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All Things EARTH... part 2


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It depends on where in Texas you are...


San Antonio and Houston are humid. Houston even more so than San Antonio. In Houston...the buildings sweat. Condensation builds up on the exterior of the windows because of the air conditioning inside...the buildings do what drink cans do...and drip down the sides.


San Antonio isn't as bad...but it is very humid. When I moved from San Antonio to Scottsdale...and DH helped me at the time...even though the temperatures were hotter in Scottsdale...we felt like we had gone to a cooler clime because the humidity made the heat in San Antonio so bad.


The DFW area isn't too bad for humidity or dryness.


The desert areas of Texas are very dry. We spent Memorial Day weekend in Big Ben National Park...very hot and very dry.


Arizona is where you go when you want a dry heat. Mom and Dad gave me a tee shirt of two skeletons on lounge chairs drinking umbrella drinks...It said...Arizona...It's a dry heat. LOL!

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Let’s see, dry? Definitely not. Hot? As hell. Today the outdoor graduation is 102/104 & 90% humidity. It’ll be icky


Our drive in took 15 hours instead of 11. Not looking forward to trip home! I’ll have pictures later. Melody



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We are getting either morning or evening rain in Florida right now and so far this summer has been pleasant . Hot but not as hot as usual .Humidity does not usually bother me but Cuba was hot & very humid after our excursion I needed a shower .

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Anita, I just love that dress. It looks like you are really happy in it.



We are in a hurricane-like pattern with heavy rain every day for almost a week now. The system keeps coming up the coast from the Caribbean and hovers over us on its way north. Even though the temps aren't too bad (mid-80s), the humidity is off the charts and everything just feels damp. My hair is insane.



Suddenly we have a lot of travel booked. We're on our way to Michigan next weekend, then in September we are going to Miami for three days, then in late November I will go visit my dad again. I just booked us for Christmas at my sister's, and then Africa, and probably MI again in February. So, somewhere to go almost every month for the next six months.




I really really want to do the Zumba cruise next March, and we usually go to Palm Beach to visit our cousins, so adding those too would make for a very busy winter.

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I remember the drive from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon. Dry heat in the 100 range with a breeze. It was nice! Margaret, we've been having all that rain and humidity too, and its unpleasant when you don't have central air.


I have a olive knit tshirt dress that I have gotten so much out of this year. I would love to get a dress like this on a better knit. Anita, does you dress have a polished feel to it? Did it wrinkle on you?


Melody, you guys are really traveling a lot this year. Actually, all of you are! I'm itching for a cruise or trip right now. I wish I could even plan my the trip for March but without a spring schedule, I'd be guessing. Maybe I should just go for it.


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We had the rain earlier this week. Monday and Tuesday, it just pounded down for most of the day. It tampered off yesterday...for which I'm so glad because I'm helping walk dogs Wed, Thurs, Fri...and walking dogs in the rain is NO FUN. But now it's HOT and humid...ugh.


Laurie...the fabric is very polished. The bamboo has a good heft to it so it drapes very well. It is wrinkle resistant...I rolled my dresses and I thought they traveled very well. I keep them rolled in the drawers at home too (I think hangers stretch the shoulders in many knits) and they do well but can get some lines from the folds...but they fall out quickly.


I wouldn't recommend these exact dresses for you though because they are swing style...not fitted. IDK if changing the sizing would change that? They fit me well in the chest...and I wouldn't mind if they were a bit more fitted for the rib cage as they float over the skinniest part of me rather than showing that off. I think that might make you nuts! LOL. AND the neckline is a crew...which I combat with a necklace.


I did buy the V-neck style, but they are tunics or shirts...and again, really formless. Which, I'm okay with right now...because they are so comfortable.

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So...if you are following along with my TR...you know we are in Icy Strait Point. We walked around on the Nature Trail in the morning, had lunch on the ship, went whale watching in the afternoon, and then had a leisurely tour of the shop and cannery museum before heading back to the ship. We didn't change for dinner.


At least...I didn't change for dinner.


Mom was wearing a lot of layers! LOL. She had on her long-sleeved Athleta rash guard, a green fleece vest, and her new super awesome, super warm wine colored merino wool lined coat. She'd have to post the link for it... As well as her beige/tan denim pants and her waterproof sneaks. She also brought her same isotoner gloves and blue beret and her raincoat:




Melody...that's my new sweet day pack on the bench...I picked out purple!


I wore what I wore in Ketchikan! My striped Icebreaker short sleeved merino wool shirt and tech fabric cargo pants. Except today, I wore my fun new purple trail runners. I added my fleece hoodie for my warmth layer. I also wore my Melody hat...because of the rain potential. I pulled my fleece hood on for more head warmth. I had my windproof gloves and also my raincoat for watching whales. And my polarized sunglasses, of course!:



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Hi Ladies,


Just popping in to say "Hi!" It's been ages since I posted. Glad to see you all seem to be doing well and still traveling.


