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All Things EARTH... part 2


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I appreciate all the feedback...I too feel like we never know.  I still can't describe the feeling of having the doctor call my husband on Christmas Eve day, and say that he does not have cancer.  I am trying hard to balance everything out.  We live once.


I think we will definitely cruise to Alaska, but I think we may plan a trip out to Canada in order to see the aurora.   I think it is something that we could definitely do.  Alaska is likely to be about 5 years out, maybe 4.  I am not putting it off, just trying to plan it out.  We need to do these things.


Hawaii is more of a dream for me than my husband, but he is totally game for it.   I feel like I have so much to look forward to, and we can plan one thing at a time.  


When you think about it, there are so many amazing things to see and do.  It's about picking what matters, and doing whatever you can to make it happen.


I feel like we are starting to do some little things.  My husband isn't 100%, but he finds that mental and physical states tie in to one another, so he sometimes gives himself a little extra push.


Saturday, we went to see the Syracuse Mets.  It was a fun game, and the fireworks after were wonderful.  I have a love/hate relationship with fireworks, but that is a different story here.  However, my dad always new how much I enjoyed them when I was little, so as an adult, he would always call me when the team near him was having fireworks after a game, and we would go.  It brings back great memories.


Today, we are taking pictures of some of the items we have been cleaning out and are looking to sell, and we are already getting some inquiries.  It will feel good to get them moving along.  We decided to use Facebook Marketplace, and then we plan to have a garage sale soon for anything that doesn't sell, plus the small items.  


That may not seem exciting, but to me it is.  My husband and I take different approaches, which I have spoken about before.  I am determined that we need to declutter and simplify if we want to stay put.  We also need to finish a few things in the house so that we feel we can age here better.  For example, we have oak treads on our stairs, and we want to add a runner for safety.


You can see what I mean about balance.  I feel like we are figuring out more about where we are heading, what we want to do.



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6 hours ago, MJC said:

If you have a local jjill you might find some good sales. Got this dress on sale plus store member discount for $35! Had my eye on it for a long time.



Ooh, that’s pretty. I miss our JJill. That & Talbots closed to make room for a ContainerStore

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Our QM2 cruise is now about 10 weeks away! I am starting to think about packing and excursions. We have plans for our 3 days in Quebec City, and also Halifax, Boston, Sept-Iles, and Saguenay. Just Sydney left to do. We are going to be independent in all the ports but Saquenay, where we will have to take the Cunard shuttle bus to the Fjord National Park so we can go hiking.


We have four formal nights: Black & White, Red & Gold (the Cunard colors), Venetian, and Roaring 20s. I plan to wear the black dress I just took to the Caribbean, and I found a pretty red sequined dress this week at The Rack. Its a darker red than it looks in this photo, it's a true middle of the middle red:




I doubt I will go full roaring 20's, but we will probably wear masks for the Venetian Ball. I won't decide which dresses for those two until early September. I hope to wear things I already have. I wouldn't be surprised if I wear my brown dress again because it is soooo comfortable. We shall see.


Cunard recently relaxed its evening dress code from jackets and ties for men (and dresses or dressy pants and tops for women), to a baseline of collared shirts and dress slacks for men. There is a lot of comment going on about that, especially the not requiring ties. Since this is our first Cunard cruise, and we really chose it for the itinerary, we don't really care much either way. We will dress nicely for dinner they way we always do here in the city.


I'm excited that for the first time we are just driving to the port. It will make everything so much easier, and if we need an extra luggage for two week's worth of cold weather clothes and formal wear, it's easy to do. Just throw it in the taxi! 🙂


After this one I think we will take a break from cruising until prices settle down. All those FCCs out there are making it expensive to buy now. We have been talking about driving the PCH for a long time, so that may be our February adventure. We learned that they have public nights at the Mount Wilson Observatory where operators of the telescopes point out and discuss what can be seen in the sky that night. That will definitely be on our list. I have an old friend from middle/high school who lives in Monterey so that will be a stop as well (with the aquarium, natch). So much to think about!





