This one is a possibility, and it is also very easy to wear:




This isn't a great picture, but here is the orange dress on. It is a jersey like fabric, so it is more muted in person than in this photo.



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I hit some post-season sales and spent $42. I got a Ralph Lauren faux suede dress, some formal shoes, and a teal Anne Klein skirt. I am the queen of bargains. :)


We got happy news today... DH had his one year hip follow-up and his implant has healed perfectly. He's been anxious over some pain in his thigh but it turns out it's just tendonitis from overuse. :) The dr. was pretty impressed by all the activities he's been able to do. Time for an adult beverage!


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Great deals Margaret! Especially for name brands like that. Excellent deals.


Your husband is doing so well. He seems to have bounced back so quickly. Wasn't he back to work only a short time after his replacement?


It seemed to rake my sister a very long time. I still worry about my hips. They bother me, and it's likely I will have to have mine replaced at some point. My goal is to not have that happen for a good 15 years. It seems there is a lot that goes along with hip replacement. My sister has told me that there are certain movements she can no longer make and so forth. She had to take a class before her surgery to learn about all this.


Speaking of my sister, she gets the other hip replaced next week!


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Margaret, congrats on the super buys. I don't have the locations to shop bargains (like I did on the east coast). You can only have so much NorthFace & Pategonia [emoji849]. Excellent news on your hubs.


Laurie, you might want to get a surgical opinion as you are so physically active now that some pt might eliminate (or extend) the need for surgery. I've found that surgery when you are fit is sooooo much easier to recover. I go back to doc in 3 weeks, hope to get released (fingers crossed)


It's seeming like a really l o n g way to our April b2b [emoji22]. Melody



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Yes, those are the actual shoes. The color is called mushroom, the brand is Caparros, and they have several styles in that color. Believe it or not, that style is very comfortable for me, and I actually bought these to replace a pair of black shoes that are worn out.


Our next fancy event will be a wedding in May. It will be our first time visiting the Hamptons, and it will be a two-day thing. There will be a Friday night dinner followed by a party, and then a Saturday morning wedding followed by a brunch. Two outfits!


Laurie, if you are worried about your hips there is a lot you can do before it gets to surgery. The first thing to do though is to have an xray to see what exactly you have going on in there. DH pushed off having surgery for about two years by doing hyaluronic acid shots and cortisone. However, that didn't change the fact that he was totally bone-on-bone on that side and needed surgery. It is good you are doing weights at the gym because that takes a lot of stress off your joints. Anything you can do to work on flexibility is also helpful. The health of the surrounding bone is also a significant factor in how long it takes to fully heal. I second what Melody said about surgery being easier if you are fit. It gives you a reserve that helps you get through the recovery period when you must be sedentary.


We were concerned about the movement restrictions too. There were a lot immediately after surgery. But, in general, after recovery you would have to do some pretty extreme internal rotation to pop it out. I asked DH's doctor what specific things he had seen. He said one of his patients did yoga and popped it out when she put her foot behind her head. :eek: The most common one for women is how they twist in the shower to shave the back of their legs.


I know I will have to have my knees done at some point. I'm doing my best to stave it off in the hope that, by the time I am really bad, there will be new technology to replace the cartilage without having to do a whole replacement. I'm hoping to make it to 65 before having to do anything.


In any event, good luck to your sister next week! And how is your husband's wrist doing?

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The sad thing is, Sally, he needed help. From what I have read thus far, it appears he knew it and tried to get help. It sounds like it could be PTSD related, perhaps.


I'm praying for everyone who was there, and for the families dealing with the loss and injury of loved ones.


Thank you for the input on my hip. I am not an athlete, but I am trying very hard to be active, fit and healthy. I am thinking that I need more a sports medicine approach to treatment.


And if I do need hip replacement at some point (which is very likely, based on family history) it is good to know that it isn't as permanently debilitating as it sounds.