I dropped out from posting because of illness and major changes in my family...Dad's living in a specialty care facility and Mom is now living with my brother and sister-in-law. Most of my traveling is done going back and forth every month to two months from CA to FL, where I'll stay anywhere from 3 weeks to a month to give my brother and sister-in-law a break from caring for Dad and Mom. It's been a huge change in our lives having Mom and Dad live apart from each other after living together for 72 years. I don't think they'll ever get over it. Dad's 92 now and Mom's 89. It's just the saddest thing. However they haven't lost their sense of humor and all's not 100% bad.


Anyway, that's why I stopped posting because who wants to hear negative stuff and right now I'm very depressed most of the time and I hate to pass on negative vibes.


Some good news though...we may be taking our first cruise in years in late August. If you remember or not my ancestors are from Cuba and I've always wanted to go there for a visit. So, that's where we may be cruising. It would be our first cruise in a few years. We just have to decide if we want to travel that late in the summer due to it being hurricane season. We'll be making our final decision soon. Since the cruise leaves out of Tampa we can combine with a visit to see my family for a few days.


Wishing you all Love, Peace, & Happiness



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Welcome back, Mousey:)


I fairly recently started posting here (and not very often) and appreciate the camaraderie this group has.


I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's health decline, but what an amazing testimony your parent's marriage is<3I'm glad to hear they haven't lost their sense of humor. It's great that you are able to spend time with them and offer your brother and sister-in-law some respite.


Hope you are able to have a wonderful trip to Cuba:cool:

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Hi Mousey , Sorry to hear about your parents . I went to Cuba in June . It is very interesting and very hot .Take a private tour .They are less expensive and better than the cruise line tours. We went with Fer tours who are highly recommended on trip advisor . We liked Cuba so much we are returning in Oct..

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Hi all, posting from hot but not brutal hot San Antonio. I’m sitting at the sauna of an indoor pool while the kids burn off excess energy. Graduation & coin ceremony were stupendous. Our grandson was an honor graduate (top 1% of 758). 50 years to the day that Les graduated from basic training. We’re very prouda3fd1853f167472047c90da87db0232a.jpg747414a34ed7cc7c040251993ce825cf.jpg1c519fd22034c7e8c02a3cb4d579e787.jpg609f5256e86d44ed5de3e749dba4153f.jpg0b073f78e60e31b84b7fd8c0335e4c17.jpg2368cec14f990ca2e831e3046b402b5f.jpgMelody



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Mousy, it is so good to hear from you! Whenever we don't hear from someone in a while, I am always thinking about them. It's good to know that you are doing well overall, even though circumstances aren't the best. Aging or sick parents is a very difficult thing. I tried to use the experience to learn from them the best I could. Plan for retirement, take care of yourself, tell people you love them each and every day. I think your parents love for one another is amazing, and hopefully, it brings joy to you.



Melody, that was very hot weather! We have cooled off a little, or at least the humidity has dropped. It is a big relief. It looks like you have had a wonderful time. You must be so proud.



Anita, I know you mentioned your mom being cold a lot, but in some of those pictures, it looks like you were very cold too! I know they always say to plan for layers in Alaska. Did you have many days where you felt your short sleeved items were warm enough or where you wore shorts? I recall seeing one picture on board where you were wearing short sleeves.



I'm still itching for trip, lol. I've told my husband that I may decide to schedule a week in Florida, without the spring schedule. Just take the chance, and have plenty of things lined up to do, so that if we aren't able to go to any games, we have other options. I'm just not sure about the location - what we can do, how close we are to things, etc. If we do a few days there and then do a 4 day cruise, it isn't a biggie. We can relax and it isn't like we have a whole week to plan out, just a few days. But I think I would be bummed if we planned out a cruise and find out the day we leave, they are playing, lol. Maybe it's best if I take a different approach to the planning of the trip altogether. Just a cruise, or a week in Florida where there is as much or as little to do as we may want.



I have a co-worker going to Washington, DC this week, and it reminds me of how we have always wanted to go there too. We have a tight budget, and one of the fun things about cruising is the fact that I always find it easier to plan financially, and it is economical for us. Even the idea of staying 3 or 4 days in Boston is difficult, because the hotels can be so expensive.




Anita, what street with your hotel on in Boston? I ask because I think they have two fairly close to Fenway - one is in walking distance and the other is more downtown. You were in downtown, right?



I will post a picture shortly, but I have this really nice shirt I got a great deal on through EBay. It's Lucky Brand, and I got it before the last cruise. I love the shirt, but it needs adjusting. I find I keep looking at it, and then not doing anything. The reason is, the back is longer than the front, which is a style I love. However, to take it in means to re-adjust the whole hemline too, and it's a knit. I am thinking that rather than mess with it, I should give it away. It's a medium, tags still on! If any of you want it, just let met know and I'll get it in the mail to you.