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I have friends (from England) that cruise Cunard frequently. They aren’t totally thrilled that the dress requirements have changed (except for easing luggage requirements). 

perfect red dress, that’ll look perfect on you. 

enjoy the afternoon teas on Cunard. Melody

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Wow, you're getting close, Margaret!  I am looking forward to hearing all about it.   That dress is beautiful.  I love red, as you know.


I'm not sure what I would do on those theme nights...I can imagine it takes time to figure it all out, especially if you don't have something appropriate to wear.  I wonder if it is like the more mainstream cruiselines, where people just do their own thing?


I've been under the weather for a few days so it is nice to just do something normal, while waiting for my husband to return from a weekend trip.   


My cruise must be a few weeks after you?  I sail October 9th.  I'm thinking hard about my clothing choices.  I may bring one long dress for the first formal night, and something shorter for the second.  One think I have learned about high low dresses - they are really hard to pack.   I have options, I just need to narrow them down.  Sailing from Galveston will be different, and I was just thinking that there will be a time zone change too.

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Laurie, where are you staying in Galveston?  Glad to give you hotel & restaurant options if you need them. Don’t wait to book the hotels, they get very full very quickly. Are you on one of Liberty OTS last sailings out of Galveston?  Feel free to email me. Awhfy51@ gmail. Melody

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Hi Melody,


I took your advice from way back when...I booked the Harbor Hotel and then I contacted Galveston Limo.  I opted for their shuttle, rather than limo service.  It's great because they will pick us up at the airport, and drop us off at the hotel.  They will then pick us up at port and bring us to the airport when the cruise is over.


You said we could literally walk out of the hotel and walk over to the terminal, right?


I am still at home from being sick...bronchitis.  I decided to work from home today, and I'm on a lunch break right now.  I have not pulled out dresses and shoes and jewelry yet, in part because I wanted to do that over the weekend but was too sick to do so.  Mentally though, I have much figured out.  If anything, it will probably be more about eliminating things, because I have so many ideas!


One conundrum I already have is shoes.  I am envisioning wearing my bone strappy sandals with the dress I snagged at Dillards.  What is really funny was that I just went to the site to get the link, and realized it is now more than what I paid?  Here is the photo, for a refresher:


So the outfit will be rather monochrome.  The dress is busy, so I think jewelry should be simple.  I think a basic pearl bracelet and earrings will work, and I have those.


where I feel I have a conundrum is that I was thinking about some of my outfits, and how many different sandals I want to bring with me for dinner.  I already have two casual nights in mind that I can wear the same ones.


So...if I opt for the emerald green long dress, I feel that I "need" to wear my gold sandals.  If I go with the bone sandals, then I would want to tie my jewelry into the bone color.  That would certainly work, and I love doing things like that - it's great to do something unexpected.  Here is the green dress, to refersh your memory.  Unfortunately, they no longer carry the green, but you can still see what the dress is like.  I think I would have totally ordered it in this color previously, but it wasn't available.




So I may need to think a little bit.  I'm sure I can pack more shoes, I was just trying to lighten up the suitcase since I am at three pair right now, and have a funny feeling I will need a fourth.  


I'm lucky to have this problem, right?

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Laurie, yes. Walk to the pier (seriously it took us 10 minutes with luggage). 

id recommend Katie’s Seafood for dinner (shares a parking lot with Harbor House). Willie Gs on the other side of the hotel was also very good (but a lot pricier) they had a nice bar tho. If you have time walk up to The Strand, it’s a mile long shopping, restaurants, old neat buildings. Check out the ornamental turtles everywhere (there’s actually a web page for them). The only thing we didn’t like about the hotel was the lack of a pool or hot tub. Make sure you walk out on the pier behind the hotel & get a picture with the I ❤️ Galveston sign 







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We will probably be good without the pool and hot tub.  I love to have them available, but I often find that since we fly down the day before, we arrive at what I call "linner" time.  We check in, my husband dozes off for about 15-30 minutes, and then we head out to eat.  It is usually around 3:30 or so.