I have five weeks to cruise time! Still debating on the swimsuit. The color selection in tall sizes is not good at all. On the plus side is that Athleta has a great return policy, so if I decide to order, I will get a full refund without having to pay to ship it back.


I just keeping wishing for a sale that I know they aren't likely to have. :p


I'm not finding much of anything else out there that I like either in swimsuits. It's great that there are options at this time of the year and that companies are acknowledging that people like to vacation in warm climates during the winter by providing some resort wear, swimsuits and warm weather clothing. It's just not as big of a selection as I'd like. Or I'm being fussy. (that's probably it)


And I'm wanting a Dustin Pedroia jersey for the Red Sox game too. Lol!


My husband's hand/wrist is doing great. He went back to work Thursday, less than a week from his surgery! Yesterday was his follow up appointment, so the stitches were removed. He is wearing a brace, but encouraged to take it off and slowly wean himself from it. It will be a little while before he is ready for weights, but he was holding on with both hand on the elliptical at the gym this morning. (He prefers the stationary type, not the kind with moving levers) He did plenty of leg related nautilus and some walking also.


Now, let's see if I can be nice to my nails so that I can get a manicure in 5 weeks for my cruise! The winter cold is rather brutal on them.


I realized I had a dress that had to have the shoulders taken up. Now that it is done, I realize I have another option for the cruise. I would say that it doesn't pick up on personality type 4, but I like the dress quite a bit so when next to the other dresses, it provides another option.

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Laurie, rub coconut oil into your hands & feet every day, helps the nails. Also use a base coat & top coat underneath the nail as well as on top, helps strengthen your nails



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Winter has arrived in Florida . It was 30 last night and today it is in the low 50's . Hopefully it will be back to the 70's by later in the week . We always get a cold snap in Jan. and it takes everybody by surprise as we all look for the few cold weather items we have . I used to travel back and forth in the winter so I had a lot of items but I have not done that in years and my stash has dwindled .

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Sally, I would try to take advantage of some sales that are starting now. Maybe you can replenish your "winter" wardrobe a bit with layering options that will work for you.


We clearly have 4 seasons up here, which is why it seems we need such a variety in clothing.


Currently, it's snowing like crazy. I don't think there was even a weather alert. Our road is covered, and since it is a hill, we are not seeing a whole lot of traffic. The traveling gets rough, whether you are heading up or or down the hill.


I decided that the weather made for a good day to try and cruise outfits. I just two two skorts, two cropped pants and three pairs of shorts in the Rescue Mission pile. They're too big, and trying to adjust these type of items is more work than I have time or patience for. They aren't worth taking to my favorite tailor either, as the more work involved, the more it cost and I all of these items were under $20.00 to purchase.


My Travex skorts are the biggest loss...I always, always bring a few on my cruise! And my daughter's store doesn't have any in yet.


Long story short, I have just enough items that fit, with two not fitting great. I did find some shorts at JCP online on clearance, and two of them are favorite brands/styles that I need to replace, so I feel confident about them. What is ironic is that cargo shorts are not my favorite style, and those are the ones I have that still fit. I prefer chino style. Liz Claiborne has a style that I really love and I can get them in a sand/khaki color and oregano, which is an olive green. They're on sale for $19.99, and then there is another percentage off so the pricing is good.


While I was snooping around, I came across this. Isn't it pretty?




I'm trying to decide if this is something I would love wearing it myself or not. Of course, I do not need to add any confusion on what dresses to bring on my cruise, and this would certainly cause some of that. But I really like it a lot.


This is where I tell myself to think long and hard about how I feel about prints, fit, style, etc. I do like and wear prints, but I am particular about them. In reality, I know that I am very confident with a strong, solid color that I can add my own personality to by way of jewelry or other accessories.


So you know, I'm much better off with a solid color. That doesn't mean I shouldn't or don't want to wear prints, but I'm envisioning myself in the dress and not feeling that I would like the fullness of it. Or that ruffle on the bottom. :(


This is where understanding my personality more has been helpful. I'd rather buy something I know I love and pay a bit more than buy 3 things that will be taken out of the closet and put back more than I can count.