I feel really yucky lately...I think a lot of it as that clothes just aren't made for big chested people, and I struggle to get a good fit. Also, my exercise as of late has created a nicer abdomen area, sort of. And sort of not. I think I'm probably ready to start counting calories a bit, so that instead of maintaining, I will be losing. That may be what I need? I don't relish the idea of buying a new wardrobe. Not that I don't love to shop, but I have a lot of wonderful things I love. There is also that chance too that a weight loss is not necessarily going to be mean losing in the areas I want, you know?



It is so funny, in that in the past, I would lose weight all over, kind of shrink. But over the past few years, my weight loss has been slow and certain areas just don't lose as rapidly as others. It's funny how that happens. Melody, I think you mentioned something similar.

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Laurie , Washington DC is not expensive because all the museums are free . We have gone there several times and got good deals on Hotels through Hotwire .Food prices were also not crazy .

If you decide to come to Florida I would suggest after March or before Jan. Prices are crazy between January to the end of March or middle of April depending on when Easter is .My favorite month in Florida in November .Great weather and less crowds .

I have found once I get to a certain weight I can diet to go lower but I cannot maintain that without being miserable . Your body looks great at this size .

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Anita, I know you mentioned your mom being cold a lot, but in some of those pictures, it looks like you were very cold too! I know they always say to plan for layers in Alaska. Did you have many days where you felt your short sleeved items were warm enough or where you wore shorts? I recall seeing one picture on board where you were wearing short sleeves.


I wore short sleeves on the nature trail in ISP. At the same time, Mom wore three layers...long sleeved rash guard base, fleece vest, and wool insulated puffy coat. SO...that's why I made that comment about Mom and all her layers. LOL. Later that day, when I look cold with DH cuddling me in our ISP photo...I did have on my fleece hoodie over my short sleeves...and with the wind blowing...I had the hood up and gloves on and was fine with those layers.


The other days...no short sleeves alone. With the threat of rain...I didn't ever just wear short sleeves. It was my base layer on several days...with my rain coat on top.


I often wore short sleeves on the ship. Like my dress...which is short sleeves.


DH wore shorts in Skagway. I don't wear shorts so...I would never have worn shorts, but I did wear lightweight pants. The weather is so variable...you bring it all and remove and add as needed. Your tolerance will determine if the base is short sleeves or warmer or cooler.


Anita, what street with your hotel on in Boston? I ask because I think they have two fairly close to Fenway - one is in walking distance and the other is more downtown. You were in downtown, right?


We were in the Residence Inn on Brookline. Totally walking distance to Fenway. Our room was classified as a Fenway View room.




Nice photos Melody! So fun to have the whole Grandfather, Father, Son action. I like your hat!!!


Welcome back mousey.


Thanks Sally! I appreciate hearing that. There aren't too many comments on the thread...lots of views but little feedback!

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Ihanks Sally! I appreciate hearing that. There aren't too many comments on the thread...lots of views but little feedback!


Most interesting review ever . How many people take fishing poles to Alaska ? I really think the Alaska ferry system would fit your family to a tee .

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It's a good hotel Laurie. I would have liked to spend time on the roof patio but our plans didn't include much hang out and relax time. The breakfast was decent and with the full kitchens...you can definitely help yourself cut your food budget if you choose to. But there are many choices within easy walking distance...and even more options if you include crossing the river and go over to Berklee Square and all around that college and the Boston Conservatory. Thumbs up on the hotel!


Thanks Sally. That's quite a compliment. I definitely think DH and I will be doing more Alaska touring. If we were closer to the west coast especially. Being over here in NC though...that's a haul to get over there. I asked DH where he wants to go next. He said Kilimanjaro. That's something DH, DS and I all said we wanted to do around a campfire a while back. It's one of the only super tall mountains that you can hike to the summit without any technical climbing.

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Ok. So what I've been trying to do is post about our outfits on our trip over here as a sort of supplement to my report going on over there on the Celebrity board.


So today in Juneau. It was cooler today. The high was only to be 61F so it was basically in the 50s today.


Before needing my raincoat...I started off with my long sleeved 1/4 zip SmartWool base layer. I love this color. And my new thicker Athleta hiking leggings...which I LOVE because they have 4 pockets...two on each leg. A slash pocket as well as a zippered pocket. They currently are stuffed with my camera and lens wipe on one side...my phone and SeaPass card on the other. I'm pretty sure I was wearing an Athleta cami shirt under the SmartWool. Also...SmartWool socks and my hiking boots. And, of course, my Melody hat (told you I loved it Melody).


I actually really dislike this photo because it highlights my problem middle area with my backpack hip belt tightened properly. But we're friends here so...rather than being horrified by my appearance, I'm saluting myself for being a do-er.