With this trip, we arrive around 11:30, but then we have to get our luggage, get the shuttle, and then there is the drive.  Depending on the situation, we may go with that early dinner time, then we will wander close by and find a fun place to get a dessert or ice cream.  The idea of just relaxing and enjoying the view sounds great.  Since our flight leaves at 6:00 AM, this means we will be pretty tired.


So I gave you the long version of why I think we will be fine without a hot tub or pool!


Do you find your mood changes sometimes by cruise?  I would bet we are like this at some point.  The more we travel, the more comfortable we are with how we like to dress and spend our time.  I think too that age is something that brings a lot of confidence as well.


When I find myself knowing what I want to bring before I even look at my clothes, I think that is a sign that I'm approaching a cruise a certain way.  This time, I'm feeling the desire to feel fun, comfortable, yet a bit smart looking.  By smart, I want to wear well thought out outfits, but I want them to feel good too.  I'm not explaining myself very well, but I think my choices feel fun.  My husband can easily were one of his favorite short sleeved button down shirts with a pair of khakis on the casual nights.  I'm certain he will wear his suit on the two formal nights.


I'm going to get some pictures of the dresses I have chosen so far because they are literally hanging in the front of the closet already.  It is so funny to have jewelry picked out too for so many things.  


I'm not at 100% yet, but I am getting antsy.  And I'm working from home.  This gives me a chance to move around more, and see how my breathing and stamina hold up before I am physically back in the office.

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Laurie, that’s exactly what we did. We took the transport to the hotel (about 45 minutes). Did our emed/Navica Covid test in the hotel room (hopefully that will not be going on for you). Walked across the parking lot & had linner at Katie’s then wandered The Strand, got an ice cream & wandered back to the hotel & went to bed. Next day we walked to Sunflower Cafe for breakfast (there is a Starbucks across from hotel that we went to on embarkation day) & wandered through the train museum & took the Hop/hop off trolley around, then walked around The Strand some more.  Linner at Willie Gs with several beverages. Early on departure day we were up watching the ship come in at 4am!  Karin & Corby had the end room overlooking the port & left their shutters open. The ship lights woke g=them. We did get some great pictures. 

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Thanks, Melody!


Well, it took me longer than planned to get the dress pictures, mostly because I just didn't feel up to it.  I am definitely doing better today though.  


So here are some things I have planned out.  You will see some earrings that i keep on the card, mostly because they are handmade and I am not keen on keeping them thrown together with other earrings, necessarily.  They are made by a local artist, and there is just something about her work that I love.  I think it is because her Instagram site contains a lot of little videos and pictures of items as she works on them, and I am fascinated with the process.  She has some things that are bigger, and I tend to go in the middle a bit on the size.  I may post a link for one pair that I don't think photographed that great.


So here is what I have planned out so far.  I need to warn you that when we put the new windows upstairs, we added new drapes and blinds.  So we changed the comforter too.  It is totally throwing off the colors!


This is for the second formal night, that I want to bring a shorter dress for.  I love the monotone look, and how the accessories are all simple, while the dress is more detailed.






The next picture is awful, but it is clear on the jewelry part at least. so you can see how easy the choices are for me.  The bracelet I wore when I got married.  The earrings in the middle I also wore in my wedding.  Maybe those are meant to be the earrings.  I have others, not pictured too.




The next dresses are for casual nights.



I'll add some commentary about the shoes after.  As you know, I was thinking about how not to bring too many shoes. I can't say I want to wear the same shoes with all three dresses, but I can...it will work.



I lean towards the darker criss cross sandals for this dress, but I think the other ones will look great too.  Plus, this is a maxi and I don't feel like the shoes take on the same importance as you don't see them as much.