I can see myself in this style easily, but the color is probably not right, and if you look carefully, there are little mesh sections on the side, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. They seem to be discreet, overall.




It's probably hardest for me to find dresses for when I want to be more casual. By the way, when you zoom in on this last dress, it makes me wonder why they can't out dresses on models that fit! Really, what an awful fit.

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Laurie, I think both of those dresses are very nice. The first one is beautiful and feminine, and the second one seems just your style. But....


IMO the first one is not as tailored as your other dresses. It seems a bit bulky in the top (is that a blouson?) and super flowey on the bottom, and we just haven't seen you wear something like this yet, IIRC. I have a hard time picturing you in it. If you can connect this style to something else in your wardrobe already, maybe that would help me to better see you in it. What do you think?


That second dress is really you, however, I avoid anything with wine or berry as the color description. They tend to be too pink for us EARTH girls. And while the fit on the model is bad, I think it illustrates that that dress would fit better on someone with more hips than she has, or you have either, you skinny thing. :)


You look fab in your dresses. I'm sorry you're missing some wardrobe staples for your cruise, but I'm really happy for you that you look so fit. Great way to start the new year!

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Margaret, you were seeing the same things that I was on both of those dresses. I just cannot make them work for me.


I do make some color exceptions, notably with red. But I definitely avoid a strong blue or purple undertone. And then there is orange, which is probably due to my love of Syracuse. That being said...


That beautiful wine color just won't work out.


And the floral dress had quite a few earth colors in it. But the style is all wrong for me.


Honestly, I'm really starting to get a grip on what I like and dislike. When you realize certain things and admit them, it's quite freeing. I still love to pull things apart and analyze the how and why.


It's exciting for me to be in a good place with my weight. Just yesterday, my husband I were talking about a recipe he found, and about how eating healthy can also be very tasty.


And I'm shoveling a lot lately, which is good cardio, lol. I'm not interested in learning how to use the snowblower while my husband heals.


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Hi Ladies,


I've been super busy traveling and having the DS home for winter break. Everything here in La La Land is going well. Had a nice Christmas trip to FL with the family.


Next on the agenda is my niece's wedding in Cancun at the end of Feb., a trip back to FL at the end of March to visit the folks again, the DS's graduation in mid-May, and in June we have the niece's sister's wedding at a dude ranch in Colorado.


I hit the mother lode at Target back in Aug. and picked up some really cute tops, dresses, 2 pair distressed jeans, and a couple pair of sandals ALL under $15. Most of the tops were $4-$6. I have several swimsuits I've never worn and Capri pants/jeans galore so I'm good to go for the Cancun wedding. I'll start putting outfits together at the beginning of Feb.


Glad to hear the hubbies are doing well and hope all of you that are needing future surgery or are recovering from surgery are doing well also.


I had an emergency trip to the hospital back in the first week of Nov. but I was only in overnight for observation and after my colonoscopy came back negative I was released to go home and all is well. Thankful to say I had other tests done and as of right now I'm happy to say I have nothing major wrong with me. Not bad for an old broad that just turned 70! LOL!


The DS's ex-girlfriend is no longer stalking him (we had to get a restraining order against her) so that's a good thing. That caused me major stress and anxiety back in early Oct. which is probably why I ended up in the hospital in Nov. Hopefully that poor girl will get the help she desperately needs. It was a horrible experience for the DS, DH, and me. I'm sure it was no picnic for her either since she was really in love with the DS. But he just couldn't take it any more and broke up with her...that's when the stalking started. So sad. I don't want to go into all the details but it was a very very scary time for all of us. Just think "Fatal Attraction" with Glenn Close and you'll get the picture. This is why you haven't heard from me for such a long while.