You'll have seen what Mom was wearing in the "drive thru" of the coffee shop! She had a thin long sleeved sweater on with her fleece vest.


Later in the day...we both had our raincoats on. It was just easier. The rain was just a drizzle when it happened...so no big...but it's just easier to have it on because it was cooler and it wasn't uncomfortable to be wearing it.


Because I want to share more fun photos that are US in Alaska...which seems a bit self serving to do on the trip report? I'm totally not caring over here because I think you all want to see US! Us being Mom and I!!


So...I love that photo of me in the field of purple lupine on my TR. My other fav photo of me this day is my Nugget Falls portrait...My hands are raised. That's Mom with her hand raised behind me...but I don't know if she's waving so much as fluttering around to maintain balance on those rocks! LOL.




My guys and I at Nugget Falls:




Mom and Dad and I at Nugget Falls:



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Mousey, welcome back. So sorry to hear of the issues you’ve been dealing with.


Anita! I think you look great! The “Melody” hat really goes well with your outfits, so glad you like it! I’ll comment on your trip report over there, it’s such a fabulous commentary


We got home late, late last night from the graduation. This month I’ve logged over 6000 miles in a car, oh my aching a$$! Our next trip is to Boston the end of August for our 50th reunion (which was supposed to be our “only” trip this summer [emoji849]. I do not want to see credit card statements.


I’m not moving off my couch today (except for laundry). Melody



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mousey, it's so good to have you back again. I have wondered over the past year what had happened to you. My sympathies for your parental challenges; as everyone here knows, I have had a rough time, too, taking care of my parents, so I truly understand how heartbreaking it can be. I support you for making the hard choices that are needed for their welfare. My mom would have had much better care and been much more comfortable in the last months of her life had they lived separately.


Melody, what wonderful photos of your family at such a proud moment. Your grandson is an impressive young man.


Laurie, if you still want to get rid of that top, I'll take it. I love my Lucky Brand shirts. You can email me at folkdt at aol dot com.


I haven't posted many pictures lately because I am using the summer to transition my hair to a lighter color in an attempt to address how white it is becoming. So, I went brown three months ago in order to tone down the auburn and get back to what used to be my natural color. Recently I did the roots in a light chestnut, and we added highlights to the darker hair at the bottom. I miss the red. :( I am trying to adjust to how my clothing colors look a bit different on me, what my new favorites are. At the same time, my rosacea has been really bad this summer, so it's difficult to judge yet what I will look like. It's hard to be patient! And I think whatever the result, I will be merely resigned, and not truly happy, with the result. I hope not, but that's what I expect.


So far this is one of the very few articles that I found to be helpful with my particular coloring:



Anita, I'm enjoying your trip report so much! I get my morning coffee and settle down to catch up. Your photos are excellent and seem to really capture YOUR Alaska. I like your writing voice, it's as if you are having a conversation with us, despite including the detailed information about your choices. Many people write "reviews" here that are really just their personal likes and dislikes sprinkled in a timeline with occasional attempts at wit, which I don't find very helpful nor interesting. Yours is more like a travelog, and it inspires me to reminisce about my own trip to Alaska. I think I want to pull my photo album out and have a look.


I too love your rainbow photos. What a nice surprise! I like to spend some time at sea in my cabin, but I have FOMO about what is going on in the ocean, so I try to get out on deck much more than DH does. If I am up early, I'm roaming. He's happy to relax in the cabin and channel surf, or read, or review his photos, but I want to make sure I'm not missing anything! I also spent much more time on the balcony than him. So, I am the one who sees whales, flying fish, leaping dolphins, whatever. Those are special memories to bring home.

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Margaret, I too went from deep auburn to silver. I bit the bullet & did a lowlight (bringing the silver into prominence). Only had to do it twice until I was all over silver (I just refuse to call it grey!). I still miss my red & as you know, many of my former “best” colors, taupe, sage, ivory now make me look totally washed out; therefore, I transitioned to my bright jewel colors. Melody



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Melody, my current goal is to add lowlights after my darker colored hair has grown out. UntiI then I will be mostly this light golden brown with some natural lowlights since I have some neutral brownish hair sprinkled in with the white. I expect the whole thing will take a couple years since I have longish hair and I'm not ready to go short. It is too early to tell whether I will eventually be all white like my mother and my two grandmas were.


Your hair is beautiful and you look good in your bright colors. I can only hope I look as good as you when all this is complete.


I have to say, I feel too young in spirit to be dealing with this. :D We have another WEEK of rain ahead so my joints are telling me differently.

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I also have been thinking about going gray . I thought I would go to a wig shop and try on a gray wig before I pull the trigger . My hair got so thin after all the steroids I had to take with my illness so I am trying to baby my hair .Apparently there is a huge wig shop near Siesta Key so that is my plan.

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