I'm loving this dress.  I thought I made a big mistake ordering it, and was happy that I currently have returns form Macys while I was waiting for it to arrive.  Then I tried it on.  I thought it was going to be overly fitted and "clubby".  It is not.  This is where I really, really feel like the crisscross shoes are correct for the dress.  20220720_111202_resized.thumb.jpg.16006e02102258baa0b1867a5fa0646d.jpg20220720_111216_resized.thumb.jpg.b3a5e965d65a401da08beff12c3d1a06.jpg20220720_111225_resized.thumb.jpg.372236c5ac8a7f0ed9d39a3b2e2f5c3f.jpg


Then the next dress was the one I debated buying, and found it cheaper on the designer's website...remember?  I wore it for my daughter's graduation.  I wore it with flat sandals because we had to park in a parking garage and walk a few blocks to graduation and everything.  For the cruise though, I could do that.  Or I could wear one of the same sandals I am contemplating for the other dresses.  I lean towards the lighter, braided sandals.




The above are the cute earrings my sister gave me for my birthday.  Either pair works great with the dress.


So, I would love to hear your thoughts on which shoes you like with the casual dresses.  There are three more nights to go...I'll post about the first formal night in the next post.  I also have not chosen dresses for the other two nights yet.  I have plenty of time, and some nice choices.









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By the way, I am going to try the dresses on with the shoes to see if that changes my thoughts at all.  I have had instances before where I didn't like something I thought I would.


Now, for the first formal night.  My goal is to wear the bone colored sandals I am wearing with the ivory dress.  This isn't in stone or anything, I would gladly bring along another pair of shoes, but didn't want to take up the space if not necessary.  It can also end up creating a different kind of visual.


The dress is emerald green, and I will find a place to take a better picture that isn't in my room.20220720_112400_resized.thumb.jpg.2a0f011673785bfa62805b951a6f28b3.jpg



I realize this picture shows nothing, but I have to retake the photos.  They were dreadful.  Even my comforter looked weird.   At least you get the idea of the shoes next to a dark color?  Maybe not.  I'll try again over the weekend.  


But I welcome your thoughts.  I have always loved how you all have different perspectives.  I thought about wearing a very simple strand of pearls that are more ivory, but I wasn't feeling it.  I think because the neckline is rather straight, statement earrings are the way to go.


I have seen many beautiful earrings out thee with pearls, but they look maybe too bridal?  And a bit busier than what I had in mind.




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Laurie, I’d wear the most comfortable shoes. I really like that braided slip on, I think it looks great with those 3 dresses. I also like those bone sandals. I have to be so careful with shoes because of how my right foot tends to swell. 

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Melody, I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I have a great deal of issues with my feet.  Mine swell a lot too, and not just on a cruise. It seems to be an ongoing thing although humidity and being on my feet a lot when we travel make it worse.  And there is always the salt added to food too.


My bone dress sandals have a  fairly low heel and they are comfortable.  I added an anti slip pad to the bottom because they were very smooth.  Sadly, I find most dress sandals to have no cushioning and slippery bottoms.  


As to the other two pair, I think the ivory (it's really a warm, light tan color - I love that they have enough color to not make you say "are those white or off white?") are definitely pretty comfortable, and the heel adds support.  The other pair have a thinner heel, so I would say not as comfortable.  They are both new as I was in desperate need of replacement shoes and sandals.  These are both nice for work as well.  I think the tan take on a slightly dressier look.  


The two print dresses work great with either, but for the shorter dress, there is a distinct ivory in it and not tan, so I feel like the braided sandals are better.  With the brown dress, I like the tan sandals.  


Really, I think that once I figure out my other two dinner outfits, then it will help, I think.  Hopefully, I don't want to add more shoes, lol.


I was thinking I might wear a pair of cropped pants one night.  I am pretty sure I mentioned this already.  If I do, I want to wear a dressy top, and nice but casual sandals.  Just something to elevate the outfit.  


I'm having trouble finding good sites for jewelry online right now.  I have checked all the usuals - Etsy, Macy's, Express, Loft, Nordstrom Rack...JC Penney used to have a ton of stuff, but they have changed so much.  We don't have a local store anymore for me to check.