On a lighter note..my next priority as far as shopping goes...finding a nice, natural-looking wig! My hair is so thin these days it's gotten pretty embarrassing. Good thing I love hats and feel comfortable in so many different styles. I hope to get one before the wedding.


Here's wishing everyone a very happy, healthy, peaceful New Year filled with love and joy!


Peace Out-Mousey

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Wow Mousey! You've had some stuff going on. On your hair thinning, likely stress has a bit to do with it, if that's the case it'll come back. On a wig, contact an oncologist office, they know the best wig places in your area. Hope your stalking situation is over for good. Melody



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I agree with Melody. Thinking hair can be caused by stress. There are a lot of wig options these days for you to look into. Have you mentioned this to your doctor? There can be medical issues that cause thinning hair as well.


Well, I got my new shorts and they fit great. Yay! And I got the Athleta swimsuit. I ordered two different tops since they have a really good return policy. I like the both but that hook in the back on the one is quite a pain. However, I like the shirring on it as it is great camouflage for the work in progress! The other o e doesn't have any hooks so it works very well. But I am not as keen on it being just one layer of fabric with no ruching or anything.


That being said, I am having trouble deciding. My husband mentioned that if I kept both it could work out well. I think the bottoms would dry quickly so if the top were still wet, I could wear the other top.


It's been a long day so I'll try them on again tomorrow when I'm less tired.


Mousey, you have sure had a lot going on. I hope things settle down for you.


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Mousey, so nice to hear from you. Sorry to hear about all the drama. I hope your 2017 is much calmer. Glad to hear you are healthy after your hospital scare.


FYI Target is having a clearance on a lot of Champion active wear, if anyone is looking.


I did a medium-sized shoe purge this week. I replaced my Zumba shoes and relegated several pairs of summer shoes to the Goodwill bag. I'm debating whether to get rid of the shoes I wore for my wedding. I doubt I will wear them again, but I love them and they are so pretty. It's very un-Kondo of me.


I went to visit a friend in NJ for lunch today and ended up sliding my way down the George Washington Bridge on my way home. The snow was quite light but it was icy and scary for a while there. A major truck accident slowed down the traffic, but every time I had to break for the car in front of me, I thought I wasn't going to stop. :eek: And I have AWD!


Big non-fashion news for me this week: I put in my application for grad school, and I was granted full guardianship for both of my parents. Lots of paperwork to do for that in the next month. Ugh. The reporting requirements are quite extensive.


Today I had a little happy moment when I realized my cruise is only 10 months away. That means I can officially start obsessing about excursions and formal nights. :)

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Margaret, glad you're ok! I don't mind driving in snow (actually like it), but I despise ice! Doesn't matter what kind of car you have, ice stinks!


Shadow box your shoes & turn them into art. You don't throw out memories


Congrats on grad school & the guardianship of your parents; you're right, not an easy task


Our cruise (western Carib b2b) is 98 days out!!! I put a 14 day ABC cruise on hold this morning (Celebrity has $25 pp deposit for 2 more days). Wanted Panama Canal but couldn't find a cruise that had our preferred cabins & not a truly outrageous price, it'll come. Melody



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We had an ice storm pass through here on Tuesday. I just tried to be careful and to pray a lot. Unfortunately, it's only the schools that ever close here. I'm glad it is over with!


I'm just under a month away from my cruise now. I went back to my dresses and tried things on again. It became very clear to me what I wanted to bring. So the dresses and jewelry for dinner are set. I just need to decide which sandals with each.


I'll get a few pictures tomorrow and then I'm on to daytime stuff. I know that Key West might be cooler, so I have something planned for that. Also, last year I sailed from Tampa at the same time of year, and I wore cropped jeans and a short sleeved shirt. I ended up needing a cardigan. So I may need two outfits like that.


I love doing this.


Margaret, over on the fire thread you referred to a Tuttle moment. You know what is interesting? There are things that I purchase and don't get much out of because I obsess with having the "right" things together. But I have a practical side too. I don't want to buy a pair of shoes that won't be worn with a lot.


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