I have been looking through my items to see if there is something that stands out to me for the green formal night dress, but nothing is jumping out at me.  It can be a bad thing sometimes to get an idea in your head because it doesn't mean it really exists.  I can do pearls, but would prefer not to.  I also am not looking for anything with a gemstone type look.  I think I am trying to keep this elegant, without it looking black tie formal.  I am trying to find something with the bone or ivory tone and I don't see anything at all.  My original thought was statement earrings, but a necklace is a very good option as well.  


Then I was thinking I don't want my jewelry to be busy.  I want it strong, yet simple.


Any store or website suggestions are welcome!!!



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Would this maybe work?  It isn't exactly what I was thinking, but it feels like I'm getting closer.  I was thinking maybe one or two strands only, and then a bracelet with it.  It has a nice clean look to it while still being interesting might be too casual.  It's close.


Chunky Neutral Toffee Tan Statement Necklace Beaded Statement - Etsy


I always slide off my shoes!  The bone sandals for the formal dress don't slide off, but they are comfy and work for me.  But for the rest of my dresses, I almost always where some sort of slide style sandal.  I have wide feet with bunions, but my foot isn't wide in the back so getting these to fit is way easier too.

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41 minutes ago, laurspag said:

Would this maybe work?  It isn't exactly what I was thinking, but it feels like I'm getting closer.  I was thinking maybe one or two strands only, and then a bracelet with it.  It has a nice clean look to it while still being interesting might be too casual.  It's close.


Chunky Neutral Toffee Tan Statement Necklace Beaded Statement - Etsy


I always slide off my shoes!  The bone sandals for the formal dress don't slide off, but they are comfy and work for me.  But for the rest of my dresses, I almost always where some sort of slide style sandal.  I have wide feet with bunions, but my foot isn't wide in the back so getting these to fit is way easier too.

Laurie, look at Chicos. They have their necklaces on sale for $29 this weekend. maybe they’d have something??

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I like the lighter sandal with the chunky heel too. We were just at a wedding, outside at a winery and in a tent for the reception, and so many women were wearing that style. It made for a much more comfy event for everyone too. In fact, when I was shoe shopping at Macy's, even a lot of the very formal shoes had a heel like that.


I'm going to be contrary and say I don't like the idea of pearls or a necklace with that green dress. With that neckline, if it were me, I'd wear earrings and a pin, or just earrings alone. I don't think the jewelry needs to match shoes, though I know you like that look. I might choose something arty because the dress is so unique:






I very much agree with you about lack of good jewelry shopping these days.

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Margaret, thank you for your thoughts.  


You are spot on with the sandals, in that the chunky heel style is very popular right now. The only thing I stayed away from a bit were the strongly shaped one's that gave me too much of a retro vibe.  I literally ordered about 11 pairs when Macy's was having  their big sale recently, and only kept a few.  Another big thing right now is the squared off toe box.


I can honestly say that if I end up choosing and not bringing both, it's the braided ones because they really are more comfortable and go well with at least two of the dresses.  Another though I just had was the overall style/vibe.  Those earrings for the brown dress are styled much more in line with the chunky heel, aren't they?


I can't help it, I love harmony.  I also love unique jewelry.


The big thing about the green dress is trying to realize that what is in my imagination may not be available.  That being said, the idea is very vague, lol. 


I originally wanted statement earrings and a bracelet that carried the bone color...harmony.  I wasn't finding anything at all.  It's funny be ause while I love pearls, jewels, etc., I know that isn't what I want for this dress.


With that one necklace, I may order it still but not for this outfit.  I think it would look great with a ton of things because it is neutral.


The second pair of earrings you posted I would order right this minute if they were in a bone color.  With a matching bracelet.  She handmade these, so it's a possibility but I don't think a bracelet is.  I like that they have an artsy, strong presence without being over the top. 


The first ones are really pretty too - dramatic and with a bit of formality, without looking like the usual.  


I'm going to try on my dresses today, I think.  A mini fashion show, just for myself! It may help me envision what I want to do.


But this is definitely the direction I had in mind! It may seem silly, but I am so excited right now about what I've been choosing to bring.  I feel like I'm learning things about myself.  I also love that I feel I'm expressing a personality side. 


I love to analyze, and I often ask myself what I liked about my favorite outfits I've worn on a cruise, or what has stayed in my closet the longest, gets worn the most or what I don't wear that I can't seem to get rid of.

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I'm sooooo glad I decided to do the whole try on thing this morning.  I was fresh out of the shower, had the fan going in the room before it got too warm, and just went through all the dresses I planned to bring.  Let me tell you what I learned.


The ivory short formal dress looks the way I imagined it.  The dress is the star.  The rest of it just supports the monochrome scheme, which is exactly what I want.  The dress does not need any competition.


The orange maxi dress and short brownish tropical print look great with the braided sandals.  Maybe even better than I was expecting?


The brown dress.  Once I saw the dress with the braided sandals, I did not feel the need to try the dress on with the other sandals again.  It felt right. 


Next I tried on another dress that I was considering as an option.  It is another jersey dress that I have worn on many cruises and also out to casual events here at home.  It looks really nice with those braided sandals, but would also look nice with a nicer flat sandal, should I decide I want to go that route. But I know I can wear the braided ones and they are comfy and look nice, so I feel no stress at all right now about having half a suitcase full of shoes.  


Lastly, the green formal night dress.  I really love this dress, and trying it on again reminds me of what I love about it: the way it gives me a shape, how it feels elegant and feels a bit dramatic.  Then the neckline, because normally I would shy away from this as I have broad shoulders.  There is something about it that helps create an almost hourglass shape.  A necklace won't do anything for it. 


So, what about the sandals?  Here is the most amazing discovery, something I knew and just forgot about.  You don't see them.  At all.  This dress has that little all around drape that brushes the floor.  The bone sandals are shorter than my gold ones, so it is a bit more pronounced.  I generally have to lift my dress when I walk anyway.  If I decided to get rid of the drape, I think that you still would hardly see the shoe at all.


This opens me up to not worrying about catering to my desire to have things harmonize.  It also made me think about both the earrings that you posted, Margaret.  Originally, I was thinking the second pair, but I think the first pair is more my style, and has the uniqueness I was looking for.


The funny thing is, that original necklace that I posted from Etsy I will be buying.  I broke a go to necklace recently, and I think this one would be a good replacement.


Gosh, I'm excited.  🙂  I tend to get a bit of a rush sometimes when I've been under the weather, and I'm starting to feel better again.


I keep trying to get a good picture, but....





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Oh, and I forgot to post these that I found.  These are creative, and I found them this morning before I tried on the green dress, so it is a thought.


FLORA Champagne Flower Earrings Bridal Earrings Wedding - Etsy


While they ae considered bridal, I didn't get that feeling at all.  


Melody, while I didn't find a necklace at Chicos for that dress, I did see some really cute pieces.  Do you find their jewelry is made well?  I don't think I own anything from Chicos.

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Sounds like great choices Laurie. Glad you’re feeling better. 

we’re sailing on Royal’s Harmony with a large family group in December. The group doesn’t want to dress up 😢. Les will wear a button down shirt & dress pants with black loafers on formal night (he’s fine with that). I’ll dress down some but not casual. I expect the nieces & great nieces will be in black (they’re all from Boston). I’ll likely go for more color. 

another note, I just ordered AirTags for our luggage. Too many horror stories of lost luggage, even on non-stop flights. Melody

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22 hours ago, laurspag said:

Oh, and I forgot to post these that I found.  These are creative, and I found them this morning before I tried on the green dress, so it is a thought.


FLORA Champagne Flower Earrings Bridal Earrings Wedding - Etsy


While they ae considered bridal, I didn't get that feeling at all.  


Melody, while I didn't find a necklace at Chicos for that dress, I did see some really cute pieces.  Do you find their jewelry is made well?  I don't think I own anything from Chicos.

All of my casual necklaces are from Chicos. Great quality & some nice statement pieces

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